ibetmittromney · 9 years
Ted Cruz ate a booger at the debate last night.
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ibetmittromney · 9 years
Mittens is back? oh boy this election keeps getting better
Back and Mormon-er than ever.
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ibetmittromney · 9 years
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Exclusive footage of Mitt Romney entering the GOP race tomorrow morning.
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ibetmittromney · 9 years
Mitt Romney is an inspiration, teaching us all that no matter how many times you fail, there exists the possibility someone dangerously inept will force your associates to once again gamble on your incompetence. You know, real sticktuitiveness.
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ibetmittromney · 9 years
did i miss something? is mitt running now?
The GOP has a convoluted plan to elect him president to ruin Donald Trump's campaign, and he's making a "major announcement" tomorrow morning. All signs point to Mittpocalypse 3.
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ibetmittromney · 9 years
Damn Mittens, at it again with the run at the White House.
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ibetmittromney · 9 years
Mitt "Lesser of Four Evils" Romney.
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ibetmittromney · 9 years
I would like to officially apologize to Mitt Romney. In 2012 I thought he was terrible, but it turns out he actually isn't worse than Literally Satan, so I love him now.
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ibetmittromney · 9 years
Die and be a villain, or live long enough to see yourself become a hero.
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ibetmittromney · 9 years
I bet Mitt Romney would save us from Donald Trump even though we don't deserve it.
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ibetmittromney · 9 years
wait explain
So I just learned about this myself, but yeah, there’s apparently a plan being brokered by the GOP establishment to perform some trickery to nominate Mitt Romney for president.
The plan is to let Donald Trump win a few more while being contested by Rubio and Cruz, then enter Romney later in the season. Romney is a strong, electable candidate who will win some primaries and the narrative will be, “Hey, this guy is a strong, electable candidate.” He’ll snag away enough delegates, along with continued competition from Cruz and Rubio, to halt Donald Trump from getting enough delegates to win the nomination.
Okay, so here is where it gets complicated. At the convention, the delegates will vote and it’ll come that no candidate has the required number of the delegates needed to be the nominee. This means the convention is now brokered and there has to be a re-vote by the delegates, except now the delegates aren’t bound by the primary/caucus votes of their constituents. They can essentially vote for whichever candidate they want to. Being that the delegates are all basically establishment politicians, they could conceivably by convinced to vote for the establishment’s choice: Mitt Romney. They protect their asses among their constituents by saying “Hey, this guy is a strong, electable candidate, and he wasn’t running when we voted in the primary, so it’s not like I’m picking someone you rejected.”
The delegates re-vote, Mitt gets the nomination, Donald Trump burns the Republican Party to the ground like a log factory with faulty wiring, the Democratic nominee waltzes to the White House with room for a top hat.
I’ve been pretty cold on those posts saying this is the wildest election season ever, but man, this is seriously insane. I’m so into it.
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ibetmittromney · 9 years
Donald Trump supporters are amazing. I just saw on CNN this Trump supporter who said he loves Donald Trump’s position on immigration. And the CNN anchor was like, “Well his plan is to deport all 12 million undocumented immigrants and then expedite a process for them to immigrate legally. How exactly is he supposed to pull that off?”
And the Trump supporter said with a straight face, “I don’t need specifics right now.”
And that’s the exact person who I expect to support Donald Trump, someone more interested in ideological nonsense yelled at high volume than in silly distractions like what’s possible and what’s impossible.
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ibetmittromney · 9 years
This blog is life.
Thumbs up emoji.
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ibetmittromney · 9 years
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He's running for president of the United States.
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ibetmittromney · 9 years
dear “don’t vote” side of tumblr
do you remember when you convinced most registered voters to sit out the mid term elections a few months ago & caused the republicans to win both the house & the senate because “voting is pointless!”
OR do you remember when people “not voting” in Florida caused George Bush to be elected for a 2nd term???
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ibetmittromney · 10 years
Nobody cares if Macklemore or as you said "wacklmore" is or isn't the first rapper to support gay marriage. He's helping the gay community by showing his support for them and you really had no reason to lowkey make it about race
You used "lowkey" wrong. There was nothing lowkey about what we said about wacklemore.
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ibetmittromney · 10 years
Don't you also think it's a bit rich to publicly shame someone because they're white and singing about gay marriage? Hating on a white guy because the artists you like aren't getting the same attention makes you just as ignorant as the others. You don't have to say shit about one person to make the rest feel better. That's not how equality works.
Relax, Abigail.
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