"Faded wouldn't be the best way for me to describe my perspective. I believe I abandoned my past self at this rate... For better, or for worse, that's for others to judge. But it all means the same to me."
He stared at her and noted how she just started living up to the appearance of a mannequin. Was it something involuntary or out of her control? Is that what happens when the manor transforms a hunter into something far from human? Maybe he did have a good question surrounding humanity when it came to hunters... He didn't look worried though, and simply nodded when she spoke again.
"No worries, no need to dwell on it if it makes you more comfortable. And that's very true. Even though she can't judge for herself on how to carry out her behaviors yet, I still believe there's hope for her to find out on her own eventually. Her time is unlimited unlike mine, I'm made of flesh and bone after all. I'm confident that she can figure it out at some point in her life."
“Hello there, dear!” A strange mannequin hobbled its way over, giving a friendly wave. “I don’t believe we’ve had a chance to formally meet. You’re one of the newer hunters to arrive here, correct? Do tell, how has your stay at the manor been so far?”
-(,◡ _ ◡,)
((@manor-tea-time Teehee 🤭
He looked over to the mannequin with an inquisitive look. He's aware that not many of the hunters here were human, so he had no room to judge. Although he was a little curious how she moved around in such a form... He gave her a courteous smile.
"Ah yes, we haven't met before. My stay here has been rather enjoyable surprisingly. I'm Briar, pleased to make your acquaintance."
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"It does seem to be the case. Whether we denounced it or proved it, that's in the eye of the beholder. Sometimes we don't see eye-to-eye on such cases, but to each their own. Me personally, I don't see the need to do either or for anyone anymore."
He shrugged as his voice wavered in tone, from calm and casual to nearly flat in inflection towards the end. As if he really did give up on that idea. His voice went back to usual once she brought up the latter sentence.
"I highly doubt any of us are in the position to oppose the manor owner either way. Especially since they're the ones that brought us here. I don't think they'll take that well."
He chuckled and gave a more positive smile when complimented on his parenting.
"Why thank you. I know I could've gone the easy route and make her listen to every single thing I say and do since she's artificially created but... That's not necessarily giving her the freedom she deserves. I'd rather her be a roaming husk than mindlessly take the wrong path because of others."
“Hello there, dear!” A strange mannequin hobbled its way over, giving a friendly wave. “I don’t believe we’ve had a chance to formally meet. You’re one of the newer hunters to arrive here, correct? Do tell, how has your stay at the manor been so far?”
-(,◡ _ ◡,)
((@manor-tea-time Teehee 🤭
He looked over to the mannequin with an inquisitive look. He's aware that not many of the hunters here were human, so he had no room to judge. Although he was a little curious how she moved around in such a form... He gave her a courteous smile.
"Ah yes, we haven't met before. My stay here has been rather enjoyable surprisingly. I'm Briar, pleased to make your acquaintance."
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He put his hand on top of the robot's head, gently stroking her hair before folding his hands in front of himself. He still knew that the other was not to be trusted entirely yet. Although he was more than willing to continue entertaining his ideas, for the sake of his own.
"Well, I have the belief that what we create is alive. Not just through the effort and time spent on it, but how we treat them after completion as well. Humans don't appreciate it when they're discarded to the shelf when they're done displaying, satisfying the audience or their master. So the same should apply to creations, no?"
He let out a small huff of amusement, to keep the environment lighthearted. As if he wanted to avoid striking the wrong cord.
"But that's not without it's problems. I know not everyone will agree with me on it, but I don't need a nation to found my beliefs. What about you? I can tell you appreciate your craft nearly as much as I do, if not more."
The clicking of heels and metal footsteps echoed down the hall. As the tall inventor and his robotic daughter went off to go... introduce themselves. To an interesting figure, a smile drawn across his face.
"My, I believe we haven't met before..."
( @idv-deluded-inventor have fun Henry)
He takes a moment to look behind himself after hearing those footsteps echoing, taking another moment after that to look the man in front of him from head to toe, probably already making assumptions about the figure standing before him with his robotic companion. After that, Henry puts one of his hands on his waist, hearing what the new face was there to say.
(˘˘(◉ᴗ◉)˘˘) > "Yes, you would be correct in believing that, as i have been in this place for merely a day. Now, do you have anything to discuss with me? Or are you just one of those people coming here to make a failed attempt into making me feel anything negative?"
The hunter answers, still with the same prideful tone as always.
- @idv-deluded-inventor
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"Fair point. I'm sure no one is proud of their past when it comes to your youth. It's certainly an embarrassing time for many."
He smiled back at him, and his smile seemed to grow even wider at the fact that he didn't question why he viewed her in such a way. In fact he seemed to feed into that idea by talking about the similarities robots and dolls have...
"Automations would be the best way to describe dolls that could move. Although, it is true that mechanically they function the same way. But then that would be on the same caliber as debating what separates humans, mammals, from other animals."
He chuckled as the robot continued to stare at Henry. Slowly blinking before it continued to turning its head to Briar.
"Thank you. Your comments are very much appreciated. And don't worry, she understands that sentiment as well."
The clicking of heels and metal footsteps echoed down the hall. As the tall inventor and his robotic daughter went off to go... introduce themselves. To an interesting figure, a smile drawn across his face.
"My, I believe we haven't met before..."
( @idv-deluded-inventor have fun Henry)
He takes a moment to look behind himself after hearing those footsteps echoing, taking another moment after that to look the man in front of him from head to toe, probably already making assumptions about the figure standing before him with his robotic companion. After that, Henry puts one of his hands on his waist, hearing what the new face was there to say.
(˘˘(◉ᴗ◉)˘˘) > "Yes, you would be correct in believing that, as i have been in this place for merely a day. Now, do you have anything to discuss with me? Or are you just one of those people coming here to make a failed attempt into making me feel anything negative?"
The hunter answers, still with the same prideful tone as always.
- @idv-deluded-inventor
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"Really? Not even in your youth? That's a bold claim. I'm not denying what you're saying isn't true. I'm just merely making an observation. Guilt can be sparse but it's not illusive to everyone."
He chuckled and smiled back at Henry, still not faltering in the slightest either. His posture was upright, his hands folded in front of him, and he was even blinking at a normal pace. It was just the fact that his eyes had no highlights whatsoever. That made it difficult to tell what he was trying to accomplish with this.
"My daughter is a product of my own. I'm the sole being behind her existence in fact. And of course she is just as capable as her father. However, I don't advise provoking her. Especially if I'm around."
He put his hand on top of her head as he combed his fingers through her nylon hair. Straightening the strands as she continued to stare blankly. Although her head stiffly turned to stare at Henry when he brought up the fact that she's his daughter.
The clicking of heels and metal footsteps echoed down the hall. As the tall inventor and his robotic daughter went off to go... introduce themselves. To an interesting figure, a smile drawn across his face.
"My, I believe we haven't met before..."
( @idv-deluded-inventor have fun Henry)
He takes a moment to look behind himself after hearing those footsteps echoing, taking another moment after that to look the man in front of him from head to toe, probably already making assumptions about the figure standing before him with his robotic companion. After that, Henry puts one of his hands on his waist, hearing what the new face was there to say.
(˘˘(◉ᴗ◉)˘˘) > "Yes, you would be correct in believing that, as i have been in this place for merely a day. Now, do you have anything to discuss with me? Or are you just one of those people coming here to make a failed attempt into making me feel anything negative?"
The hunter answers, still with the same prideful tone as always.
- @idv-deluded-inventor
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The robot seemed to be holding a giant pair of scissors. But outside of that, it was just... Standing there. Was it even blinking? She blankly stared in front of them, not even directly at Henry or Briar. The Deluded Creator merely chuckled at the assumptions he was making. It was amusing, although that reaction as a bit weird. Usually he'd take offense to that...
"Oh no, nothing too major. I can guarantee it won't take most of your time. I merely have a humble question is all. Do you feel remorse?"
He asked with the same, calm tone. With the same, unreadable smile.
The clicking of heels and metal footsteps echoed down the hall. As the tall inventor and his robotic daughter went off to go... introduce themselves. To an interesting figure, a smile drawn across his face.
"My, I believe we haven't met before..."
( @idv-deluded-inventor have fun Henry)
He takes a moment to look behind himself after hearing those footsteps echoing, taking another moment after that to look the man in front of him from head to toe, probably already making assumptions about the figure standing before him with his robotic companion. After that, Henry puts one of his hands on his waist, hearing what the new face was there to say.
(˘˘(◉ᴗ◉)˘˘) > "Yes, you would be correct in believing that, as i have been in this place for merely a day. Now, do you have anything to discuss with me? Or are you just one of those people coming here to make a failed attempt into making me feel anything negative?"
The hunter answers, still with the same prideful tone as always.
- @idv-deluded-inventor
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"I can see why we'd behave in that way despite how different we become. Some might feel empty without even the tiniest bit of humanity. Or maybe it's just a way to find normalcy in a place like this again. I don't have many issues here but I'm curious about the owner of the manor myself as well. Especially with the management of these changes. I might be lucky with how all my differences have been for the better so far, unless I lose my heartbeat or something like that."
He laughed at his own little remark, even though that's definitely in the realm of possibility.
"I hope they enjoy each others' presence all the same. In layman's terms, she's best described as a robot with a human structure. She can talk and do any sort of physical task. Her having no heart simply means she can't have any emotional input on anything... Actions, words, anything she or others do, it simply doesn't make her think any different of them or the consequences that follow. It mainly has more downsides if anything but I try my best..."
“Hello there, dear!” A strange mannequin hobbled its way over, giving a friendly wave. “I don’t believe we’ve had a chance to formally meet. You’re one of the newer hunters to arrive here, correct? Do tell, how has your stay at the manor been so far?”
-(,◡ _ ◡,)
((@manor-tea-time Teehee 🤭
He looked over to the mannequin with an inquisitive look. He's aware that not many of the hunters here were human, so he had no room to judge. Although he was a little curious how she moved around in such a form... He gave her a courteous smile.
"Ah yes, we haven't met before. My stay here has been rather enjoyable surprisingly. I'm Briar, pleased to make your acquaintance."
22 notes · View notes
"I can see why it'd be difficult. Having a ball jointed body isn't as stable as having an actual skeleton. But the perks are definitely fun. I only move slow since I still worry that a small part of my respiratory system still wouldn't like that. I wonder who's truly in charge of this manor as well."
He gave her a nod and put a hand on his chin. As if he too was questioning who was responsible for all the arrangements at the manor. He only knew half the answer.
"That sounds like a wonderful idea. I wouldn't mind supervising alongside you. I know my daughter has difficulty establishing and maintaining connections because of the lack of heart, but I'm sure they'll get along just fine."
“Hello there, dear!” A strange mannequin hobbled its way over, giving a friendly wave. “I don’t believe we’ve had a chance to formally meet. You’re one of the newer hunters to arrive here, correct? Do tell, how has your stay at the manor been so far?”
-(,◡ _ ◡,)
((@manor-tea-time Teehee 🤭
He looked over to the mannequin with an inquisitive look. He's aware that not many of the hunters here were human, so he had no room to judge. Although he was a little curious how she moved around in such a form... He gave her a courteous smile.
"Ah yes, we haven't met before. My stay here has been rather enjoyable surprisingly. I'm Briar, pleased to make your acquaintance."
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"I have taken note of that. Although I don't pry, some of the abilities we get are quite fascinating. It's been beneficial to me so far, now that my asthma doesn't get in the way anymore. And I just ignore what my title entails, as do others."
He laughed again as they kept having a rather enjoyable conversation. He didn't seem concerned nor did it look like it was necessary to raise any alarms with him.
"She is similar to a machine, yes. Many call her a robot or android but those are just synonyms to what we just mentioned earlier. It'd be lovely for them to meet, I'm sure my daughter won't mind having a friend or two here."
“Hello there, dear!” A strange mannequin hobbled its way over, giving a friendly wave. “I don’t believe we’ve had a chance to formally meet. You’re one of the newer hunters to arrive here, correct? Do tell, how has your stay at the manor been so far?”
-(,◡ _ ◡,)
((@manor-tea-time Teehee 🤭
He looked over to the mannequin with an inquisitive look. He's aware that not many of the hunters here were human, so he had no room to judge. Although he was a little curious how she moved around in such a form... He gave her a courteous smile.
"Ah yes, we haven't met before. My stay here has been rather enjoyable surprisingly. I'm Briar, pleased to make your acquaintance."
22 notes · View notes
"That does sound rather pleasant. This manor, as twisted as it may be, does give all of us a sense of relief in some way. A little world of our own, albeit the drawbacks are definitely enough to make most reconsider."
He laughed with her as they continued to share pleasantries with one another. Surprisingly, he doesn't sound as bad as people make him out to be? Maybe because they're both hunters...
"Of course not, she's definitely a brave soul. Although I'm afraid that's due to the fact that she's what many would consider to be artificial... But I did make her on my own so she's my daughter regardless. Just missing what most people consider a heart. I somewhat stopped worrying about it though..."
“Hello there, dear!” A strange mannequin hobbled its way over, giving a friendly wave. “I don’t believe we’ve had a chance to formally meet. You’re one of the newer hunters to arrive here, correct? Do tell, how has your stay at the manor been so far?”
-(,◡ _ ◡,)
((@manor-tea-time Teehee 🤭
He looked over to the mannequin with an inquisitive look. He's aware that not many of the hunters here were human, so he had no room to judge. Although he was a little curious how she moved around in such a form... He gave her a courteous smile.
"Ah yes, we haven't met before. My stay here has been rather enjoyable surprisingly. I'm Briar, pleased to make your acquaintance."
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"It's not as troubling anymore. There are some benefits to it. At least it's difficult to disappoint me at this rate. And you're right, the games are probably the only reason why give us quite the unsavory image."
He kept his calm tone and gave her a nod at the latter statment.
"I try my best to make sure the match isn't too easy... Especially since I work with my daughter. We tend to encourage corporation and sacrifice depending on how survivors want to handle us in a match. It's fair that I'm not qualified to be in special modes like Duo Hunters since I'm technically considered two entities. But normal matches have been alright for the most part."
“Hello there, dear!” A strange mannequin hobbled its way over, giving a friendly wave. “I don’t believe we’ve had a chance to formally meet. You’re one of the newer hunters to arrive here, correct? Do tell, how has your stay at the manor been so far?”
-(,◡ _ ◡,)
((@manor-tea-time Teehee 🤭
He looked over to the mannequin with an inquisitive look. He's aware that not many of the hunters here were human, so he had no room to judge. Although he was a little curious how she moved around in such a form... He gave her a courteous smile.
"Ah yes, we haven't met before. My stay here has been rather enjoyable surprisingly. I'm Briar, pleased to make your acquaintance."
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Happy Father’s Day Briar!
"Thank you. I'll be sure to spoil my daughter more for today."
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"So I've heard. Although, when you live a life like mine, hardly anything can catch you off guard at this rate."
He gave a lighthearted chuckle and accepted her handshake, noting how the texture was more akin to felt and wool.
"Indeed. I'll refer you by name rather than title, lowers the tension between us more than sticking to titles. Especially considering how calloused the manor can be at assigning such things."
“Hello there, dear!” A strange mannequin hobbled its way over, giving a friendly wave. “I don’t believe we’ve had a chance to formally meet. You’re one of the newer hunters to arrive here, correct? Do tell, how has your stay at the manor been so far?”
-(,◡ _ ◡,)
((@manor-tea-time Teehee 🤭
He looked over to the mannequin with an inquisitive look. He's aware that not many of the hunters here were human, so he had no room to judge. Although he was a little curious how she moved around in such a form... He gave her a courteous smile.
"Ah yes, we haven't met before. My stay here has been rather enjoyable surprisingly. I'm Briar, pleased to make your acquaintance."
22 notes · View notes
“Hello there, dear!” A strange mannequin hobbled its way over, giving a friendly wave. “I don’t believe we’ve had a chance to formally meet. You’re one of the newer hunters to arrive here, correct? Do tell, how has your stay at the manor been so far?”
-(,◡ _ ◡,)
((@manor-tea-time Teehee 🤭
He looked over to the mannequin with an inquisitive look. He's aware that not many of the hunters here were human, so he had no room to judge. Although he was a little curious how she moved around in such a form... He gave her a courteous smile.
"Ah yes, we haven't met before. My stay here has been rather enjoyable surprisingly. I'm Briar, pleased to make your acquaintance."
22 notes · View notes
Happy Father’s Day lmao. What ya doing to celebrate?
"Are you considering me a father on a technical scale? My daughter isn't even active yet..."
"I guess I'll stay in my workshop like usual? Until she's alive at least."
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What do you feel about the weird time bs going on in the manor?
"It's... Strange. Peculiar even. Some people look at me with fear even though nothing happened on my end yet. At least, I don't recall?"
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"... Log number two hundred forty-seven."
The man had been residing in his room after a quick skirmish around the underground passageways. He didn't dare to go back down there again, even though he made a new tenative ally there. He can't bear to be in spaces where the air isn't always fresh, especially when considering his health. Regardless, he came back before he had to deal with that. And other threats too, probably.
His glasses had lenses for once, reducing the glare of his lit screens. His work room was surprisingly neat. Minus the fact that he heavily barricaded the door with his own unique defense mechanism, nothing was scattered or carelessly thrown about. His papers were neatly stacked on the desk, his monitors were in an organized three by three fashion, and his project... Or rather his daughter, was idly standing nearby his computer like a mannequin. Perfectly still, yet the head hung low with slack limbs. There were wires connected from the back to the PC tower, but even then he kept the cables all tied up.
His keyboard and monitors were mechanical, along with the tower and station his daughter was planted at. But his interactive screens were holograms emitting from small devices on his desk. It displayed him actively recording what he was saying. Marking the date, time, the length of the audio, even the exact decibel he was speaking at.
"The blueprints have been uploaded to my daughter's memory repository. She can now navigate the manor safely and perhaps be a guide for others as well. I've made sure it's in a separate folder, entirely different from the ones I uploaded from my world."
He paused and stared over at her, even though the device only picked up on his silence.
"... I have mainly been utilizing this as a means of recording my progress on my work and ensuring that I made no errors along the way. However I have neglected to mention how archiac my setting is. Not only am I three hundred years into the past, there's irregularities springing up everywhere I turn."
"Many are discussing about their residency here, how a game of sorts has occurred during their stay. And I have yet to even experience it myself. And the farthest I've heard other residents coming from was 2023... A mere ninety-nine years away from mine. All technology I've utilized here are of my own creation, so nobody but besides me and a few other genuises would know how to navigate it..."
"... As for my daughter, all efforts are focused on the heart program. The only reason why it's been a work in progress for this long is because empathy isn't inherited nor learned. Like every program I've ran, it must be taught continuously and repetitively. Even if it takes an eternity, anything can be saved. As long as the internal parts are secure, lessons are treated like memories. Therefore they don't ever truly fade... Even one as mundane as a conversation, what one experiences, how they process it in their mind, heart, and soul. How all three work together to create a unique reaction amongst everyone every time without fail... It's why people are so predictable yet not at the same time."
"But my daughter shouldn't function without a heart. There needs to be room for subjectivity in her software to enable her to have her own judgement. Her own sense of morality. For her to take offense for herself and possibly for others. Even if that's considered flawed, isn't that what's hardwired in our minds anyway? Nobody ever truly thinks strictly logically on every decision they make. And we still need to satiate our own needs... That's different for anyone that's ever breathed. Which is why I'm taking my time here. Even if I spend an eternity in this foreign land, I'll never give up on her."
He stopped the recording and noted how long it went on for. He let out a sigh as he took a sip of water.
"... This log is far too lengthy, even though there are still twenty four terabytes left on the storage. Let me splice out that middle part and... Hm, deleting it isn't necessary. Although these logs will be uploaded to her data by the time she's finished... I'll just arrange a separate folder for this. Perhaps this will be a log for my expereinces here rather than my work. Suitable enough."
As he did exactly that, he tapped the corner of the hologram for it to fade away.
"... Strange, when did I ever start expressing my own thoughts related outside my work..."
Then a knock was heard at the door. He pulled up closer to his desk to check one of his monitors. A hooded individual stood at his door as he merely frowned and put a hand on his chin.
"... You again."
He pressed a button, and the whir of mechanical parts made way for the door to open.
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