igne-et-sanguine · 2 years
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my soul can’t bear to be without yours.
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igne-et-sanguine · 2 years
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chasing ghosts
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igne-et-sanguine · 2 years
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I'm going to be very very careful with my choice of words here because I know it's very important for me to pinpoint the discomfort here. Please do not take my words as fact or use it as a gotcha statement, I'm still mulling over how I feel about it all.
cQuackity is a character that is relearning his empathy and kindness. He is a character that has been taught, time and time again through his difficult experiences that he should cut off his humanity, the part of him that cares so much, instead desperately clawing for power in any way he can. And in doing so, he's been doing some pretty shady stuff. He's overcontrolling. He hurts a lot of people in the process, physically and emotionally - all for very selfish reasons. To him it's really a "dog eats dog" world.
Here's the thing - he finds someone worth protecting. Slimecicle, in all of his goofiness and naivety reminds him of that sort of humanity.
ccquackity's choice to have a mass production of countless versions of charlie and heavily molds them to be this terrifying, reductive shell of a soldier has um... certain. implications.
Look at how cQuackity repeats this sort of military mantra, to protect his nation at all costs.
Look at how they've all been reduced do something less than human, and they all have the likeness akin to charlie.
It's grotesque. And I won't put a very intense term for it, I just ask you to think of what this implies. It's so, incredibly terrifying that he reproduces this... army of what essentially are lives that are indoctrinated from birth.
This is different from him torturing a single individual that has repeatedly emotionally abused several children in the server. What cquackity decided to do was grossly hypocritical of everything he was supposed to be learning.
The narrative did not frame this as really a monstrous thing, either. I'm pretty sure it was meant to be more of a goofier tone to it all... But he didn't receive any consequences from it (at least as of right now). In fact, it rewarded him because training up these slimes were able to help drive Dream and Purpled out of Las Nevadas.
You can argue it helps with the argument he's "not a good person" but I think it crosses a line that was very sudden and jarring. It makes the narrative messaging not "have compassion for others" but more "compassion only matters for the people you directly care about". It makes cquackity's care for slimecicle so much more surface level in a sense. and it gives this icky sort of reminder that cquackity just has a fuck ton of disposable lives that exist just designed to serve a single purpose.
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igne-et-sanguine · 2 years
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last chance
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igne-et-sanguine · 2 years
it looks so cool how do you never miss
Thank you! I just follow a lot of good artists I guess, haha! :]
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igne-et-sanguine · 2 years
Check out the new profile, if you'd like :]
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igne-et-sanguine · 2 years
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Ready to defend.
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igne-et-sanguine · 2 years
I'll post some thoughts about Wilbur's ending sometime soon. I've got a lot of mixed feelings about it.
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igne-et-sanguine · 2 years
A little theory:
With how off-putting Charlie's voice lines towards Quackity have been in the new trailers, what if he's been revived? Recreated? Though, not by Quackity...
But by Dream?
What if somehow, he got ahold of what used to be Charlie, the boiled remains of the only weakness that Quackity had, and created him anew? Filling his head with lies and false truths about the man who had revered him so dearly? Had fought so hard to bring back?
And using Charlie against him?
There isn't much else that Quackity is willing to sacrifice himself for, no?
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igne-et-sanguine · 2 years
Well...at least he's alive.
And, I was right about a lot of things, haha!
With Charlie being used against Q, Q defending his country with everything he has, Dream coming back, etc.
I certainly didn't expect Ranboo and Mexican Dream to finally have a good conclusion, but I'm beyond happy that they did. They deserved one. (Though I wish MD mentioned seeing a little blue ghostie. I would have bawled knowing he was free somewhere.)
But, I'm...a little torn with the ending, unfortunately.
With everything that he has gone through, witnessing countries rise and fall, seeing leaders perish under pressure, torture, war, revenge, attachment...
I almost feel as if Quackity didn't learn anything at all.
You see, he learned his lesson about revenge long ago, longer than any mention of Las Nevadas. When he donned that butcher outfit, and suffered the consequences, he realized that he was not as strong as he felt. That he picked the wrong fight. And instead of using that rage, he used his mind.
He learned that revenge was a fool's game, and he only ever took it when he had the upper hand. Dream was locked up, he couldn't fight back, not like Techno. And Quackity took advantage of that. He exacted his fury upon a killer, and that's how he rationalized it.
"I'm not a bad person, I'm hurting the bad guy."
Little did he know, that his legacy, his only, only friend, learned the same thing.
The only thing, is that Charlie saw through it. That Quackity has hurt, and taken advantage of those weaker than him, even if he believed it was deserved. That Quackity was actually a villain to some people. A killer, a boss, a tyrant.
And a friend.
And he ended it.
And that was the end of Las Nevadas, wasn't it?
A country built on stubborness, hatred, greed, and revenge. By someone who wanted to make himself known, to seem powerful and untouchable.
So that no one could hurt him, ever again.
And yet, despite what this country represents, how its creation stemmed off of everything he hated. He decides to keep it going.
This symbol of the worst times of his life, his greed for freedom and power, made from the worst possible parts of Quackity, powering a country that has only ever spawned bad?
Why, why would he keep it going?
He doesn't have to leave a legacy, he never did in the first place. He only wanted to do so to make sure everybody knew his name.
So why did he keep it?
Has he truly learned nothing?
It just...it just feels baseless. You know? Las Nevadas didn't end. It's still going. This beacon of wealth and greed that Quackity should have really left behind in his last chapter. Because that's what it is. This is a new chapter for him. To heal, and understand how bad he had become, and to change his ways. Of course, he left his apologies to those he had wronged, but he still kept the place that housed the most hateful, and deceiving parts of him. The place that caused his biggest betrayal, and his death.
In the end, it doesn't feel as if he has come to terms with who he is now. It doesn't feel like he sees the bad parts if himself at all. It almost feels like he's just ignoring it.
Las Nevadas is Quackity. It is his defiance, and his want to be untouchable. But, it is also what is bad about him.
Charlie shows him that. He understands what Las Nevadas is.
And Quackity just...pushes past it. He doesn't get rid of the bad side of him. He doesn't grow. He ignores what Las Nevadas is.
He never really learned, did he?
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igne-et-sanguine · 2 years
"I take care of those who take care of me. Why do you think I have no one around? Put two and two together, Foolish."
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igne-et-sanguine · 2 years
I'm at work right now, so I can't watch unfortunately, but I'll watch as soon as I'm home!
And I'll share my thoughts :]
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igne-et-sanguine · 2 years
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feels more like being left behind
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igne-et-sanguine · 2 years
A little theory:
With how off-putting Charlie's voice lines towards Quackity have been in the new trailers, what if he's been revived? Recreated? Though, not by Quackity...
But by Dream?
What if somehow, he got ahold of what used to be Charlie, the boiled remains of the only weakness that Quackity had, and created him anew? Filling his head with lies and false truths about the man who had revered him so dearly? Had fought so hard to bring back?
And using Charlie against him?
There isn't much else that Quackity is willing to sacrifice himself for, no?
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igne-et-sanguine · 2 years
That ending was certainly...something.
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igne-et-sanguine · 2 years
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quackity doodles
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igne-et-sanguine · 2 years
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