igeotechgps · 4 years
The 8 key challenges in Fleet Management System.
Fleet managers facing challenges have to juggle with priorities and find problem-solving methods to keep critical assets running with minimal downtime. Even though prudent investments in service and maintenance are done in the fleet management systems,  proactive methods are also needed to face challenges ahead, to operate the business or service streamlined and profitable.
Digitalization of Vehicles in fleet management system
By adopting digital applications, fleet managers are able to track the routes of vehicles, check the compliance records, send and receive notifications, access service history data and manage drivers.  With the advent of telematics, wireless internet and IoT tech, fleet managers are further empowered to perform their tasks better.
Managing Fuel Costs with Fleets
By far the highest recurring cost that’s impacting in a fleet management system is the fuel costs. The budget for fuel also depends on the type of vehicles operated in the fleets. Managers have a difficult task to manage as even a small fluctuation in fuel prices will impact the bottom line. Whereas maintenance teams have to work with reports to keep fuel efficiency right, resolve issues for reducing downtime and increasing life span.
Managing Environmental Controls
Awareness of climate change issues have led to new legislation and standards around the world. So, fleet managers have a mandate to meet legislation demands with strategies, such as the phasing out of IC engines.
Better Route Optimization
Software built for fleet management can identify the right vehicle to dispatch for an assignment and optimise the routing too. The GPS enabled data is useful for maintenance and environmental factors.
Managing Driver Behaviour
Driver behaviour  is correlated to maintenance requirements. By analysing reports and aggressive drivers behaviour in fleet management system, like excess idling, deactivation of safety controls, these are all identified and can be used for training and correcting drivers. It can lead to better efficiency and results.
Future Autonomous Vehicles
It may be too early to see autonomous driving vehicles deployed, but there is evidence it represents a safer and more efficient transport model and the related software and hardware are being developed. However, public opinion is still divided about this tech being used on highways and managers have to be on the lookout.
Rising Popularity of Electric Vehicles
As per current estimates, the inflection point of EVs (electric vehicles) could be during 2035 and 2040, when about half of vehicles being sold would be electric. The industry is now focusing R&D in this direction and analysing the costs and savings that can impact on the bottom line of the operators in future.
Safety & Security
When vehicles become autonomous and digitally empowered, maintenance of fleets will be a critical factor. Industry has to ensure transportation will remain safe and secure for all stakeholders in this environment. Technicians and engineers would have to ensure back-up systems and safeguards are maintained, monitored or inspected to ensure proper functioning of the whole system and fleets.
How FMS software can help Fleet Management
Modern fleet management systems (FMS) have evolved digitally and the FMS software application has greatly empowered fleet managers and maintenance teams to keep fleets on road running healthy, efficiently and profitably. The system, usually integrated with mobile and GPS technology, generates data that can be analysed for reports and insights. Business Intelligence applied here can identify the factors influencing the fleet business and help in developing strategies for growth and higher ROI.
The fleet managers have in the past and present faced the challenge of driver shortage, owing to the increasing demands for freight and passenger transportation, but FMS software helps them to optimise the utilisation of drivers and also in on-boarding and training them. Fleet maintenance too has been greatly benefited to bring better results with the software applications in place. The alerts and notifications for technicians and drivers go a long way to cut down costs and wasteful expenses, keeping the fleet in good shape and better uptime.
To Conclude
IGT’s FMS software applications are developed as intelligent fleet management solutions enabled with telematics technology, mobile app integration and data analytics. Fleet Managers and fleet owners must prepare for the challenges ahead in the digital age, where businesses and industries will be highly inter-connected and data-driven.
Those interested can request for a ‘Demo’. It is arranged for better understanding of our FMS software solution. Just contact our team and they will respond as soon as possible
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igeotechgps · 4 years
Igeo tech gps Provides accurate Vehicle tracking system, fleet management system, tracking of cargo for you & your business. visit- https://igeotechgps.com/.
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igeotechgps · 4 years
Tracking systems that help you protect your Cargo
There are many tracking systems that claim to help you protect your containerized cargo. In this article, we will examine the type of cargo container security tracking system you need at every stage in your container’s journey - when in-transit, at ports, airports, at container yards, and how you can get integrated visibility and security throughout.
A good tracking of cargo must be able to tell you what is possibly going wrong with the goods in your container at every stage in its supply chain.
So, what are the different stages in a container’s supply chain?
Let us assume that you are shipping a container from Sao Paulo in Brazil to Abu Dhabi in the UAE.
Your container leaves your factory premises located in the outskirts of Sao Paulo on a trailer-truck and hauled to the nearest port, the Port of Santos. From the Port of Santos, it leaves on a ship and arrives at the Port of Dubai in the UAE. From here, it is either ferried by truck or by rail to Abu Dhabi, its final destination.
Your container underwent two trips on surface, one by sea, and transited through two ports in the process, not including any container storage yards at your origin or the destination.
Therefore, containers are always a complex multi-modal shipment.
The question here is: What are the security aspects that a tracking solution must address across the legs of this journey.
Container Tracking on Surface – First & Last Mile
You need a solution which will not only protect your container, but will also protect your goods!
GPS vehicle tracking systems are often employed in this leg of the journey. Wired vehicle tracking devices are attached to the fleet that haul the container.
The problem with this approach is that:
Most trucks are rented from the market aka “market vehicles.” Therefore, you cannot deploy a GPS tracker on a truck unless you own it. Most shippers do not own their fleet.
If you are shipping by rail, chances are that you will hardly have any visibility. Even if your rail service provider tells you where the locomotive is, you may not know if your container is actually travelling with it or it was dis-shunted a station ago.
The items from your container can still be stolen and you would have no idea it happened by tracking the vehicle alone.
Therefore, what you require for cargo container safety is a portable wireless device which can travel with your goods. The device must have good network connectivity even when it is placed inside a thick-walled container, such as a reefer container.
There is more that is required for your container to remain secure during its first or last mile journey on surface.
It is not enough that you know the location of your container, you must also know if the container has been opened or damaged. This is where the right choice of sensors come into play.
Light sensors or circuit breakers can indicate if a container has been opened, while shock sensors can indicate a possible impact which could have caused some damage to your goods.
Damaged containers lying in the middle of nowhere are most susceptible to cargo theft.
Another important piece of the puzzle here is connectivity. Your device must have the ability to connect across multiple telecom towers so you never lose contact with your container ever!
Last, but not the least, you need item-level visibility of your goods within your container, especially if they are of high-value. Not every GPS solution (even with portable GPS trackers) can provide this in a cost effective manner.
Container Tracking at the Port or Airport
With more cargo came bigger ports (and airports). Infrastructure developed and convenience improved. But, this also became a problem in terms of container loss and theft.
Containers often get lost within the premises of a port or an airport. They could get stolen or be simply lost due to the inability for the port authorities to find them among a sea of containers.
Many ports and airports lease large stretches of land around them to stock containers upon arrival, and move them to the exit point only after customs clearance is completed. This process could take anywhere from a few days to a few months, and security is not always watertight in these yards.
Containers could get damaged or goods pilfered.
The Los Angeles port for instance handles 19.3 million TEUs every year[1]. That is a massive 52,000 containers handled per day, almost 1/3rd of the passenger baggage volume that London’s Heathrow airport handles in a day[2]!
At such high volumes, even if 0.01% of these containers go missing or cannot be found due the location or rack wrongly recorded, it could mean a loss of 5 whole containers per day.
Assuming each container is worth $250,000, and insurance only covers for 90% of that cost, it translates into a $1.25 million loss for the port daily or an annual loss of $456.25 million.
The customer’s business rhythm gets affected too which will force them to finding alternate shipping routes, sometimes with the freight being costlier.
Solutions like RFID do not work well for port-level monitoring, especially when it comes down to identifying where container is placed and precisely which rack it is on. RFID based solutions also have heavy infrastructure requirements.
The type of solution that will work for cargo container security at a port-level is one which can monitor the precise location of a container (within a few feet) and also identify the rack it is on.
The IoT device which you use for tracking the surface transportation of your container will give you the location, but not height. Further the location will only be accurate if the IoT device is equipped with an active GPS antenna that can connect with satellites even when placed inside a container.
Knowing where your container is with a circle of inaccuracy of even a few meters could mean you are searching for it in a different yard altogether – not solving the problem.
Here is an example of an innovative brownfield port monitoring solution for cargo container security:
You can either rely on a smart port which has such a solution or monitor your container by yourself using the right IoT device with active GPS antennas.
Container Tracking on Sea or Air
When your container is on high-seas or in-flight, it is relatively safer as compared to when it is traveling by surface or is waiting at the port.
No one can steal your container when it is on high-seas, except, maybe pirates!
Does this mean that there are absolutely no risks in this stage of the journey?
No really! The type of risk is different. It involves damage to your goods due to inclement weather, rough handling during the journey or container rain.
Therefore, using an IoT device which has sensors to read temperature, pressure, humidity, and shock, especially for cold chain temperature-controlled or fragile shipments, becomes critical.
If the device is able to connect with the ship’s Wi-Fi, it is of advantage because you can get the sensor data live.
You may still not get a GPS fix easily though (especially if your container has thick walls), which means that getting real-time location on your container’s status may still be difficult.
Knowing where your container is when your goods condition is affected, and knowing how much time you have to fix the problem before it reaches the port is critical to protecting your goods, therefore location becomes vital.
Collecting data streams from shipping platforms on the vessel’s location and flight tracking platforms can help solve the real-time location puzzle, while the IoT device can transmit sensor data through Wi-Fi (if your vessel allows it).
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igeotechgps · 4 years
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Global Positioning System (GPS) is a worldwide radio-navigation system formed from the constellation of 24 satellites and their ground stations. The Global Positioning System is mainly funded and controlled by the U.S Department of Defense (DOD). The system was initially designed for the operation of the U. S. military. But today, there are also many civil users of GPS tracker systems across the whole world. The civil users are allowed to use the Standard Positioning Service without any kind of charge or restrictions
Global Positioning System tracking is a method of working out exactly where something is. A GPS tracker system, for example, maybe placed in a vehicle, on a cell phone, or on special GPS devices, which can either be a fixed or portable unit.GPS works by providing information on the exact location. It can also track the movement of a vehicle or person. So, for example, a gps tracker malaysia can be used by a company to monitor the route and progress of a delivery truck, and by parents to check on the location of their child, or even to monitor high-valued assets in transit.
A GPS tracking system uses the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) network. This network incorporates a range of satellites that use microwave signals that are transmitted to GPS devices to give information on location, vehicle speed, time, and direction. So, a GPS tracking system can potentially give both real-time and historic navigation data on any kind of journey. GPS provides special satellite signals, which are processed by a receiver. These GPS receivers not only track the exact location but can also compute velocity and time. The positions can even be computed in three-dimensional views with the help of four GPS satellite signals. The Space Segment of the Global Positioning System consists of 27 Earth-orbiting GPS satellites. There are 24 operational and 3 extra (in case one fails) satellites that move around the Earth every 12 hours and send radio signals from space that are received by the GPS receiver.
The control of the Positioning System consists of different tracking stations that are located across the globe. These monitoring stations help in tracking signals from the GPS satellites that are continuously orbiting the earth. Space vehicles transmit microwave carrier signals. The users of Global Positioning Systems have GPS receivers that convert these satellite signals so that one can estimate the actual position, velocity, and time.
The operation of the system is based on a simple mathematical principle called trilateration. Trilateration falls into two categories: 2-D Trilateration and 3-D Trilateration. In order to make a simple mathematical calculation, the GPS receiver must know two things. First, it must know the location of the place is to be traced by at least three satellites above the place. Second, it must know the distance between the place and each of those Space Vehicles. Units that have multiple receivers that pick up signals from several GPS satellites at the same time. These radio waves are electromagnetic energy that travels at the speed of light.
A GPS tracking system can work in various ways. From a commercial perspective, GPS devices are generally used to record the position of vehicles as they make their journeys. Some systems will store the data within the GPS tracking system itself (known as passive tracking) and some send the information to a centralized database or system via a modem within the GPS system unit on a regular basis (known as active tracking) or 2-Way GPS. A passive GPS tracking system will monitor the location and will store its data on journeys based on certain types of events. So, for example, this kind of GPS system may log data such as where the device has traveled in the past 12 hours. The data stored on this kind of GPS tracking system is usually stored in the internal memory or on a memory card, which can then be downloaded to a computer at a later date for analysis. In some cases the data can be sent automatically for wireless download at predetermined points/times or can be requested at specific points during the journey.
An active GPS tracking system is also known as a real-time system as this method automatically sends the information on the GPS system to a central tracking portal or system in real-time as it happens. This kind of system is usually a better option for commercial purposes such as fleet tracking or monitoring of people, such as children or elderly, as it allows a caregiver to know exactly where loved ones are, whether they are on time and whether they are where they are supposed to be during a journey. This is also a useful way of monitoring the behavior of employees as they carry out their work and of streamlining internal processes and procedures for delivery fleets. Real-time tracking is also particularly useful from a security perspective as it allows vehicle owners to pinpoint the exact location of a vehicle at any given time. And, the GPS tracking system in the vehicle may then be able to help police work out where the vehicle was taken to if it was stolen.
Mobile Phone Tracking
The development of communications technology has long since surpassed the sole ability to access others when they are mobile. Today, mobile communication devices are becoming much more advanced and offer more than the ability to just carry on a conversation. Cell phone GPS tracking is one of those advances. All cell phones constantly broadcast a radio signal, even when not on a call. The cell phone companies have been able to estimate the location of a cell phone for many years using triangulation information from the towers receiving the signal. However, the introduction of GPS technology into cell phones has meant that cell phone GPS tracking now makes this information a lot more accurate.
With GPS technology now more commonplace in many new smartphones, this means that the location of anyone carrying a GPS-enabled smartphone can be accurately tracked at any time. Cell phone GPS tracking can therefore be a useful feature for business owners, parents, friends, and co-workers looking to connect with one another. GPS Tracking Apps (www.gpstrackingapps.com) provides a suit of Apps for the iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, and the latest Samsung operating system bad all of which can be used to track one another on a location-based social networking portal or from phone to phone.
The technology of locating is based on measuring power levels and antenna patterns and uses the concept that a mobile phone always communicates wirelessly with one of the closest base stations, so if you know which base station the phone communicates with, you know that the phone is close to the respective base station.
Advanced systems determine the sector in which the mobile phone resides and roughly estimate also the distance to the base station. Further approximation can be accomplished by interpolating signals between adjacent antenna towers. Qualified services may achieve a precision of down to 50 meters in urban areas where mobile traffic and density of antenna towers (base stations) is sufficiently high. Rural and desolate areas may see miles between base stations and therefore determine locations less precisely. GSM localization is the use of multilateration to determine the location of GSM mobile phones, usually with the intent to locate the user. Localization-based Systems can be broadly divided into: • Network-based • Handset based • Hybrid
• Network Based
Network-based techniques utilize the service provider’s network infrastructure to identify the location of the handset. The advantage of network-based techniques (from the mobile operator’s point of view) is that they can be implemented non-intrusively, without affecting the handsets. The accuracy of network-based techniques varies, with cell identification as the least accurate and triangulation as the most accurate. The accuracy of network-based techniques is closely dependent on the concentration of base station cells, with urban environments achieving the highest possible accuracy. Handset Based
Handset-based technology requires the installation of client software on the handset to determine its location for E-911 purposes. This technique determines the location of the handset by computing its location by cell identification, signal strengths of the home and neighboring cells, which is continuously sent to the carrier. In addition, if the handset is also equipped with GPS then significantly more precise location information is then sent from the handset to the carrier.
This technology requires the installation of client software on the mobile phone, which acts as its biggest drawback since it’s difficult to install software on a mobile phone without the user’s consent. More importantly, the software has to be compatible with various operating systems. It requires the active cooperation of the mobile subscriber as well as software that must be able to handle the different operating systems of the handsets. Typically, smartphones, such as one based on Symbian, Windows Mobile, iPhone/iPhoneOS or Android would be able to run such software.
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igeotechgps · 4 years
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Igeo tech gps is the best GPS tracker Malaysia provides you & your business with an accurate GPS tracking system. We are able to track anything, anywhere.
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igeotechgps · 4 years
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igeotechgps · 4 years
Igeo tech gps is the best GPS tracker in Malaysia provides you & your business with an accurate GPS tracking system. We are able to track anything, anywhere.
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igeotechgps · 4 years
Igeotechgps | GPS tracking system | GPS tracker Malaysia
The global GPS tracker Malaysia market focuses on encompassing major statistical evidence for the GPS vehicle trackers industry as it offers our readers a value addition on guiding them in encountering the obstacles surrounding the market. A comprehensive addition of several factors such as global distribution, manufacturers, market size, and market factors that affect the global contributions are reported in the study. In addition, the GPS tracker Malaysia also shifts its attention with an in-depth competitive landscape, defined growth opportunities, market share coupled with product type and applications, key companies responsible for the production, and utilized strategies are also marked. The increasing adoption of the intelligent transport management system is the major driving factor in the growth of the global vehicle tracking systems market. Moreover, the growth in the sales of vehicle tracking systems, in order to maintain the safety and security concern within transportation services. In addition, an increase in fleet operations especially in developing economies is expected to provide a lucrative opportunity in the growth of the GPS tracker Malaysia market in upcoming years. This growth is primarily driven by The Growth in the Sales of Commercial Automobiles in Developing Countries and Increasing Adoption of Smaller Size, Longer Life, and High Roi Products. Market Drivers• The Growth in the Sales of Commercial Automobiles in Developing Countries• Increasing Adoption of Smaller Size, Longer Life, and High Roi Products Market Trend• Continuous Innovations Such as Mobile Tracking and Enhanced Satellite View• Increasing Investments in Road up-Gradation or Constructing New Ones Restraints• Impact of Nonstandard Products and Several Environmental Factors Leads to Poor User Experience Opportunities• Increasing Adoption of Hardware Agnostic Tracking Solutions and Surging the Demand for GPS Fleet Tracking Devices
Challenges• Increasing Adoption of Smartphone as a Tracking Device
Advancements continue to be made with technology each and every day, and the same goes for technology specifically concerning Global Positioning Systems (GPS) trackers Malaysia and navigators. Drivers no longer need to handle oversized road maps while navigating unknown cities, and parents can easily locate their children and loved ones via GPS applications on both their cellphones. 
The interactive and reliable technologies available through GPS today have positively changed the way people live their lives on a daily basis.There’s a wide variety of new GPS technology available on the market – from low and high-end GPS navigation systems to help travel from here to there, to devices that allow for personal tracking on people, assets, or possessions. 
A multitude of trackers using advanced technology exist for varying reasons, all equipped with different technological capabilities including battery life, installation, mounting options, and data logging capabilities. These dependable features take the stress out of keeping track of anyone or anything.The use of personal GPS tracking allows for people to keep up with family members for private reasons, medical emergencies, or simply for location sharing. These compact devices can easily be worn and concealed inside of jackets, purses, or backpacks or are used through applications installed on smartphones. 
Vehicle trackers are most common among families to conveniently monitor driving, or by companies who use fleet vehicles for deliveries or transferring of products. Often used through a simple dashboard installation, these trackers allow for real-time updates on the whereabouts and speed of a vehicle. GPS Tracking of Assets and PeopleLastly, the use of GPS trackers Malaysia to track assets is the most common way people and businesses keep track of their goods both big and small. 
The GPS trackers Malaysia used for assets commonly operate through cellular networks to accurately locate the placement of the object to which the tracker is attached. The long-lasting battery life is ideal for personal assets that have the potential to be on the move. Additionally, the use of GPS Trackers Malaysia have helped to create an overwhelming sense of ease and safety as they again allow for parents to monitor their teens driving, they allow for people to keep track of personal belongings or assets, or they are used professionally in the business world. The high-end satellite technology available through GPS trackers has allowed individuals to go about their daily lives without the stresses of knowing how to get from point A to B, knowing where your family members are located, or following the exact positions of important assets.
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igeotechgps · 4 years
Igeo tech gps Provides accurate Vehicle tracking system, fleet management system, tracking of cargo for you & your business. visit- https://igeotechgps.com/.
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igeotechgps · 4 years
Vehicle tracking system| fleet management system | tracking of cargo
Fleet management system is the process of organizing, tracking and maintaining a vehicle fleet, using a fleet management system (FMS). Typically, these commercial fleets will consist of cars, trucks and vans. Fleet management can also help businesses care for drivers' health and safety, and make sure that they're obeying the law. A fleet management system will normally have a hardware element — such as GPS trackers fitted to the vehicles — and a software element. The software element allows drivers to keep their records up to date, and gives bosses an easy way to see, at a glance, where their fleet is and how well they're performing. Fleet management systems can also be used to dispatch drivers, provide routing and traffic information, monitor fuel, and much more. If your business uses a fleet of vehicles, it's well worth investing in a service — especially now the ELD Mandate has come into force. If you'd like to get an idea of the costs involved, you can get no obligation quotes from the top fleet management system providers using our simple fleet management quotes form. What is a Fleet Management System? A fleet management system is a bundled combination of hardware and software that includes three elements:  The Fleet Management Software device. Hardware sensors and an interface are installed or plugged into every vehicle in the fleet  The vehicle software. This collects data like engine status and vehicle location from each vehicle  The management interface software. Software that the fleet manager uses to receive and interpret data from all the vehicles. Different fleet management software record different data. Those with sensors installed into a vehicle’s engine will receive more comprehensive data about the engine status than plug-and-go dashboard devices. Some operations do only or mostly “less than truckload” (LTL) shipping, meaning that a single truck is delivering goods to multiple clients. These fleets should look for LTL-friendly fleet management software, which includes a specialized load optimization service not offered by TL-oriented fleet management software.The best fleet management software come with active data trackers rather passive ones. This means the data sent by an fleet management system might refresh as often as every few seconds or as rarely as every ten minutes. A passive tracker collects data on the go but only transfers it to the software later. Near-real-time data updates are essential for a truly effective fleet management software, so fleet managers can react quickly to important updates, such as late deliveries, or vehicle faults. Some fleet management software may even be operated using smartphone apps, making it even easier for managers to respond to situations. Advanced fleet management solutions may also offer accessories such as in-cab driver coaching devices. So you're interested Fleet Management Software? The first step is to start gathering quotes from industry-leading FMS providers.
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igeotechgps · 4 years
Igeo tech gps | GPS tracking system | GPS tracker
Trailer is one of the best way to transport the goods because it can carry more than a ton of goods to the long journey. Any small mistake in the process of transport the goods can cause of wasting time and costs, and it can threaten the safety of the road user too such as road accident happen cause by speeding. Some driver may did’nt follow the transport route to transport the goods, matter of fact they use this opportunity to help the other company carry the goods so that they can earn the extra income. This situation will waste the time and money of the company. In addition, the fuel of the trailer may be stole by the driver himself for the benefit of them. Beside this, the valuable goods may be hijacked before reaching the transport destination, this will bring the danger to the life of the driver loss of the company. With using our advanced GPS Tracker Malaysia and platform, we can easily know about the driving situation of the vehicle: The precise data of entire journey will let us clear about such as time, date, position(longitude and latitude), address, speed, altitude, direction, alarm type and many more. We can know whether the trailer is over speeding or not, when is the driver over speeding and the location where the trailer is speeding through our system. Every report can convert to a document. This will reduce the unnecessary costs of the transport company such as speeding ticket. We can know when is the trailer is moving and stopping(parking). The data will let us know the time and the location of the trailer when stopping. The advantages of this report is we will know whether the driver is working in accordance of the time. For example, a trailer can only stop for 30 minutes for the most during the journey, but the driver deliberately stop for 1 hour to delay the time. So we can easily to solve this situation with our system. We can check every driving distance and route with our system. The kilometers of journey and the driving route will show in the report data. With this report, we can know whether the driver is follow the driving route or not so that it can reduce the unnecessary costs such as fuel. The fuel tank of trailer is built outside of it, so the fuel can be easily stolen by the driver or the other person. By installing our fuel level sensor, we can check the fuel level according by the period through our system. For example, the fuel level decrease very much in the short time, means that the fuel may be stole by the other person. .
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igeotechgps · 4 years
Igeo tech gps Provides accurate Vehicle tracking system, fleet management system, tracking of cargo for you & your business. visit- https://igeotechgps.com/.
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igeotechgps · 4 years
Vehicle tracking system| fleet management system | tracking of cargo
Today, GPS technology has gone main stream, and anyone with a vehicle tracking device can pinpoint their vehicles’ exact location with a simple click of a button. With the incorporation of GPS trans-receivers in mobile phones, this technology has gained popularity among the general population.
At present, the commercial applications of GPS tracking can be used in various fields, from fleet tracking to IoT based technologies and beyond. So, what exactly is GPS tracking? The technology enables fleet managers to locate, track, and monitor their vehicles fleet on a real-time basis. To understand the full scope of what a vehicular technology around GPS is capable of, we must understand what is a vehicle tracking system?.
GPS vehicle tracking system
GPS Vehicle Tracking Device combines automatic vehicle location in individual vehicles with software that collects these fleet data for a complete picture of vehicle locations. Modern vehicle tracking solutions commonly use GPS technology for locating the vehicle. Still, other types of vehicle tracking technology can also be used.
vehicle tracking devices are one of the most cutting edge advancements in the logistics and supply chain industry. For many drivers on the road, vehicle tracking only extends as far as GPS, your smartphone telling you how to get from location A to B without having to break from start to your destination location. However, anyone working in the logistics industry will be able to tell you that vehicle tracking is so much more than that. GPS vehicle tracking has gone a long way towards helping the logistics industry grow, providing the industry with the technology it needs to meet the modern era’s demands.
Typical Commercial Applications of Vehicle Tracking
Smart Fleet Management
IoT-Based technologies
Driverless Cars
Coldchain Monitoring System
Vehicle tracking Solution will not only help you gain an edge over your competition. It can also help you reduce costs, increase productivity, protect your valuable assets, and streamline the things you do every day.
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igeotechgps · 4 years
Igeo tech gps Provides accurate Vehicle tracking system, fleet management system, tracking of cargo for you & your business. visit- https://igeotechgps.com/.
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igeotechgps · 4 years
Igeo tech gps | GPS tracking system | GPS tracker Malaysia
Common GPS tracking device problems
GPS tracker is a great tool to monitor object location and get other useful information, but it might not work as expected out of the box. Before using device, always read device manual, it contains important information which will help to properly configure device.
 If you do not own GPS tracking device yet, but looking for suitable option, we recommend to read our article on how to choose a GPS tracker malaysia.  If after device configuration you still experience issues, please check answers to most common problems below.
 Basic requirements to ensure stable work of GPS tracking devices:
 Good quality GPS signal.
Properly configured APN according to SIM card provider requirements.
SIM card has enough credit for SMS and GPRS.
To connect device to tracking server, make sure correct IP and PORT is used.
While connecting device to GPS tracking server, GPS device time zone must be set to 0 UTC, otherwise it will show incorrect time or event won't work.
GPS device is not very accurate in giving location
Accuracy problems are usually caused weak GPS signal, in most cases it happens because GPS antenna is not able to establish good signal. Weak signal can be related to not properly positioned antenna, surrounding which blocks signal (tall buildings, tunnels, garage, underground parking lot) or low quality device. To improve signal strength, put antenna or GPS tracking device to more visible place where it will have better access to the sky.
 Sudden location jumps or movement even if device is placed still
It is caused by weak GPS signal. Make sure that device GPS antenna has good reception. Mostly such issues appear with cheap devices, if location accuracy is crucial, always choose high quality device
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igeotechgps · 4 years
Igeo tech gps is the best GPS tracker in Malaysia provides you & your business with an accurate GPS tracking system. We are able to track anything, anywhere.
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igeotechgps · 4 years
Igeo tech gps Provides accurate Vehicle tracking system, fleet management system, tracking of cargo for you & your business. visit- https://igeotechgps.com/.
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