ihateeveerythings · 1 year
Homeschool Groupchat
I’ve made a homeschool groupchat in Discord. There are vent, pet, art, homework, cooking, and chat channels. We don’t call super frequently but we plan events like Online Proms and the chat is decently active daily. It’s a community of supportive homeschooled teenagers.
Don’t be afraid to join and participate in conversations, this is a non judgemental space and we’re all socially awkward.
(Likely the last time I post this link to avoid spamming the sub)
submitted by /u/Used_BBandaid [link] [comments] from Homeschooling resources, ideas and advice https://ift.tt/LMUKjON
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ihateeveerythings · 1 year
[California] Reminder for those homeschooling in California that you can file your Private School Affidavit beginning August 1st! This video has step-by-step instructions on how to fill the form.
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submitted by /u/Laylyr [link] [comments]
from Homeschooling resources, ideas and advice https://ift.tt/WhCV1te
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ihateeveerythings · 1 year
Lighten Your Homeschool Day! Delve into Homeschool Humor on Facebook - Share laughs, homeschooling quips, and humorous anecdotes. Because when it comes to homeschooling, we could all use a giggle!
submitted by /u/Laylyr [link] [comments] from Homeschooling resources, ideas and advice https://ift.tt/v9YJ2kE
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ihateeveerythings · 1 year
Homeschooling How?
I am homeschooling my 7-year-old son. I feel overwhelmed with so many resources. Where do I start?
submitted by /u/ScholarScribe12 [link] [comments] from Homeschooling resources, ideas and advice https://ift.tt/PJw3OqC
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ihateeveerythings · 1 year
Seeking a high school engineering class for my homeschooler
My homeschooler (10th grade) is interested in becoming an engineer and we are looking for a good engineering class
submitted by /u/Deep_Emergency_2302 [link] [comments] from Homeschooling resources, ideas and advice https://ift.tt/ukwbLli
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ihateeveerythings · 1 year
Year Around School
Do any of you homeschool year around? I started doing it this past year, after a few years of the usual August-June timeframe. What are some of the pros and cons for doing it whichever way you've decided to do it?
submitted by /u/Research_Repulsive [link] [comments] from Homeschooling resources, ideas and advice https://ift.tt/X0LWg8w
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ihateeveerythings · 1 year
Good writing curriculum for high schooler?
Good writing curriculum for high schooler?
submitted by /u/FarFetcher32 [link] [comments] from Homeschooling resources, ideas and advice https://ift.tt/QUxkW4B
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ihateeveerythings · 1 year
Fun with Words and Sentence Segmentation 1
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submitted by /u/HomeschoolCart [link] [comments]
from Homeschooling resources, ideas and advice https://ift.tt/mwfj48z
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ihateeveerythings · 1 year
ISO Laptop for homeschooling
So I’m starting highschool this august and I am going to be using the penn foster program for probably all of high school and I am wondering what’s the best brand of laptop? I’ll probably only use it for school and maybe a couple games but mostly school,I need something cheap,and something that isn’t slower than dirt and can handle a few files for schoolwork, feel free to send me a specific laptop or brand I just need it to be affordable like 100-600$ prob and to work at a decent speed and be reliable. Also if you know of any programs or places that has a student discount lmk! Thank you!!
submitted by /u/Just-reading51 [link] [comments] from Homeschooling resources, ideas and advice https://ift.tt/0bSvreP
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ihateeveerythings · 1 year
Seek and Share Advice at 'Homeschool Middle & High School Parents' Group on Facebook! Get Insights on Transcripts, Graduation, College Prep, and More. With the group growing fast, your Expertise Is Needed!
submitted by /u/Laylyr [link] [comments] from Homeschooling resources, ideas and advice https://ift.tt/LHV0IQg
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ihateeveerythings · 1 year
Homeschooling with Chronic Illness
I have been struggling with chronic illness, so my energy level is unpredictable. I am a new homeschool mom of a 4-year old and 1-year old.
My plan is to sort of go-with-the-flow of the day, and teach from everyday life when I can. I also read to them as much as I can (some days even picking up and reading outloud is too hard). I have also started with some letter sounds, 2 and 3 letter sounds, and blending.
We do science experiments, sometimes. Baking together and math concepts such as adding, subtracting, and even some basic 1/2 and 1/4 fractions.
I'm not a parent who can do a lot of outdoor time, which breaks my heart, so we currently have time in nature when we can and my husband tends to be the more adventurous one.
Thankfully, I have time to work through a plan since they are still so young.
We did sign up for a one half-day bi-weekly preK co-op group, and we have some friend and church friend groups who homeschool.
I am grateful, but I get the nagging feeling that my kiddos will miss-out or be behind, or they won't have a routine.
(I have Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia, so my heartrate is always around 100 bpm, and easily goes to 120-130 just doing the most basic tasks. I also have POTS and Vasovagal/Neurocardiogenic Syncope)
Thank you in advance for the advice!
submitted by /u/UsualRare3585 [link] [comments] from Homeschooling resources, ideas and advice https://ift.tt/5URWqzX
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ihateeveerythings · 1 year
Trying to figure it out with not much time left
My wife and I have a child who will be starting school in the next year or so and, while I was homeschooled) I know nothing about how to get started with it.
My parents had me going through a company, I guess, it was Pensacola Christian academy, but I’m not wanting to do the thing where a classroom is recorded and he follows along. It didn’t help me in the slightest and I’m trying to avoid religious settings until he’s old enough to to be able to use critical thinking and choose that for himself.
I want to teach him his stuff in the ways that he learns best and be able to actually interact with him and give him the time he needs to succeed and do well. We are both able to stay home and do it and it’s much safer and homeschooled children have been proven to do better.
submitted by /u/MrCaveman080 [link] [comments] from Homeschooling resources, ideas and advice https://ift.tt/ps5okOJ
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ihateeveerythings · 1 year
self paced geometry course with no minimum completion time?
Hi! I have to have completed a geometry course and received a transcript/certificate of completion prior to August 10th.
The online course I am taking has 2 parts/halves/separate courses. I have completed the first part, but I just started the second half today and realized that the minimum completion time is 1 month!
Is there any way I could quickly complete an alternate course in time? Please help!!
submitted by /u/SnooMaps4495 [link] [comments] from Homeschooling resources, ideas and advice https://ift.tt/17JNXOb
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ihateeveerythings · 1 year
Trying to find the best homeschool program.
My wife and I are going to start homeschooling this year so we can travel more often and we’re at our wits end for trying to find the best program for our 11 year old going into 6th grade. Please help..
submitted by /u/Life-Ad-2376 [link] [comments] from Homeschooling resources, ideas and advice https://ift.tt/3M2sb4h
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ihateeveerythings · 1 year
Starting HomeSchooling this year in WV
Hello Everyone, I'm looking to start homeschooling my 7 yr old, going into 2nd grade. I was wondering what are some of the best places / sites / programs to use for curriculum? Any pointers to look out for or avoid when searching for one?
submitted by /u/ActiveWonder223 [link] [comments] from Homeschooling resources, ideas and advice https://ift.tt/bgL14Qi
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ihateeveerythings · 1 year
Recommendations on online curriculum for 7th grade?
Lets hear 7th grade curriculum recommendations? My son wants online
submitted by /u/Gloomy-Anywhere-5700 [link] [comments] from Homeschooling resources, ideas and advice https://ift.tt/QouLsip
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ihateeveerythings · 1 year
My mum just started home schooling me due to my mental health issues and we started around a month ago (monday 19th June 2023). we need some lessons ideas, we are ok for math,English, science,pe but we need some help on what to do for history and music. we also have this made up lessons which we have named 'animals' it's basically researching and answering questions on their favourite animals and animals they want to understand better. Some questions for the animals subjects incase you want to add it to your child's schedule are: 1:Where do they live 2:What do they eat 3:Are they oviparous (do they lay eggs) 4:How long are they pregnant for 5:How many babys do they have at a time (fun fact hammer head sharks can have 6-50 babies at a time and they are called pups. other shark babys are also called pups too.) Questions like that Any ideas? (all are needed).
submitted by /u/unknown_user1608 [link] [comments] from Homeschooling resources, ideas and advice https://ift.tt/fFAZLTJ
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