idkokayz-blog · 5 years
@guro-loli who are you. Did you kidnap her? ive seen these weird cleaning service things are linked to sex trafficking rings. what the fuck.
Fuck fucj fuck fuck GIVE HER BACK FUCKKK
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idkokayz-blog · 5 years
@guro-loli. Im sitting in the bathroom at work crying right now. I just witnessed some girl agree to cheat on her bf after he insisted and told her her relationship is bad... Is that how easy it was for you to abandon me. Is that how I've ended up here my hopes dreams and friendship gone and destroyed. With the best friend ive had in the entire universe. You won't even respond to me. I don't know what i can do. I'm just going to check out of this world it's been so cruel to me
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idkokayz-blog · 5 years
All i even want in life is talk to you. Just talk. Why aren't we doing that? I didn't ever contact you just to complain about life or ask for advice I wanted to catch up and talk to my friend. I need you right now. @guro-loli I need to talk to you. Please
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idkokayz-blog · 5 years
@guro-loli please plsplspls contact me
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idkokayz-blog · 5 years
@guro-loli i know you might see this. I see you likinh things still even tho you havent posted in forever and the last thing you posted is kinda sad... Im lonely without being able to talk to you. It's so hard to write to you when I'm just talking to myself and have no idea what to say or if u are even there... Ill be 29 in a week ;_; it hurts that i havent been able to spend any of this time with you. We had so much fun together all the time until you went back home and started working.. Well i guess before that since the last time you really talked to me was november 2015. And broke my heart on the 17th of that month at 4 am... You're my best friend.. You know how when we were kids it used to be that we were encouraged to try anything and everythung to keep someone so special around or talk to about stuff to resolve anything thats not okay. I still try to do that. And I've been trying to talk to you. Because youre the only person in this world that mattered to me. I don't know how now that we're older it is somehow seen as stalking or creepy or weird to try to talk to a friend that matters so much.
I need you :c my chest hurts everytime i think about it. I hope I'll hear from you soon. And if that was you that messaged me on here awhile ago. I tried to respond but never heard from you ;_;
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idkokayz-blog · 5 years
@guro-loli i’ll apologize 100 billion million times until we’re friends again... i promised you to never let this happen. please just talk to me. even if you get mad at me even if you made me mad in the past. we are friends ;_;
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idkokayz-blog · 5 years
@guro-loli how can we ever be friends again if we don't talk ;_; why not just talk to me please. I cry litterally everyday about missing you and it hurts it keeps me from doing anything and for some reason you of all people have acted like im the worst thing on the planet. Please don't not talk to me
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idkokayz-blog · 5 years
@guro-loli please freind talk to me ;_;
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idkokayz-blog · 5 years
@guro-loli i want to die everyday, but i have to keep hoping that you’ll respond again. i fuciing miss you so stop making me wait so much , i miss holding you
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idkokayz-blog · 5 years
@guro-loli happy birthday... i wish i could see you right now, spending this special day with you. i hope it’s a good day for you ;_; 
I got a hole in my heart and it's the exact size and shape of yo cute ass
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idkokayz-blog · 5 years
it would make the entire year if you talked to me right now,, i just left san antonio but i would come back just to see you if you asked ;_; i wish i could.. happy new year @guro-loli
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idkokayz-blog · 5 years
@guro-loli i’ll be on omegle tonight on the tags we met on i hope you’ll be there ;_; i don’t know what to do i haven’t been able  to see yyou despite all the effort...
it hurts so much that the only person that ever cared about me is so against talking to me. and i don’t know why you won’t. i need to talk to you,,i only try so hard for you because you made me happy the only time in my life,, you’re all i’ve ever had, where are you? i hope you’ll be on omegle tonight...i guess i’ll start around 6pm on robot tags to give the best chance that i’ll see you,,,i’ve tried everything...why does the one person that matterrs because of being the only person to put any effort into being my frend and the love you gave me have to hurt me so much by ignoring me for the last 4 years,,,, this was my nightmare when you left and went back home and i did so much annoying stuff because i didn’t ever want it to come t rue... and now i’ve been living it for so long and crying endlessly that i need to t alk to you i’ve tried in the past but niether of us said anything and instead just awkwardly hung out,, and then you’d go back t o pretending i didn’t happen when you lived and loved me for atleast an entire year,,,,,,,,i hope you’ll be there                           this has to happen somehow, killing myself would be less painful than not talking to you
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idkokayz-blog · 5 years
@guro-loli i need to see you, please talk to me.
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idkokayz-blog · 5 years
@guro-loli where when how can i talk to you??? you think something so simple as talking to someone would be easiest thing in the world but it’s not i can do anything else in the world easily. but what’s the point. when the only thing i want to do is talk to you ;_;. i’ll be crying on a bench tonight. please respond.
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idkokayz-blog · 5 years
@guro-loli it’s almost the end of the year and i still havent talked to you
i’m losing the will to live
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idkokayz-blog · 5 years
@guro-loli I dont even have the capacity to be annoying anymore. I just want to always be friends. I want to try my hardest to make everything right. Because you're my friend. And I dont believe in a world where people should just dissapear for no reason entirely from anyones lives unless they did bad hurtful things.
You're my frend. All the anxiety i had after you went back home that i did so many stupid things because of.. And had a lot of anxiety about never seeing you again is gone its been years and things are different obviously but I'm still me and you're still you and I will always love you ofcourse. Theres no reason that i even know why that you kinda act like im a weirdo or that you dont know me and stuff. Youre the only person ive ever been close to. So i know that it's possible for us to talk again and like being around eachother because no one in the world could possibly break a bond that was so fitting to just us... Idk im sorry if it sounds weird, but i am just talking to myself after all since you're not responding for some reason
Please talk to me. I really need you ok
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idkokayz-blog · 5 years
@guro-loli anything i just said coukd be missunderstood as something not good... Idk there was weird missunderstood ings the last time i saw you from you so... Please meet me somewhere.. Give me somewhere to meet you and lets talk
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