igotbigideas · 4 years
not to imply disney has any creative value but wheres the muppet avengers movie. just like a watchable avengers
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igotbigideas · 5 years
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When SpongeBob turns 20 he will turn into a real boy and you will all have to watch Human Bob and enjoy it. He turned 18 today, so you have 2 more years to sort out your feelings.
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igotbigideas · 5 years
All aboard the hype train. Whoo-whoo! 🚂
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igotbigideas · 5 years
It’s really put things into perspective figuring out how many veggie fans don’t know what the fruits of the spirit are. It’s a friendly reminder for me that not all veggie fans are Christian or remember the stuff from church and Sunday school.
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The article talking about the new VT mentioned “9 fruits of the spirit”, and after a quick search: this is essentially what they’re talking about :B
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igotbigideas · 5 years
disney’s treatment of the muppets in general is shoddy at best, it’s like the redheaded stepchild of all their acquired properties. with marvel and star wars i suppose it’s easier to fail because those are enormous franchises. the muppet franchise isn’t like that anymore, it’s not the powerhouse it was in the 70s and 80s. the characters have to be handled well, with the same kind of attention to characterization and appeal that you would give to iron man or princess leia.
instead of listening to the people who’ve played these characters for decades and have devoted their lives to them they choose to bring in executives and writers from shit like the big bang theory, and then when that fails they just sweep the whole franchise under the rug until a reboot will be profitable again. up until that reboot it’s all talk show appearances and tv specials no one likes because they’re just celebrity cameo-fests. 
part of what made the muppets popular was that campy, sentimental, lackadaisical, occasionally snarky, but well-meaning vibe you got from the setting and the characters. the 2011 reboot (as much as i love it) fell a little too on the sweet and sentimental side while the 2015 series started out way too hard on the snarky side. there was no balance. when disney deals with the muppets they either bank too hard on nostalgia or what’s ���modern” (workplace comedies, celebrity scandals, etc.) with no balance. there has to be balance.
the 2011 muppet movie and its sequel felt so genuine because it was made by people who know and love the characters. the 2015 series fell flat because they hired people who couldn’t get on that level. i’m not saying you have to be like a devoted fan to work on a muppet project, but you need to understand what these characters mean to people. disney doesn’t understand that anymore and takes everything at face value, hence why we get terrible characterization and inconsistent writing
whoever’s at the helm of the rumored newest muppet project, please. do your research. study these characters. don’t turn them into jokes and static archetypes.
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igotbigideas · 5 years
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I have some thoughts on the upcoming Scooby Doo films…
Based off of the comic by KC Green
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igotbigideas · 5 years
What’s your fantasy?
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igotbigideas · 5 years
Do you feel disappointed that VeggieTales ended near its 25th Anniversary? Some people might not take it lightly.
Well, I’m so thankful for the 25 years of entertainment we were given, but I am disappointed that the show didn’t end on a high note. I expected a little more integrity from BigIdea, but it’s been so understandably hard for the company the past 10 years or so. Times have changed and they were difficult to keep up with. New management made it even harder. If VeggieTales has to end, I just want one final hurrah before I have to say goodbye. Something that brings together what Phil wanted to accomplish all those years ago. Something that says “Thank you (the fans) for your love and support on this one crazy ride, and always remember that God made you special and He loves you very much.” Something heartfelt and meaningful, ya know?
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igotbigideas · 5 years
You don’t want to be rich. You want to live freely.
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igotbigideas · 5 years
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It happens this year folks…
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igotbigideas · 6 years
Petition for there to be a Tony Stark cameo in every marvel film after A4 where he’s just chilling while the world goes to shit
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igotbigideas · 6 years
Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.
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I am risking nothing
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Will not risk.
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sorry followers :(
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igotbigideas · 6 years
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Are VeggieTales memes a thing? If not, I’m making them a thing
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igotbigideas · 6 years
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Once again this whole blog has been brought to you by 
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Get used to it!
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igotbigideas · 6 years
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igotbigideas · 6 years
If you see this
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You were visited by the magic kitten of rest. Reblog to have a good night’s sleep.
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igotbigideas · 6 years
Bad News: VeggieTales is Cancelled
According to Christian Nutrition’s YouTube channel, he found a source of Mike Nawrocki stating that no new VeggieTales projects and/or productions are currently being worked on.
Here’s the link to Christian Nutrition’s video: https://youtu.be/0y0vJUdwgEw
I’m sorry I made a post thinking VeggieTales was coming back. I was too hopeful about the little information I was finding. I apologize if I got anyone’s hopes up. Today is a sad day for Veggie fans.
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