idrathernotsblog · 1 year
skyward sword was such a crazy insane game to make like ok what if there was a story about a great evil and a goddess. and that goddess locked away that great evil, but she knew it would come back, and it would need to be defeated again. and what if that goddess knew that for this impossible task, she would need a loyal soldier. so she reincarnates. she reincarnates into a human girl, because the best way, the most reliable way, to get a loyal soldier, is love. and a goddess is respected, and idolized, and revered, but a goddess isn't loved. not like a human girl is. so she reincarnates. and she is loved genuinely and wholeheartedly, by her family, by her peers, and most importantly, by her best friend.
and what if there was a story about a boy and a girl. this one boy loves her so much, that when she falls from the sky, crashing to the earth, and into her immortal destiny, he follows her. and she runs, because she has a destiny, because she's finding out she is part of a divine plot, she and the boy are pawns in a goddess' war plans. did she ever love him did he ever love her or were they just being manipulated by the goddess. SHE'S the goddess. was SHE just manipulating him this whole time? "I'm still your zelda" but is she really? does she know it for sure? she doubts it and doubts it and runs and runs and he keeps chasing her. and she locks herself in time to defeat this great evil and he watches her do it. and he fights because he loves her and he defeats the evil and he gets her back and they're happy.
but what if there was a story about a goddess and a great evil. the evil cursed them for the rest of time. their descendants will never be safe there will always be evil to fight and she'll always be running and sacrificing and he'll always be chasing and fighting.
what if there was a story about a goddess and a great evil. what if there was a story about a girl and a boy. what if it was about the innate mortality and humanity of love and the act of loving. ok. at the walls of nintendo hq
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idrathernotsblog · 1 year
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ah, but I'm flying like a bird to you now
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idrathernotsblog · 1 year
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just realised i never posted here my jedi!zelink from a dtiys i made back in february
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idrathernotsblog · 1 year
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Reclaiming the sword
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idrathernotsblog · 2 years
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The blorbos
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idrathernotsblog · 2 years
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idrathernotsblog · 2 years
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idrathernotsblog · 2 years
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Spirit of Lightning ✨
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idrathernotsblog · 2 years
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Who do you pray to?
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idrathernotsblog · 2 years
The First - A Wip
Sky wasn’t really sure when it started. Perhaps it was just before Wind joined, or maybe even earlier. Settling down for the night or for meals, the Chain just tended to sit wherever, often continuing conversations or seeking some time alone. There were no designated spots that a person sat, just simply being part of a group was interesting enough, with startlingly different personalities and hobbies. Sky watched roles develop as the Chain spent more and more time together, Time emerged as a strong leader, a father figure, with Twilight loyally dogging his steps. Warriors settled into a solid second, picking up the slack when Time was unavailable, the irritating older brother who was a little arrogant. Hyrule and Wind ended up being the pseudo younger brothers, with the latter especially bitter about it. Four became the weapons connoisseur, as well as another brother that no one was quite sure where to put. When Wild finally joined, he settled neatly into the cook and the crazy, and for lack of a more appropriate word, wild brother. Legend was harder to put into a category, seemingly changing behaviors at the drop of a hat, being both the younger brother and the older one, both the responsible and reckless one. 
When it came down to it, Sky wasn’t sure where he would put himself. There was no job title they other affectionately called him, no teasing nickname beyond poking fun at his sleepiness. Sky simply was. He didn’t see himself as particularly close to anyone, but the kind of friend they all could rely on. 
After the first few discussions of timelines and their placements, Sky quickly figured out that he must have been the first. He didn’t have the same experiences as the others, there was no Ganon, Ganondorf, or Calamity Ganon to be fought, no dramatic building up to drawing the Master Sword, no real previous hero in recent memory to follow the footsteps of. Looking around at the faces surrounding him, he couldn’t help but feel a heavy feeling of guilt. The ugly syrupy feeling flowed up his lungs and wrapped around his heart, squeezing his throat into silence. The others joked and laughed, listening to Wind’s clearly exaggerated story, unaware. 
Unaware that the cause of their struggles and traumas was sitting among them.
Smiling lightly when the others did, Sky’s thoughts continued to circle the drain, his eyes catching on Wild’s scars and Time’s eye. Carefully cataloging every single detail of suffering. He would remember, burn into his retinas every single thing caused by one weak boy who was thrown from his cushy life into chaos and destiny. 
Warmth crept up from his right side.
Sky briefly turned his head, his eyes meeting purple ones before he looked back forwards towards the speakers. He leaned into the point of contact between him and Legend slightly.
The rest of the evening passed swiftly, with Sky barely noticing when he was left off the watch roster, bedding down in front of the fire, and closing his eyes to the orange glow behind his eyelids.
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idrathernotsblog · 2 years
Widely accepted fanon holds that Legend and Hyrule are one of the closest pairs in the chain. However, upon careful analysis of the original source material, the duo seems to have no knowledge of the temporal connection that is used to justify their fanon connection. In fact, the one Legend appears to be closest to out of everyone in the chain is Sky. In this essay I will—
actually you know what? we’re doing this.
Keep reading
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idrathernotsblog · 2 years
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stray was really really good 📺🌱✨
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idrathernotsblog · 2 years
The bearer of the Triforce of Courage -the Hero- was never a symbol of what was light and good.
He was a symbol of balance between Good and Evil.
If Evil tipped the balance too far into its favor, then the Hero was sent to knock Evil back and restore balance.
But if the side of Good tipped the balance too far into its favor? Where it believed itself better than all?
Then the Hero is taken away, forced by the Goddesses to fail and Evil is free to wrought destruction until the balance is once more tipped in the other direction.
Then, and only then, when Good has been humbled and brought back to heel, is the Hero allowed to return to strike Evil back once more.
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idrathernotsblog · 2 years
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The one who failed and the one who didn’t
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idrathernotsblog · 2 years
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ocarina of time: adulthood
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