identitheoret Ā· 1 year
My Thoughts on the Story/Lore of ā€œAshes of Memory: Part 1ā€
(I might make this into a video if I have time btw)
Hey guys, IdentiTheoret here! :)
Iā€™m not really sure what else I need to say here before I just jump right into my thoughts on Ashes of Memory. I think this Tumblr thing will actually work super well with what Iā€™m aiming for here, but Iā€™m still kinda new to it, so if you guys have any tips for me there Iā€™d love to hear them. And my DMā€™s are also completely open, so you guys can ask me directly about literally anything you like or need help figuring out, lore related or whatever else you wanna talk about or say to me.
Anyways I guess Iā€™ll just get right on into my thoughts now.
First of all, I had like no idea they were going this hog wild with changing up everything in terms of how the system works. I wasnā€™t keeping up a whole lot with the update prior outside of the one major teaser, so when I hopped on after maintenance and saw everything they changed I was kinda stunned.
I wonā€™t be going with any particular order of events, rather Iā€™ll try to go through each particular topic with all the details in mind from the beginning to end of Chapter 1.
Alice DeRoss (Reporter)
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When I first saw her in the teaser I was like ā€œEh, not sure how to feel about her, itā€™s a little jarring seeing her like this.ā€ And I didnā€™t even look back over it again to analyze because of the stuff I mentioned in my update video that was draining my energy. Although even then, I thought the idea of following adult Alice was absolutely dope.
But then I played the new story and got an actual good look and feel for this version of Alice andā€”OH MY GOD SHE IS SO FREAKING PRETTY LIKE AAAAAAH I CANā€™T šŸ˜³šŸ« 
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Seriously they did such a good job with these new designs. And they kinda had to because they were gonna have far more normal designs outside of just Orpheus. Iā€™m not going to go into any detail about my opinions there though, Iā€™ll save that for a separate post soon after this one. Iā€™m just looking at the story and lore right now.
So when it comes to everything leading up to her visiting the manor, they donā€™t really show off anything too odd. After her separation from Orpheus when they were kids, Alice suffered great social trauma/isolation, which we knew a bit about already with certain letters. But what we didnā€™t get to see was what happened after she left the orphanage. I was assuming maybe her trauma was going to mess her up in the long term, and if it didnā€™t I assumed she was going to lose her memories entirely or something because it seemed like things were just that intense during her time in the orphanage. But no, she has a fairly decent memory of her past by the looks of it. However, just like Orpheus in Time of Reunion, we are told she has little memory of the actual events of the manor tragedy, and in general some of her memories are a bit hazy. Not to mention the fact that she doesnā€™t find anything to be odd about Orpheus when she meets him in the manor.
Yeah, she hadnā€™t seen him since they were super young, but as weā€™ve seen before, the nickname of ā€œOrpheus,ā€ was a major detail of the twoā€™s past friendship, because it represented their bonding experiences of making up stories and playing characters. The Orpheus nickname catching on and eventually being the name young Alice used for him exclusively was meant to show how close they were. But by the looks of it, she doesnā€™t remember the nickname at all.
And sure, it doesnā€™t mean she should immediately be like ā€œ šŸ˜± Oh mah gah thatā€™s the same name it must be him ā˜ļøšŸ¤“ .ā€ However, this detail doesnā€™t even strike her as odd in any way. This could just be nothing, and she just decided to pay no mind to it, but when it comes to Identity V writing, these things are usually pointed out afterwards at the very least with a little ā€œHuh, [Insert Minor Detail] is pretty oddā€ sorta thing. It happens a lot.
Outside of that, thereā€™s not a whole lot sheā€™s gotten involved in yet. I mean, it is only Chapter 1, so it makes sense. BUT, I do still have one thing to mention about her.
After you complete Chapter 1, youā€™re given the S-Tier Costume ā€œMoment of Leisure.ā€ And well, I mean, just look at it.
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(Yes I am aware of the fact that one is a dress and the other is sleepwear but like, cā€™mon)
Itā€™s possible that both the adult and child characters we always see together are probably BOTH meant to be Alice. There was really no reason for them to include this costume otherwise. Although, we do see in both the cinematics and in summaries by Orpheus that the older woman was a mother to the girl, and that she died a ā€œhorrific death.ā€ Of course, the mother thing would make sense to conclude from Orpheusā€™s perspective so we can pretty much ignore that, but what about the death and itā€™s importance to the ā€œLittle Girlā€ after that? How would that fit into any of this?
Well, I have somewhat of an idea to propose for that, and for quick context I need to bring up two simple details: First, the character lineup was likely intentionally different from what we were expecting with Melly/Norton to draw attention to how the timelineā€™s gonna work out, since we know the Melly/Norton/Orpheus game was the last one Orpheus participated in before the amnesia and all that. And second, most of Aliceā€™s personality and character in general is centered around her persistence and vigilance, literally stating word by word that in the face of her past traumas and mysteries, she needed to ā€œFace it, and itā€™ll all be over.ā€ This wording about it being ā€œoverā€ also specifically draws attention to the idea of moving on after facing the issue instead of just facing it persistently and learning to live with it or something like that.
So, with that all in mind, this is my early theory for how I think this is all gonna go. Either:
Alice will find the answers she needs to understand the missing bits of her past so she can come to terms with it, and she moves on while Orpheus stays in his ways. And maybe after Alice finds out who Orpheus really is, and she realizes he is actively choosing not to face his own traumas and is beyond persuasion, she escapes the manor and leaves him behind because she simply has to move on. The depictions, both written and seen, of her ā€œhorrible deathā€ would be based in Orpheusā€™s (subjective, rather than objective) view of her facing her issues head on and suffering through the worst of it before she finally is able to overcome her sorrow. To her, she would be getting through the worst of it to finally rid herself of the prolonged pain sheā€™s felt for so long. But to Orpheus, that short phase of pain needed to overcome his trauma seemed far too horrible of a thing to be worth suffering through. Thematically speaking, this would definitely make sense (and because the depictions of the ā€œmotherā€ and girl are clearly not literal or direct about their meaning at face value). All the depictions of young Alice trying to guide Orpheus are things he put into his own head from a deep regret for not listening to her and a desire to have her take the lead for him once more because he doesnā€™t feel like he can rely on himself to change. But these feelings are still hidden under his repetitive denial, and thatā€™s why itā€™s something he doesnā€™t know heā€™s aware of yet.
Alice dies during the game, either because she wants to try and save Orpheus from himself and fails, and/or because Orpheus starts to believe he can do it but hesitates and gets her killed in the process. This would make sense because most of the themes in Orpheusā€™s story center around his inability to stay firm in what he needs to do with his trauma, and to not look back with doubt based on what heā€™s done before. And this would also tie perfectly to the Orpheus myth of him turning to Eurydice with doubt and dooming her to the Underworld, leading him to a life of sorrow and regret in the land of the living. Since this is, well, Identity V, I am pretty certain that this aspect of the myth is intentionally tied into Orpheusā€™s theme of traumatic repetition and him constantly choosing not to look forwards. This persists in most of the elements of his story, especially with the major details such as the ā€œDonā€™t Look Backā€ line that comes up a whole lot when you think about it. So assuming that to be the case, and also assuming that Alice dies, we can conclude that she becomes a spirit in the form of her past younger self as she embodies that wholly innocent part of her life, and maybe just to make herself easier to recognize to Orpheus I guessā€¦? The reason why sheā€™d stay in the form of a child is harder to explain here than it is in the other point. Itā€™d make sense why the child version would be there when accompanied by the older version because it was so long after Orpheus saw Alice that he separates his view of her into his memories of what he thought she was like and what she is now in front of him. That also explains why he tries to see her in the exact same dress as the younger version of her, because at the core the two versions are still the same person.
Those are just my initial thoughts at the moment. I may build onto these conclusions more later on after giving it more thought or when we see more of the next chapter. I guess Iā€™ll leave my thoughts there for now though and move on.
ā€œOrpheusā€ DeRoss (Novelist)
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Well, thereā€™s not much to say for him really. Sameā€™s gonna go for the other two as well for the most part because of how early we are into this, but I do want to point out the way he interacts with everyone. It sometimes may give off a vibe like he knows way more than he lets on, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s the case. I think the depiction here is still accurate/still will be accurate going forward with the explanation given in Time of Reunion about him having his memory wiped over and over. I donā€™t think he is actually aware of anything behind the manor in this state. The way he pushes certain details and questions towards others, like the point about betrayal directed at Melly about her insects, and the other point about Maryā€™s French heritage with Fredrick, seem to just be derived from his intrigue for drama stemming from his interest in writing. He likes a good mystery and finding little things out. We even see him do this with Alice herself in the cutscene after Chapter 1, where he asks her to play the piano for him in exchange for some information on his new book. Besides that, not much needs to be said here.
Fredrick Kreiburg (Composer)
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Okay, imma just be real here, I am COMPLETELY lost when it comes to this guy. I was really confused when it was revealed that he was going to be one of the four main characters of this thing, because the guys literally just came out not that long before and we didnā€™t even get like any buildup for him in the lore before his release. And when it comes to his connections to the racecourse with Mary, like yeah Iā€™m completely clueless. But that actually has nothing to do with the Mary thing though, because I was well aware from the start that there was the theory that Mary wasnā€™t the actual Mary Antoinette but rather a noblewoman of some sort (based on bday letters if youā€™re confused). And I knew it was probably true, and was most likely gonna be important later on, but I still was just like ā€œNah I donā€™t care right now Iā€™ll just wait on that one.ā€ And now itā€™s already introduced but Iā€™m still confused about like, why?
I will say one thing though, all the details surrounding that weird Mary subplot, such as the ā€œwas it a suicide or a murder?ā€ mystery thatā€™s almost treated like a legend, and the way the death is presented generally, and how the backlash against the racecourse afterwards is completely directed towards one man in particular, and how everyone just kinda goes like ā€œšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Uh idek why she did that šŸ¤·šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø,ā€ it all gives off MAJOR Atropos Ropes vibes and itā€™s definitely intentional. Not sure how to feel about that just yet, but thatā€™s mostly because of my big lack of understanding about anything Mary/Kreiburg related.
Not only that, but look at the way they describe the legend of the past owners of the manor and the mysterious death of the male ownerā€™s female lover before the closure of the course and selling of their manor before some seemingly random dude who is clearly a descendant (Fredrick) suddenly shows up upon invitation from the new owners, and he is is heavily associated with a certain art expression and deals with social pressures.
Like, dude. Thatā€™s literally the plot of Lone Moon from T&I. The husband is the Knight, Mary is the princess, and Fredrick is Narcissus.
(+ We have already gotten thematic connections between Lone Moon and Atropos Ropes in terms of the themes of repetition and supposed fate, but we also have literal connections through the Amethyst Duchess, linking Narcissus to Bella (aka, you know, Mary)).
And also, I think the way they use the racecourse specifically of all things leads me to believe that there must be a connection to COA 4. And no, it has nothing to do with the horse imagery in that story, because that was directly linked to Cavalier and his Don Quixote inspirations (but if you wanna get refreshed on that go watch my COA Lore vid). The reason why they did horses here and not cars is simply because, well, rich people shit.
The thing that really makes me certain about this, outside of the obvious specificity, is once again that reoccurring theme of repetition and mistakes from those who came before. Itā€™s present in Atropos Ropes, itā€™s present in Lone Moon, and itā€™s definitely present in COA 4, because that story is entirely based around that concept. And all of these have strong connections to either the manorā€™s history or the DeRoss family, which I highly doubt is a coincidence based on the theories about the DeRosses Iā€™ve been making for the past while.
Melly Plinius (Entomologist)
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Not much to say about her either. Sheā€™s got that same weird personality that weā€™d expect from her, and talks about the betrayal thing in a very weird way with connecting it to bugs. But the most important thing I can really point out so far about her is how she has little to no importance of any kind to the events going on regarding the manor and the Kreiburg racetrack. I think this has something to do with what the devs want us to notice about how this timeline works, since Norton hasnā€™t appeared yet. So Iā€™m guessing Fredrick either dies or just leaves and is replaced by Norton sometime in the story. Knowing how weird some of the other diary stories were written, Iā€™m sure Fredrick just gets like a little bit deep into how he may be involved with the racetrack and the Baron as a result of that, gets uncomfortable and goes like ā€œNah no thanksā€ and just kinda bails. Iā€™m not even kidding, I could see that happening tbh.
Well, anyways, thatā€™s all I have to say for now. Like I said before, Iā€™m already planning another post sometime soon, and Iā€™m also thinking about making this post into an actual video as well, but Iā€™m not sure which will come first. Thanks for reading, Iā€™ll see you guys again soonšŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–
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