sometimes I'll see a post about some discourse and just think "who the actual fuck is getting into fights about that"
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Let's not forget to give Laios credit for once again going against the expectations of the Fighter Protagonist. The usual expectation would be "Gah! Why did you stab my sister? I know you had to but! Ah! I'm having complicated emotions that I'm not supposed to have according to my writing so I'm going to brood and take my anger out on you!", but instead he's like "Here, I have some theories about why you stabbing my sister didn't work. I'll draw you a diagram, let's workshop this."
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oh gods it was parents evening again tonight..
other parents: how did you do that?
Me:do what?
Other parents: your teenager is eating a salad..
Me:i never forced him eat, now he will pretty much eat anything…except chicken casserole which we both agree is gross
Other parents:we don’t get it.
Me: our only rules are bed at eleven on a school night and don’t hack any important government agencies.
Other parents: you don’t restrict screen time?
Me: you know 95% of kids will self regulate, given the chance?
Other parents: thats not true
Me: have you tried it?
other parents:…but, now he’s reading 1984
Me: he has had a university reading level since he was 12, what am i going to do censor his reading material?
other Parents: what if he reads something you don’t approve of..
Me: i fail to see your reasoning…
Me: you know he cooks too..it’s our mother/son time, we talk about his friends…
other Parents: he talks??
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the funniest thing about the tiktok tradwife craze is people learning financial abuse exists but like, as a hypothetical. "wait what if the relationship doesn't work out and you have nothing of your own and nowhere to go?" congratulations you figured out a common reason people remain in abusive relationships and why it's important to maintain some level of financial independence
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Marcille's reaction to Chimera!Falin breastily boobing her way out of her shirt becomes that much funnier when you remember that she literally inspected Falin's tits like five episodes ago
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Kinda love how everyone was busy searching for survivors and doing resurrection magic while Laios and Shuro were just beating the shit out of each other in the background. true fight to death in the denny's parking lot vibes
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"Marcille and Chilchuck are the Only Sane Men in a group of weirdos." WRONG. Marcille is - and has always been - a fucking freak. Chilchuck and Namari were the Only Sane Men in the original group and now it's just poor little Chilchuck being dragged through the dungeon trying to hold on to the last slivers of his sanity and keep the others alive as they continue to barely survive encounter after encounter through the sheer power of Autism and exponentially increasing Loony Toons Logic.
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I'm really sad I haven't seen anyone mention that Senshi spent an episode's worth of time just holding on to a tray of Japanese food while everyone around him died.
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charcoal on his nose btw
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Love Falin Dungeonmeshi bc she haunts the narrative as the noble cleric who sacrificed herself for her party, the kind soul all these ppl are risking their lives to save and. Shes literally just as much of a freak as her weirdo brother in the exact same ways BUT literally everyone around Laois is like what the FUCK is wrong with you but then they turn around and go omg Falin!! Shes the best! We love Falin heart and soul of our group Falin!! Literally whos doing it like her
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Spicy-brained friends, I would like to propose an update to the very useful ‘if you hate everyone, eat, if everyone hates you, sleep, and if you hate yourself, shower’ mantra to live by
Have you suddenly become a petty, hateful little gremlin who thinks people should face the firing squad for (checks notes) leaving teabags on the counter, breathing loudly, or daring to exist in the same space as you? Perhaps mundane and reasonable requests like ‘hey, we agreed to hang out now, let’s hang out’ make you want to scream and move to a yurt in the woods.
You. Are. Overstimulated.
People talk a lot about being overstimulated, and the physical/mental effects of it. What I haven’t seen is people talking about what it does emotionally, and it took me an embarassingly long time to link up those nitpicky, resentful emotions with the state of overstimulation/meltdown/shutdown.
These feelings do not mean that you’re a bad person! They probably aren’t how you actually feel about the people around you. They probably do mean that your nervous system is at its absolute limit and any request/demand/stimulus is Too Much and taking you into fight or flight territory.
Go lie down in a dark room for an hour, or find somewhere safe and familiar to stim for a bit. If it’s happening a lot, schedule yourself regular low-stimulation shutdown time
Signed: someone who moved in with their nearest and dearest only to have a massive crisis of faith about Suddenly Hating All of Them. I don’t hate them, it’s just overstimulating living with people. If I can spare anyone else a similar 9 months of suspecting that they may actually be a bit of a shit person, then this post is worth it!
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chilchuck going "sorry leave me outta this one. i cant fight" but then hitting literally every precise shot with an arrow or projectile he ever made in the story INCLUDING PIERCING A RED DRAGONS EYE BY THROWING A KNIFE WHILE LEAPING AWAY my bro is a rogue with dex 20 and wants no one to know biggest liar in history
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This is a picture of a cis woman, y’all are literally just racist
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I'm absolutely obsessed with Laios' logic that the other shapeshifters made mistakes the real party members were too knowledgeable/careful/wise to make
but for Marcille he's like "only the real Marcille would do something that fucking stupid"
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Kabru is just making laios practice his courtship manners
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i posted a comic a couple days ago and the take away was SUPPOSED to be how weird it is that chil can smell periods like a dog but everyone responded talking about how wholesome it was so i’ve been forced to take matters into my own hands. this is the takeaway. take it.
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