heads up ive seen a bunch of people reposting this conspiracy theory from reddit that wayfair is using unusually expensive furniture listings to traffick children and... it's complete misinfo with zero evidence behind it, please stop spreading it.
if you're not a coder you have no idea how easy it is to fuck things up. industrial grade cabinets priced at 14k that wayfair have stated is the correct price due to the specialized materials are accurate. shower curtains priced at literally "$9999" is obviously an error.
the "the names match missing girls!" thing is complete bs because... these are all just regular female first names... and if they were actual traffickers they'd probably use different names than the girls' real ones, as to you know, not get caught?
THE LISTINGS WITH THE MISSING GIRLS' NAMES HAVE LITERALLY BEEN UP LONGER THAN THE GIRLS HAVE BEEN MISSING. companies use female names to name entire collections of furniture, many items under $100, not just one very expensive cabinet. you'll find "yaritza", "isabella", etc items of all varieties, and from other furniture stores besides wayfair.
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doing any sort of illegal trading this way (trafficking, drugs, etc) is insanely risky and super traceable. anyone doing this would get caught immediately. this is why they use the dark web instead.
this whole thing is just a dumb reddit conspiracy theory drenched in confirmation bias. please stop using real missing children as fodder for it, and focus on actual issues that need attention right now. and for the love of god don't make child trafficking jokes.
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hi !
THIS is a carrd with issues from all over the world. it contains a lot of links and resources to educate yourself and also help !
it's really easy to use and it's really important.
i hope u can take a couple of minutes out of your day to go through some issues and see how you can help <3
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POV: You’re Batman and you’re meeting up with your lesbian-centric semi-nonsexual quadrouple and their aesthetics don’t match at all.
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Poison Ivy poster because I need a movie soooo bad
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They may be bad guys but they’re good people.
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Reblog if you genuinely support asexuals
It terrifies me that there’s so much raging passion in the lgbt+ community that insist on marginalizing asexuals and implying that asexuals don’t deserve to have safe spaces. There’s still so much acephobia so I just wanna know which blogs are genuinely supportive and a safe space for asexuals
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For George. For Breonna. For Ahmaud. For Tony. For David. For all of Black America. We fight.
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Many of us were already feeling exhausted and hopeless as we weathered the storm of COVID-19. Then, the stories behind names like David McAtee, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, and countless others whose lives have been affected by police brutality and white supremacy started flooding the news and our feeds — and we know there are many more whose stories we haven’t heard.
We might feel tired. We might feel too angry to cry, or we might feel like tears are all we have left. But one thing’s certain: we’re desperate for change, and there’s a lot of work to be done.
We need to create the space to grieve for our Black communities, and we also need to create the space to fight. It took weeks of action for charges to be brought against the police officers involved in George Floyd’s senseless and brutal murder. At the same time, the protesters demanding justice and accountability are being jailed, attacked, and vilified — even by the president of the United States. 
White supremacy is more than lynching and white hoods — it’s in the biases people hold when they see Black people and how violently those biases can play out. It’s in the over-policing of Black people, upheld through racist institutions that inflict violence without punishment under the law. 
It’s that same white supremacy that shows up in policies that attack our bodily autonomy, which makes the promise of reproductive freedom unattainable for Black people in this country. Every governing system — education, policing, transportation, housing, health care, and more — needs accountability. And we can’t stop fighting until Black Americans can go for a walk, bird watch, protest against violence, or live their everyday lives without the fear of violence. We can’t stop fighting until the systems of racialized oppression and dehumanization are transformed.
That’s why we must speak out to bring injustice to light. The passion and power coming from people around the world who are organizing for justice is inspiring. If you’re unsure where to put your passion and your power, here are some ways to get involved: 
Join the Movement for Black Lives Week of Action: Visit their site to get resources, messaging, and tactics for each day of the Week of Action in defense of Black lives.
Urge Congress to take action: Urge your members of Congress to support Reps. Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Barbara Lee, and Karen Bass’s resolution to condemn police brutality, racial profiling, and use of excessive force.
Support local bail funds: Support protesters in your city by finding local bail funds, or donate here to have your donation divided between cities across the country. 
Increase power in marginalized, predominantly Black communities: Support BVM Capacity Building Institute and help provide training and support for community-based organizations.
Educate yourself and the people around you: We encourage non-black allies to deepen their understanding of how racism affects us all by reading these anti-racism resources and having conversations with family and friends. 
We must demand accountability. We must demand justice. We must demand an end to the inequity that continues to define every moment of life for Black America. There’s hard work ahead, especially for white people and people in power. This is a battle we all need to fight.
Here with you until justice is won,
Planned Parenthood
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(Image description: background is an image of a birth control pill pack, white text in a green rectangle says “support birth control access for all genders”. End image description.)
Access to birth control is a human right for people of all genders.
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(ID: a light orange background with lavender block text that reads “safe and accessible abortion is a human right.”)
Safe and accessible abortion is the right of all people.
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The LGBTQ community being proud, protesting for BLM, defunding the police, and stopping trump rallies during June
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Educate yourself on Toxic Postivity and how to avoid it!
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For Elijah McClain
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Nathan Woodyard, Jason Rosenblatt and Randy Roedema are the three officers responsible for the torture and murder of Elijah McClain
Don’t forget about the bitch ass paramedic who gave him the amount of ketamine needed to take out a 220lb man. Kid was 140lbs. Arrest them all. Convict them all.
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