ihateavacados127 · 9 months
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ihateavacados127 · 11 months
prepare to get sick of me bc i literally cant shut the fuck up😈😈
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ihateavacados127 · 11 months
everyday i get closer and closer to wanting to become a housewife bc wym i get to have a rich husband n a beautiful house with more stories than anyone needs BUT NOOOO i just have to get a stupid degree😒😒
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ihateavacados127 · 1 year
Things my professors have said: chemistry edition
"a human is just a sack of water"
"I once heard one of our professors explain to another one how incredibly important physical chemistry is. The other one replied, 'Yes I know. But it's so boring'"
[draws a goat on the wipeboard]
"I thought to myself, 'god, I'm still so young and these people are building a hydrogen bomb next door!'"
"the alchemists were lonely people because they stank"
"look at this unit! Physicists make everything more complicated"
"hydrogen is that guy who does sports. Deuterium is the one who wishes he did"
"not a day goes by that something doesn't explode in this faculty. Our dearly departed professor [name] who blew himself up in his laboratory and died on the spot-"
"who here enjoys trigonometry?" [Several people raise their hands] "you're weird"
"generally speaking, you can't write one over zero or else everyone gets a stroke - so we're going to use these anti-stroke brackets"
"when I was a little kid I liked to play with mercury. You don't do that though!"
And my personal favorite:
"so many great inventions in science have been made because people dream - so, I encourage you all to dream every day"
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ihateavacados127 · 1 year
Interesting fact I think you didn't know (and which I've learned from my chemistry teacher that worked in different branches of the industry his entire life):
Czech people are kind of radiation resistant because we literally live on radioactive soil (the entire country is filled with uranium. When Marie Sklodowska Curie discovered radiation, she was using Czech uranium).
And that's also why we handled the Chernobyl radiation so well - we're used to it and basically immune to it.
That's right folks, Czechs are basically radioactive
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ihateavacados127 · 1 year
The newly discovered ice is amorphous—that is, its molecules are in a disorganized form, not neatly ordered as they are in ordinary, crystalline ice. Amorphous ice, although rare on Earth, is the main type of ice found in space. That is because in the colder environment of space, ice does not have enough thermal energy to form crystals.
For the study, published in the journal Science, the research team used a process called ball milling, vigorously shaking ordinary ice together with steel balls in a jar cooled to -200 degrees Celsius.
They found that, rather than ending up with small bits of ordinary ice, the process yielded a novel amorphous form of ice that, unlike all other known ices, had the same density as liquid water and whose state resembled water in solid form. They named the new ice “medium-density amorphous ice” (MDA).
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ihateavacados127 · 1 year
The whole “scientists use big words on purpose to be exclusive” is such a bunch of anti-intellectual bullshit. Specific and concise language exists for a reason; you need the right words to convey the right meaning, and explaining stuff right is a hugely important part of science. Cultures that live around loads of snow have loads of words to describe different types of snow; cultures that live in deserts have loads of words to describe different types of sand. Complex language is needed for complex meaning.
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ihateavacados127 · 1 year
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Astronomy I-
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