ics-sacs-blog · 6 years
A curricularist is a professional whom is a curriculum specialist.
JOHN CARLO MACARUBBO III-C EPISODE II I. a.PLANNER- The teacher prepares the daily lesson everyday or for the whole year as well. This will serve as their basis or guide in teaching. b. WRITER- The teacher is said to be a writer if he/she write a plan itself. He/she must know how to write the lesson that he/she will taught. c. KNOWER- The teacher must be Knower in the curriculum implemented. He/she must have wider in intellection to consider anything and to know the mastery purposes. d. INITIATOR- The teacher must initiate learning development and learning process in teaching and learning to have a good outcome. e. INNOVATOR- The teacher must be resourceful in the implementation and in attaining the objectives or in any parts of the lesson plan. f. IMPLANTER- The teacher must function in the class. He must take part of knowledge, skills and affective of the learner for their learning takes place effectively and conducively. g. EVALUATION- He/she must evaluate if the objectives are attained. Through evaluation you may test them by giving an exams, quizzes and many others to know their weaknesses and sthrengten. JOHN CARLO MACARUBBO EPISODE II II.REFLECTION A. A curricularist teacher performs his/her duties and responsibilities through implementation and reformation. B. The function were met fully implemented in the place of lack of materials to the untilization of the learners.
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ics-sacs-blog · 6 years
A curricularist is a professional whom is a curriculum specialist.
JOHN CARLO MACARUBBO III-C EPISODE II I. a.PLANNER- The teacher prepares the daily lesson everyday or for the whole year as well. This will serve as their basis or guide in teaching. b. WRITER- The teacher is said to be a writer if he/she write a plan itself. He/she must know how to write the lesson that he/she will taught. c. KNOWER- The teacher must be Knower in the curriculum implemented. He/she must have wider in intellection to consider anything and to know the mastery purposes. d. INITIATOR- The teacher must initiate learning development and learning process in teaching and learning to have a good outcome. e. INNOVATOR- The teacher must be resourceful in the implementation and in attaining the objectives or in any parts of the lesson plan. f. IMPLANTER- The teacher must function in the class. He must take part of knowledge, skills and affective of the learner for their learning takes place effectively and conducively. g. EVALUATION- He/she must evaluate if the objectives are attained. Through evaluation you may test them by giving an exams, quizzes and many others to know their weaknesses and sthrengten. JOHN CARLO MACARUBBO EPISODE II II.REFLECTION A. A curricularist teacher performs his/her duties and responsibilities through implementation and reformation. B. The function were met fully implemented in the place of lack of materials to the untilization of the learners.
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ics-sacs-blog · 7 years
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ics-sacs-blog · 7 years
Ma. Janiña C. Sevilla III-C
1.      Aware of the roles of the teachers as a curricularist, how do you perceive your role as curricularist?
  For me as a future teacher, I perceive myself as a curricularist to be very important and to take this obligation seriously. Because the role of a curricularist is to plan, write, know, initiate, innovate, implement and evaluate; all these will help improve the education and help develop the strategies of teachers.  As a curricularist, this is a non-stop process because every time, education is changing. We have to cope up to the changes so that we can level up the kind of education that we have in our country for the future generation.
  2.      Some teachers in the K-12 Curriculum are not aware and prepared of the implementation of the new curriculum, which functions were not played considering that case? Why?
  For me, I would consider that all the functions were not used accordingly because as the old curriculum was changed into K-12 Currriculum. There are many changes in content of the lessons and so they have to change the way how the students are taught. Teachers have to adjust for the new curriculum, they have to master the new content of the curriculum, they have to make a new lesson plan, improve their support materials whereas they are required to use projector (if available), power point presentation and so on,  introduce the students to new strategies in teaching and enhance the learning development of the student.
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ics-sacs-blog · 7 years
FS4: Episode 2
A curricularist is a professional who is a curriculum specialist. A teacher’s role is broader and inclusive of other functions and so a teacher is a curricularist.
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ics-sacs-blog · 7 years
Aaron Bryan I. Balucan III-C
1. Aware of the roles of the teachers as a curriculalist. How do you presive your role as a curricularist?
 As a curricularist. You must be aware what is the role of the teacher as a curricularist. First, you must know the curriculum so that you know what are you writing and teaching to your students because one of the role of the teacher as a curriculatist is to write the curriculum. Second, plan the curriculum and initiates curriculum because if you are curricularist you are planner and initiator of the curriculum. Next, you are the one who innovates and implements the curriculum and last evaluates the curriculum you need to evaluate the curriculum to know if the curriculum is effective or not.
 2. Some teachers in k-12 curriculum are not aware and prepared of the implimentation of the new curriculum, which functions where not played considering that case, why? 
 In that case of the teachers in k-12 curriculum. I think they did not know first the curriculum that's why they are not aware and prepared of the implimentation of the new curriculum. For me, knowing the curriculum is the first task of the teacher as a curricularist so they can impliment the curriculum well. Because if you know the curriculum you know what you do, what are you writing, you can plan for it, you can initiates curriculum, you can innovates the curriculum, you are the one who impliment it and evaluates the curriculum because that is the role of the teacher as a curricularist.
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ics-sacs-blog · 7 years
Carlo Daryl B. Caraggayan III-C
Some teachers in the K-12 curriculum are not aware and prepared of the implementation of the new curriculum, which functions were not played considering that case? Why?
 Now a days the students should expose to the technology like computer because it helps them a lot. Teacher need to change the traditional teaching to a modernize teaching process. By using teachnology like the PowerPoint presentation, movies, and many more. This is how a teacher also to change her strategy in teaching so that students doesn't feel bored. Teacher should be innovator, to do something new in the class, this will help students to extract ideas and thoughts.
 As an innovator you should be prepared and skilled in the teaching process because a good teacher therefore innovates the curriculum.
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ics-sacs-blog · 7 years
Jessa D. Apil III-C
1. Aware of the roles of the teacher as a curricularist. How do you perceive your role as a curricularist? For me as a curricularist I must go with the trend todays’ generation in order for me and the people around me can understand each other. I must also embrace the change for us to have upgraded thoughts to the things that is new around you. And the most important is I’ll give my best to my part in the curriculum as a curricularist for the better of each and every one of us.
 2. Some teachers in the K-12 Curriculum are not aware and prepared of the implementation of the new curriculum, which function were not played considering that case? Why? The K-12 Curriculum really brought a total change in the educational system not only to the learners but especially to the teachers. The lack of learning materials and guide materials really brought difficulty for the teachers to implement the curriculum. The preparation of instructional materials is also a reason for teachers to embrace the new curriculum for them to catch the interest of the learners todays’ generation.
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ics-sacs-blog · 7 years
Ma. Janiña C. Sevilla III-C My Reflection
1.  If you are to design your own school, which curriculum are your priorities? State three curriculums.
 If I were to design my own school, I would prioritize Supported Curriculum, Taught Curriculum and Phantom Curriculum. I chose these curriculums because I believe that these would help both the teacher and student improve their performances. Through Supported Curriculum, the teacher is encouraged to use materials that would help him/her explain the lesson. This curriculum will serve a great help especially when the teacher needed materials that would enable him/her explain a certain lesson. For example, teaching Anatomy and Physiology he/she can explain and point out the different parts of a muscle, bone etc. by using mock-ups. The teacher may also conduct an educational fieldtrip to the zoo, so that the children may see an actual animal, differentiate the different groups of animals and have an experience that they will carry through their life. Next is Taught Curriculum, because it is very important that the planned activities should be put into action particularly those subjects that require students to demonstrate a certain act. It is essential that the planned activities where put into action because the students learn better when they’re doing the action themselves. Lastly is Phantom Curriculum, I chose this curriculum because in this generation it is necessary for teachers and students to involve themselves in media. This is important so that the teacher should be conscious of what is happening in the political, social and economic world. The teacher would know what to inform to his/her students inside the classroom.
        2.  Why is there a need to revise the curriculum from time to time?
 Curriculum must be revise from time to time because education is dynamic. Therefore it always changes, particularly in the world that we currently live in, technology is a vital factor. We should innovate and develop the curriculum every now and then to match with the fast development of educational technology. To build a better foundation for the new generation and help them cope up with the changes.
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ics-sacs-blog · 7 years
 A. If i were to design my own school, I will design it in phantom curriculum. The learners expose to any type of media, because in today's generation learners are very intimate to technology. It is very useful to them. The teaching and learning process will become easy and faster. Media can be used in almost any discipline to enhance learning, both in class and also for out of class assignments. The use of media sources help connect learners with events that are culturally relevant. As a result, positive consiquences of utilizing media is that teachers must keep their materials and examples to up to date. This curriculum approach to teaching and learning process may be referred to the use of appropriate and carefully selected of varieties experiences which when presented to the learner through selected teaching strategies, it will reinforce and strengthen on another in such a way that a learner will achieve predetermined objectives in an effective way. Hidden Curriculum is not deliberately planned but may modify behaivor or influence learning outcomes. This curriculum is a transmission of norms, values and beliefs conveyed in the classroom and social environment. In life we need some to support us, to pursue everything we want so i choose supported curriculum because it is one for which there are complementary instructional materials available, such as textbooks, software and multimedia resources this helps the teacher and the student to learn with a full or many informations.
B. Curriculum is serve as the guide of the learners also the teachers, that's why curriculum must be advance and it must be updated. If the curriculum doesn't receive it from time to time, the intelligencesor the knowledge of the learners will be late in processing or out of date. And we simply because we know for a fact that education is dynamic. Therefore, there will always be change in the area of education that demands for the innovation and development of the curriculum that will help the learners to cope up with the changes especially in today's generation it's what we call millennial.
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ics-sacs-blog · 7 years
Jessa D. Apil III-C My Reflection
1. If I were to design my own school I prefer to use these following curriculum:
a. I choose recommended curriculum because it is recommended by the specialist or the expert ones. I had this belief that the older the person it is the more experience he/ she encountered. That’s why I choose this because the people in the recommend curriculum know what is best for the new generation of learners.
b. I also choose supported curriculum because every school aim to have a successful teaching. Now a days you can encounter learners who has different behavior and interest. A teacher should use an instructional materials for the learners to be enlighten to listen and in order for the teacher to catch their attention and give interest to the lesson.
c. Assessed curriculum is also one, I want that every teacher in my school to evaluate the learners whether they understand the lesson they had just discussed. I will let those teachers to test their learners to determine the things that they didn’t understand.
2. There is a need to revive the curriculum from time to time because people change. They were not contended with one curriculum. It goes with the test of time, the kind of learners and higher officials, type of environment and the global completion
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ics-sacs-blog · 7 years
FS4 - Activity 2
Manifestation of Traditional and Progressive Curriculum in the school
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ics-sacs-blog · 7 years
Carlo Daryl B. Caraggayan 3-C My reflections
1. If you are to build your school, which curriculum are your priorities. Name 3 and explain why.
°phantom curriculum This type of curriculum will help my school to become a productive because media is important we learn a lot because of this technology. Media and its uses have become important issues in schools. Exposure to different types of media often provides illustrative contexts for class discussions, relevant examples, and common icons and metaphors that make learning and content more meaningful to the real lives and interests of today's students. In an Information Age media has become a very strong type of curricula over which teachers and parents have little or no control.
°supported curriculum continues to have a strong influence on the taught curriculum, especially for elementary teachers, who teach four or five subjects. The textbook is often their major source of content knowledge. This curriculum will help the teachers to lead the students in the right way because they have a resources and all they do is to share the content ,a spoon feeding style. 
  °Taught Curriculum refers to instruction, the process by which teachers develop units of study, lesson plans, and/or approaches to instruction for teaching the written curriculum . This curriculum can have a big differences to the other curriculum but this is useful for the teachers and students to become a productive one .
2. What is the importance of curriculum revision and why do we need to change curriculum now and then?
Revision is important because we need to give our best to 21st century learners and it is important for their future. We are looking ahead to the future and working to ensure that provincial curriculum continues to give all students the best possible start in life and meet the demands of living in the 21st century. To ensure student success, we need our curriculum to be relevant, meaningful and engaging for all students. we develop or choose curricular programs as teachers, we are more successful if we also gives the best in our students.
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ics-sacs-blog · 7 years
Aaron Bryan I. Balucan III-C My reflection
 1. If you are to build your school, which curriculum are your priorities. Name 3 and explain why
• Hidden Curriculum  • Assessed Curriculum • Supported Curriculum Hidden curriculum is not deliberately planned but may modify behavior or influences learning outcomes. It can helps the students share their experiences in their life. There are substances that can modify the behavior of the students or influences the learning outcomes. Assessed curriculum refers to a tested or evaluated curriculum. Teachers needs to give series of evaluation in every end of the lessons to determine the extent of teaching or if the students are progressing. Supported curriculum this is referring the resources that support or help in the implementation of the curriculum. I include this because it can help the school to be more progressive and to make the curriculum more effective to the learners.
 2. What is the importance of curriculum revision and why do we need to change curriculum now and then. Revision of curriculum is very important this is to determine if the school is progressing or not, not only to the school but also to the students if this curriculum is effective or suitable to the learners to build an effective learners. We need to revision the curriculum to identify which curriculum is suitable or effective in the school or to the students. We need to evaluate the curriculum to know if we need to sustain it or to change it. Because we all know that all bad/not useful/not effective needs to change for the better or for more improvements. That’s why we need to revision and change the curriculum.
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ics-sacs-blog · 7 years
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ics-sacs-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
Grade II - C
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