ihava1dblognow · 5 years
Mon 1 July  pt 1/ 2
Man where do I even begin. The big Discourse has been about the HBO show Euphoria and its brief animated H/L sex scene, as expected, specifically about whether Harry and or Louis knew about it or approved it. Much has been made of Harry’s follows of two people involved in the show, one of whom tweeted about him specifically in the lead up to it airing, but there are plenty of non show related potential reasons for both those follows, it’s hardly conclusive. Regardless there was a lot of hope the talk would just die down but instead Louis weighed in to reply to a tweet about the show, saying “I can categorically state that I was not contacted nor did I approve it.” The fact that the tweet he chose to reply to is one that says that they think Harry knew and was okay with it but Louis wouldn’t be has been ascribed a lot of meaning, mostly people assuming that he’s saying that’s true by choosing that one and of course as always many question whether he was the person tweeting or if it was management. I GUESS? That’s a possible interpretation, yes. And it’s one that’s gained a lot of ground and is unfortunately fueling the Harry vs Louis divide that already exists in some parts of the fandom.
I personally read it differently and we’ll never know but my take: he can’t speak for both of them or acknowledge Harry. We know this. But the showrunners did not contact one but not the other of them, there’s just no way, if Louis wasn’t contacted Harry wasn’t contacted. And I think he very efficiently A) answered the big question that the fandom has been going nuts over, were they asked, and B) managed to imply that Harry wasn’t asked either despite the fact that he can’t talk about Harry. Is it possible that the boys received a heads up somewhere along the way from someone in the know? I’d be truly shocked if not, but that’s very different than being able to stop it from happening (or even wanting to.) Also a real possibility- the poor man came home from a fun and relaxing weekend to everyone freaking the fuck out and simply tweeted a cranky factual reply to a semi random post on his timeline about it.
HBO sure knew a long time ago though; they made a blog for the fictional character last October and it’s back in business interacting with actual larry blogs here as of today. If you want to block or gawk, the URL is thunder-kit-kat: it has been up for months claiming to be the blog of a 15 year old and following and interacting with real life minors. YIKES.
And finally not to be left out of the fun kpop fans started a mean and confusing hashtag about Harry and got it trending which just added to the frantic discoursing, but by this evening it had been replaced in the trending lists by #lovingharryparty and #louiswesupportyou. A happy conclusion to a stressful day, let’s stay the course with that sort of thing shall we?
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ihava1dblognow · 5 years
Tues 2 July
Liam content continues! He announced another performance, Jeddah World Fest in Saudi Arabia on the 18th of this month, we got a first look at a couple pieces from the clothes collection (a shirt with the chevron on it!), and he has a long and very sweet interview out in the evening standard. In it he credits Edward Enninful with helping a lot with his (awful sounding, poor Liam) anxiety issues and helping him be more social again, he says the chevron tattoo (a hot topic with the collection focus on it) was meant to be smaller but he didn't want to correct the artist when it was too big LIAM OMG, he talks about the assigned looks in 1D and not being allowed to wear certain stuff ("I haven’t worn a stripe since I was 15") and he talks about Bear and how much he loves him and the decision to shield him from the public. But my favorite part is him on the STD era fashion: "there was a part of me that enjoyed that the way I was dressing was annoying people- I was like, I’m going to get abused whatever I wear," and if that isn't the lesbian fashion mantra of all time idk what is, where're the "Liam is a lesbian icon" blogs?? A concept whose time has come people.
Louis tweeted about Glastonbury ("incredible! one of the best places in the world!") and other people tweeted cute pics of him and their stories of meeting him there. Consensus- he was so nice! He didn't have to be but he was so sweet and friendly! One girl who tweeted her story responded to a Briana and Eleanor fan account pestering her for details about Louis and Eleanor, 'idk they seemed like friends, isn't he with that guy in his band?' LOL.
Niall, a man who truly knows how to vacation, has moved on to his next activity, playing at the Irish Open! He expressed doubt that he was ready for the course but I'm sure he's having a blast regardless. He also tweeted... a whole lot of stuff idk, just like, stuff, about golf and things, and took some cute pics with fans at the golf tourney.
Industry insider Jeff Sneider tweets that Harry is not just on the Elvis movie shortlist, but is also wanted for Little Shop of Horrors- UMM I want I want I want (but that's crazy).... It's all just talk and pipe dreams, we don't know what Harry wants to do but he's come through for our biggest asks before, how about it babe?? And Liam Gallagher talks about meeting Harry, saying that he's really talented, he likes him, and "I thought he’d be a lot more impressed to hang out with me" AHAHAHA wow. I mean seriously though he didn't seem to understand Harry's level of stardom which is pretty funny TBH. Oh he also said he heard some of his new material speaking of I WANT! Jealous.
I sincerely did not want to talk about Euphoria anymore, but damn Louis' tweet is getting so much media coverage! Like A LOT. And what coverage it is, there are articles laying out the history of Larry shipping, pointing people to freddieismyqueen videos, giving instructions about what not to google lest you find out more about this crazy wild theory, umm. Ok then. Welcome newbies! I assume you're flooding in even as we speak, hello, have a cookie, maybe turn off your anon asks. Meanwhile Billboard, a bit more restrained, just ran an article explaining why Louis couldn't win a legal action against the show.
And RIP me, here's even more Euphoria stuff: I am not quite ready to stop talking about that blog HBO is running- they seem to have realized they fucked up and have been fiddling with it all day, first deleting the bio that says they're 16 yeah you think, then deleting the fics, and now changing the URL repeatedly (it's currently fan-of-stuff1 but subject to change) but they still follow minors (and have who knows how many followers) who may not be checking in to notice these changes and they still don't have it marked as a promotional entity anywhere. If you're reading this, people in charge of that extremely poorly thought out piece of marketing, seriously please just DELETE and, if you must, make a (new) clearly marked promo blog. This promo may be technically legal but it certainly violated some common sense ethical boundaries, just cut your losses.
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ihava1dblognow · 5 years
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We could be the greatest team the world has ever seen!
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ihava1dblognow · 5 years
What do you mean with 'the timing'?
Hi anon,
Just a headcanon held by a few people (and that’s all it is as there’s no specific proof) is that 4th May is a big day for Li and Z and not just in the popular star wars sense.
That poem coming today sort of lives up to it though also Ramadan commences tonight too.  
Also, the picture 
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reminds me of this that Jawaad posted back in February and then reposted later.   
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ihava1dblognow · 5 years
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ihava1dblognow · 5 years
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antmiddleton: Great evening with great people and what an amazing new burger joint @wahlburgers in Covent garden… Opens on the 20th May so go check it out! Surround yourself with positive people and you WILL smile 🙌🏼
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ihava1dblognow · 5 years
Louis speaks to Ode. Published 5th May, 2019.
Louis’ interview with Ode. Published 5th May, 2019, but clearly before the Louis and Richard video was filmed, and before he decided on the album title that now seems to be set, according to the Hits Live interview. Fan questions continue to be used in interviews, with diminishing returns if not in the hands of the right interview. This particular interviewer all but calls herself out several times (these are ridiculous, aren’t they? I coudn’t get away with it in a serious interview) but still the device seems to persist. I wish they would either find more inventive ones, or drop this altogether. There is a complete absence of music questions, sadly, but Louis manages (despite sometimes showing his frustration) to answer politely and with charm, and we get a few little gems out of it. Once again, he effusively praises his fans, bless his heart. The contrast between his expression for the Freddie question (first pic) and him talking about his fans (last pic) is….telling.
Ode:  I did ask your fans…
Louis:  Mm….
Ode:  ….for some questions
Louis:  Nice
Ode:  Last time we did this they were the wackiest, weirdest questions….
Louis:  Mm…
Ode:  ….but they were fun, so….and they’re not things that I would have come up with….
Louis:  Ok….
Ode:  So I would like to ask them. What do you call your fans, by the way? I think they’re confused….
Louis:  Everyone asks me this, everyone asks this….
Ode:  ….are they Louies, or are they Legends, or like….I don’t actually know
Louis:  Look, they can….if they want to have a little tag and a name for themselves they can, but I’ve never had….sometimes they are a bit cringe to me, them names. I don’t know, I don’t know. I mean, I’m sure they’ve got a name for themselves, but I don’t particularly have a name.
Ode:  What would you like them to be called, though? Legends is quite cool.
Louis:  (not convinced) Yeah…sounds a little (air quotes gesture) “gimmicky” when you put a name on it, d’you know what I mean….yeah, I dunno…
Ode:  You’re too cool for that…
Louis:  Maybe.
Ode:  Ok, here we go with the random fan questions….
Louis:  Ok, lets do it
Ode:  I had over four thousand , by the way, and I don’t know how you deal with replies to your tweets….
Louis:  It’s tough, yeah
Ode:  …because this is insane. Um, “When was the last time you went to a zoo?”
Louis:  Wow, that’s a proper random question. Well, I’d not been to a zoo until I’d been in the band, actually - I’d never been to a zoo before, there’s a little bit of trivia for you….eh, I think maybe about two years ago, two, three years ago, and it were London Zoo. It’s good there, innit?
Ode:  You should be taking Freddie to the zoo. He’s the perfect age for that, right?
Louis:  Yes, yeah,,,yeah, yeah…..you’re right, yeah (this pic is Louis expression right after his response)
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Ode: I love the zoo. Ok, “What’s your go-to dance move?”
Louis:  Well, pffff….I haven’t really danced too much unless I’ve had a few drinks, and then it’s just the typical rave (demonstrates)….y’know what I mean. Keeping it simple, yeah. (Ode demonstrates gun fingers) Yeah, yeah, gun fingers, yeah (imitates gun fingers)
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Ode: Nice. So, we’re not going to see any dancing on tour, then?
Louis:  Absolutely not. No, no way.
Ode:  Why not?
Louis:  No way. Maybe losing myself in the music a bit, but there’ll be no dancing, no chance, no chance….
Ode:  Oh, c’mon. You were doing that back in the 1D days…
Louis:  I…don’t think so. Not on my watch.
Ode:  You could do, like, a cover - surely you’d do, like, a 1D cover…
Louis:  Yeah, but there were no dance routines in One Direction. I demanded there wasn’t.
Ode:  Ok, maybe I’m thinking of the videos there were….Ok…(refering to her notes) - maybe I’ll save this one for last, because I like that one - ah….”Can you or will you please bring back suspenders?”
Louis:  Oh (shaking head) that’s tragic. Um, no (looking straight to camera) NO. Um, y’know, when you grow up in the industry, you make some real - when you grow up in general, you make some real fashion errors. You know, I grew up in the industry and made some real appalling decisions, as we all did at the start of our career. One of mine was wearing those (gestures along his torso where suspenders would go)…what do you call them again?…the…the braces…
Ode:  They’re braces, here we call them braces…
Louis:  Braces, yeah. Pffff (shaking head) bad time for me. That’s why I expect one of me mates, or one of the lads to say “Look, lad, as a mate, take them off”, y’know what I mean, but nobody, nobody….that’s why this job’s tough, know what I mean?
Ode:  Yeah, yeah, definitely…those decisions….this morning, you did well. Grey jumper, jeans….
Louis:  Yeah? Yeah, thank you….
Ode:  …white trainers…
Louis:  ….thank you. You sound surprised (laughs)
Ode:  No! I mean, it’s good. You’ve clearly evolved, your fashion’s evolved….
Louis:  I have evolved, I have, I have
Ode:  Alright. I didn’t think I’d be doing this because this is what YouTubers do, but “Louis, what is your skin care routine, please?”
Louis:   Pfffff…..I mean, unless I’m at work, I’m pretty….yeah…lazy like that really. I don’t really have a skin care routine. Just wash me face. That’s about it, really. Keep it simple. None of those fancy face creams or owt like that, not for me.
Ode:  Not like a Korean mask or anything like that?
Louis:  No, no, not for me, not for me. I’d get terrorised by me mates if I pulled one of them out.
Ode:  (laughing) That’s fine. Um, important question here, which you’re apparently quite passionate about….
Louis:  (quietly) Maybe….
Ode:  ….”What is your favourite type of cereal?”
Louis:  I am passionate about cereal, actually. I have….I have….not so good these days, but I have, back in the day I used to have a pretty phenomenal cereal cupboard. We’re talking thirty, forty boxes in there….um, it’s a big question (pained expression, looking skywards, thinking)….
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…it seems odd to go against Coco Pops , so I’ll say Coco Pops, yeah, yeah
Ode:  The dream, the dream
Louis:  I mean, yeah, standard. Mm (ok gesture)
Ode:  Coco Pops is the only thing I have in my cupboards…
Louis:  Mm, smart, smart, mm
Ode:  Good choice, good choice….(looking down at her notes) these are ridiculous, aren’t they? But that’s why I…
Louis:  That’s why they’re good, yeah…
Ode:  Well, I couldn’t get away away with it in a serious interview. If I came up with these
Louis:  (laughs) Yeah, yeah….that’s true, that’s true, that’s true
Ode:  I would seriously, ah, reconsider my job. Um, “Are you planning on getting any new tattoos soon? Maybe one related to your solo era?”
Louis:  Um, yeah. I’ve been saying that I’m gonna get some more tattoos for a while, but I just don’t seem to get ‘round to it. Um, I’ve had this pretty bad one (rolls up sleeve to show the tattoo) that Robbie Williams did on the X Factor (shakes head), which - look at that - it was meant to be an X. It looks like a religious cross. It isn’t a religious cross, and look how bad that is.
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Ode:  Yeah, you can definitely get that, like, improved…maybe
Louis:  Well, believe it or not, but I am gonna try and have this improved by an eighty-five year old guy. I’m doing, like, a bucket list video with this amazing guy called Richard, from Leeds, and one of the things he is gonna do is try and tattoo me, at the age of eighty-five, so is it gonna be better or worse than Robbie Williams? I don’t know. We’ll have to wait and see.
Ode:  That’s so much trust
Louis:  Yeah…OH NO! It’s not really trust. I mean, unless it’s brilliant, which it might not be, I probably might have it covered up, y’know what I mean, but we’ll see.
Ode:  Ok. What would you get, do you think…..
Louis:  I’m thinking….
Ode:  ….if you could get something to mark your solo career?
Louis:  Oh, um…..uummmm….maybe once I’ve had the album out, I’ll probably have the album title….
Ode:  You’re not going to give me any clues as to what that is, are you?
Louis:  I don’t really know what it is yet
Ode:  Oh, you haven’t made a decision , ok
Louis:  No, no
Ode:  Um, lets do one more (looks at her notes, laughs) “Louis, why are you so adorable, it hurts?”
Louis:  (tilts his head back) Oh…
Ode:  And I actually had that a lot…
Louis: I don’t know how to answer that, I don’t know how to answer that….
Ode:  ….I had that a lot, I had that a lot, so there’s clearly a huge demand…
Louis:: Mm…(shakes his head)….
Ode:  ….for you to answer that question…
Louis:  I don’t really know how to answer that question. I’m blessed from being from Doncaster - that’s probably why, yeah
Ode:  (laughs) I mean, last time I asked you why you…the sun…I can’t even remember now…
Louis:  And what was my reply? Probably something as….
Ode:  It was something very similar
Louis:  Yeah, hmm, hmm
Ode:  You haven’t got used to answering my questions yet?
Louis:  Um, I think it’s difficult for anyone to answer, really. What’s the question? (laughs)
Ode:  Has it sunk in, though, this level of fame, like, that comes with having been in One Direction, then doing X Factor, and seeing your fans, like, how incredibly passionate they are. Does that ever sink in?
Louis: Not really, not really. I mean, we did something special around this single campaign with Global Hot Spots, and put Hot Spots around the world for fans to go and find, and every single time I…I…I call upon them
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they’re there, and it’s incredible, but it surprises me every time as well, and the level of dedication from them is, ah, it’s amazing.
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ihava1dblognow · 5 years
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Hits Live Birmingham
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ihava1dblognow · 5 years
int: what’s the most romantic thing you’ve done for someone
louis: :D
me: oh no
louis: oh yes
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ihava1dblognow · 5 years
niall: something about sports
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ihava1dblognow · 5 years
‪starting to think one direction: this is us (2013) might not win best picture at the oscars ‬
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ihava1dblognow · 5 years
1d are flat earthers sadly
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ihava1dblognow · 5 years
somebody please tell niall and shawn that they’re terrible at this “we’re just friends” game
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ihava1dblognow · 5 years
the real question here: did he leave his hair grow like that for the complete zaladdin look?
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ihava1dblognow · 5 years
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via liampayne insta story - 14/4
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ihava1dblognow · 5 years
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ihava1dblognow · 5 years
I really can’t see this Gigi/Liam thing going anywhere. Tptb are playing with fire as it is reminding the gp of the link between Liam and Zayn. This kind of narrative just reminds people of how much ridicule Zigi received when it first started, not too mention any Ziam rumours they may have heard.
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