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kaa hypnotizes a man cub via the screen… he is happy to be controlled
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A new otter drone.
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Hypno Father Son Cash Slaves
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After putting the sheriff under his hypnotic spell, training him day in & day out to be a proper pay pig. It was time to ruin his two executive son's as well. The sheriff arranged a meeting for his two sons to get acquainted with the hypnotist. The father encouraged them to meet him as the hypnotist can help them with their muscle gains.
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The two executive were skeptical but in the end agreed to meet this mystery man. That was two months ago, now they're docile submissive cash slaves, working their ass off to pay tribute to their new Cash Master on a weekly basis. The two bros can never forgive their old man for ruining their bright future but their father was just a robot thanks to the intense brainwashing sessions and he really didn't care about his boys.
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They made a mistake to buy a protein bar without getting permission from their cash master and the punishment was pretty simple. They were forced to flaunt their new status to all their gym bros. The gym guys had a great time bullying the two brothers, little did they know that they're next in line.
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Slave Muscled Daddy Energy
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Thomas AKATom has what I absolutely love to call something stronger Slave Muscular Daddy Energy and he has it in spades of springing beauty as he passes me his booty bounces in the sunlight. I want to grab his plump lushes ass aside to have my way with in, giving it a good swat then grove him in a very merciless effort because his legs pull back meeting my knees before he buckles on to my lap. Holing onto his waist as I lean into his neck kissing, nuzzling and stretching his neck biting it a bit as he squirms doing his best to push me back but he is totally under my thrall. Try as he might his eyes are giving it away losing all color, signs of life in them going completely growing duller by the minute because eventually he will grow slack, silent and falling fully in to my body as he succumbs.
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“Why? What are you doing to me? Why are you doing this to me?” Tom struggles to say.
“What why? Mwahahahahaha” I tease
“Or what you pussy?”
“Did not see you complaining about that literal insult did I?”
“Fucking bitch”
“Zip it you muscled lawn chair “
“I can’t move “
“Not unless I say so”
“For now I will stand up and you will stay like that”
“Beautiful display really “
“I’m sorry! I live to recreate this “
“You make no sense “
“Men like you are a canvas “
“Easily seduce; too”
“You did nothing of the kind”
“All I did was make it clear “
“Speak English not in riddles”
“Ok smartass! You loved to be admired”
“No! No!”
“Oh yeah! Keep denying it”
“That’s impossible ”
“Why be shy of this incredible body”
“This body is amazing is it not?”
“You see! Easily fooled “
“Damn it! I won’t allow you…..”
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“ALLOW Me?” I say smirking a bit as I dig in to my pocket and remove a cigarette case.
It’s is a gold case shining it up as I blow it into the air, flipping it open as I remove the lays cigar light it up.
“I hate smoking, don’t blow it in my face.”
“I despise it too and won’t be smoking it “
“Thank God!”
I laugh a bit throwing it as his feet as it blew up by his foot the smoke rising in it to the air ticking his senses.
“You are twisted”
“Can’t deny that “
“You are enjoying this”
“You think it is enough “
“You poor bitch”
“I ain’t no”
“Bitch? Yes you are “
“You ass is so plump “
“God! It feels good “
“You can’t deny it”
“Admit! My dear do it “
“DO IT!”
“Fine I admit it! You have me caught .”
“Go on!”
“Fuck you Master!”
“You fuck me Master”
“I want you too….”
“Fuck you “
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“I submit to you “
“Big man like you ?”
“Means nothing “
“Oh yeah?”
“I am your pussy “
“Get over here”
“Good boi”
“Thank you sir”
“Mwahahahahaha “
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The end
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Frozen watching his favorite show until he’s needed
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Thats it Spencer…..Keep watching. No need to think 
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connor is a  hypnotized robot
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Handsome guy gets turned into a mannequin.
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Jaxx learns how to listen
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“When you hear the words ‘muscle puppet’ you will freeze and then you will follow all my orders while being aware of everything”.
Jaxx is a fitness trainer who visits Dr. Smith cause all his clients have been acting weird after taking hypnotherapy with him. However, he quickly becomes a mindless zombie too and put on a show for the kinky and weird doctor. Check out this hot new video at Film911!
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I asked my father to watch a film toghether , he said he was very tired and would have probably fall asleep by watchin it
So i put on the film and we started watching
It was a normal film nothing more, he fell asleep in 10 minutes
Once he was asleep i put on a 4k video of a spiral enhanced by our super pricey tv and i calmly told my father to open his eyes and stare at the tv, and so he did
I went behind the couch and started massaging his shoulders while i teach him his new triggers
“U love to serve your son”
“Your son is your master , you obey everything he command”
“I am your son and your will is my command”
After 30 minutes i said “whenever i snap my fingers u are gonna come back into this deep trance but your eyes will be closed and u ll imagine this spiral into your head”
He responded with “yes son,i can’t resist your commands”
I said “now i will snap my fingers and u ll wake up , when u wake up u will remove all your clothes and start stripping for me and tease me until i tell you to stop and u will enjoy it thinking there s nothing weird stripping on your own son”
“Yes son,how could i think it would be strange if u ordered me not to”
So i snapped my fingers and my dad started stripping me , he was more excited than when he sees mom and every inch of his hot body was stripping because i ordered him to
I started jerking off but beforei could start he started rubbing my cock
I didnt last a single minute
I told him to stop , i snapped my fingers and i ordered him to fall a sleep on the couch and to remember about this night only how he had fun watching this film called “the spiral” and ask me to watch it again
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Detective Andrew Blake was on the trail of a huge missing persons case that had swept the city that summer. A total of 25 men had up and vanished with absolutely no hint as to where they had gone. None of the disappearances had any sign of struggle or force about them, and in most cases the men had taken their clothing and belongings with them. It was as if the men had all gone willingly. But so many men all at once abandoning their families, jobs, and lives? It seemed far more complex than that. 
Keep reading
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Caught by the spiral channel
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Countdown con was in full swing, and Adam was enjoying it immensely.  The roving convention was a week long, and even on the third afternoon Adam still hadn’t seemed to fully explore it.  Not that the event space here in town was all that big, but it just seemed to have events going in so many different places and rooms.  Even the dealers room seemed to shift around a lot from day to day.  Thankfully, the organizers had provided kiosks that would let you search their events and vendors list.  It probably would have been better online, but there were enough kiosks that you never had more than a couple of people in line waiting for them.  On the first day Adam had been leery of them, but after the first time they just seemed like the right thing to use.
Now, looking for his next event, Adam walked up to the nearest kiosk.  He cold see another guy using it, but had the privacy screen drawn, which was weird.  He’d assumed the curtains were something left from whatever base machine they’d cobbled the kiosks from, and why would anyone want privacy as to what public event they were going to?  Filing this under the other slightly odd things about this con (like the name, the convention didn’t have anything to do with a specific fandom so what did it have to do with countdowns?), Adam stood to wait.
Five minutes later he was starting to get annoyed.  It shouldn’t take this long to figure out what to do next, and he could tell the guy hadn’t moved to tap the screen or do anything in all the time Adam had been waiting.  He probably should just find another kiosk, but instead Adam stuck his head in past the curtain to tell the guy to make a choice already.  For a moment, he saw the man staring blankly forward at the screen, but then Adam saw the screen over the man’s shoulder and froze.  A whirling red and white spiral spun on it, and Adam couldn’t take his eyes from it.  It was so fascinating, and numbers began to flash across it.
FIVE… Where had he seen this spiral before, it looked so famili-
FOUR… It was such a pretty spiral, he knew why the other guy couldn’t help but stare-
THREE… What had he been doing before, it kinda seemed importan-
TWO… So hard to think while watching much better to-
ONE… stare and let the spiral flow over him and just be-
Both Adam and the man stood, eyes staring forward, their minds blank, as the screen had told them to be.  Instructions flashed across the screen rapidly, but neither man could consciously register what those were.  Instead, once the instructions were finished, they turned, their faces empty masks, leaving the kiosk and walking to the hotel front desk.
“How can I help you Gentlemen?” The front desk attendant asked.
In unison, both Adam and the man spoke in a flat voice.  “My countdown has begun.”
For a moment, the front desk attendant swayed, his pupils dilating and constricting as the same spiral that had emptied these men’s minds flashed in his own mind, the trigger telling him what to do.  His face just as empty as the customers he was helping, the front desk attendant quickly checked his computer and made electronic keys.  These he handed to both of them.  “He is in 628.  Go there to complete your countdown to service.”
Adam and the man took their keys and walked away from the desk, the attendant shaking his head as his mind cleared.  But Adam and the man’s mind stayed filled with the whirling spiral as the made their way to the room.  Inside the room was a strange tableau, or it would have been if either man had been thinking.  Two other men knelt on the beds, naked except for black masks enshrouding their heads.  They both were fully erect, their cocks sticking out like handles waiting to be stroked, which both did once every so often.  Sitting on a chair between them, another man stroked their bodies and smiled.
That man rose as the two new recruits walked in.  “I was only expecting one.” he mused, and walked to the first man in the kiosk, ignoring Adam.  “Security identified you as a reporter, Mr. Lowry, but not on the lifestyle desk.  What are you doing here?”
Lowry blankly answered. “There have been some strange rumors around this convention, people leaving their families to follow it from city to city.  I wanted to see whether there was some drug connection or other shady dealings.”
The man smiled.  “No, nothing shady, my dear sir, just swirling.  Everyone who comes to my convention has such a good time, and if I can’t part with the cute guys who see my pretty spirals, they just follow with me until I’m finished with them.  I thought that might be why you were here.  You can return to the kiosk you used, and continue your investigation.  You won’t find anything, because anything that would make you suspicious you just won’t be able to notice, will you?”
“No, I will not be able to notice it.”
“Good.  Go, and leave the key.” Lowry turned to leave as the man swiveled his head to Adam. “Now, why are you here?”
Adam quickly explained the events around the kiosk.  “Ahhh, so you just got hit with the final dose early.  You’re just the type that my minions would have the kiosks slowly program to visit me.”  He cast an appraising eye, first over Adam’s body, and then the two naked men.  “Troy is just about done, why don’t you strip and take his helmet.  You’ll finish cooking, and we can then have a nice evening together.”  Troy took his helmet off, staying hard as Adam quickly stripped, and just as Troy and the man began to kiss, Adam put the helmet over his head.  The red and white spiral bloomed again, and it began to systematically destroy his free will, rewriting Adam into a new minion for the convention organizer…
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