this is where i will put magical spiritual things like dreams and revelations and learnings and inspiration
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Ichchhadhari Naag are magical, shape-shifting serpents from Indian folklore. They are said to be born from cobras who have lived a century without biting another living being. If an Ichchhadhari Naag mates with a Naagin, a female variant of the creature, they can produce a magical offspring.
The Ichchhadhari Naag can take the form of a human, and many say that they prefer to live in this guise. In snake form, they possess a magical gem called a Naag Mani, which is more valuable than a diamond.
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Monster master list.
Suggest a spook.
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The Second House - The House of Possessions
This is the second part of a twelve part series briefly explaining how the signs work in each house. Enjoy!
The Second House is known as the house of possessions because it represents the things we own in life, whether it be material goods or the possessions of ourselves as people with emotions, talents, needs, wants, etc. In today’s time the way we use our second house is by owning things to make our lives better, like owning a house to have a roof over your head, but often times the resources vary, and can also be like making a living out of singing. It is also a representation of our self confidence and self esteem. It is how we project ourselves to the world of what we aim to be. “The First House impulse is to create, and the Second House is to ask if that creation is sustainable.” 
*Do note that the houses are also influenced by the planets they are in, however, I am only discussing the signs and their influences.
Aries in the Second House: With this placement, competitiveness is a large factor. The way you choose to achieve greatness is by always trying to be better than someone else, even a past version of yourself. You always want to continue pushing forward and you’re willing to push your body to its limits as well. Very headstrong, you have the ability to be a leader at work, maybe even CEO. 
Taurus in the Second House: Taurus is the natural ruler of the second house so it is comfortable here. You seek for peace and serenity in its most simplistic form. You want to dig your hands into the dirt, be one with nature, and this is how you put your resources out into the world. You want to heal the earth and the people in it. Very stable, you are a person who is confident in themselves.
Gemini in the Second House: For you, your greatest tool for success is your great ideas and skillful ways of communicating. You can talk up ideas of how to make money, sometimes not achieving them, but you are able to adapt to any financial situation. What you wish for in life is not so much materialistic things but rather things that hold a sentimental value.
Cancer in the Second House: Emotions and the strong impact they have on us play a key part in this placement. You use emotions and seeing beyond the physical to make better decisions for yourself. If you are not financially secure it can cause you to feel weary and stressed. You take pleasure in nurturing others and it can very well become the way you establish your career. 
Leo in the Second House: Believe it or not, but your greatest resource in life is you. You use your charm, and the fact that people like you, to act as a leader. You are confident in standing up for yourself and others. As a Leo, you aim for the pleasures in life and showing others that those are the tools for happiness. Most importantly, you wish for people to admire you and your greatness. 
Virgo in the Second House: Your greatest resource is your thought process and your want to understand everything as a whole. You want to use the information you’ve gathered to build a life of stability. You are very detail oriented and intricate in the ways of planning something to create the best possible outcome. Everyone has a job and you ensure to help them know that for not just your sake but everyone’s sake. 
Libra in the Second House: If there is one skill most people seek to do well in any profession is having people skills. With this placement, you are in luck because that is your greatest asset. Partnership is important to you so you’re a natural peacemaker who wants to ensure everyone gets along. You feel most secure when you are linked to others and have a strong sense of balance with your emotions. 
Scorpio in the Second House: There is an intense energy with this placement because of the strong Pluto influences. Your greatest strength is asking to see the things society wishes to not see. You are not afraid to seek truth in whatever form it is, may it be taboo, sex, obsessions, subjects most people feel uncomfortable to talk about. You have the ability to endure the darkest depths of life in order to help heal yourself and others for greater change.
Sagittarius in the Second House: As ever growing as the Sagittarius is, you are always looking for new ways to be the best you can be. You have a strong thirst for knowledge and you use it to improve your life. You like to spend money on only the basics so you do not wish for a higher income like most. You’re not afraid to take risks with money which can be a positive attribute because you do not let money control your life. 
Capricorn in the Second House: Like most, you seek financial security and you are willing to work very hard for it. You may see that you might have to work harder than others to seek this greatness or even relying on the help of others. You can be cheap in your spending because you’d rather get by in life with the simple things than to spend extravagantly. An authoritative figure, you can be an entrepreneur since you are smart in your business affairs. 
Aquarius in the Second House: In this day and age, with the advancement of technology, you can benefit the most out of it because you have a keen interest on what is new and innovative. Although, you still seek your freedom and independence from the world, you may find yourself wanting to live off the grid. Your strongest desire in life is to seek the proper value in the materialistic world and combine it with the spiritual world. 
Pisces in the Second House: You seek love in the world so to you money is something that cannot give you love. Because of this, money or the desire of financial security is not the greatest importance in your life. This can cause problems in your life because it can put you in financial troubles that can even affect your loved ones. Make sure that you learn how to budget to spread your love the best way possible. 
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~ Houses of Astrology
first house: life spirit, rays of radiant personality ~ expression of the Soul. When you look into someone’s eyes and see the star they bust from. the first house is ruled by Aries ~ a lot of first house planets gives tremendous emphasis to the self expression, self development, and mobilizing talents ~
second house: the sensual body, resources. voice and comforts ~resources from Heaven. beautification of the material plane. the second house is ruled by Taurus ~ many second house planets emphasise seeking comfort, creative investment, the need for financial security and powerful use of the Voice
third house: immediate cerebral perception, awareness of surrounding environment, literature, siblings ~ telepathy, messages, Soul brothers and sisters. the third house is ruled by Gemini ~ many third house planets indicate acute intellect, talents for writing and communication, and the need to circulate information
fourth house: psychological base, ancestral roots, home, mother ~ relationship with the Goddess, inherited karma, residence of the Disciple and Spirit Guides. the fourth house is ruled by Cancer. many fourth house planets suggest a powerful connection with the mother, the use of home as a temple, and inescapable conditions of childhood
fifth house: creative essence, delight, amusement, romance ~ the Dance of the Soul, godly love and generosity. Laughter of angels. the fifth house is ruled by Leo. a fifth house emphasis can indicate a life of joviality and recreation, a close affiliation with the inner child and a genuine adoration of creativity, life, and celebration
sixth house: service, conditions of health, labor ~ Service to the animal Kingdom, fusing of the higher and lower mind, godly servitude. the sixth house is ruled by Virgo. many sixth house planets suggest a need for routine and discipline, somatic concerns, nervous tension, and acute cerebral talents
seventh house: projections, partnership, relationships, fine arts ~ reunion with the Twin Flame, uniting body and soul. the seventh house is ruled by Libra. a significant seventh house influence can express through tremendous mediation and collaborative skills, identity confusion, and social aptitude
eighth house: crossing the threshold, regeneration, magic and symbolism ~ the pathway to discipleship, provocation of the unconscious, sublimating power into healing rays. the eighth house is ruled by scorpio. many eighth house planets indicate potent sexual magnetism, overwhelming desire to evoke secrets from invisible worlds, and psychic experiences
ninth house: universal meaning, scripture, long distance travel higher learning, philosophy ~ the Spiritual Pathway to the divine temple, the Ancient wisdom of all teachings, the holding place of all esoteric wisdom and Akashic record. the ninth house is ruled by Sagittarius. ninth house emphasis suggests a tremendous quest for intellectual expansion, the development of self philosophy, and aggressive intimacy with God
tenth house: profession, public image, father, dreams and aspiration, social standing ~ Gods, Gurus, and Mentors. solidification of Divine plans. the tenth house is ruled by capricorn. many tenth house planets indicate inspiring ambition, life in the public eye, and success
eleventh house: friends, communities, hopes and collective joy ~ Spiritual dreams and ideals, humanitarian service, elevation of consciousness through collective group activity. the eleventh house is ruled by Aquarius. eleventh house emphasis indicates a socially receptive and loved personality, a tremendous need to unify, and dreamers and planners of better worlds
twelfth house: solitude, self undoing, prayer, dreams ~ The inner, esoteric experience, soaking into the collective ocean, Divine savior. the twelfth house is ruled by Pisces. twelfth house emphasis can indicate self seclusion, overwhelming and and yet beautiful psychic vision and resonance, and the need to unite once more with infinity
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The Third House - The House of Communication
This is the third part of a twelve part series briefly explaining how the signs work in each house. Enjoy!
The Third House is known as the house of communication because it is in this house where we learn to speak with our conscious. Our communication skills in this sense are deep rooted because the things we say impulsively can be a reflection of how we grew up. Another aspect of this house is intelligence. Essentially, the third house represents how we use our communication skills to spread our knowledge and make an impact within our environment. In the third house we asks ourselves, “How do we best state our case with others, often those we love the most? Will our actions be true to our environment, and our planet, for all time?”
Aries in the Third House: As a doer, you speak with your actions. You are not afraid to take initiative of your own life sometimes refusing the help of others because you can be too impatient. You come up with great ideas and are very expressive in sharing them. Learn that it takes time to get something done, not everything has to be rushed. Patience is a virtue when it comes to communicating and sharing ideas with others. 
Taurus in the Third House: You use your materials and finances as a means to communicatively express yourself. You like to learn about how to continuously increase your wealth so this would have an influence on the people you spend your time talking to. Like the bull, you are stubborn with other people’s ideas, try not to quickly shut them down just because they don’t seem right to you.
Gemini in the Third House: This is a natural placement since Mercury rules the Third House and with it, Gemini and Virgo. Knowledge and wit will come easily to you, and you will have a great capability of sharing it with others. You are highly intellectual and creative, showing a constant interest in learning new things to keep your mind occupied. Because of this, you tend to leave things undone.
Cancer in The Third House: Overthinking and intellectualizing your emotions is a common thing you do. Your emotions are important to you so they affect the way you speak to people and who you choose to speak with. Since you can be highly emotional you wish to speak to those who  only make you feel nurtured and protected. However, you must learn to push away from these emotional limitations and not let them affect your journey of self discovery.
Leo in the Third House: You are very critical in your self-expression. The knowledge you search for is of the kind that will help you shine your light on others. Like the proud lion you are you can be stubborn about what is right or wrong, almost always believing that your right is the truth. However, if you can learn to set your pride aside, you may find yourself collaborating well with others since you are able to enthusiastically share your creative ideas.
Virgo in the Third House: Logical and rational as the Virgo is, this placement brings forth many anxious feelings. You tend to overthink every part of your life, constantly trying to think of ways to be the most efficient. Because of this, you have some of the greatest ideas, but you get too critical to the point where you over think your ideas, bringing you to a halt. Learn to communicate with others for help and you will see that you can achieve many great things once you share your ideas. 
Libra in the Third House: Using your natural charm, you are able to smoothly communicate with others. This helps you network because you have a calm presence that makes you attractive in a way that people are comfortable with you. You are unbiased and want to feel balanced, so you tend to not take sides but stay neutral. You can also be artistic in the way you talk so you may find yourself communicating through music, writing, or painting. 
Scorpio in the Third House: The way you communicate with others is very dark and brooding. You are forceful because you are passionate in what you believe. You tend to force your opinions on others because you want them to see what you see, often finding yourself frustrated. Learn that you must share your acquired knowledge in a selfless way and think more for mankind and how you can help everyone. 
Sagittarius in the Third House: If there’s one thing you want to expand, it’s your mind. Sagittarians are known for seeking adventure and exploring new places, so it only makes sense that the way you communicate and acquire knowledge is going to be very abstract. Education is important to you so you will find yourself tackling on more than one subject, for example, going back to school to major in something else. Explore your mind selflessly and remember that it’s helpful to search for knowledge to help others and not just yourself.
Capricorn in the Third House: Slow and steady is the Capricorn in this placement. You take your time and there is nothing wrong with that, you just learn at a different speed than others. However, this might cause you to become introverted so you tend to not communicate well. You are more interested in finding out how to achieve your goals but struggle in putting these ideas into actions. You must remember that in order to fully achieve your goals you need to communicate with the people around you and do the things you aim for.
Aquarius in the Third House: You are very idealistic and out of this world with the views and beliefs you express to people. Sometimes you come off as an extremist because you feel very strongly about your beliefs although people are more interested in the now and not so much the future. You do well in gathering groups and networking, but when doing this, do not forget to stand up for your ideas because although a little out of other people’s element, that just might be the idea everyone is searching for.  
Pisces in the Third House: Intuition is a strong trait of yours. So much so, that sometimes it wins over logical arguments. Your mind ranges far with fantasy and this is expressed in the way you communicate. You can be vague, quiet, and stick to creatively writing your thoughts instead of sharing them with people. It is also important to resurface and gather your dream-like thoughts back to reality. Overall, you have a mind full of wisdom that others can trust because of how impressively intuitive you are. 
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