idunnthedwarrowdam · 6 months
Idunn spots Runa at a table, Idunn assumes that Bodil stayed home with Erik who is too young to behave at a party like this. The relief of seeing her distracts Idunn from her panic if only because Runa's very presence would calm the blood rushing past Idunn's ears. She could distantly hear the music picking up but her usual awareness of her surroundings had fled her.
She made her way towards Runa, paying no mind to whom she passed, while doing her best to avoid running into anyone or being ran into as more than one pairing of dwarrow moved to join the dancing. She quietly sends thanks, in her head, to Mahal once she safely reaches Runa without incident.
"Runa! Thank Mahal, you're here!" Idunn exclaimed with relief and was met with her friend's amused fond expression before she was pulled into a tight hug.
"Idunn! You're here! I could have sworn you spoke of never leaving your section of the forges for a dance ever again." Runa said with a teasing grin even as Idunn gave an embarrassed groan.
"My namad and Edain teamed up to drag me here." She groused, offering a pouting expression that had Runa chuckling while glancing around the room.
"You know you love to dance, Idunn." She countered and was met with the sound of a huff. An elbow lightly nudged her to convey the slight displeasure at that comment.
"Yes, i do. However, i have two left feet for these slower dances, and rarely am i ever asked to dance from someone i don't consider to be family," Idunn said with a frown coming to her face.
Runa laughed before replying, "Your hopeless romantic self is showing, my dear." Her amusement didn't falter even slightly seeing the flush on her friends face.
Following the embers
Idunn looked around in what felt like a frantic manner. Her dress was pretty to look at but the fabric made her skin crawl, the dress was far as one could get in her opinion from practical, while also feeling as if it was suffocating her. Her family was somewhere around the gigantic room that was holding some sort of celebration that the adults had decided merited a ball. She couldn’t even remember what the specific occasion was; She had been distracted when they were prepared for it by the riddle Runa had asked her that she had been pondering.
She spotted her father off to one side talking with one of his friends, one that he had fought at Azanulbizar with, while Edain was farther down the hall looking slightly flushed from the obvious ribbing his friends were giving him. Glain and Tofferi, her One whom was courting her, were on what could only be described as the dance floor.
She had always hated these sorts of things. no one ever asked her to dance aside from Edain, knowing she loved to dance, and Tofferi, also knowing her love of dancing but also because he was kind. he also knew them getting along would make Glain very happy even if it wasn’t a hardship to him to dance with his One’s sister who was generally friendly with him.
Unlike most celebrations, this one was one typically held only for those that could be considered nobles, even if most of the nobility had to live and work just as hard as everyone else. Idunn and her family were only allowed because her Aunt Freyja had married Gloin who was distantly related to the king.
She hated the stuffiness and rules of talking of it all. it all felt fake which she hated more than anything else. how was she suppose to know if someone was being polite because they had to or because they actually liked her? She was almost certain at least half of these people were two-faced toward at least her if not Glain as well.
Her eyes landed on Princess Dis, a beautiful Dwarrowdam that Glain tried to subtly emulate in manners and tried to constantly teach Idunn to do the same, who was turned to talk to the two younger dwarrow at her side that could only be her sons. She had heard from Bodil that they were quite the pair of mischievous rascals thought other dwarrowdams had been giving them speculative looks as they grew older even though neither was yet of age for such things.
She always recoiled from such things but had not heard similar about them; while not one to judge, Idunn wondered if they reveled in the attention despite the general grossness of the implications of it. Despite that, She had never had the chance to meet them herself and she doubted they would care to meet her. She wasn’t anyone special; She was just a simple dwarrowdam that was raising a pony, a raven, and an owl. Just a dwarrowdam that knew what her Craft was and wanted to eventually have a shop of her own to share her passion with others.
Runa had always gently said “you are kind and always offer help should it look like someone might need it even if it is a simple task. You go out of your way to help collect the herbs for Bodil, Oin, and I. You always buy an extra chunk of Erik’s favorite cheese that our ‘Amad can’t afford to get him and will spend your free time playing with him.”
Bodil had rather bluntly said ”Idunn, you make snap judgements based on seemingly innocuous things. if someone fails whatever test or judgement you make, you either ignore them as unimportant or uninteresting or if you decide they are a threat than you can lash out or snubbed them.” Idunn must have looked hurt by the assessment because Bodil continued “You have had a hard time. people have been cruel to you without you knowing why, You adapted to that to guard your heart and avoid wasting effort on those that won’t reciprocate.”
“Don’t dislike the part of you that knows you deserve niceness, Idunn.” Bodil urged giving her hand a gentle squeeze before adding “If someone is kind or treats you well, you would move mountains for them and set yourself alight to warm them. you also will listen to reason if your judgements are questioned and change your mind if the reason is sound. You also aren’t cruel about it all even if you don’t like someone, you are still kind or at least polite and only have lashed out when they hurt you first”
The sounds around her feel loud and overwhelming. A loud woman’s laugh, one that rings false to her ears as if the one laughing is faking, fills the air even as the music played on instruments reaches a crescendo. She can tell her breathing is faster than what it should be. it was an unfortunate consequence of a run in late in the night with a crowd of older drunken dwarrows with a penchants for violent shoving games, something she had breathed not a word of especially when they had spoken so vilely toward her ‘Amad who was feeling ill again.
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idunnthedwarrowdam · 6 months
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middle aged Fili
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idunnthedwarrowdam · 6 months
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We all need more Fili in our lives and nothing is better than him with children 
Big Fee and Little Fee from the everybody lives AU. Kili names his daughter Filis after his brother and this is Fili holding her for the first time.
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idunnthedwarrowdam · 6 months
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fĂ­li and kĂ­li appreciation post
you can get a print here: fili and kili!  
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idunnthedwarrowdam · 6 months
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the best boys
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idunnthedwarrowdam · 6 months
Whenever you find the time can you do art deco but with blue or dark blue colors? Thank you!
Hi anon! I can give that a shot, for sure. I recolored this Art Deco set I made earlier - hope you like these blues! 💙
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[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!
Please consider liking or reblogging if you use 💕
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idunnthedwarrowdam · 6 months
— art deco dividers
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[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!
Please consider liking or reblogging if you use 💕
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idunnthedwarrowdam · 6 months
Idunn smiled with warmth in her eyes when he took her at her word about taking things one step at a time. It was something her 'amad had told her when she was small. Something very close to her heart that she still reminded herself about just about daily.
'You take things one step at a time, Idunn. Don't focus on how big the obstacles are, how many steps are left, or you'll overwhelm yourself, Murlarul,' Her 'amad had kissed the top of her head and ruffled her hair. Her 'adad had always had such a soft expression on his face watching them.
Idunn gave his hand a gentle squeeze before replying, "Well, i am fine with either though if you are wanting for us to be known about by others then there might be incentive to spend the rest if the day in Dale. After i get properly redressed." Idunn's expression turned embarrassed to mention it, but it was an important detail.
Glain looked to her 'adad who also held a note from Idunn, her namadith, that asked them to come to Erebor. She bit her lip, glancing towards her One, Tofferi, as she tried to decide if she was early enough along in her pregnancy to not be negatively affected by a trip. Her namadith asked so little of her that she wanted to agree.
Tofferi raised an eyebrow in a look that spoke of his willingness to allow her to decide for herself, though she could also see that he was also concerned enough that they would probably check with a healer for a second opinion. They hadn’t yet revealed the pregnancy to her side of the family, Tofferi's family had decided to stay in Erebor with them, so they were there for most of the life news.
"What do you think, 'adad? What sort of news do you think she has?" Glain asked, looking at her 'adad who had a furrow in his brow as he seemed to mull over what his youngest could have to tell him that couldn't wait when the last he knew there hadn't been anything that could change fast enough to demand sudden change of plans.
"I haven't a clue, BunnanunĂȘ; The last I was aware, there was no news that would require a hasty return from myself nor travel for yourself," Lalin told his first-born daughter. He noted the glance between his daughter and son in law but he said not a word about it since couples deserved their secrets and he would know if they decided to tell him.
When Fili took that time to try and enjoy the ride but the anxiety of just thinking of that dragon under the water reminded him of a story Thorin told him about when he was suffering dragon sickness. standing in the middle of that golden floor feeling like he was sinking and smaug was underneath it and he feared that any moment the dragon would swoop down and breathe fire or even burst out of the water when he was near the shores again- ’relax fili,everything is okay
its dead.. the nly thing that is real and alive there is her
idunn’ he thought as he opened his eyes again and sighed blinking a bit his eyes as he got closer and closer to the lake and as it seemed to grow before his eyes locked on her soaked red hair beautiful like oxidizing copper in the sun and he smiled as he hopped off his pony slowly walked up behind her not missing the cheeky fact that she was indeed in her undergarments and he saw how beautiful her frame was and her focus allowing his big feet to sneak up behind her and he couldn’t help but feel peace when she was anywhere around and he just let out a long sigh and could see her jump lightly, probably recognizing his voice
“so is this what you do when things get bad? you run away and i find you wet and half naked, i guess it could be worse haha” he teased her with a laugh as he came closer to her and leaned over before he kissed her head gently and didn’t pry on the front of her he wanted to wait, he wanted to marry her before he found out her body it was a blessing and he wanted to wait more than ever. “whatever he said you don’t have to worry because he doesn’t know and you are my life, my one and no matter how anyone may think i am not having a lap in judgement. i found my one and i’m walking through hellfire to have her. So my love, when we go back to that mountain i want you to go through those gates with me hand in hand and just be us. or however you want to do it, i am not ashamed and if just walking back together is what you wanted we can do that too because it doesn’t mean you aren’t in love, you have a right to be cautiousness if that will help you i will do that. so long as you are by my side.i am so happy i could dance naked through Erebor haha” he said and he smiled at her then stood up again “now put on your clothes so i can hold you properly Azyungal” he said with a chuckle and turned around “i’m not looking” he said and was smiling to himself with a chuckle.
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idunnthedwarrowdam · 6 months
Idunn ducked behind the wall after hearing Uncle Gloin’s voice followed not long after by Uncle Oin. She was careful to only peek out once she heard their voices heading away from where she was and she sighed quietly in relief. She wanted to put off the fight at least a little while longer.
She heard Fili call for her, searching for her, but before she could reply, there was another voice spoke. Idunn moved so that she could again peek out to see Fili and another Dwarrow, a Dwarrowdam she didn't recognize by sight or sound yet, speaking in a rather friendly way.
It was only once the Dwarrowdam was a bit farther away that she didn't try to hide more from Fili. She might not be sure if she could count on him supporting her in her demand to join the company but he hadn’t immediately sold her out to her uncles either. She was trying to steady her nerves since she figured she would be having to actually threaten her way onto the quest even though the presence of at least one other Dwarrowdam may give her some breathing room.
When they had gone upstairs they easily settled into the room that they had received. it was a smaller accommodation, possibly a hobbit room no doubt, the beds were smaller, roof was lower, and it was furnished simply but with obvious handed down worn quilts and a bundle of well dried flowers to freshen the room up a little to rid it of the stale scent, but other than that it was good fro the price and he looked about to make sure that they stayed safe so they could sleep well that night. while fili was securing the bedroom, kili was dividing up the food Dis had packed for them that morning and lit a fire in he small potbellied stove heater in the center of the room and he warmed up his hands a bit and looked around and stopped on fili.
“so what do you think this burglar will be like? i thought Nori was a sneaky enough dwarf, why do we need an outsider?’ he asked as fili shoved a chair under the doorknob and he answered with a simple “well, if we make it to the mountain and get in, when its time to find the arkenstone and if the dragon is alive, the idea is that maybe he wont recognize what he is and wont be readily eaten. or at least that’s what i understand..” he said and then plopped onto the bed and removed his boots while kili had already kicked off his shoes and was holding them up before the heater with a goofy smile on his face and fili couldn’t help but smile at him. “so basically if the journey doesn’t kill us then the dragon will?” he asked and fili laughed “yeah, but we have uncle with us, we can get through anything. not to mention we have Tharkun” fili said and picked through the remainder of the meet and cheese he had laying on his bed now.
“Think we’ll be on time?” kili asked as he laid back now chewing some meat as he was fiddling with the rune stone in his hands as he was just talking absentmindedly; something he often did when he was tired. “yeah, or at least we need to..we should sleep and get up early in the morning” he said and continued “finish your food and we’ll go to sleep” he said  resolutely as he finished stuffing his face and kili sat up and took the waxed paper he held the food on as he climbed into it and continued eating it before he balled it up and tossed it near his feet and sighed loudly and fili smirked “ could you be anymore annoying brother?” he asked him and kili laughed as he looked across the room at him “Maybe” he said and then got under his covers more and soon settled to bed and fili wondered what dangers they would get into. thorin had been preparing him but he knew he was still being vague about the horrors that could befall them but for now he would enjoy the nice bed in the pretty cozy room, because he knew from here on out it was most likely they would be sleeping on hard grounds and striving through the elements and he simply felt ready and excited for it.
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idunnthedwarrowdam · 6 months
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Knife 101 - Blade styles
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idunnthedwarrowdam · 8 months
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Thorin, Fili and Kili ⚔
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idunnthedwarrowdam · 1 year
Tag the OC that always has a weapon on them
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idunnthedwarrowdam · 1 year
Idunn found herself raising an eyebrow in surprise at the comment. She had never taken her father's actions to count as favor. She knew he cared about her, loved her even, but she had always felt overshadowed. She had always felt invisible, forgotten, compared to Glain and even Edain.
"I don't see why you wouldn't survive it. Maybe he might try to roughen you up but i won't let him hurt you." Idunn promised before taking a bite of her meat pie and ducking her head so her face wasn't visible.
Idunn felt an amused smile at the comment. He wasn't wrong, she supposed as courting could be comparatively easier than facing death. though she would probably find herself struggling with some of the traditions or expectations of it. She was a simple person and it felt odd to try for anything fancier yet it would definitely be expected of her to be so. It was almost ironic, almost as if she and Glain had somehow switched Ones even if that wasn't possible.
Idunn gently reached out and gave what she hoped was a reassuring squeeze to Fili's arm at what was a bit of rambling on his part. "One step at a time, now at least" she told him trying to help him relax some. "We both made a bit of a mess but together and a step at a time, we can make it a bit better even if there isn't a complete fix" she continued.
She flushed when he took hold of her hand. Her eyes fluttered closed as if not seeing it might enable her to not blush even though she could still feel the warmth of his hand. Her chest ached at those words, words that were a similar echo in her own thoughts. It was one reason she had felt so drawn to Fili, He accepted her for who she was. She knew she wasn't perfect, she could probably make a list of all her imperfections.
Yet Fili saw her and still genuinely liked her. He saw her mischievousness, her anger, her pain, her happiness, all the anxiety that filled her for the silliest reason and still saw reason to like her in spite of as well as because of them all. Idunn hadn't seemed to notice until that moment that she had paused in her eating but was quick to continue.
When Fili took that time to try and enjoy the ride but the anxiety of just thinking of that dragon under the water reminded him of a story Thorin told him about when he was suffering dragon sickness. standing in the middle of that golden floor feeling like he was sinking and smaug was underneath it and he feared that any moment the dragon would swoop down and breathe fire or even burst out of the water when he was near the shores again- ’relax fili,everything is okay
its dead.. the nly thing that is real and alive there is her
idunn’ he thought as he opened his eyes again and sighed blinking a bit his eyes as he got closer and closer to the lake and as it seemed to grow before his eyes locked on her soaked red hair beautiful like oxidizing copper in the sun and he smiled as he hopped off his pony slowly walked up behind her not missing the cheeky fact that she was indeed in her undergarments and he saw how beautiful her frame was and her focus allowing his big feet to sneak up behind her and he couldn’t help but feel peace when she was anywhere around and he just let out a long sigh and could see her jump lightly, probably recognizing his voice
“so is this what you do when things get bad? you run away and i find you wet and half naked, i guess it could be worse haha” he teased her with a laugh as he came closer to her and leaned over before he kissed her head gently and didn’t pry on the front of her he wanted to wait, he wanted to marry her before he found out her body it was a blessing and he wanted to wait more than ever. “whatever he said you don’t have to worry because he doesn’t know and you are my life, my one and no matter how anyone may think i am not having a lap in judgement. i found my one and i’m walking through hellfire to have her. So my love, when we go back to that mountain i want you to go through those gates with me hand in hand and just be us. or however you want to do it, i am not ashamed and if just walking back together is what you wanted we can do that too because it doesn’t mean you aren’t in love, you have a right to be cautiousness if that will help you i will do that. so long as you are by my side.i am so happy i could dance naked through Erebor haha” he said and he smiled at her then stood up again “now put on your clothes so i can hold you properly Azyungal” he said with a chuckle and turned around “i’m not looking” he said and was smiling to himself with a chuckle.
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idunnthedwarrowdam · 1 year
Idunn did her best to stay out of the way especially once Mr. Baggins began fussing and getting more frustrated as more dwarves appeared. She felt nervous as more people that she would possibly know we're arriving. As of yet, she had avoided most of those that would yell or demand she go home but she knew it wouldn't last.
She didn't want to have to fight for her right to come. She didn't enjoy yelling or arguing and she just knew that she would end up at some point in frustrated tears because the likelihood of any of them actually listening to her was low. Maybe it wasn't rational of her to come because she knew she was not emotionally at her best since her 'Amad had passed but she just knew if she stayed any longer in Ered Luin, alone except for Aunt Freyja and Gimli, that she would lose herself.
It might be unsafe but at least she would feel like actually being alive instead of wanting to roll over in her bed and just not exist anymore. She couldn't stay another day in that house that her mother had lovingly decorated and wasted away in. Idunn felt herself tearing up just thinking about it and she quickly wiped her eyes with her sleeve.
When they had gone upstairs they easily settled into the room that they had received. it was a smaller accommodation, possibly a hobbit room no doubt, the beds were smaller, roof was lower, and it was furnished simply but with obvious handed down worn quilts and a bundle of well dried flowers to freshen the room up a little to rid it of the stale scent, but other than that it was good fro the price and he looked about to make sure that they stayed safe so they could sleep well that night. while fili was securing the bedroom, kili was dividing up the food Dis had packed for them that morning and lit a fire in he small potbellied stove heater in the center of the room and he warmed up his hands a bit and looked around and stopped on fili.
“so what do you think this burglar will be like? i thought Nori was a sneaky enough dwarf, why do we need an outsider?’ he asked as fili shoved a chair under the doorknob and he answered with a simple “well, if we make it to the mountain and get in, when its time to find the arkenstone and if the dragon is alive, the idea is that maybe he wont recognize what he is and wont be readily eaten. or at least that’s what i understand..” he said and then plopped onto the bed and removed his boots while kili had already kicked off his shoes and was holding them up before the heater with a goofy smile on his face and fili couldn’t help but smile at him. “so basically if the journey doesn’t kill us then the dragon will?” he asked and fili laughed “yeah, but we have uncle with us, we can get through anything. not to mention we have Tharkun” fili said and picked through the remainder of the meet and cheese he had laying on his bed now.
“Think we’ll be on time?” kili asked as he laid back now chewing some meat as he was fiddling with the rune stone in his hands as he was just talking absentmindedly; something he often did when he was tired. “yeah, or at least we need to..we should sleep and get up early in the morning” he said and continued “finish your food and we’ll go to sleep” he said  resolutely as he finished stuffing his face and kili sat up and took the waxed paper he held the food on as he climbed into it and continued eating it before he balled it up and tossed it near his feet and sighed loudly and fili smirked “ could you be anymore annoying brother?” he asked him and kili laughed as he looked across the room at him “Maybe” he said and then got under his covers more and soon settled to bed and fili wondered what dangers they would get into. thorin had been preparing him but he knew he was still being vague about the horrors that could befall them but for now he would enjoy the nice bed in the pretty cozy room, because he knew from here on out it was most likely they would be sleeping on hard grounds and striving through the elements and he simply felt ready and excited for it.
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idunnthedwarrowdam · 1 year
Idunn nodded before ducking her head for a moment to hide the embarrassed blush and likely weird facial expression that she couldn't quite hide or suppress. Idunn found herself chuckling before replying in what was meant to be obviously joking voice "You mean he actually studies? Like from books?"
She shook her head before continuing "I always assumed he was a more tactile learner. I was at least mostly that way though not completely." She could remember the few times her father had hired tutors in attempt to help her learn, every single time she had ended up in tears and fleeing to visit Giml because all that reading just confused her more.
She had ended up learning from Runa that it was simply that she needed to read it once, discuss what she thought it might mean or have a chance to ask for clarification, and than if the subject had a physical action related to it than she needed to try it herself. If that itself didn't work than having her attempt to teach it herself often worked better as even if the steps were different than the usual, she usually figured out a different way to still complete whatever the task was.
His comment made an almost sinking feeling reach her. She could easily imagine why no one was looking happy or joyful now. They didn't like that she was friends with the princes or that they seemed close. She was almost certain they would all have been happier if either she had stayed in Ered Luin or if she hadn't survived the quest at all but she just knew she couldn't say that to Fili. He either just wouldn't believe her or he would get angry at her 'thinking so poorly' of her fellow dwarrow.
Hearing Fili again mention it, Idunn mentally suppressed the shudder that went down her spine. It made her anxious for a large variety of reasons but she could also see that it was really bothering him. She knew it was partly from the general expectation of their people but also that it was because his mother had raised him 'well', to have manners and to be polite.
Idunn gave a playful put upon sigh that also included a smile to show that it was playful. "I suppose it won't kill me" she said offering her own arm to allow him to essentially manhandle her into the correct position. She was so use to essentially tackling Edain before they naturally ended up with her on his arm, she had never had to take someone's arm outside of those instances.
He clasped his hand with hers as he pulled her to the table and with quick action he scooped her up round her waist and hoisted her onto the table before a pair of minors laced their fingers for foothold for him to step up and he smirked at her as he bowed and offered his hand to her and a number of coos and teasing were flying about like foot at a dinner and most about how handsome a couple they looked but he then stomped a beat and it was slower and strong and the musicians caught on and started playing a steady beat and every passing moment is grew into a faster beat and he started to spin with her loving the rush he felt in his chest, his eyes focused and locked with hers as he watched her beautiful fiery hair fly about her shoulders and frame her beautiful face, it was amazing and they were so in step spinning and stamping and drawing close and jumping, it was amazing and drenched in euphoria,
“Isn’t that prince fili?” Asked the tavern host’s daughter very excited as she was behind the counter a bright smile on her face and her father chuckled and patted her back with a calming motion “no you cannot go over there, it would be rude for that lass” he said and she whined"but anytime that dance is done, its two random dwarves, never a couple! So she’s some random maid!“ She said and he sighed at her “no they came in together, and I said no. And you will stay away from them and will not be serving them.” He said and she stormed off. He knew that something was going on with the prince, he was so happy and focused on the lass though the feel from her seemed shy but friendly, he wanted to pry for sure when they came back, he’d find out for his daughters sake at least if he were true to himself. Even if it wasn’t his business.
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idunnthedwarrowdam · 1 year
Idunn's breath caught in her throat when his hands grabbed her. She was startled from it but that wasn't the main reason for her momentarily freezing as if turned to stone. His grip was firm and his hands were warm. An ache in her chest stung momentarily before she forced herself to focus.
He had been quick to move away, knowing her general preferences for closer range. His taunts pulled a smirk to her face even as she was quick to move around, not towards him but around the ring, as she sized him up and looked for something she had never had to name before. The instinct to find some weakness in his guard or some flex of a muscle that would hint at his next move was one that had become natural to her.
Hearing Kili, She raised an eyebrow at him while fighting down the urge to protest even if it was jokingly at most. Fili's wink caused the slightest of blushes to reach her face even as conflicting emotions say in her chest. His words made her playfully glare at him "you can't lose, ey?" She asked raising her eyebrow again before she appears to rush him but there is the slightest hitch in her steps meant to enable her to turn on a dime should he attempt to evade.
It was a move that was more similar to something she had seen when they were captured in Mirkwood. Of course the move had been used against one of the giant spiders but Idunn had always enjoyed experimenting on the fly with moves and despite formal dwarven weapons training she had received, there was something fun about trying to copy the things she had seen the few times she had witnessed elven close combat.
for the fighting starters "is something distracting you?" with Idunn 😆
He was knocked back a bit and he smirked at her “no nothing is distracting me, i just dont want to be responsible if you get hurt later haha” he said as he refflected another swipe of her ax and he slapped her arm down to the ground with an open palm and he moved back again.
They were sparring on the dirt in the training grounds outside, everyone else was packing up and leaving because they had finished their times and hed to head back home, but fili and idunn were continuing a bet that had been put on by kili and ori on the side. Ori was busy sketching them in some dynamic poses as they fought making idunn look as epic as she was fighting fili as she had gotten good hits on fili much to their surprise and kili was enjoying it imensly and egging on the two.
“ oh come on fili, dont let her beat you haha, and idunn you kick his arse haha!” Said kili and fili shouted at him “whos side are you on!?”
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idunnthedwarrowdam · 1 year
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Viking dresses by Savelyeva Ekaterina
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