idontpreferit · 1 month
The mean girls musical is on my shit list
Granted I didn't know it was gonna be a musical and there's nothing more jarring
It's like biting into what you thought was a cheese puff and it was actually caramel or some shit
That oatmeal raisin of a movie is another money grab remake that I imagine is only marginally worse than Wonka, but doing the same vampiric suckery, draining the nuance out of a perfectly refined original film
This orange juice after toothpaste of a film trying to be camp which is inherently un-camp
Casting was physically accurate in that i believed the moms and daughters were related, and emotionally unbelievable in that there is no way that baby faced Ellie Kemper Jenna Fisher lovechild could pull off what Lindsey could
That girl has prey eyes, she is not a predator
Regardless of the absolute shit-the-bed the lipsyncs were in terms of "there's no way that sound came out of that mouth shape in this acoustic space" the composition was objectively bad, and I don't need to consult my composer autist to confirm this
Did I watch the whole thing
Of course
If I had seen it as a high school play I'd probably be snapping and wagging my fingers but also there is far too much sexualization for a high school to be performing
I'd like to see Avantika again though, I think she carried. I feel like she could have pulled off Cady to be real. It takes a smart diva to be that fucking stupid at least that's my desperate hope because when I looked her up I saw she played a lesbian once so that's hot for her
I had no idea that cool mom's real name was Busy Philipps. Great drag name. Good for her though she kicks ass but also didn't carry the pushover mom vibe cuz I remember her as someone who'd I'd be grateful that she kicked my ass into a locker
Wild that I only knew Renee Rapp's name because of that tiktok the straight woman made abt being outraged that her Man Friend got them kicked out of a lesbian bar
I thought she did well with what she had (been forced to work with). my partners only critique was that the OG Regina was hotter and more terrifying but I think Renee's got the big teeth of a hard bitch and I like that at least
Anyway this gets the Misses The Point Award
Maybe I just think screenplays should be banned
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idontpreferit · 2 months
I have a migraine
I started watching Bottoms and I quit
I think it's corny and makes lesbians look toxic and I thought I was a lesbian and I guess if this is what it is I'm not that
Who's to blame for me not relating to that movie, me being something Not Quite A Lesbian or just Bad Writing or is it the Migraine
I stopped watching and switched to Yellowjackets and I'm already having a much better time
Wish I had better takes but my brain is too soft to tolerate and I'm operating on intuition
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idontpreferit · 3 months
The "are straight men not allowed in lesbian spaces" discourse:
What we are leaving out are: bi women and their boyfriends, pan people, non binary people, gay men, or other reasons a man may find himself allowed in a specifically lesbian space. We are not talking about the overall umbrella of queer space. We are talking abt the Lesbian™️ space. The lesbian still exists. And we aren't talking about the discourse therein.
Cracks knuckles
The straight woman in question lacks nuance and u know its not in good faith when she says "I get it BUT"
The "but" stands for butthurt
The whole problem is that what was decentered or simply erased from the conversation was THE MAN being disrespectful and entitled. The reason that anything happened at all was cuz : ObViOuSLy he made himself a problem.
Treat every gun like it's loaded.
That's how women, queer people, poc, every minority thinks about cis straight white men. Potentially dangerous. Safety check.
He probably wasn't dangerous! But people who acted like him have ended up dangerous. If you're showing the same symptoms I don't feel safe, right? Come the fuck on diva, death of a thousand cuts from these guys
Top comment on her tiktok was "I'm so tired"
What I do at *my* event is take a note from the euro model and have a door picker deadass turn people away if they don't pass a vibe check
And what is that vibe check? Rejection. Maybe it's a witch hunt model too where if they drown they're not a witch, oops. Better safe than sorry though
Interesting metaphor to draw tho cuz you know how like the witch trials actually happened
And the worst thing to happen to a man is he gets rejected
So look, rejection isn't easy for EITHER of us and especially not for my fawn response having ass
Rejection therapy is a real thing
But my event is a queer, trans, kinky space and if you can't handle rejection you have no business interacting in this space.
That's not just safe space that's fortified.
I want a system where the trash takes itself out. The people r butthurt cuz they couldn't get in?? Probably their first time experiencing rejection or lack of belonging. Enjoy the novelty, babes. The deliciousness of experiencing marginalization as a snack. Cissies love it, they go make a tiktok and go viral and make the news.
But a Black enby gets turned away at a "regular" (not queer centered) club, they don't make news huh
The problem with the queen who says "we as lgbt need to do better" here's how I'm gonna put words in your mouth as a favor. What you mean by that is:
We need to do better and install door pickers permanently. Do better at rejecting ignorant disrespectful entitled straight people, specifically. I'm not saying all straight people are all those spicy adjectives all the time. I'm saying those types of straight people, the ones who got mad, lack the understanding and respect necessary to be welcome in those spaces. You showed your ass, just like when we hear a "not all men" we know you're That Kind of Man to Watch Out For.
I hate to "kids these days" about it, but conflict and rejection and resolution and acceptance are not something that many people are equipped to handle right now. It doesn't seem like conflict resolution happened in person that night at the cubbyhole. Miss thing took to the internet and let a bunch of pfps pop off in the comments. Did learning happen? Or did defensiveness dig her heels in? Well either way she and her man aren't going to a lesbian bar ever again.
There's hope for her to learn maybe but her little man friend I think is gonna dig heels, stay defensive and butthurt, and throw the dyke slur around. Because the worst thing that can happen to a man is that he's rejected. And he isn't in the spotlight, he's all protected in his privacy huh, when its his fucking fault. Now the ladies are doing all the work communicating, as usual
But with therapy, maybe in a few generations... rejection won't feel like death anymore
Conflict won't feel like death anymore
When people ask a question it'll actually be in good faith because they wanna be humble and learn
And then! We'd welcome anybody with open arms
And gender will finally be dead
Or some shit
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idontpreferit · 3 months
Tumblr media
It's happened again
Someone on drag race copied my idea
I had a vagina on the back of my head in 2014
Yvie wore all yellow fur after I did, when i shaved my head on stage
Aquaria had the orange mullet after me but then again I told my stylist do me like Bowie
But look, vagina on the back of the head is a big chunk of lore for me because when I was proto-drag, aka Kay-T, I made a project in Unity that was called "reconstructing deconstructed reclining nude"
You walk down a tongue runway and can fly thru a sea of boobies into a vagina on the back of a giant's head.
Someone in my class, cuz it's art school, raises he/him/his hand.
"What about the horn" he asks.
I look at my professors inscrutable face and she seems just as Iost. He continues,
"I feel like it would be more recognizable as a vagina if you included the horn"
Now This Vagina Horn has haunted me for a decade
Because here are all the implications:
1. Does this man know something about my anatomy that I don't? My fawn response is kicking in
1a. That's impossible, and Kay-T has no trauma responses, pull yourself together
2. When he thinks of the vagina does he picture a cross section of the entire reproductive system like the Dodge Ram logo, and the horns are the fallopian tubes?
3. He said one singular horn. Is it the clitoral hood?
4. Is it like a trumpet horn, or a French horn, should I have included a sound?
5. Does he think when people say "horny" that there is a literal horn?
6. Does he think everyone can get an erection even if they have a vagina?
7. He's only seen trans or intersex porn?
7a. Good for him
8. The vagina horn is so crucial to this man that this shape of gaping red flaps was not clear enough to be a recognizable reference to the vagina, and forgive me I use the term colloquially when I really mean the vulva
9. So I've indicated a vulva, so if we zero in on the vagina specifically, this is simply a hole. Where would the horn be inside a literal specific vagina
10. Is he thinking of the movie Teeth? But teeth is in the title, he'd surely know that it's teeth in the vagina not a singular horn
11. How much time has passed?
11a. Ten years
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idontpreferit · 3 months
Did you know that Saltburn was originally titled The Talented Mr Ripoff?
Can you imagine how much worse of a situation culturally we'd find ourselves in if they casted thimothy like they wanted to
I think there's more to me being upset about it than not getting anything out of horny boys
It's not punk rock to self compare to John waters, it's something you have bestowed on you, this was not earned
"It felt plagiarized" was a thought before I even knew about the Mr Ripley movie, which I did watch today (with a migraine) and it was fantastic and written by a lesbian apparently, so I hate to say I told you so but,
How did saltburn manage to run that movie through a sieve and toss out the gems
[Straight white rich people talking abt gay people, of course they'll miss the point]
The only time I had a real response during saltburn is when I was triggered at the loss of his alcoholic dad , and then it turned out to be a lie? What a fucking insult
So he's just an empty psychopath? Is he really that hot, is that the power that Male hotness has? We're in Danger fr if he's some kind of bi king icon
It's written by a fucking rich woman about rich people, casting an actor who irl lost his addict mom as a kid to play someone who pretended to lose his addict parent to manipulate silly innocent rich people
Good cinematography does not inject a believable or even identifiable motivation into the characters the same as Good CGI doesn't make Avatar not colonizer propaganda
It does seem to lull an audience into an entertainment flow state, in combination with shock value sex shit
Which seems like the sex shit was not even as shock value as something like the torso vagina from brand new cherry flavor, which is just queer coded body horror (which ofc I cherish)
Saltburn is just another glossy package of the type of queerness that straight people want to gasp at
Which brings me to:
At The Wake of a Dead Drag Queen
Can you guess what could a drag queen possibly die from? What's the most derivative thing you can come up with?
Yes AIDS still exists, but let me go verify with Google that prep existed once we had flip phones tho
So granted the iPhone came out in 2007 but nobody had it yet, especially not poor drag queens, probably til 2012
The phone was the only clue I had to the time period this play occurs
So the point is
Why do we need another dies of aids story?
So straight people can continue to think of aids when they think of gay men? And why do they need to think of gay men when they think of drag for that matter?
You don't need to have aids to have a captivating sympathetic relatable story that humanizes a queer person
You don't need to be catty, bitchy, and hypersexual to be a drag queen. Even my straight man friend doing tech for the show was like "this seems oldschool" because how could you live in this city and see a drag show and think that this narrow ass view is still it?
I'm sick of stories about us being like you put the gutter bumpers up at the bowling alley so you could shoot whatever shot you want without risk
We queers are lords of the gutters and we are striking
Neither of these stories are for queer people because they don't believe queer money exists apparently, which... consider giving us money
but you'd hope queer people love good writing, at least, even if homosexuals and straight women could do without when they could just see dick on screen and have a nice time
If you don't need good writing to sell tickets then sure, ask ChatGPT to make a homosexual story for the straight eye
If you want examples of good movies that are queer, and decidedly not homosexual,
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Poor Things
Oh, and of course, The Talented Mr Ripley
Coming up next, I defend why these are all queer if not on their face but in subtext, by asserting that since I'm queer and I liked the film, they must be queer films. In this essay I will--
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