if0nlyphoenix · 11 years
You can now find her here with replies to your charas x consider yourself lucky I didn't delete her altogether.
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if0nlyphoenix · 11 years
    {❈}Phoenix raised her hands in defense "Whoa ok dude my bad... I just hate being zapped placed with no idea what I'm getting into yknow? It's not fair and it gets rather ... annoying to say the least" She could sense what he was searching for and quickly procured her own lighter and a cigerette... that may have been tinged with some weed... but she wouldn't tell him that,
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“You think I was thrown down here to teach people right from wrong?” He asked, almost inrediculously. “I was banished! Don’t give me the whole, ‘oh, you’re banished, you need to repent for your sins through kind actions’ crap, because that isn’t happening anytime soon. Banishment is banishment, and there’s no way in Hell I’m meant to crawl by way back up to the heavens.” He snorted, fiddling with his pocket for his cigarettes and a lighter.
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if0nlyphoenix · 11 years
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    {❈}"This place? Fuck no I have class" Said the ignorant little witch... how rude of you Phoenix. "Sorry... uh wait so you don't live here?" She asked as she headed up stairs to be level to the stranger. "Why are you here then?" She asked... millions of questions, that's how Phoenix worked. Popping up not knowing where you are tends to make people that way.
Mikael hated social interaction; it was truly the bane of his existence. Save for his wife and about three other people, no one really ever seemed to like SR, let alone get along with him. Standing at the top of the stairs, he looked down as another soul slipped into the depths of this horrible place. Another person to be added to the collection of souls. He sighed, shaking his head as he watched her—he could remain invisible to her, let her fall into the trap of the house. OR he could help. He could try to spare her soul. Making himself visible, he waited a long moment before speaking to get her attention. “Did you just buy this house…or something?”
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if0nlyphoenix · 11 years
    {❈}The witch looked over the other. "You can do light stuff too... Maybe, uh or at least... I'm here to show you that it's a shit ton better to do it my way then the road you're heading down" She said with a nod at the girl. she knew about the expression. It was all over Bonnies readings.
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  Bonnie pursed her lips, frowning because what did she mean she could not choose? That did not seem fair. She said as much to the woman, before gasping in awe as the glass in her hand disappeared in a swirl of blue and white lights and reformed in the redhead’s. “Whoa,” she breathed out. Her magic reacted to the warmth of the other’s. There was something so pure about it. “Yeah,” she managed to get out. “More fire and nature than light,” her voice turned a touch reverent at the last word, wondering at the goodness she could feel from the other’s magic. Her magic had a touch of dark to it, but the other? The other was everything she was not.
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if0nlyphoenix · 11 years
    {❈}She was tense now. "What client? And why would they want a picture of me?" The female said with narrowed eyes. This was becomming a little too close for comfort and she almost wanted to kick the girl out and orb miles away.
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She produced the camera with ease. “Taking photos for a client,” she clarified, with a little bat off her lying eyelashes. Earlier in life Coraline had learned that if she had a badge that looked somewhat official and a camera, she could go pretty far. “So how about that picture?”
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if0nlyphoenix · 11 years
    {❈}Phoe looked the little human over with narrowed eyes. She reached out a hand for the toddler to grasp at. The connection made it all to clear why she was here. Essentially Phoenix had just been sturck with love and affection for this child... this child was going to be great, perhaps one of the greatest men to ever live... and she was going to have to protect him through that. Whether Toulouse would agree or not. "I love him" She stated with a soft smile. It was true enough. She'd been struck as if by lightning. "I promise Toulouse I will always look after him" she said with akind smile. "I'm Phoenix... Phoenix Hall" She said with a smile, but it was more directed to the little child.
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     ”Non, he has two parents.��� He said with a small laugh, picking Tristan up then as the tot couldn’t stop staring at the stranger in their kitchen. Tou kissed him on his forehead. “His name’s Tristan, and I’m Toulouse by the way.”
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if0nlyphoenix · 11 years
Doooing replies :D
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if0nlyphoenix · 11 years
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if0nlyphoenix · 11 years
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if0nlyphoenix · 11 years
    {❈}The little witch trotted along after him. Noting the surroundings. "I guess that makes sense...are you struggling with the baby? Maybe I'm meant to help? Shit I dont know" She sighed, taking a sea at a breakfast stool in the kitchen.
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   ”Well I don’t tell everyone about my son that I don’t know, so I hope you can understand my caution at him not being the first thing I told you about.” Toulouse had told her as a matter of factly. “Mhm, what do you mean?” He nodded in the direction of the living room then, beginning to walk there and motioning for her to follow along.
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if0nlyphoenix · 11 years
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    {❈}The witch looked over the short blonde. She didn't sound as young as Phoe was expecting her too. Strange. "Uh nope, I mean, usually I show up when someone else needs something... is everything alright here?"She asked looking around the room she found herself in. Where the fuck were they?
Aren't you a little young? |April and Phoenix|
        The four foot nine spitfire’s eyes darted over to look at the taller redhead, grumbling something under her breath before she stood up straighter and forced a smile. “I’m April—-…nice to meet you, I guess. Do you need something?”
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if0nlyphoenix · 11 years
    {❈}Blinking widely Phoenix zeroed in on the little voice that had addressed her. It wasn't often that people showed up at her place. Let alone in her backyard. "Uh... Hi... How did you? What are you doing here?" She asked, somewhat calmer then would be expected.
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Coraline was a bitter little thing. She gazed at the person before her. How come they got to look better then her? She might as well have been a paper bag. Her brow eyes narrowed, her lips following with a little pout. “Can I photograph you?” she asked, sucking it up as she approached them. How could she not? It was simply one of those things.
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if0nlyphoenix · 11 years
Aren't you a little young? |April and Phoenix|
    {❈}It had been a long time since Phoenix had met anyone quite like this child. Bright eyed, blonde haired. There was deffinitely something special about her, but what? "Hi there, I'm Phoenix, what's your name?" She said overly friendly and trying her best not to sound condescending to the little girl. Perhaps it came out wrong.
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if0nlyphoenix · 11 years
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      {❈}The little witch eyed the boy over with a coy smile and slight blush. "I think Nikolai sounds lovely" She said with a little bounce on her heels. "So whyare you all the way out here? Do you live out here?"
if0nlyphoenix started following you
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if0nlyphoenix · 11 years
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    {❈}A snort escaped the whitelighter. "I may be rude, but I pretty much can't hurt anyone..."She assured him with a reluctant shrug. "And I'm surprised it took you so long to alert me to that... perhaps he is Why I am here?"
   Toulouse was about to turn on his heels and lead her to the kitchen, though remembering his son was sitting with Rothbart in the living room, he grew protective, wanting to at least be sure there was nothing to worry about. Last thing he wanted was to place Tristan in harm’s way, and if need be he’d defend himself. “Would you give me your word that nothing harmful will happen with you in my house right now?” He asked. “I have my baby in the other room, I can’t trust everyone, you understand, oui?”
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if0nlyphoenix · 11 years
    {❈}"Where the hell?" She sighed with a slight stamp of her foot and begun pacing. Her arms tight around her ribs. "I'm not intriguing... I'm pissed off...." She said looking to the ground a little ashamed of how she was acting. "So why am I even here then if you'rel ike some big shot angel dude? Are you supposed to like teach me shit?" She said in her usual oh so charming manner.
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  “Trying to throw off the lost causes, are we? Oh, you are an intriguing one, dear.” He mused with a chuckle, despite the palpitations of his heart. “Don’t apologise. We’re uh- in Oxford, dear.”
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if0nlyphoenix · 11 years
    {❈}"Uh I suppose so, I mean... I don't always get to choose." She said candidly as she rubbed her elbow sheepishly. "But basically I can summon things and shit like um...'Water'" The red head called holding out her hand, soon the glass in Bonnie's hand dissappeared in a glow of orbs and tranfered to Phoenix's. "It's called orbing, uh, some witches can do it but I'm guessing...since you're a Bennet you're more into the windy, firey nature shit?"
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  Bonnie worried her bottom lip as she eyed the older woman. She had known the other was similar to her, had sensed something that made her reach out and accept the concern the other had shown her. She had gone with her gut and brought the other back to her house. Her instincts were screaming at her that this woman, this witch-whitelighter, was there to help, was to be trusted, would be there for Bonnie when no one else was. She pushed aside the suspicious nature she had been forced to cultivate over time and instead let her lips curl up into a small smile. “What does that allow you to do?” Softly, she continued, “Will you be staying in Mystic Falls then?”
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