ichigopurrz-blog Ā· 2 years
I have a really really obscure floyd headcanon that really only exists because of my floyd leech enjoyer agenda but>>
I headcanon floyd is actually, secretly, a hopeless romantic. I know it seems very ooc, but the idea of floyd, who characteristically seems like he hasnā€™t and would never have a single thought about love, secretly longing for those cheesy, corny romantic things that he sees in those old human romance movies is just.
Heā€™d never ever ever let anyone, especially Azul and his brother, know about his little secret. Not ever. Love? Who cares? How boring. Anyways, do you remember what they were serving in the cafeteria today?
But secretly, when hes alone and Jadeā€™s asleep, heā€™d fantasize about such silly things like saving a poor little soul from bullies even though it would be like saving someone from himself, or having his one true love run into him while walking down the hallway, scrambling to pick up their papers and apologizing. Both his and their eyes would meet and god, sparkles would be everywhere and time would stop andā€”
But he never really expects any of it to happen. Eventually he learned love for people on land was moreā€¦ mundane, less hearts and roses and shielding your soulmate from the rain. Less like the movies. But that didnā€™t stop his heart from stopping and throat from clenching every time some minnow trips over a crack and falls into his arms, or secretly hoping that when he runs off to take a nap under some tree, skipping class, some cutie would see him and fall asleep next to him, accidentally entangling their limbs together.
He also understands that someone of hisā€¦ character would probably never have something like that. Heā€™s too brash, intimidating, he has no flair yet if someone gave him the chance, maybe, just maybe, heā€™d be one those lucky guys in the romances he dreams about.
Floyd Leech is a hopeless romantic. But only when heā€™s alone.
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ichigopurrz-blog Ā· 3 years
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This is my representation of a sick fic. Yakko would be like "Sibs guess what? I'm sick and if you don't treat me like a spoiled princess I'll die"
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ichigopurrz-blog Ā· 4 years
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sorry for not posting for a while take this pls
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ichigopurrz-blog Ā· 4 years
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Wholesome Wakko sibling moment from the comics
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ichigopurrz-blog Ā· 4 years
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bunch of sketchesĀ 
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ichigopurrz-blog Ā· 4 years
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drake mallard but if he looked like pato from pocoyo
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ichigopurrz-blog Ā· 4 years
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woild u like to view my cringe for free only $0
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ichigopurrz-blog Ā· 4 years
apparently people donā€™t know that yakkoā€™s favorite color being lavender is not a fan thing, itā€™s actually canon, so iā€™m here to educate the zany masses!
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ichigopurrz-blog Ā· 4 years
Lexi: Whatā€™s the worst job youā€™ve ever had?
Tech: I worked at a fast food chicken restaurant.
Tech: I started out washing dishes and then they moved me up to the counter.
Tech: But they said I made the customers uncomfortable so they moved me back to washing dishes.
Ace: You made the customers uncomfortable?
Tech: Yeah, I wasā€¦ a tad sarcastic when I was a kid.
Slam: When you were a kid?
Duck: What kind of sarcasm comes out with ā€˜Do you want fries with that?ā€™
Tech: Oh, youā€™d be surprised.
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ichigopurrz-blog Ā· 4 years
Loonatics Unleashed opinion-
I think The Looney Tunes Show sets up the Loonatics Unleashed timeline universe perfectly.
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ichigopurrz-blog Ā· 4 years
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ā€œSome people call me cocky and brash, but actually I am just self-assured. Iā€™m nonchalant, imĀ­perturbable, contemplative. I play it cool, but I can get hot under the collar. And above all Iā€™m a very ā€˜awareā€™ character. Iā€™m well aware that I am appearing in an animated carĀ­toonā€¦.And sometimes I chomp on my carrot for the same reason that a stand-up comic chomps on his cigar. It saves me from rushing from the last joke to the next one too fast. And I sometimes donā€™t act, I react. And I always treat the contest with my pursuers as ā€˜fun and games.ā€™ When momentarily I appear to be cornered or in dire danger and I scream, donā€™t be consoined ā€“ itā€™s actually a big put-on. Letā€™s face it, Doc. Iā€™ve read the script and I alĀ­ready know how it turns out.ā€~Bugs BunnyĀ 
Happy 80th birthday, Bugs!
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ichigopurrz-blog Ā· 4 years
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A quick sketch I made of Aceā€¦ Yeah, Iā€™m now a Loonatics Unleashed fan..! :D
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ichigopurrz-blog Ā· 4 years
Thank you so much for 50+ followers!!
Here are some Loonatics headcanons I have for the momentā¤ļø
Ace would low-key recreate fight scenes from his favourite action movies when fighting villains
Considers the team a family
Sleep fighter! Ace sometimes dreams about fighting villains and his body will react in the real world. A quick kick, random straight punch here and there, and tosses things across the room
A concerned Lexi came to check on him one night when she heard what sounded like Ace fighting, only to be smacked with a pillow from a sleeping Ace
Cannot cook to save his life, but that doesnā€™t stop him from trying, he just wants to help!
Rev politely shoves Ace out of the kitchen while babbling about not wanting the kitchen to implode (again)
Knows secrets from each member of the team, no one can keep a secret from Lexi, not that she can help it tho, not with her Sonic hearing
Lexi felt it was inconsiderate to the others, so she got Tech to soundproof her room
Also because the girl needs her sleep and doesnā€™t need to hear anyoneā€™s sleep talking
Lexi always feels the need to move, so she sways side to side or does a little dance, even when music isnā€™t playing
Very competitive when it comes to video games
Lexi is the proud record holder for most of the video games in the tower
The QUEEN of hyping the team up, itā€™s just natural for her!
Team bonding is a necessity, Lexi is the one to initiate group activities like movie night or game night
Big sucker for compliments! Prides himself on being better at something than others, so if anyone wants Duck to do anything, all they need is a well-timed compliment to feed into his huge ego.
Lots of feather hygiene and personal care products, which Rev would sometimes borrow
Any plans made by Duck surprisingly go right, but in the worst way
Always ends with Duck saying ā€œbut did you die?ā€
Tech quips in with ā€œSadly, no.ā€
Even though Duck is rude most of the time, he can actually give some good advice and support
Although everyone is pretty skeptical about any advice from Duck
Has a hard time keeping his hands still, itā€™s why heā€™s always tinkering with something or tapping at his computer
When he doesnā€™t have anything to tinker with, heā€™s tapping his fingers against his arm or rubbing his knuckles
Tech isnā€™t one for physical contact, but there are days where he physically needs it
Tech canā€™t cook, but only because he ā€œdoesnā€™t have the timeā€. If it were up to Tech to cook for himself, he would be living off instant noodles
That is when he actually remembers to eat, Tech would get so caught up in his projects that he forgets to eat and keep hydrated
Itā€™s usually Lexi or Rev that come to get him or bring him food while heā€™s working in his lab
Tech is ambidextrous
Tech has trouble sleeping, but good luck trying to wake him up once heā€™s out
Definitely the ā€œDonā€™t talk to me until Iā€™ve had my coffeeā€ type
Unspoken cook of the Team, along with Slam
One heck of a baker
Often makes seed buns, but theyā€™re never as good as Maā€™s
Rev is incredibly talented when it comes to languages!
Heā€™s fluent in Spanish, Japanese, Korean, French, and even Latin
Revā€™s brain works a lot faster than others, so itā€™s a breeze for him to learn something new!
Despite being able to process things faster than most, Rev can still be oblivious to obvious social cues
Messy sleeper! Itā€™s not uncommon to see his pillow, sheets, and blanket on the floor, sometimes Rev is the one who ends up on the floor
Coffee has the opposite affect on Rev, rather than him getting that boost of adrenaline and energy, he actually slows down to a certain degree
Big olā€™ softie!
Grabs the whole team for a big hug during heartfelt moments
Other than working out and eating, Slam also loves to garden!
Slamā€™s gotta be gentle with plants and since his hands are Huge he always uses gardening tools
Used to keep all his plants in his room, until Tech added a greenhouse in the tower. Lexi also goes there to work on her plant manipulation, with Slamā€™s permission of course
LOUDEST SNORES, it resulted in Slam also getting a soundproof room
Understands sign language pretty well, although Slam fumbles when using it himself
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ichigopurrz-blog Ā· 4 years
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Lexi Bunny from Loonatics Unleashed.
How many people remember this show? I loved it growing up.
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ichigopurrz-blog Ā· 4 years
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Haha theyā€™re old
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ichigopurrz-blog Ā· 4 years
apparently i drunkenly emailed kraft the other night and asked when the first shapes mac and cheese came out
iā€™m pleased to inform you all that it was in 1996 and they were animaniacs shapes
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ichigopurrz-blog Ā· 4 years
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(it was funnier in my head, I swear)
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