iduniel-blog · 5 years
it’s not set up yet but erodil, fuinhind, and wulfsige will now be found HERE
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iduniel-blog · 5 years
OKAY ! so, i’ve decided to move my tolkien muses on to a multi, because handling one blog with three muses seems like it would be easier than handling three separate blogs. plus all of my mutuals are essentially the same across all of them. i will be transferring any drafts and starters over there as well! hopefully i’ll have it up very soon, stay tuned! 
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iduniel-blog · 5 years
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since i have three separate lotr accounts and almost all of my mutuals are the same across all of them i am debating putting them on a multi. what’s stopping me is that 1) i’ve never really done a multi before 2) i like all of their different icon styles and psds 3) i haven’t a fuck how to do multi tags. 
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iduniel-blog · 5 years
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tagged by : @fearduath
tagging : yooou !!
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iduniel-blog · 5 years
erodil COULD NOT sleep on her own as a child. she absolutely refused. if she wasn’t worming her way into her parents’ bed she was invading the space of eldarion or one of her sisters. most of her younger years she barely spent in her own bed, and if she DID sleep in her own bed it was only because she made one of her siblings abandon theirs OR because she brought a dog or cat in to snuggle. as soon as the pet left to find somewhere else to sleep, however, erodil was awake and climbing into someone else’s bed. 
she usually sleeps on her stomach too, so if she slept in her parents’ bed it was normally on aragorn’s chest or on a pillow in between the both of them. 
if any of her family members try to bring up her childhood sleeping habits she immediately refuses to acknowledge it or pretends not to remember. 
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iduniel-blog · 5 years
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they have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow; the days have gone down in the west behind the hills into shadow. who shall gather the smoke of the dead wood burning, or behold the flowing years from the sea returning?
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iduniel-blog · 5 years
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they have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow; the days have gone down in the west behind the hills into shadow. who shall gather the smoke of the dead wood burning, or behold the flowing years from the sea returning?
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iduniel-blog · 5 years
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THE SKELETON TWINS (2014) dir. Craig Johnson
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iduniel-blog · 5 years
♔ ❪ BOROMIR. ❫
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                  hand rubs thoughtfully at bearded chin, as he stares intently at the young woman. “i do not see how that is a bad thing.” perhaps if he were younger, the steward could better understand; but he is older, wiser, knowing that time is short and life could be taken at any moment. with that knowledge, why hold back on one’s feelings? “are you worried your father or mother would not approve? are they of low birth?” if boromir knew the king and queen, such things would not matter…not when their own ardor had been tested. “make me understand what flummoxes thee so greatly.”
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          ❝  YES! all the fun of courtship wears off once she meets the REST of the family.  ❞  the problem not really being the girl herself, or her family, but the EXPECTATION that came afterward. once a girl was introduced it was expected either that she would return for another dinner, or that one or both of them would wind up with a bruised little heart and be alone come the next ball. though none of which were the REAL issue for her dramatics. what she wanted wasn’t good or genuine advice, but to VENT and for someone to be just as shallow right along side her and tell her all her woes were justified. 
          ❝  no, no, nothing like that. she’s NOBLE. and it’s possible that she might be, a bit ---------------  ❞ her hand waved through the air, trying to CONJURE some other answer or escape but alas ! none came.  ❝  BETROTHED.  ❞  
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iduniel-blog · 5 years
♔ ❪ HOBBIT. ❫
          her surprise in turn brings about a surprise in frodo, though of a much different kind, and that too had passed into composure. there was no insult to be had as hobbits were indeed very small. in fact, his expression read as more as rather amused than anything. ❛ there are those who are bigger. ❜ frodo informed her in a friendly manner. 
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❛ or even smaller, if it please you. but i suppose by the reckoning of others, we’re all simply… small.  ❜ and it was a fact that he was clearly more than okay with. 
          ERODIL GRINNED in response, all teeth and little elegence; not the same way her mother could manage a full smile while still looking so filled with wizened grace. she wondered if this was how people saw her. as a child, obviously. it would be QUITE impossible to peer down at her in any form such as she was. 
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          ❝  tell me; do hobbits have a preference for the manner in which they converse with BIG FOLK?  ❞ as if to demonstrate her meaning she dropped to one knee to closer match his height, leaning her elbows upon raised leg.  ❝  is THIS more polite than standing and looking down? or perhaps i should find you a stool.  ❞  
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iduniel-blog · 5 years
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                                                     my brother, my captain.                                                        
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iduniel-blog · 5 years
erodil : uncle faramir how do i get revenge on my enemies?
faramir : the best revenge is living well and letting go.
erodil : 
erodil : uncle boromir how do i get revenge--
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iduniel-blog · 5 years
valorfated replied to your post: so real talk did isildur know/study any magic at...
andy vc: that is not the ancestor you should be most proud of
erodil vc : okay the ring thing was WACK but those curses were SUPERB
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iduniel-blog · 5 years
so real talk did isildur know/study any magic at all to be able to curse those dudes or did he just pull that out of nothing but air and rage?? asking for a friend
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iduniel-blog · 5 years
erodil consulting a tailor for an outfit : [holding up one of eldarion’s suits] i want this but better. because i’m better than eldarion. it’s okay you can write that down, he knows. 
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iduniel-blog · 5 years
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Grace in ‘Hat Trick’ (1x17): Part 1
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iduniel-blog · 5 years
“you can’t say all these female characters are lesbians!”
she’s a lesbian, he’s a lesbian, all these lesbians behind you is lesbians, ya mamas a lesbian, ya grandmas a lesbian, ya daddys a lesbian, and ya goldfish a lesbian.
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