idopiercings-blog · 1 year
Gimme the goss. Who's been pierced? What did you get? What's your next one?
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idopiercings-blog · 1 year
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It's my 10 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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idopiercings-blog · 2 years
Hi glad I found shit then I saw this post for six and seven years old but then I noticed a couple from 22 days ago so here’s my question may be a bit in sane but I was love some thoughts advise opinions on side ring lip piercing or snake bites with rings first of all my lips are thin cell I think that might be a problem but I want one so bad second of all I am 66 years old I don’t think any age should determine any piercing but I do want it to look good on me My husband just told me he doesn’t think it will look good on me which sort of took away some of my confidence although it’s not an issue I can and will do whatever I want is it at all possible or is it just too insane for me to send you a picture and you do your best to give me your thoughts about what it might look like on me? I’ll tell you what I’ll send a picture and if you think I’m a crazy lady you won’t be the first please be honest I can take it Thanks so much again so glad I found you on here loving your informative answers and advice God bless!
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Hey! Thanks for following me, it's really appreciated! First and foremost, good for you! You look awesome! Also, I always like to remind people when they're feeling in any way insecure about their age, YOU CAN ONLY BE TOO YOUNG FOR SOMETHING. DO YOUR THING. I think any piercing you want to wear will look great on you, and with the added confidence it will give you, I reckon your husband will like it a little bit more too ;) (and if he doesn't, that's okay too!)...
So when you go to get it pierced (:p) , make sure you go to a reputable piercer! This means implant grade, internally threaded titanium, highly polished jewellery! Always be pierced with a longer bar to accommodate swelling, do your downsize when it's ready, and then switch it to your ring when it's fully healed. Never get pierced with a ring initially! And sterile saline for your cleaning :) Good luck!
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idopiercings-blog · 2 years
Hi! I currently have my ears stretched to 6mm and I'm planning on stretching up to 8mm but I have a lot of 6mm jewellery and I was just wondering if it would be safe to switch between the two sizes (not regularly!), I was thinking about every few years? Sorry if this sounds really weird but I love the jewellery I have and can't afford to buy them all again in the bigger size. Thanks! :)
Hey! Just out of curiosity, why do you want to stretch to 8mm if most of your jewellery is 6mm and you don’t want to buy new? Just stick with the 6mm! If you’re going to be switching every few years, providing you’re letting them rest plenty, it shouldn’t really be an issue but it just seems like the obvious solution would be to stick with the 6mm :) 
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idopiercings-blog · 2 years
I'm backkkk!
I've been gone a little while, but I decided to pop back on here and give Tumblr a little love again. I really want to start adding a little more educational content on here and would love to continue answering questions!
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idopiercings-blog · 2 years
Hi! I'm so sorry for this and I'm sorry if it's annoying. I'm wanting to pierce my third eye and I've been doing research about it and it's so disputed about cultural appropriation. I'm a black kid, with no interest in religion and I really don't wanna offend anyone.
Some people say the only people who get offended are "redditors with no life" and some say literally no one cares and some say that it's extremely offensive.
What do you think?
Hey! Not annoying at all :) and a totally valid question. I'll be honest with you, I don't really know what the correct answer to this is and I don't really know if it's my place to say.
Some people will be cool with it, some won't. It's kind of up to you to decide where your stance is with that. I personally love the placement of a third eye piercing, from a purely aesthetic pov and have never made the connection of that placement with any culture/religion/group when I'm piercing it but I do also appreciate the complexities of cultural appropriation and would probably feel pretty gutted if someone called me out on doing that.
My personal opinion is that there's a fine line between cultural appropriation and genuinely wanting to honour or celebrate a culture without trying to adopt it as your own. It's a tricky one and ultimately it just comes down to being respectful.
Let me know what you think! Always open to learning and hearing others opinions :) Thanks!
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idopiercings-blog · 2 years
Would you recommend leaving my face piercings completely alone to heal? Is that a dumb question?
Hey! What facial piercings do you have? As a general rule, definitely try not to disrupt or touch your piercings too much whilst healing! :)
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idopiercings-blog · 9 years
I was then anon that asked about the swollen lobe piercing with the nearly disappearing jewellery, just wanted to say that I managed to change it
I’m so sorry i didn’t reply to you dude! I didn’t even get a notification for this message! I only reply to messages on this account see :) Glad you got it sorted! Hit me up if you have any more issues.
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idopiercings-blog · 9 years
I bought some double-flared plugs the other day and I figured if they're difficult to get in then they'll be even worse to take out. Do you have any useful tricks for safely removing them? Thanks :)
Hi :)I would personally always wear the size down from what I am depending on the size of the flare. If it’s a 1mm flare, with a bit of lubrication, they should be fairly easy to get in and out. Anything more and I would wear the size down :)Thanks.
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idopiercings-blog · 9 years
Thank you so much for your answer on the cheek/medusa piercings. Really helpful and sincere! Keep on the good job*
Aww you’re totally welcome :)
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idopiercings-blog · 9 years
Hey! I wanted to have my dimples pierced but I've been searching and apparently it's very common for these to reject in awful ways, what is your opinion on the matter? Also, with medusa piercings is the gum erosion a serious problem?
Hey!      Firstly, cheek piercings are not a piercing to be taken lightly. I would never deter someone from getting their cheeks pierced, they’re beautiful (!) but as a body piercer, I would also never allow someone to get them pierced without ensuring they are fully aware of any implications. If you are under 18, I wouldn’t even consider piercing you.      Cheek piercings can cause PERMANENT scarring. On your face. Yes, they are usually in the form of adorable dimples but not always. My main concern with this is that most piercings can be taken out and you’ll be left with a small scar and it’s easy to live with. Cheek scarring will change the look of your face. If you decide to retire them, you’ll still always have that reminder there.     They can take a long time to heal. I’m talking years for some people. They will flare up occasionally, just because they can. The initial swelling can be fierce. I resembled a greedy hamster for quite some time. If you think you couldn’t deal with having long bars sticking out of your cheeks for a considerable amount of time, they probably aren’t for you. Your aftercare regime needs to be on point. You can’t just start for the first few days and then get bored. Ideally, I would always want to know that you’ve had several piercings before and have looked after and healed them well. You also need to consider that it can be costly, as once you’ve paid for the piercing and your jewellery, you may need to upsize/downsize the bars, which is usually at your own cost. You would generally be looking at a few bar changes throughout the healing.     Rejection is not a common thing with cheek piercings, unless you opt for microdermals, (I’ve assumed you mean standard cheek piercings with this answer). What most people may think of as rejection could just be the long healing period. It may get to the point where your body just will not heal them, but it could be a hard thing to pin point due to the healing times.   Once you’ve considered these things, and you feel informed and you’re still positive that you want to go ahead with it, please make sure you find someone with EXPERIENCE. You want to see pictures of healed cheek piercings. You want them to go through these implications with you. If they don’t, run away. And most importantly, take care of those bad boys :)On the medusa/philtrum question, any oral piercing has it’s risks in terms of gum/tooth damage. Wearing correctly fitted jewellery and not getting into any bad habits of playing with the jewellery can reduce this, but you should always be aware that it still holds it’s risks :)Hope that helps!Thanks.
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idopiercings-blog · 9 years
My ears are stretched to 6mm and I have some plugs that don't use O rings instead they have a twist/screw thing on the back. When I try to put them in my ear it goes in the front fine but I can't get it all the way through my ear as it's difficult to get it through the back of my ear, I also had this problem when my ears were 5mm and I don't have this problem when the jewellery use O rings. Is my ear the problem or the jewellery? Any advice on how to safely get them in? Thanks
Hi!The only thing I can think that you mean is that you have two piece plugs which is when the back part has a thread which you screw the ‘lip’ on to. Firstly, if this is correct, and it is externally threaded, you shouldn’t be putting any pressure on your ear as it could tear. Ideally, externally threaded isn’t a great jewellery option for this reason so internally threaded or double flared may be a better option :) The only reason i could think of as to why this may be happening is that the wearable area is too small? And they have a different sized wearable area than the plugs with o rings you wear?Sorry this isn’t much help. If you could send me a pic I could try and get a better idea of what you mean :)Cheers.
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idopiercings-blog · 9 years
Hi! I got my septum pierced two days ago and I've noticed that there is a lot of dried blood on the jewellery, is this something I should be concerned about? Thanks for your help :)
Hi!It doesn’t sound like there’s anything wrong, I would just ensure you’re doing sea salt soaks (1/2pint boiled then slightly cooled water + 1/4tsp sea/rock salt) twice a day. If you leave the blood caked on there it could pass back through the piercing and cause you issues :)
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idopiercings-blog · 9 years
what type of jewelry is used in vertical industrials? standard industrial bar jewelry? or do they have to be longer than that?
Hi!There isn’t really a ‘standard size’ for industrial piercings as the jewellery is fitted to each individual. The gauge is commonly 1.6mm (14g). For a vertical industrial  the jewellery does tend to be a little longer than most people need in their standard industrial piercing though :) If you go to a body piercing studio they should be able to give you an idea of the length of bar.Hope that helps!
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idopiercings-blog · 9 years
I've got my ears stretched to 5mm and when I take the plug out of my left ear it's kind of red inside, I don't know if it's normal but I couldn't find anything about it anywhere. It's not painful or swollen and there is no discharge. Thanks for the help
Hi! Sorry for the late reply, i’ve been on holiday for two weeks :)If it’s not swollen and it’s not painful I would assume that it’s okay. It could possibly be scar tissue from stretching too quickly? Ensure you’re wearing good quality material in there; wood, glass, titanium, surgical steel. If you’re wearing acrylic I would stop, it’s not a great material to be wearing occasionally, especially not long term but ideally not at all :) Massages are awesome for your lobes. I personally prefer jojoba oil. When you have a spare five minutes just sit and massage the oil into your lobes. It encourages blood flow and helps collagen renewal (collagen being the stuff which improves the elasticity of your skin) therefore making it much easier to stretch in future. When stretching, take it slow, massage your lobes regularly, wear good quality jewellery and never stretch more than at least once a month. (Y)Hope that helps :)
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idopiercings-blog · 9 years
Hey! Septum anon again! I've tried doing that and it appears crooked but I'm still just concerned. Long story short, my piercer opened up my horseshoe to be able to flip it comfortably. I'm not sure if he opened it up unevenly or the piercing it just flat out crooked. Would there be a way for me to send you a picture of it? I'm sorry for the hassle! I'm just freaking out honestly :(
Hi!Apologies for the late reply, I’ve been on holiday for two weeks! By all means send me a pic, i can take a look :)
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idopiercings-blog · 9 years
Hi! I just recently got my septum pierced and I'm pretty worried about whether or not it came out crooked. I remember that my piercer used a clamp, so I'm wondering if a piercing can still come out wonky if a clamp was used. Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi!It is still possible to pierce the septum crooked when using a clamp. The clamp is used a guideline but the piercer still very much needs to be piercing in a straight line. The best way to tell if it’s not straight is to look at how the jewellery sits. Also, if you tip your head back and look from underneath your septum, you can definitely tell if it’s crooked. Ultimately if you’re unhappy with your piercing pop back into the store and they should sort it out for you!Hope that helps :)
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