Do you love Black women all the time or do you only love Black women when they're fuckable?
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Fuck Israel and fuck everyone who still wants to pretend this is confusing or complicated. Is it really that hard to point out the "bad people" in a scenario where a multi-billion dollar military apparatus is handcuffing and killing children and medical staff inside a fucking hospital?
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these are actual diagnoses from my dr appt today
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what if we saw shapeshifter versions of izutsumi?
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Explanations under the cut
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#1 is Laios' Izutsumi:
extra detail on her cat parts
more monster-y traits present
outfit mistake
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#2 is Marcille's Izutsumi:
influenced by their time in the Golden Country
a little more chill than the others
softer hair
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#3 is Senshi's Izutsumi:
details of puffed up fur
this izutsumi is skinnier than the others (ribs showing)
^^ senshi must take care of the child
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#4 is Chilchuck's Izutsumi:
rounded ears like marcille's
eyes kinda look like his kids puckpatti and flertom
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I just found out the most hilariously amazing thing.
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the humble "like" is oft mocked despite what it does for us. "like, three people" is a vastly different statement from "three people". "and i was like 'what the fuck'" is vastly different from "and i said 'what the fuck'". i love you "like" and anyone who says you make people sound stupid will be killed on sight
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I don’t care how contrived it is. I will always enjoy two characters who don’t like each other somehow getting trapped in the same place, and having to work together to escape, while at the same time growing closer and learning that maybe, the other person isn’t so bad after all.
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im cooking
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the og teen titans but with no context :v
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“no rapping tonight"
"you rap about arthurian knights everytime, it's embarrassing"
[after one beer]
uh oh y'all i go into a trance a lot
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Tim realizing the best ways to hide your secret identity is to either be in love with them or to hate them, and since he already has a crush on an actual person he decides to go the hating Robin route
He can’t go about like Bruce does, him and Batman having a weird exes that weren’t ever dating thing, and he can’t do Clark’s I-disagree-with-Superman’s-methods thing because he has to be original and he refuses to go the easy route of having an actual excuse to avoid his secret identity
What Tim decides on is this:
They have beef. The beef will not be explained but there will be twitter wars. When asked they will only respond with “they know what they did”. They are fighting in a Denny’s parking lot. Bets are placed. There is video evidence. Surprisingly Tim wins. This is not explained. It becomes a running meme in Gotham.
Young Justice finds out- they don’t know Robin’s identity- they make fun of him. He kicks their asses in training. They are left questioning if Tim Drake could kick their asses. They belive Tim Drake is an upcoming Rouge. They do not know why Robin has been laughing his head off for the last ten minutes. Then they see a video of Tim face planting while skateboarding. They are no longer concerned. Robin is still laughing. They realize that Robin just really hates Tim and the hatred seems requited. They make their own memes.
Jason comes back to life. He sees the memes. He is confused. If Bruce is Batman, and Tim Drake, Bruce’s son (??? He has parents?), is not Robin, then who is? And does this mean that Bruce did not replace him?
Bruce has no clue this is happening.
Tim is having the time of his life.
J’onn is questioning how he got blackmailed by a 15 year old. (He thinks it’s hilarious)
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[footage of the inside of an ordinary Eastern-European home, taken with a handheld phone camera, the man filming is walking from the living room to the back door of the house]
man, narrating in russian: Every fucking year, this time of the year, the pond at my backyard gets infested. What do ponds get infested with? Frogs? Poisonous weeds? Geese? No. Not my pond.
[The man opens the back door, stepping out into a garden. Three or four nude, human-like figures dash from the borders of a pond back into the water.]
man: Rusalki! I don't know where they come from or how they get here, and I can't afford to hire an exterminator every year. I can't let my cat outside anymore. Last year a rusalka managed to drown a whole deer in my pond, the stench was unbearable.
[He walks as he speaks, approaching the pond. There are several eerily beautiful female beings peering at him from under the surface, their long hair floating in the murky water. Their eyes are gleaming in an unhuman way. The man holding the camera stops to film them.]
man, calm and deadpan: What the fuck are all of you staring at. Get jobs or something.
[One of the rusalki, smaller than the others and clearly not a fully matured adult, slowly reaches out of the water with her white, thin hand, grasping his ankle. He appears unconcerned.]
man: You can't drown me, you little idiot. You're too small. Shoo!
[A loud thud startles the rusalki, making them scatter. A second thud makes it clear these are the approaching footsteps of something massive. The man turns around and points the camera at what appears to be a house, walking past above the treeline with chicken-like legs]
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