icrazyschoolgirl ¡ 5 years
Nishinoya Sickfic 1
Something was off. Our bouncy guardian had quelled to a near silent being. He was even quieter than Daichi! The normally calm captain!
Not only that, but he's been acting a little off. His receives aren't as fast and accurate, and he seems to be dripping with exhaustion. The kicker is we haven't been practicing for 20 minutes yet.
Suga sighed. What's up with him?
The unofficial vice-captian of the team kept an eye on the second-year from the sidelines. While he couldn't play often baceuse he pales in comparison to the raw talent Kageyama held, he definently pulled his own weight, just not on the court. He was the team's stratigest per say. He planned signals and plays. Focused on what the team needed to work on and provided feedback.
This made him extremely observant of his teammates. And it didn't take much to see something was wrong with Noya.
His face was flushed a deep scarlet. His bouncy deamor was reduced to nothing. His expression was pinched in pain and he seemed to be struggling. He would be seen having his hand hovering on his stomach, especially after a sliding receive.
Suga's face formed into a frown. What's wrong with Nishinoya?
Another sliding receive was mad by the libero, but this time he didn't react the same. Instead, he lurched up suddenly and sprinted to the bathroom.
Ukai yelled at Noya, asking where he was going, but he just continued to run.
Suga understood the situation and realized the cause of the short man's odd behavior. It wasn't the first time it's happened after all.
Suga followed after, and once entering the room, a retching sound could be heard. He walked to the first stall to see Noya on the ground clutching his stomach as he released its contents. The third year kneeled beside the younger and rubbed his back comfortingly as Nishinoya's stomach cramped and twisted.
After a little while, all that was happening was dry heaves. Everything left his stomach and now it was just painful gags of air. Eventually, even that subsided to leave a dishevelled Noya sitting there. He slumped down, eyes glossed and lips pursed.
"You really shouldn't have come today. That wasn't gonna stop you though, right?" Suga chuckled.
The sick boy sent him a weak glare. It didn't last long. His eyelids drooped, and he looked ready to pass out then and there.
"Don't falls asleep on me yet. Let's at least move you out of the bathroom."
With that, Suga picked the smaller boy up. While Suga wasn't strong, the second-year was very light, meaning he had no problems picking him up. Suga doesn't know how he so skinny, lord knows where that food goes.
The other third-years just glanced as he walked out with their libero. The second-years looked concerned, but not freaked out. Meanwhile, the first-years (minus Tsukki, the Tsundere) were panicking.
"Is he okay?" Kageyama asked.
"HE DIED!" Hinata yelled. (Poor cinnamon roll)
Kageyama hit him upside the head. Then Hinata turned and started arguing with him. Nothing new here.
Daichi sighed, "He did it again."
Suga nodded, not phased in the slightest.
Asahi looked worried. Not as much as the others, but the gentle giant found an especially sweet spot for the kid.
Suga layed the Karasuno's delirious guardian and felt his forehead. His hand recoiled quickly and he was a little shocked.
Daichi suddenly furrowed his eyebrows.
"What's wrong?" asked their captain.
Suga motioned for him to feel himself, and once the captain did so he was surprised.
His hand pulled back as well.
"Someone get a thermometer." the level-headed leader ordered.
Ennoshita was a step ahead, and was already in the room with some supplies. Suga took the instrument and placed it gently in the ill boys mouth.
After a minute, it beeped. 39.6 degrees it read (about 103 to 104 to Americans, I understand your confusion).
Suga's eyes widened. "This is bad."
The team froze at that.
"What do you mean bad?!" Tanaka yelled.
"39.6" is all Suga said.
This was a lot worse than usual. Normally it was a low grade fever and nausea. While Nishinoya overworked himself and came to school sick, it was never like this.
Ukai began to order people around. Many people jumped because they forgot he was even there.
After the momentary shock, they did their assigned jobs. Some called parents, some gathered supplies, others watched over the fever plagued player.
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icrazyschoolgirl ¡ 6 years
Worthy Ch.2
“But, now how could any of you be worthy? You’re all killers, even you, Peter.” Ultron said in his creepy, detached voice.
“Stark.” Steve strained as he looked weary and motioned for Peter to get behind him. He was not about to put a young man in danger. Peter narrowed his eyes at the thing.
“Jarvis.” Tony said, in hopes of figuring out how this thing got in the tower.
“I’m sorry I was asleep or I was a dream...” Ulton trailed off.
“Reboot-” The rest of Tony’s mumbles were clouded by Ultron’s resonating voice.
“There was this terrible noise and I was tangled and strings. I had to kill the other guy; he was a good guy.” Ultron droned on.
“You killed someone?” Cap. asked, eyebrows still raised, unsure of what they were facing. He made sure Peter was still behind him and motioned for Thor to get closer to them as well.
“Wouldn’t have been my first call, but down in the real world were faced with ugly choices.”
“Who sent you?” Thor asked, wanting to know the meaning behind this.
Tony’s voice starts playing: ‘I see a suit of armor around the whole world…’
“Ultron,” Bruce breathed heavily while looking towards Tony.
“In the flesh or no, not yet, not this Christmas, but I’m ready. I’m on mission.” Ultron said as some of them started preparing for a fight. Steve glanced at Peter behind him and was shocked to see he didn’t looked scared. He actually looked like he was going to join the fight, if there was one.
“What mission?” Natasha asked sounding weary.
“Peace in our time.” Ultron said and just as two more robots came barrelling through the wall behind him.
Everyone ducked as Steve kicked the table up at them, but was blasted back from the force and he felt Peter beneath him as he landed.
“Shit, I’m sorry son.” Steve said as he quickly got up and helped Peter to his feet with all the chaos around them. “Stay close.” He scanned the room and saw Thor throwing his hammer here and there while Natasha was wrapping her legs around one of the robot’s throat. Before he could check on the others he heard Clint call his name and he saw his shield speeding towards him, which he easily caught and propelled toward an oncoming robot, who immediately crumbled.
There was a lull in the fighting as Ultron addressed them, “That was dramatic. I’m sorry I know you mean well, you just didn’t think this through. You want to protect the world, but you don’t want it to change... How is humanity saved if its not allowed to evolve. Look at these, these puppets,” Ultron said as he picked up a defeated robot. “There is only one path to peace, The Avengers extinction and that little Spider.” Ultron said looking at Peter, although no one picked up on that, too focused on the menacing robot.
Ultron wasn’t able to say anything else as Thor threw his hammer at him and destroyed the robot. His hammer immediately returned to his hands.
They thought it was over, but they all heard, “I had strings, but now I’m free,” as the robot seemed to shut down.
Everyone looked around at the destruction in a daze, unsure of how to proceed.
“I’m sorry you were here for this son.” Steve said, gravely.
“Well better here than in the labs. Who knows what would’ve happened if I was down there alone.” Peter shrugged, but winced when he felt pain flare up in his arm.
“Are you okay? Let me look at your arm.” Steve said, noticing the wince.
Peter silently handed Steve his arm trying to mask the look of pain on his face at the sudden movement; he didn’t want to appear weak in front of the heros.
Bruce silently came over and helped Steve check out Peter’s arm and he declared that Peter was going to need stitches.
“Stitches seem really unnecessary to me.” Peter tried to inch his arm back, but Steve held on a little tighter. Peter knew it would be unnecessary due to the fact that he healed faster and judging by the look of the cut it would be healed in a few hours.
“Son, I trust Banner, and if he says you need stitches you’re getting stitches.” Steve’s tone left no room for argument.
Peter sighed and nodded, knowing that they wouldn’t let him leave without them. As Bruce and Steve ushered him into the next room he could hear Thor and Tony’s voices getting louder. Thor was literally breathing down Tony’s neck. He could see Natasha and Clint placing themselves between the two before the sight vanished and he was sitting on a chair, waiting.
“I’m sorry you had to be here for this.” Bruce said quietly as he got the materials he needed.
“No need to apologize. It was my fault I was here in the first place.” Peter responded casually.
“You seem to be taking this rather well for someone who just witnessed what went down.” Steve noted.
Peter shrugged, “After the alien invasion, nothing seems crazy anymore.”
“I can’t argue with that son. How’d you start working with Tony? We were all a little surprised when Jarvis announced your arrival.” Steve inquired.
“My Aunt actually took me on a tour of Stark Tower- uh I mean Avengers tower-” Steve waved off his slip-up. “I- I didn’t even know that taking a tour was actually a thing, but I was so happy when my Aunt told me. I managed to, and don’t tell Tony this, but I managed to get Jarvis to take me to one of the labs.”
“He listened?” Bruce sounded impressed as he continued to focus on Peter’s arm.
“It took some convincing, but the next thing I knew I was in the lab correcting Tony.”
“Wait, you corrected him?” Steve had to put a hand over his mouth when he thought about Tony be told he was wrong by a kid.
“I didn’t mean to make him angry like that, but after that he offered me a job. He actually told me to quit school and work here for the rest of my life, but Aunt May was having none of that.” Peter smiled as he thought about Aunt May hitting Tony Stark with a rolled-up newspaper.
“Okay, all done.” Bruce announced, which surprised Peter because he didn’t eve feel anything.
“Well you work fast. Thank you.”
“No problem. I would say stop by to let me take them out, but after what went down I don’t know what’s going to happen.” Bruce said apologetically.
“That reminds me, we need to track down Spider-man. Ultron put a target on his back as well.” Steve noted as they made their way back to the others who seem to have quelled the situation between Tony and Thor. Although, Thor did not seem happy.
“I can help with that.” Peter offered.
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icrazyschoolgirl ¡ 6 years
Worthy Ch.1
“Whatever man, it’s a trick.” Clint said, twirling a drumstick.
Thor laughs and invites him to try, “Please be my guest.”
“Really?” Clint asks as he walks up to the hammer, determined.
“Clint, you’ve had a tough week. We won’t hold it against you if you can’t get it up.” Tony jests and the others jeer.
“You know I’ve seen this before right?” Clint tells Thor right before he tries to lift the hammer and can’t, but just laughs it off and praises Thor. He challenges Tony when he laughs, who steps right up, since he doesn’t step down from an honest challenge.
“It’s physics. If I lift it, do I get to rule Asgard?”
“Yes, of course.” Thor replied, sounding confident because he knew Tony wouldn’t be able to lift Mjolnir.
“I will be fair, but firmly cruel.” Tony haughtily replies.
“No, I’m sure.”
No surprise to Thor, Tony can’t lift the hammer. Tony goes to get the glove of his suit, which doesn’t do anything to help at all. When Iron Patriot comes to help nothing changes.
“Are you even pulling?” Rhodes asked Tony when the two of them couldn’t lift it.
“Are you on my team?”
“Just represent, pull.”
“Alright, let’s go.”
Thor just laughed at their futile attempts.
Bruce made a joke out of it and pretended to scare everyone by fake hulking out. Everyone just looked at him and he slowly lowered his hands.
Steve walked up to the hammer, rolling up his sleeves.
Thor’s smile vanished from his face when the hammer moved a little, but it came back, albeit a little troubled looking, when Steve couldn’t in the end.
‘Sir, Parker has entered the building and is heading to his lab now.’ Jarvis informed Tony.
“Parker?” Natasha raised an eyebrow.
“Peter Parker. Smart kid. He’s been working for me about six months now. He reminds me of myself at that age.” Tony laughed thinking about the similarities he and Peter possessed. “Jarvis, bring him here. You guys will love him.”
“Do you think that’s a good idea Tony? I mean…” Bruce sounded unsure as he gestured to him and the others in the room.
The elevator dinged signaling its arrival.
“Well too late now.” Tony said with a smile on his face.
Peter walked out of the elevator with his head down looking at some new models for his web shooters. He often came to the tower at night to work; Tony had given him a badge that let him in at all hours of the day. Tony laughed as he saw Peter get off the elevator looking down, oblivious to his surroundings.
“Whatcha looking at kid?”
Peter jumped and had to resist sticking the ceiling and hanging like a spider. He looked around and noticed for the first time that he was definitely not in his lab.
“Uh… I’m sorry Tony. I told Jarvis to take me to the lab, I don’t know why he…” Peter stopped and looked Tony right in the eye and saw a twinkle there. Tony had done this, of course.
“Surprise! You’re just in time! We’re seeing if anyone can lift Thor’s hammer. Come give it a try.” Tony goaded Peter as he beckoned him over.
“I don’t want to intrude. It looks like you’re trying to have a relaxing time with some friends. I’m sure you don’t want some twenty year old kid crashing.” Peter said as he backpedaled to the elevator.
“Nonsense good friend! Join the fun and try to lift Mjlonir!” Thor said enthusiastically with a smile on his face.
“I uh….” Peter was at a loss as to what to do.
“Just humor the guy will you.” Natasha said with an encouraging smile.
Peter looked around nervously, but saw smiles on on everyone’s face so he stepped up.
“So what you just want me to lift the hammer? What exactly is this going to do?” Peter asked, confused as to why they were all eager for him to try.
Peter grasped the handle of the hammer and prepared for it to be heavy. He was not expecting the hammer to feel so light as he slowly lifted the hammer up.
“Okay I lifted the hammer up, is there anything else you wanted me to do for no reason before I go to the lab?” Peter didn’t mean to sound snooty, but he was a little annoyed that there was this build up and in the end it was just a joke.
Peter looked up when he had not gotten a reply and found everyone in the room staring at him with their jaws to the floor.
“Uh… Is something wrong?” Peter began to worry and set the hammer down.
“You lifted the hammer…” Tony sounded awestruck.
“Yeah, you asked me to…” Peter still didn’t understand.
“Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.” Bruce said, looking at Peter in a new light.
“I’ve never seen anyone lift this other than myself. My father will most certainly be shocked to hear that there is a mortal worthy of my power.” Thor mused, trying to hide how scared he was at learning there was someone else worthy of his power.
“Oh I... uh... I’m sorry.” Peter wasn’t really sure how he should react in this situation. It’s not everyday that you’re told you are worthy to possess the power of Thor, a god. “I’m sure it made a mistake.”
“Why doubt yourself?” Bruce asked, smiling because that comment just made Peter even more worthy in his eyes.
Natasha smiled a shook her head and whispered to herself, “Of course someone who can lift Thor’s hammer is somehow connected to us.”
Peter just looked at the ground, blushing, in response to Bruce’s question. He certainly wasn’t worthy. He let two of the most important people in his life die, how does that amount to him be worthy of the power of Thor. He can’t even protect those close to him.
“I’ve made mistakes, big ones at that, and those make me unworthy.” Peter said, so sure.
“Kid, everyone makes mistakes, it’s human nature to.” Clint piped up from sitting on the floor.
“Not when you’re mistakes cost people their lives.” Peter said solemnly.
“Look you know I’m not the comforting type…” Tony started.
“Ain’t that the truth.” Steve said which made him receive a glare.
“As I was saying, I’m not the comforting type, but I know you and you’re a good kid. I’m sure that there was nothing you could do. It is not your fault that people died kid, you’re only human. As long as you know that you tried your hardest and gave it your all, then you have succeeded. I’m sure those who died don’t blame you at all.” Tony consoled Peter and shocked everyone with his sentimental words.
Before Pepper could comment about the beautiful words spoken by Tony there was a blast from the wall.
“Wasn’t that cute.” Came an eerie voice from the destroyed body of a robot.
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icrazyschoolgirl ¡ 6 years
So adorable! If you wish to see the original one it is on octocookies
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Well, it has been a while since i drew sum frans! ( Mostly due the stress and other stuff) BUT after i saw the franzine event, with all these amazing artists, i got so motivated again! 
We all need sum fuff here and there :33
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icrazyschoolgirl ¡ 6 years
Gaster’s Adventures as Dad UT! Ch. 1 (PS. They are Homeschooled)
Gaster woke up to yelling, and not the “WAKE UP DADDY!” from Papyrus. He knew what was going on. He quickly rushed to Sans room to see his dresser and all the rest of the rooms contents flying including Sans. He rushed to Sans dodging all the obstacles in his path. He got to Sans whose eye socket was blazing in a cyan and yellow fire, hyperventilating.
Once he got him to calm down, Sans slowly lowered the appliances and furniture back where they belong. For once he heard some clanging downstairs and became worried fast. Sans’s power was already getting noticeably stronger. Sans barely had a little control over his powers as it is. Sans noticed his father’s distress and gave him a questioning look.
“Sans your powers are getting stronger.”
Sans nodded understandingly, still a little shaken up.
“Do you want to have a sleepover tonight?” the father asked.
“s-sure....” Sans mumbled shakily.
Papyrus woke up a bit earlier due to everything being put down. A lamp fell down in his room and broke. He opened the door and saw Sans and Gaster. Sans was the first to notice him.
“o-oh, sorry. d-did i w-wake you up?” Sans always was a shy skeleton.
“IT IS FINE!” Papyrus exclaimed, having a loud voice for a 4 year old. 
“y-yeah,” but he quickly added, “on-only i-if you w-want to though.”
They had an enjoyable night afterwards and the next day came.
“b-beautiful day i-in the underground. i-isn’t i-it?”
“Yes, very beautiful indeed.”
“Would you guys wish to go to the park?”
“That settles it then.”
They went to the park that day and had a blast. They played with the dogs, went on a walk, then got some nice cream. They then decided to head for the playground. 
The two boys were having a blast while Gaster was reading. He looked up to see the two playing. He watched them as they went down the slide together, Papyrus on Sans’s lap. Just as they reached the end, Sans teleported. As soon as they did Gaster shot up, removed his phone from his pockets, checked their coordinates, and then called Sans. 
Sans was making sure Papyrus was okay when he got the call.
“Sans, are you alright? Are either you hurt?”
“n-no, we are f-fine.”
“if-if-if it h-helps at all w-we are in the woods.”
“Ok, thank you Sans. Stay where you are, don’t move.”
“LOVE YOU DADDY!” Papyrus shouts suddenly.
“Love you too.”
The two stay there for about 7 minutes when they hear a growl.
Suddenly, something pounces at them but Sans quickly scoops up Papyrus and runs. Sans yells for Papyrus to quickly dial Dad’s number. The phone picks up.
“Why are you mov-?”
“DAD” Sans yells which he only does for emergencies.
“What’s wrong?”
Sans suddenly fell. He got up immediately and used his magic to get the phone. He continues running. The fall busted his phone. Oh man this is not his day by any means. As he was distracted he ran straight into a ledge to high for them to get up. A sharp pain on his forehead formed and he touched it a bit of blood. He was dizzy and his vision swam a little. He suddenly heard a growl and remembered he wasn’t alone.
Sans quickly uses his magic to get Papyrus up the ledge. Now on survival instincts, Sans goes and brings forth his magic to attack. He sent out a wave of bones that hit the monster and sent it of course. The monster attacked and Sans was able to dodge but then it scratched leaving Sans with a gashing wound. BUT WHEN SANS IS DETERMINED, Y O U A R E G O I N G T O HAVE A B A D T I M E. He turned it blue then smashed it against trees and rocks. He then summoned a skull looking thing. It sent beams of roiling hot magic. The monster then turned to dust.
Out of his adrenaline pumped daze, Sans looked and saw what he did. He grew paler somehow, even though already being a pearly white. He started to hyperventilate. Gaster finally found them and saw a pile of dust and Sans face. He quickly made the connection.
Sans began to mumble under his breath.
“i just killed a monster, i just killed a monster, i just killed a monster, i just killed a monster i just killed a monster i just killed a monster ijustkilledamonster” he kept repeating over and over like a broken recorder. He burst into sobs while Gaster continued to comfort him. Soon he cried himself to sleep. Papyrus found a way down earlier. Gaster carried Sans home. Once he was there, he checked Sans and saw his hp.                                                                               
            *   50/100   HP                                                                                              *   ATK 50                                                                                                          *   DEF 20                                                                                                        *   Feeling his sins crawl on his back                                                  
            LV. 2        EXP. 8      GOLD 86G
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icrazyschoolgirl ¡ 6 years
Gaster’s Adventures as Dad UT! Prologue
Oh boy, those to where a handful. A handful true, but the cutest and the best handful he has ever known. There where his two sons. His 10 year old Sans and 4 year old Papyrus. They are so adorable.
But, like every child, they had there own needs. And they seem to rival. Sans was a analytic, while Papyrus was creative. Sans enjoyed word-play while Papyrus enjoys Japes. Sans lazy, Papyrus active. The biggest and most important things to know about them are that Sans has very powerful magic that he is struggling to control properly as well as he like to sit around and chill as much as playing. Papyrus has average magic but is more physical and needs a lot of room to play. 
But they have never gotten into a fight. Annoyed each other to the bone, yeah, but never fight. But those were Gaster’s little angels. His SANSshine and his PAPpered Knight.
His two wonderful little boys. No one could say they weren’t lovable and dream brothers. They clicked together perfectly. Papyrus is a sweetheart. Doesn’t like hurting a fly. While Sans is layed-back until you mess with someone he cares about. THEN YOUR IN FOR A VERY BAD TIME! But no one messes with the Royal Scientist’s family. 
Sans had to have extra precautions though. While his magic was through the roof, his hp was under the ground. He had only 1 hp. It was unheard of until the Royal Scientist’s son had it. Weaker health than a newborn. But he loved him just the same. His powers were a whole different problem. His powers were to strong for him to control, which is not very good for a 10 year old.
He had to have a phone at all times due to his odd power to teleport, something skeletons aren’t born with. His would rival Gasters and he could be well stronger than him by the time he controls them. Sometimes in the middle of the night he would wake up to Sans panicking in the middle of the night, levitating himself and everything in his room. He would quickly have to get Sans to calm down before he caused harm to himself or anyone else. He would sometimes get sick afterwards due to overexertion. But there wasn’t much Gaster could do about it.
So you know what you need to know. Get started on the series! (WHEN IT COMES OUT)
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icrazyschoolgirl ¡ 6 years
Sick Sans Ch.3
Death. It hung in the air like the stench of Ozone. The dust was scattered everywhere. There was no escape to the torture the fallen human brought upon us. Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Asgore, that god be damned flower which used to be the living soul of Asriel Dreemur. And him. He was dead at the hands of the human. Frisk died inside because of her. Dust strewn against the golden tiled floor.
He just wanted to kill them. Though, she died thousands of times at his hands. And the thing is, it isn’t his beloved Frisk. It is the fucking hell spawn Chara. A soul so pure can be turned as black as the void. And there he was, fighting her again and again. Knife in hand she attacked. But she had a surprise,t a second knife. His vision swam as the knife swung across his ribs, DETERMINATION leaking through his bones. He turned to dust and awoke with a start.
His eye flashing cyan and yellow he sat up and started hyperventilating. The visions of their deaths on replay. How he didn’t even try to save them. Hmpff, TRY. What a word. He stopped doing that a long time ago. When the resets started. No, before Frisk, Flowey (a.k.a soulless Asriel) started to reset. His willpower to live was so strong. It had fascinated him. How someone could be so cruel. Become friends with people to kill them.
Finally out of his trance, Sans took a look around. Papyrus was on the verge of waking up with Sans eye so he quickly covered it. He saw he was sleeping in a floral chair. His soul hooked up to a machine and IVs in him, pumping medicine into him. He desperately wanted to claw them out, the pain and exhaustion was the only thing seeming to stop him.
I wonder where Alphys i....
“O-oh, Sans y-you-your awake!” she quickly stuttered, quiet to not wake Papyrus, “A-are you in a-any pain or any-anything? Hungry? Thirsty? N-need mor..”
“whoa, slow down. your mouth is going 100 miles an hour there, Alph.”
“Oh, r-right,” she nervously chuckled. 
“it’s okay. i’m good just tired and numb.” 
“O-okay, we’ll t-talk about what ha-ha-happened next t-time you w-wake up, okay?” she asked.
“Alright” and for once he floated off into a dreamless dream.
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icrazyschoolgirl ¡ 6 years
Sick Sans Ch. 2
The pain seared every bone in his body. It was refusing to stop. He felt so tired and couldn’t seem to open his eyelids even if he wanted to. The clamoring of his soul in his chest seemed to drown all feelings but pain. So much pain. He wished it would stop.
Finally, after what seemed to be hours, the pain subdued enough for him to open his eyelids. Which was a new set of shocks. He decided to go slow and let his eyes adjust at its own pace. The light slowly flooded his eye sockets. He looked up. He was on something soft and was looking at ceiling tiles instead of wood. Definitely not at his station. He realized something. He almost wanted to face palm if the pain didn’t stop him from so. The lab.
He realized people were talking. He decided to try to listen, if possible. After a moment he was able to make out words.
“WILL HE BE OK?” said the one voice he wanted to hear most.
“H-he’ll b-b-be just f-fine,” said another familiar voice.
“YOU SURE?” said Papyrus.
“I-I-I’m su-sure,” said Alphys.
“WAIT, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?” questioned Papyrus.
Alphys jumped, at least that’s what it sounded like.
“Ar-ar-are y-you awake S-Sans?” said the yellow lizard.
He felt like he needed to give them some sort of indication so he groaned. His throat was on fire. He had a coughing fit which burned his throat and jostled every bone in his body. By the end of it he was gasping for air. Alphys quickly put some mask on and activated a machine that pump painkillers and  anesthesia into his fragile soul. He soon felt drowsy and numb and once again the world started to fade before him. 
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icrazyschoolgirl ¡ 6 years
Sick Sans Ch. 1
This includes some language and vomiting. A warning for people. Be considered warned.
Not again. Sans has been sick for days and hasn’t been getting better. Although, to tell the truth, no one else knows about him being sick. He’s been going along as if he isn’t sick. Still working in the freezing weather in Snowdin. But he can’t let anyone know about this. He needs to care for people, not the other way around.
Sans goes to the bathroom as fast as he possibly can. This is so much worse. He began vomiting. It had been a full ten minutes. Once finally stopped, he was ready to sleep for days. Or as least, that’s how he felt. He walked out of the bathroom. Unfortunately, it is about time for him to wake up for the day and head to work. This had to be the worst day to have double shift.
Sans gets dressed and heads downstairs early. He has already started to fall asleep, but he forced his eyes to stay open until he got to his post. He was greeted by his brother Papyrus, his only sunshine in the underground. His reason to live. He made sure to have his smile on. The funny thing is that the thing is permanently stuck to his face. Whenever Sans made sure he had it, it was already there. He tried to frown one day and his smile only lessened its curve. He only half-listened to the conversation though, caught in another world. The clocked chimed, and off Sans went.
He normally can’t feel the cold unless it is a snowstorm, and even then only he only feels a nice cool breeze feeling, or at least that’s what he thinks a breeze feels like. He was shivering or shuddering, either way he couldn’t tell. His exhaustion reached a point to were he was so tired he couldn’t sleep. The time seemed to freeze in place. What felt like 20 minutes was 5. Finally his exhaustion seemed to make him sleepy again, and he couldn’t stay awake no matter how hard he tried.
When he woke up, he glanced at his watch. Though he was hissing in pain by the little light the underground provides and straining to see the numbers, he kept on trying. He finally could read it. 8:25, 5 more minutes till his shift ends. He finally stopped focusing on that and realized how much pain he was in. Every bone ached with an unfamiliar feeling. It was nothing he felt before. It hurt worse than being slashed in the chest and dying a 100 times over. Which he did know how that felt. His soul was the focal point. Hell is were he wanted to be, it hurt less. His eye an unbearable burning sensation. He gasped for air at the feeling. But realize how big of a challenge it was to breathe.
When he awoke it was the one place he dreaded. The god be damned void. Why the fuck does he deserve to be in this fucking hell hole?
“where are you, gaster? and why did you goddamn, fucking bring me here?”     Sans was pissed.
“ThAt IsN’t A NiCe WaY To TrEaT YoUr LoViNg FaThEr.”
“loving father my ass.”
“I DiDn’T BrInG YoU HeRe, YoU ArE sTiLl AsLeEp.”
That was when Sans woke up.
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