icsurvivor · 2 years
if you have a chronically ill person/someone with chronic pain in your life, sometimes the best thing for you to do is just sit with them and watch a movie. understand that they are in a lot of pain, and there isn't much you can do but be with them, bring them snacks, and let them know that you care
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icsurvivor · 2 years
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icsurvivor · 3 years
It feels like every abdominal muscle I have is constantly cramping and like my bladder is simultaneously on fire and being stabbed.
Anonymous with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Interstitial Cystitis (via itfuckinghurtslike)
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icsurvivor · 3 years
Me waiting for a referral to a specialist to go through
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icsurvivor · 3 years
Chronic Illness Thing #143
When you have chronic pain and people get surprised that you’re like, in pain AGAIN????
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icsurvivor · 3 years
Interstitial Cystitis Laws of the Land
1. Thou shalt not wear synthetic undies
2. Thou shalt only drink dark roast coffee
3. She who drinks the tasty juice of the citrus is playing with fire
4.  Thou shalt only use natural, mild soaps
5. The bathtub is the world’s greatest blessing but thou shalt not take partake of the bubble bath
6. Thou shalt never go anywhere without a water bottle, and thou shalt drink from it often
7. Thou shalt urinate after sexual union
8. Thou shalt kegel when sitting idly
9. Thou shalt not hold thy bladder except in frequency flare ups, when thou shalt increase volume by chugging water (we totally need a 10th commandment, so feel free to add)
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icsurvivor · 3 years
Chronic Illness Thing #104
Not knowing you even have to pee until you cough and it comes with a drippy surprise. 
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icsurvivor · 3 years
Dear Body
I often feel like you’re letting me down,
When in fact you are fighting the hardest of battles every second of every single day to keep me functioning.
You aren’t letting me down,
You’re incredibly resilient
I’m so proud of you.
-Chronic Illness-💛
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icsurvivor · 3 years
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I was trying to think of a way to end this comic in a uplifting and positive way like I usually do when it comes to talking about chronic illness and pain... but in honestly when I wrote the draft for it in my notes there was no "then I got better!" written for this emotion and message. So I am honoring that. I am making space for the part of chronic illness and pain that isn't about being strong to show the world you are fighting and still worth loving and believing in. We already fight just to survive and work and exist, and not every moment has to be catered to a society that wants us to magically recover instead of accommodating our unique health issues and disability.
I do not always want to present the pain I am in so it's palatable for the people who know me and want to feel like I am not in pain as often as I say I am.
When I had the idea for this illustration I had been flaring for a whole month no breaks. And I am not going to hide that from anyone or for anyone.
But if you are in that dark place yourself right now, please know I love you and you don't owe anyone your strength. You are good enough, even when you have no hope left for this moment. I am glad you exist.
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icsurvivor · 3 years
friend: are you alright?
me: *finger guns* no!!!
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icsurvivor · 3 years
friendly reminder that if you have a hard time eating due to nausea or other chronic illness ickies, just eat what you can eat. even if it’s not particularly “healthy,” getting calories in your body to help it function is more important.
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icsurvivor · 3 years
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For real, though
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icsurvivor · 4 years
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icsurvivor · 4 years
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Came across this picture when going through old med records. I thought I would use this as an opportunity to spread some awareness. As you can see my bladder is red, irritated and inflamed from interstitial cystitis😔 where as a normal bladder has no discoloration redness or inflammation. I am actually considered a mild case of IC.
Some symptoms of IC include frequent urination, burning, bladder spasms, painful sex, chronic pain, and pelvic floor dysfunction.😥 IC has no cure but can be managed in some with proper treatment. If you or someone you know has IC feel free to reach out💙 or take a look at the IC network https://www.ic-network.com/
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icsurvivor · 4 years
lol interstitial cystitis is hell and it feels like an inflatable demon with one hell of a stabbing arm has displaced everything between my ribs and my knees and I have to work in the morning and literally how am I going to do that
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icsurvivor · 4 years
When your pee is bright orange
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But then you remembered you took a pyridium
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icsurvivor · 4 years
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