ibn-batuta · 21 days
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Ernest Blumenschein - White Blanket and Blue Spruce (1922)
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ibn-batuta · 22 days
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photos of palestinian artist duniyana al-amour's room, where she was killed by israeli strike at the age of 22.
adnan, father of duniyana al-amour (2000-2022), sits among her drawings in her damaged room which was hit by an israeli strike, east of khan yunis, in the southern gaza strip, monday, august 10, 2022. al-amour's drawings in her damaged room after shrapnel tore through her bedroom during Israel's surprise opening salvo, hours before militants fired any rockets.
“i am not making anything amazing. i am merely trying, amidst this isolation, to make life bearable.” - al-amour on her work
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ibn-batuta · 22 days
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emily jacir, from where we come from, 2001-2003
“if i could do anything for you, anywhere in palestine, what would it be?” this question was recently posed to palestinian exiles by palestinian-american artist emily jacir. taking advantage of her ability to move about relatively freely in israel with an american passport, jacir promised to realize the desires of those forbidden entry into their homeland. a series of texts, black lettering on white panels, describes the various requests. color photographs, presented by their side, document jacir’s actualization of them.  (sfmoma)
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ibn-batuta · 1 month
Il Monastero di Stoudios
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Il Monastero di Stoudios, conosciuto anche come Stoudion, è uno dei monumenti bizantini più antichi e significativi di Costantinopoli.
Fondato nel V secolo, il monastero divenne subito un importante centro spirituale. Conosciuto per la sua rigida adesione alla regola monastica di San Basilio, il Monastero di Stoudios non solo fungeva da rifugio spirituale, ma era anche un importante centro di studi teologici e di copiatura di testi sacri. I monaci di Stoudios furono protagonisti nella difesa delle icone durante la crisi iconoclasta (VII-VIII sec).
La basilica, costruita in mattoni con un interno decorato da mosaici e affreschi, era famosa per la sua sobria bellezza e per la sua capacità di evocare un profondo senso di spiritualità. La sua architettura seguiva lo schema basilicale con una navata centrale ampia, fiancheggiata da due navate laterali, separate da file di colonne di marmo. Nel 1204, il monastero fu gravemente danneggiato dai Crociati e ristrutturato nel 1293. Raggiunse un secondo periodo di prosperità sotto l'Impero Bizantino, diventando un importante luogo di pellegrinaggio per le sue reliquie.
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Dopo la conquista ottomana di Costantinopoli nel 1453, il Monastero di Stoudios fu trasformato in moschea nel 1555, conosciuta come İmrahor Camii. Molti elementi dell'architettura bizantina, come colonne e capitelli in marmo, furono conservati, mentre gli affreschi e i mosaici furono ricoperti per conformarsi alle pratiche islamiche.
Nel XIX secolo, un devastante terremoto colpì l'edificio, causando il crollo di gran parte della struttura. L'edificio fu completamente distrutto nel 1920 e venne abbandonato, rimanendo in tale stato per molti decenni.
Attualmente sono in corso importanti lavori di restauro. Ecco alcune foto di come si presentava nel 1936.
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Foto 1: S.Teodoro Studita raffigurato due volte. A destra la facciata orientale del Monastero di Studion in una miniatura tratta dal Menologion di Basilio II di Simeone Metafraste, 985 Biblioteca Vaticana Foto 2: Questo acquerello di Antonios Manarakis raffigura il Monastero di Stoudios nel XIX secolo, quando l'edificio non era più un monastero, ma una moschea (İmrahor Camii). La mia Vita a Istanbul: consigli e informazioni turistiche. Disponibile come GUIDA per delle ESCURSIONI in città. Scrivi una e-mail a: [email protected] Seguici anche su www.facebook.com/istanbulperitaliani
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ibn-batuta · 2 months
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ibn-batuta · 2 months
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Iran, 1956.
Photographs by Inge Morath
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ibn-batuta · 2 months
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Women of the revolutionary militia get military training in Tehran, Iran. 1979.
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ibn-batuta · 2 months
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ALGERIA. Near Tamanrasset. Touareg tribesmen. 1982.
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ibn-batuta · 2 months
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Large (Wikimedia)
Ferdinand Max Bredt (1868–1921) likely painted In a Courtyard, Tunis during his travels in Tunisia.
Christie’s describes this piece as displaying Bredt’s “exceptional skill at calibrating tonal contrasts to generate atmospheric effects that are absolutely true to time and place.”
Paired with finely rendered details—the leaves that have fallen from the tree to rest at its base, the way the larger bangles slightly pinch the subject’s arms, the ragged edge of the matting the other woman sits upon—this sense of time (lent in part by the almost-liquidy light) gives the scene a surprising degree of realness.
Heightened by the casual (if deliberately balanced) poses of the two women, that realness becomes a pensive sort of domesticity.
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ibn-batuta · 3 months
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Iraq in the 1950s and 1960s. 
Photographs by Latif Al-Ani 
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ibn-batuta · 3 months
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Mohieddine Ellabbad - Palestinian Alphabet (1985)
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ibn-batuta · 4 months
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Uyghur herb merchant in the old city. Kashgar, 1981.
[Credit : Hiroji Kubota]
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ibn-batuta · 4 months
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Bread vendor in Kashgar’s market. Xinjiang, 1999.
Photo by Hiroji Kubota
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ibn-batuta · 5 months
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Kour Pour Faded, 2011 Acrylic on canvas over panel 84″ x 60″
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ibn-batuta · 5 months
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Kour Pour Vivid colours are preferred in the East, 2018 Acrylic on canvas over panel 96″ x 72″
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ibn-batuta · 5 months
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Kour Pour Pattern and Repetition, 2017-2018 Acrylic on canvas over panel 36″ x 24″
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ibn-batuta · 5 months
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Morocco.Meknes.Bab Mansour Gate.1967
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