idfk-ballet · 2 years
i’m performing giselle in a week so here are some Thoughts:
- the wilis are a sorority a la scream queens. someone should make that movie
- the two demi solo wilis are gay and in love i will take no criticism on this
- giselle is older than albrecht this is the only correct reading
- if hilaron was alive today he would be featured on r/niceguys
- the little handgrab before the developpe devant in the 2nd act pas de deux makes me go feral
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idfk-ballet · 2 years
if any of you people actually watch that new harry potter im coming to your house and throwing rocks at you
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idfk-ballet · 2 years
pirating movies by seeing them in tumblr gifs and basing my own story around them
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idfk-ballet · 2 years
If any of y’all didn’t know, there’s a free online library, aka
and I found like, twelve ebooks I’ve been wanting to read on there, and blasted through like three of them during the course of a boring-ass shift.
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idfk-ballet · 2 years
Leitner bequeathed by the victim’s deceased grandmother: an old, fragile leather-bound book with brittle pages, affiliated with the Lonely. Its pages seem unusually sharp.
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idfk-ballet · 4 years
Skylar Brandt was supposed to debut as Aurora today but since the season was canceled she debuted her own Rose Adagio.
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idfk-ballet · 4 years
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shane "i am history" madej
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idfk-ballet · 4 years
Me: *stops writing* well that’s enough writing for now
Me: *later* Alright time to write!
Me: *staring at where I left off*
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idfk-ballet · 4 years
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Bishop Curry V may be young (10 years old, to be precise), but the little kid from Texas has some big ideas. He’s currently working on a device that could help prevent children from dying in hot cars.
The number of children who died in hot cars increased across the country last year, and Texas had the highest number of cases. Sadly for Bishop, the issue also hits close to home because a baby died in a minivan last summer outside a home near his own family’s home in McKinney.
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Bishop was inspired to create a device he calls “Oasis,” which would attach to a car seat and detect if a child is left inside the vehicle, prompting it to blow cool air until parents or the police are notified.
“It would be a dream to have lots of inventions that would save many lives,” the precocious 10-year-old told the news station.
A lot of people don’t realize how easy it is to leave something in a hot car. It’s easy to forget something when it’s not in your daily routine, especially if it’s asleep or under a blanket or something. This is a nightmare. I don’t have kids myself, but I can absolutely understand how this could happen- everyone’s sick so you’re probably kind of out of it, you run in thinking you’re just going to be a minute, get distracted with the task at hand… and then your child dies in a horrific way because of it…
I’m all for any methods or technologies that can help prevent it from turning tragic.
#BlackPride #BlackInventors 
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idfk-ballet · 4 years
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idfk-ballet · 4 years
If I wasn’t completely dead inside at the moment I might find it humorous that I was just asked where my “statement” was regarding the TERF Who Shall Not Be Named, and her latest transphobic, racist, 900 page fictional spiral into radical white nationalism and general mediocrity, and Gods willing, eventual obscurity into the footnotes of history as someone who had great cultural impact and influence with endless potential to be a platform for kindness, but ultimately chose to piss it away one tweet at a time in favor of being a hateful bigot.
But instead I’m just tired. I’m tired of so many things, including the aforementioned sack of sentient arseholes above who it now looks like went on a transphobic tirade as a marketing spin for her new book. Presumably because her career as a crime writing author has about as much integrity and substance as a wet paper bag; largely made up of recycled materials and easily shredded.
Anyway, here’s the donation page for The Trevor Project. 
And here’s a list of over 100 books by Trans, Non Binary and Gender Non-Conforming authors. 
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idfk-ballet · 4 years
reviving this blog specifically to keep my head on straight in jersey
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idfk-ballet · 6 years
when the Nutcracker transforms into a giant squid instead of a handsome prince
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idfk-ballet · 6 years
when the Nutcracker transforms into a giant squid instead of a handsome prince
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idfk-ballet · 6 years
The knowledge that Tchaikovsky was basically an amateur ballerina….. .. gives me so much life
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idfk-ballet · 6 years
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calliope: brise voles can suck my metaphorical dick. mag: brise voles can suck my clit. it’s equality.
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idfk-ballet · 6 years
calliope: brise voles can suck my metaphorical dick. mag: brise voles can suck my clit. it's equality.
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