ichbinkrieger · 5 years
PSA: art thief spotted
Hello! I was recently alerted about an avid art thief in the community and I would like to ask for everyone’s help to take their work down. 
This user has copied/traced/stolen a number of my OCs and also of other artists (such as Dreamy’s Kinky & Co OCs). I honestly don’t know how to take it down or how to report it, but please help. These characters that I have are not something you can just go all “it’s free real estate”.
I’m flattered to know that I inspire others in one way or another, but copying/stealing my characters like this is a straight insult and I hate it. You do NOT know how important these characters are to me and how I use them to cope in life. Each budding flower and muse I own holds a part of myself, that’s why I value them a lot. 
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It’s honestly weird that this user even posted something like “Don’t trace/steal/copy my artwork or characters blah blah blah” when 90% of the characters they’re showcasing are stolen. traced. copied. 
To DemiNeni, have a bit more respect to the original creators and delete the stolen characters from your account. I’m sure you are capable of making wonderful characters on your own, but stealing them hurts the creator and will even make us stop sharing our work because of people like you.
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ichbinkrieger · 5 years
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9th June 2019: Hundreds of thousands (1.03 million at least) in Hong Kong protest (peacefully) against China’s extradition plan
Must read: https://the50-person.tumblr.com/post/185446734488/demosisto-%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF%E7%9C%BE%E5%BF%97-on-twitter
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Response to someone on Tumblr who sympathised with the police and blamed the protestors for making them work. If you aren’t in HK and don’t know how HK is like, please don’t blame protestors. Instead of helping us, you’re going against us and our fight for human rights?
A film showing how HK will be like (eng subs):
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ichbinkrieger · 5 years
I beg for a couple minutes of your time to read this.
This isn’t a massive topic in international news (yet), but Hong Kong may be passing an amended extradition law that would allow the Chinese government to come to Hong Kong to arrest people or even confiscate their property, through Extradition Requests. The reason why this is terrible for HK is because HK and China currently use “one country, two systems”. It means that while technically the two are in the same country, there are 2 different (legal) systems used. HK has freedom of speech, China does not. HK also has a much higher rule of law ranking than China.
If this law is passed, mainland Chinese authorities will be able to arrest people in HK on trumped-up charges. They’ve already taken our people because they didn’t like the things some of them did. For example, a bookstore owner in HK was kidnapped by the Chinese authorities because he sold books that were banned in mainland China. Imagine how much worse this situation would be if arresting people in HK became legal for Chinese authorities?
This is a threat to the HK system and freedom of speech in HK. 30 years ago on June 4, there was a protest in Beijing, China. Most of the attendees were students, who were fighting for democracy, freedom of speech and greater accountability from the higher-ups in the government. Several hundred to over thousands of participants were killed by the Chinese military with assault rifles and tanks. This is now called the Tiananmen Massacre. It is now censored in mainland China, and just the mention of the Tiananmen Massacre can lead to the person getting arrested or even killed. It’s been entirely erased from their history, and most young people do not know that it happened. There aren’t any more protests in mainland China because this is what happens if they do; they have been silenced by their government. HK is the only city on Chinese soil with the ability to talk about this tragic event, and we hold a vigil every year on June 4 to speak out against the Chinese government and how they refuse to acknowledge this event. If this law were passed, HK would be silenced as well, and the Tiananmen Massacre would be entirely wiped from history within China.
The reason why this needs greater international attention is that it isn’t just a matter of HK lives. There are hundreds of thousands of expats living in HK, with a great number of international businesses and tourists within the city. If any one of them says or does something that the Chinese government doesn’t like, the government could make up trumped-up charges to pin on them then take them to mainland China, where who knows what would happen to them. Everyone in HK’s life and safety is threatened. HK, as we know and love, would die.
If you’re still reading this, I sincerely thank you. On June 9, there will be rallies going on around the world in the cities mentioned in the below pic. I urge you to participate if this is something you sympathize with if possible. The best way to help would be to generate international attention. Stand with HK, and help us keep our people safe.
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ichbinkrieger · 5 years
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ichbinkrieger · 5 years
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I hide my brain somewhere in my bed but I can’t find it now
I just don’t know what to do
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ichbinkrieger · 5 years
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ichbinkrieger · 5 years
Random but not really ahsjajaja
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ichbinkrieger · 5 years
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<    6    >
wonder what gonna happen to them next (even myself)
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ichbinkrieger · 5 years
I really have a thing for height difference couples.🤔
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ichbinkrieger · 5 years
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ichbinkrieger · 5 years
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ichbinkrieger · 5 years
when will ppl learn that drawing a character w big thighs doesnt mean theyre fat.......
Fat people now: wow i like my body my big proportions make me look great Im chubby and thick and thats nothing wrong with it :)
Skinny ppl who made fun of fat ppl before: oh wow same like im so chubby and thick look my big hips so thick 😌👍👍👍👍 but u arent really thick like me tought 🤔🤔🤔🤔
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ichbinkrieger · 5 years
Found these two gems on twitter on the same day must be a signal
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ichbinkrieger · 5 years
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ichbinkrieger · 5 years
Happy Birthday !
today is my birthday!!!
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yay! :3
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ichbinkrieger · 5 years
hey! um… @kiraly-et​ / @kiraly-doodles-wip​ / @kiralys-reblogs-uwu​ do you really think you can get away pretending (a_dreamy_.girl) is not your account?
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this is your art, right? 
What? Oh this?
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That’s quite funny when you try so hard but follow with this 
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Now you’re just admitting you have a repost-account, seriously no shame folk…
Let’s read what it says: “How do i get many followers at my repost-acount” 
Alright hun, you said MANY followers yeah? What do we have here…
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Oh so this ya_gurl_chara written the exact same way as this a_dreamy_.girl…but we’re not going to talk about that.
Let’s check this repost-account will you
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Interesting… you admit this account belongs to you, right? I can see there are resposted art too. So I should assume this is the repost account you’re talking about? But oh my, my… It doesn’t look like there is as many as your personal account
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Hm.. look at this one…
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I may also add that If THIS person pretending to be you, as you try so “hard” to claim, it is kind of odd that they happened to be german too… Don’t you think that’s a weird coincidence? or do you have anything to add?
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ichbinkrieger · 5 years
Almost forgot
@darkrouge0430 @im-toxicixy
(I hope it’s fine to tag you...I apoligize if you didn’t want to see) They reposted your art, I’m just warning,if you want to block all of their account and avoid future repost of your art. 
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They...tagged as Dreamy’s art... *facepalm*
hey! um… @kiraly-et​ / @kiraly-doodles-wip​ / @kiralys-reblogs-uwu​ do you really think you can get away pretending (a_dreamy_.girl) is not your account?
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this is your art, right? 
What? Oh this?
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That’s quite funny when you try so hard but follow with this 
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Now you’re just admitting you have a repost-account, seriously no shame folk…
Let’s read what it says: “How do i get many followers at my repost-acount” 
Alright hun, you said MANY followers yeah? What do we have here…
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Oh so this ya_gurl_chara written the exact same way as this a_dreamy_.girl…but we’re not going to talk about that.
Let’s check this repost-account will you
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Interesting… you admit this account belongs to you, right? I can see there are resposted art too. So I should assume this is the repost account you’re talking about? But oh my, my… It doesn’t look like there is as many as your personal account
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Hm.. look at this one…
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I may also add that If THIS person pretending to be you, as you try so “hard” to claim, it is kind of odd that they happened to be german too… Don’t you think that’s a weird coincidence? or do you have anything to add?
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