iheartdarcylowell · 2 years
kenjinazeera quotes (find me)
'The sun has been dead for hours now, and the dark, winding path is lit only by low lanterns and the diffused light of nearby tents. She’s bathed in it. Glowing. More beautiful than ever, which is nothing short of terrifying, to be honest. Her eyes are big and bright and she’s staring at me like she’s just a girl and I’m just a guy and we’re not both just a pair of dumbasses headed directly for the sun. Like we’re not both murderers, more or less.
'I’m serious, Nazeera. I could’ve killed you.”
Her smile fades when she realizes I’m serious. And then she looks at me, really looks at me. “That’s not possible.”
I roll my eyes, but I can’t help but crack a smile at her certainty.
“You know,” she says softly, “I think there was a part of me that was really hoping you’d catch me.”
“Yeah,” she whispers. “Otherwise—why didn’t I just fly away?”
I take a second to let that sink in.
And then—
She’s right. I never stood a chance against this girl.
“Hey,” I say.
“You’re completely insane, you know that?”
“Yeah,” she says, and sighs.
And somehow, impossibly—
I’m smiling.
Carefully, I reach out, grazing her cheek with the tips of my fingers. She trembles under my touch. Closes her eyes.
My heart stops.
“Nazeera, I—”
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iheartdarcylowell · 2 years
Summer Di Laurentis quotes (the chase)
'Oh really? You received word? Did they send a telegram?'
'A woman isn’t defined by her boyfriends. She’s defined by her achievements. And her shoes.'
'Allie’s show is actually based on a book I really enjoyed, and although I’m happy that she’s a working actress, I secretly think the book was better.
The book is always better.'
'Oh, and he’s shirtless.
As in, not wearing a shirt.
I can’t even.'
'I clench my teeth. “Sorry if it bothers me that one of the guys I live with thinks I’m nothing but a fluffy sorority girl.”
      “You know who else was viewed as a fluffy sorority girl?” she challenges. “Elle Woods. And you know what she did? She went to law school and showed everyone how smart she was, and then she became a lawyer and everybody loved her, and her slimy ex tried to win her back and she sent him on his way. The end.'
'And no, I’m not jealous seeing that. Why would I be?'
'And I also live with Fitz, who I’m still attracted to despite how badly I want to punch him in the dick.'
'At the mention of what went down this weekend (me. I went down this weekend. On him),'
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iheartdarcylowell · 3 years
warnette quotes destroy me
'Funny, how accustomed I’d become to visiting her here; how it gave me a strange sense of comfort to know that she and I were living in the same building. Her presence on base changed everything for me; the weeks she spent here became the first I ever enjoyed living in these quarters. I looked forward to her temper. Her tantrums. Her ridiculous arguments. I wanted her to yell at me; I would’ve congratulated her had she ever slapped me in the face. I was always pushing her, toying with her emotions. I wanted to meet the real girl trapped behind the fear. I wanted her to finally break free of her own carefully constructed restraints. Because while she might be able to feign timidity within the confines of isolation, out here—amid chaos, destruction—I knew she’d become something entirely different. I was just waiting. Every day, patiently waiting for her to understand the breadth of her own potential; never realizing I’d entrusted her to the one soldier who might take her away from me. I should shoot myself for it.'
'Only afterward did I realize she was counting her breaths. I couldn’t stop thinking about her after that. I was distracted long before she arrived on base, constantly wondering what she might be doing and whether she’d speak again.'
'I watched the unassuming outline of this girl I could not see and did not know, and I felt an unbelievable amount of respect for her. I admired her, envied her composure—her steadiness in the face of all she’d been forced to endure. I don’t know that I understood what it was, exactly, I was feeling at the time, but I knew I wanted her all to myself. I wanted to know her secrets.'
'My motives were my own. Utilizing her as a weapon was a story I fed to my father; I needed an excuse to have access to her, to gain the necessary clearance to study her files. It was a charade I was forced to maintain in front of my soldiers and the hundreds of cameras that monitor my existence. I did not bring her on base to exploit her ability. And I certainly did not expect to fall for her in the process. But these truths and my real motivations will be buried with me.'
'But watching her talk to someone else made me crazy. I was jealous. Ridiculous. I wanted her to know me; I wanted her to talk to me. And I felt it then: this strange, inexplicable sense that she might be the only person in the world I could really care about.'
'I lost her. She hates me. She hates me and I repulse her and I might never see her again, and it is entirely my own doing.'
'This girl is destroying me.
A girl who has spent the last year in an insane asylum. A girl who would try to shoot me dead for kissing her. A girl who ran off with another man just to get away from me. Of course this is the girl I would fall for.'
'I almost forget that she still hates me, despite how hard I’ve fallen for her. And I’ve fallen. So hard.'
'I don’t know what I’m going to do if I keep having such intense dreams about her. I won’t be able to function at all.'
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iheartdarcylowell · 3 years
sad Lana Myers quotes
'I lived. Others died.
I lived, yet I feel dead.'
'Jake was right. Logan never would have chosen me.
He just proved it.
He didn’t even ask.
He didn’t even care.'
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iheartdarcylowell · 3 years
soft Lana Myers quotes
book 1
'Pretty sure that’s not the best question to ask a guy you’ve only had one coffee house date with—if you can call that a date.'
book 2
'Annnnd I’m back to being two steps away from that name tattoo on my ass.'
'It’s sad that I want to hide my bodies now so that my boyfriend gets a break and can spend more time with me.'
non-stabby girl 
' I think shower times should get watched from now on. This is hot. I want to video it so I can perv more later—after I buy a replacement vibrator.'
'I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t distracted by the way the water seems to follow all the lines of his abs to the towel as he conceals my happy place with the fluffy fabric.'
'No way was I touching them ugly, wrinkly, hairy things with my hands otherwise.'
book 3
To buy some lube.”
“Too much information,” she grumbles as I walk out.'
'Like girl talk? Girls talk about penises, right?”
She grimaces. “Considering you dismember them from bodies, I’d rather not discuss penises with you.”
“Logan’s penis is safe, just so you know.”
“Forget I said anything,” she grumbles.'
book 4
'I cup Lana’s chin and tilt her head up before staring down at her eyes. “Don’t fuck with either of them. The last thing I need is a target painted on your back.”
“I wasn’t fucking with them. I was simply stating my rights as a citizen of the United States,” she says innocently. She even bats her fucking eyelashes, and Leonard snorts, turning away as his body shakes with silent laughter.
“I’m serious,” I tell her sternly.
She continues to bat those eyelashes over faux innocent eyes. “I’ll never just bend over and take it, SSA Bennett. Unless I’m bending over for you, of course.'
book 5
'I’m having a moment,” Jake says, biting down on his knuckle as I finish loading the last of the weapons into their designated spots on my body harness.
“What?” I ask, arching an eyebrow.
“Times like these remind me why I can’t give up women. Something about a girl with a gun, and right now, you’re every nerd’s comic-book-sexy fantasy girl.”
I roll my eyes.
“Seriously! The tight pants, all the guns, the sleeveless shirt—”
“All meant for functionality,” I state dryly.
“Still doesn’t shatter the illusion.” He mocks a dreamy sigh, and I laugh despite the impending madness I’m close to stepping into.'
'I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I say, balking mockingly.
She laughs while rolling her eyes.
“Yeah. We’re just a typical romance,” she deadpans, but her lips lift in a small smile.
“Horror romance. That’s a genre, right?” I ask, smiling when she laughs.'
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iheartdarcylowell · 3 years
badass lana myers quotes
book 1:
Fuck that. Einstein wasn’t always right.'
'I don’t let strange men pay for my food. My mother taught me better,” I tell him, waving the twenty in front of him to take.'
'How about calling me Not Interested? Because that’s the most apt depiction of me at the moment,” 
'I’m just the typical American woman.
Or is it the typical American Psycho?'
'You should have killed me deader,” 
book 2
'No ruthless killer here, boys. Just a harmless woman falling in love. That’s all.'
book 3
'I’m so much worse and better than you. I’m the thing the monsters in the dark fear. And now I’m even the Boogeyman’s nightmare.'
'Celebrity status is not fun when you’re a serial killer who needs a low profile.'
'I’ll paint the town red. Just like they painted the streets with our blood.'
book 4
'Now they fear the one person who can break the untouchable.
They belong to me now.
The flock have a new shepherd to fear. Baa, bitches.'
'I really need to get my control back before I cut her a little.
That would be bad.'
'No, you tried to attack a defenseless woman.”
I really don’t like being called that. It’s rather insulting.'
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iheartdarcylowell · 3 years
lanalogan quotes (book 5)
'Usually, as everyone is aware, I hate surprises. But my heart ends up beating to a new rhythm when Logan surprises me by crushing his lips to mine.
At first I try to weakly push him away, but the tears start falling as he kisses me harder, his hands going from restraining to needy as he pulls me flush against his body. My arms go around his neck as I give in, kissing him back as the tears streak down my face.
He lifts me, his kiss almost consuming me, and every pent-up emotion flows into it, making it powerful and destructive at the same time.
My legs wrap around his waist, and he pushes me against the tree again as he devours me, taking in every taste and flick of my tongue as it battles his. I’m not sure if it’s angry or sensual, but I know I can’t just let go right now.'
'I love you,” I say on a broken whisper, because I’m just too weak to turn him away so soon.
“I love you,” he says back, thawing my heart completely as the tears start leaking again. '
'Logan’s hand tightens on my side, and he pulls me to him, hugging me against him. I take in his scent, closing my eyes, soaking it all in while I can.'
'Logan steps in fully naked, that trademark smirk playing on his lips as he nears me. I half wonder if I’m dreaming, until he kisses me, tangling his hands in my hair as he tilts my face up to devour me better.'
'So I spent all that time worried about Plemmons targeting you, and you spent all that time annoyed with me for keeping him from you?” I ask, staying on the conversation we’ve veered to.
I feel her smile against my chest, and she runs her fingers down my stomach, tracing the lines there.
“A little annoyed, but mostly I just felt cared for. If I hadn’t wanted him dead so he could never hurt you, then I would have appreciated all your concern a lot more.”
She presses a kiss to my chest, and I tug her tighter to my side as I stare up at the ceiling, trying to sort through everything. It’s a mess in my head. It’s a mess everywhere inside me.'
'Come on,” I say, rolling off her and standing up.
She looks at me like I’ve lost my mind until I flip on my phone and the music starts streaming through. Her eyes glisten almost instantly, and she smiles as I tug her hand, urging her to join me.
Naked in the middle of the bedroom, I pull her to me. Her head falls to my chest, and my lips press against the top of her head as I hold her as close as possible.
And we dance.
We dance for several songs.'
'Instead of letting her float off inside her own mind, I shift, turning and coming down on top of her. She tries to kiss me, but I pull back as I settle comfortably between her legs and keep my lips just out of reach of hers.'
'For some reason, she likes it when I get jealous'
'My mind is fucked. All she has to do is ask me to join her, and I’ll be at her side. So I’m grateful that she doesn’t, because I’m not even sure what to feel about this.'
'Instead of wasting these last few minutes, I kiss her, letting her know I love her even if she is choosing to finish this.'
'She’s planning to live,” I say on a tight breath.'
'He couldn’t bear to see it. I wish I hadn’t.
I should have never left Delaney Grove. I should have risked my career. Now I don’t even want to be anywhere.
I didn’t realize until she was gone that nothing else mattered at all.
Nothing I stood for was worth more than her.
Nothing I valued held any true value at all.
Everything I have is pointless without her.
I could have saved her, but I walked away instead. She’s dead because of me.'
'Logan pushes off from the wall, and I’m tempted to pinch myself just to be sure I’m not hallucinating or dreaming.
“Your cat’s name is Bennett?” he asks, his lips twitching as the knife tumbles from my hand. “I’m not sure how I feel about that,” he goes on, stalking closer.
My bad leg tries to give out, and I stumble, but Logan’s arms are immediately around me, his scent engulfing me as those hands grip my waist.
I tilt my head back as unshed tears start clouding my eyes, and he stares expectantly.
“You’re here,” I rasp, which is a ridiculous thing to say after three months.
“You let me think you were dead,” he says, his voice strained.'
'So this is real. You and me. We’re actually going to get to be together?”
“Not possible for you to get rid of me,” he says, kissing my lips.
“I can’t believe you’re actually here,” I moan as his lips start trailing down my neck.'
'I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I say, balking mockingly.
She laughs while rolling her eyes.
“Yeah. We’re just a typical romance,” she deadpans, but her lips lift in a small smile.
“Horror romance. That’s a genre, right?” I ask, smiling when she laughs.'
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iheartdarcylowell · 3 years
lanalogan quotes (book 4)
'Love you,” I say without hesitation, finding the words rolling off my tongue with natural ease.
“Love you.” I can hear the smile in his voice even as someone makes gagging sounds in the background.'
'My head is in her lap, and she’s barking out orders, asking me questions too fast for me to answer them.'
'I love everything about you,” he says softly, brushing his lips over my jaw.
Grinning, I hurry to the bathroom to clean up, and he slaps my ass on my way. I’m slowly calming down now that he seems okay.'
'I love you,” I whisper into the air so quietly that I don’t think he hears it.'
'I cup Lana’s chin and tilt her head up before staring down at her eyes. “Don’t fuck with either of them. The last thing I need is a target painted on your back.”
“I wasn’t fucking with them. I was simply stating my rights as a citizen of the United States,” she says innocently. She even bats her fucking eyelashes, and Leonard snorts, turning away as his body shakes with silent laughter.
“I’m serious,” I tell her sternly.
She continues to bat those eyelashes over faux innocent eyes. “I’ll never just bend over and take it, SSA Bennett. Unless I’m bending over for you, of course.'
'As she steps out, I push Lana against the wall and crush my lips to hers, shutting her up before she can talk more. She moans into my mouth, gripping my shirt to pull me closer.
And I decide my plans can wait.'
'Lana starts to open her mouth, and I slide my hand over it, tugging her closer. She doesn’t fight me, but she does lick my fucking hand like an errant child.'
'And I suck at biting my tongue.”
My grin etches up as I move in closer, tugging her to me by her waist.
“I can handle my own battles, so you can use your tongue for better things,” I murmur against her ear, feeling her smile even though I can’t see it.'
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iheartdarcylowell · 3 years
lanalogan quotes (book 3)
He keeps me in his lap as he loads us into the backseat.'
'He holds me tighter, but I pretend I’m still asleep.'
'I love you,” she says, though it’s the confession of a sleeping girl.
My core still tightens, and my body feels like electric wires are coursing over the top of my skin.
Leaning down, I kiss her cheek, smiling as she sighs. And even though I’d rather stay awake and keep my eyes on her all night, the long days finally catch up to me, and I fall asleep with her in my arms.'
'If you’re trying to break up with me after I just survived the Boogeyman, I may kick your ass.'
'I stand and throw my arms around his neck, dragging him down for a kiss. He holds me to him, his touch so demanding and strong. I love being in his arms, feeling that security that exists within a simple embrace.'
'You’re so confusing, and I stupidly think you really do love him.”
“I do love him,” I tell her on a long sigh.
“Nice to know.'
'Her words thankfully die when Logan grabs me at the waist and pulls me to him, crushing his lips to mine. I almost climb up him, making it easier to kiss him without so many tiptoes and bending getting involved. Hadley makes a strangled sound, and I kiss Logan harder to distract him from the leaky sink she is.
No wonder the Boogeyman duct taped her mouth shut.
“Right,” Hadley says as Logan continues kissing me. “I’ll just go now.”
He doesn’t even acknowledge her as he kisses me harder, pushing me back against the window that overlooks the city. My mouth stays fused to his, needing this so much after the week of little face-to-face time.
“I’ve fucking missed you,” he says against my lips, still kissing me stupid.
I can’t even respond, because he doesn’t let me break my mouth apart to reciprocate. Instead, he starts tugging my pants down, pushing me harder against the glass.'
'My fingers find their happy place, digging into his hair, and I shudder in anticipation when he shoves my pants to the floor. Roughly, he breaks the kiss to tear my shirt over my head, as though he’s in a hurry to get me as naked as possible.
“I missed you too,” I say while I have the chance, but he’s all serious, and that heated gaze could scorch a lesser prepared woman.
He strips out of his clothes as I toss away my bra and shimmy out of my underwear. In the time it takes me to do that, he’s fully naked and lifting me so fast my breath catches.
My back hits the glass, and my legs go around his shoulders. My eyes screw shut when he puts his face right where I want it, and he latches on to that bundle of nerves he knows how to manipulate too well.
He’s more aggressive than usual, almost as though he’s punishing me, taking no mercy on me when I whimper and squirm and try to make him bald with my hold on his hair.
My head falls back against the glass as I cry out, already lost 'it up so he can thrust in forcefully.
It feels too good, and he bends, kissing my neck with just as much roughness as he’s taking my body. “You should have told me first,” he says, giving me insight as to why this feels like an incredible punishment fuck.
If these are the repercussions of disappointing him, I’ll never be good again.
It’d be nice if this is how he punishes me when or if he ever finds out who I really am.
I hope that day never comes. I’d rather not know what he chooses.
I push my hands harder against the window, and he keeps me lifted from behind so he can control every second of being inside me. He doesn’t stop until I’m crying out, and his hips thrust in hard one last time before he rocks in a slow circle, his breaths labored as he bends over, resting his forehead on my shoulder. He’s still holding me in place, and I grin against the window.'
'You can’t stay gone that long again. You’ve only been in town one day this week,” he says, kissing the column of my throat, running his hands over my body.
“If this is the reward I get, I may not be able to help myself,” I quip, smiling when he releases a rumble of laughter.'
'Grinning like a girl, I rush into the shower. But as soon as I step under the spray, Logan is climbing in with me, his lips finding mine as he pushes me against the wall.
“We can go out tomorrow,” I murmur against his lips, feeling him grin as he slides inside me again.
Just as he starts a steady rhythm, his lips break apart from mine, and he starts kissing his way to my ear.
“I love you too, Lana Myers,” he says so softly.
And in that moment, I’m completely his. There’s no revenge; there are no deaths staining my hands. I’m just a girl in love with a man who’s destined to hate me when he learns the truth.
And it’s devastatingly tragic; more so than any Shakespearian play ever was.'
'I hug him closer, kissing his chest through his shirt. He smells so damn good.
His blond hair is always tousled these days, mostly from the way he’ll run his hand through it when he’s frustrated. It’s a tell I’ve noticed about him.'
'I kiss him to shut him up, letting him feel how good he makes me feel. I kiss him for so many reasons, all of them tangled around one simple, innocuous little four-letter-word that holds more power than I ever imagined.'
'You act like you missed me,” I say, committing every moment with him to memory.
I’ll need it to hold onto. I’ll need it to remember. I’ll need it to get me through the rest of this. Hopefully alive.'
'I’m seriously considering seeing a shrink about this mindless obsession I have with you,” he mumbles, but his lips twitch with a smile before he pushes down his pants.'
'And I’m yours,” he says before he kisses me, swallowing the words I try to return.
Just like I’m his.
For as long as he’ll keep me.
“I love you,” I say as he slides inside me, '
'Anywhere in the world?” she asks.
“I’d go to Greece with you.”
And this is why I’m so fucking obsessed with her.'
'But yes,” I say again. “I’d love you regardless. In case you haven’t noticed, I go a little crazy when it’s been too long since I’ve seen you, and you give me a reason to want to live instead of just exist. You accepted every piece of me, and dealt with the scraps I could offer. And never complained.'
'And you smile for me like you smile for no one else. That makes a man feel powerful. And when I’m with you, I smile like I never have before. It’s a sense of equality, a partnership even. It’s rare to find someone who matches you step for step, and you do. I love that about you. I love you.'
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iheartdarcylowell · 3 years
lanalogan quotes (book 2)
'Logan doesn’t break the kiss. If anything, he kisses me harder, as though he’s assuring me she doesn’t matter as much as I do. As though nothing matters as much as I do.'
'Keep me awake while I drive,” I tell her, not commenting on any of the other.
“You want me to tell you about how I broke my vibrator this morning?”
I swerve the car, cursing as a horn blares.
“Logan? You okay?” she asks, sounding genuinely concerned.
“Yeah,” I grumble. “Fine. How’d you break your vibrator?”
This girl… I swear she gets off on surprising me. Every time I think I have her figured '
'out, she throws me another curve ball.
She laughs lightly. “Well, I pulled it out of my drawer, peeled my panties off on my bed, and when I slid it down my body, building up the anticipation as it buzzed…it slipped out of my hand, hit a crease in the bed, and crashed against the floor. The fun part broke off.”
Laughter escapes me before I can stop it, and I feel her smile.
“What if I told you your vibrator could retire for the night?”
“I’d say duh. Because it’s worthless now.”
“I meant, I’m coming there,” I say, still partially laughing under my breath.
“Really? You can get away?” The excitement in her tone has me driving a little faster.
“On my way right now,” I tell her, smiling when I hear her sigh like she’s content.
“Well, good, then you can—”
My phone beeps with an incoming call, and I groan, cutting her off mid-sentence.
“You need to let me go, don’t you?” she muses.
“Yes. Unfortunately. I’ll see you in about twenty though.”
“Be safe.'
'They all nod, and I pick up my phone, dialing Lana. She answers almost immediately.'
'Don’t get any ideas,” I say, pulling away the black fabric and tossing it to the ground. “Sleep first. More later.”
“Only if you sleep with me.'
'In my tank and tiny shorts, I snuggle in next to him, and his arms come around me, holding me close. “Wear pants around that guy. No more of this,” he murmurs against my forehead, squeezing my ass through the little spandex shorts.
Grinning like an idiot, I roll my eyes. “You’re a total caveman.”
“Not normally,” he says around a yawn.
He doesn’t even know how saying things like that does weird things to my soul, adding back the lost pieces I thought were forever gone. I feel more human with each passing day. Less like a soulless monster with a thirst for blood.'
'We’re a pair, aren’t we?” he asks in a soft, sleepy tone. “How long before we trust each other?'
'He snuggles in closer, content to just hold me. Instinctively, I continue running my fingers through his hair, and he moans as he slowly drifts off. When he starts breathing evenly, I know he’s down for the count.
I don’t stop running my fingers through his hair. Something inside of me seems to fuse together, and my heart beats to a steadier rhythm than it has in years.
His arms stay around me, and for once in ten years, I feel safe. I feel treasured.
I feel something other than empty.
I don’t even realize how much time has passed until his phone is going off with an alarm. My eyes dart over to the dresser to see it’s close to midnight.'
'It’s sad that I want to hide my bodies now so that my boyfriend gets a break and can spend more time with me.'
'Logan’s hand that’s on me slides down to my spandex-clad ass, and he rests it there, as though he’s proving a point. He’s cute when he’s jealous.'
' I think shower times should get watched from now on. This is hot. I want to video it so I can perv more later—after I buy a replacement vibrator.'
'I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t distracted by the way the water seems to follow all the lines of his abs to the towel as he conceals my happy place with the fluffy fabric.'
'Over this man in my room.
A man who has the power to destroy me.
A man I can’t let go.
“Okay.” My mind is screaming at me how stupid this is, as the solitary word of damnation weakly leaves my mouth. Never has okay held so much power.
“Okay?” he asks, as the tears start to reform on my eyelids.
I nod, not trusting my voice not to crack if I try to say more. I thought I’d rid myself of the emotions earlier, but they’re back with a renewed vigor now.
He springs to his feet, and my breath leaves in a rush as he grabs me at the waist with more speed than I was prepared for. He tugs me to him, pulling me flush against him before lifting me, clinging to me with a possessive, desperate hold.'
'At least you’re good at apologies,” I tell him, albeit I’m still all breathy when the words come out.'
'But with Logan, it’s as though I’ve never been hurt. I trust him. It’s insane to trust someone so freely after being hurt so irrevocably in the past, but I do. I trust him completely, and there’s no doubt in my mind that he’d never intentionally hurt me.'
'Are you ready to go now?” I ask, moving toward him.
He grabs me at the waist, pulling me flush against his body, and he bends as I get up on my toes, meeting him as far as I can as his lips find mine.'
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iheartdarcylowell · 3 years
lanalogan quotes (book 1)
'A laugh escapes me before I can stop it, and I feel her smile.
“Is that the weirdest thing you’ve ever inspected?”
“While examining the vagina of a synthetic woman made complete with suction in all holes wasn’t the highlight of my career, it surprisingly wasn’t the weirdest.'
'Well, I never adopted a booger-eating habit. Drinking urine doesn’t appeal to me. I’ll just have a beer if I’m in the mood to drink something akin to piss. And I’ll hide my strap-on until you’re a little more comfortable with your sexuality to give it a go.”
“Taking a jab at my sexuality. Nice,” I state dryly, listening to her laugh some more as I continue to smile.'
'I prefer coffee in the mornings, but you can buy me a muffin. They have excellent muffins.”
“Coffee in the mornings,” I echo, my grin growing. “Duly noted.”
“Are you flirting with me, Agent Bennett?”
“Maybe a little. '
'Just as I’m about to text him and find out if he’s okay, there’s suddenly a body sliding into the seat in front of me, and my eyes pop up to meet a set of soft blues. I could stare at those eyes all day. The rest of him measures up to those perfect eyes too.'
'Gotta love irony.
We’re so terribly mismatched that it’s not even funny.'
'LOGAN: Hope I’m on the right list.
I blow out a breath, then smile at the morbid joke, now that I know he’s not taking it seriously.
ME: You are. Currently, you’re at the top of the right list. It’s been a while since I smiled like I do when we talk.
LOGAN: I should have kissed you.
My heart thumps in my chest as I read that back. Then I read it again. And again. And again.
Each time it causes my stomach to flutter, and I try to process all the weird reactions I have to him. He makes me feel and act like the person I never thought I could be again, and I barely know him. I’ve only seen him twice.
Yet, we don’t miss a day speaking. And it’s the highlight of my day.
Every day.
Every time.
Every single word.'
'ME: Yes. You should have. Then I could have been spared the awkward wave I gave.
LOGAN: But the REALLY awkward wave was cute.
ME: Ha. Funny guy. I see how it is. It’s been a while since I tried the dating scene.'
'LOGAN: Then I definitely should have kissed you.
'LANA: You know, I always mocked the Netflix and Chill notion, but now I see the appeal.
ME: I don’t even own a TV.
LANA: What???? How????
ME: I keep meaning to buy one…
LANA: Agent Bennett, I’m sorry. This has to end now.
ME: At least call me by my first name if you’re ending things.
LANA: Agent Bennett sounds sexier.'
'ME: Oh? Handcuffs turn you on?
LANA: Restraint is a hell no. Not my thing. But I wouldn’t be opposed to using them on you… If we ever make it to that level, that is.
'ME: Dinner tomorrow?
LANA: You can do dinner?
ME: No leads right now on my case, so I have some free time. It won’t be much free time, but it has to be better than texting all the time.
LANA: I’m not sure about the protocol in this situation.
My brow furrows as I read her last text.
ME: What protocol?
LANA: Am I allowed to say yes to a last minute dinner invite? Or is it frowned upon to seem readily available on such short notice? ;)
'When you go so long feeling cold and detached, then a complete stranger ignites the dormant feelings you thought were forever gone…you can’t help but be addicted to it. You can’t help but revel in the smiles you forgot how to use, or the laughter that sounds
unnatural coming from the lips that haven’t laughed in years.
Whoa. I need to slow down. I’m one fantasy away from tattooing his name on my ass.'
'I start to speak, to explain why I stupidly answered the door without pants, when he’s suddenly on me. His hands go to my hair, tilting my head back roughly, and his mouth crashes against mine.'
'LANA: Your boxers are comfortable.
ME: You’re wearing them? Didn’t know I left them behind.
LANA: I figured you did it on purpose. So you’d have a reason to come back.
ME: Already got a reason to come back.
LANA: Now you have two…
There’s a picture attached to the last message of her from the waist down, definitely wearing my boxers. I run a hand through my hair, hating the fact I don’t want to be at work for the first time ever. I’ve always loved the job, yet a girl I barely know has me tempted to take my first ever sick day.
ME: Keep them on. I’ll be back tonight, and I want to see them in person.
LANA: Lucky for you I have no plans. And I’ll just be wearing these when you get here.'
“Come back in one piece no matter what you have to do in order to make that happen. That’s the only thing I’ll ever expect. Survive.”
A slow smile tugs at the corners of my mouth. “That I can promise.'
'Maybe I was just looking for an excuse to speak to her. Because I’ve got it bad and it’s pathetic.'
'Yes, I’m still wearing the boxers. And eating ice cream,” Lana says, sounding bright and fucking giddy.'
'You called me your girl,” she says quietly.'
'ME: I like that you care so much.
LANA: I like my orgasms. I want more.'
'Who’s Jake? And why does he have a key?”
Her smile spreads like she’s enjoying a private joke.
“Jealous much?”
I narrow my eyes, and she snickers while tossing a leg over my hip and pillowing her head on my bicep.'
'I really am jealous.
'I’ve missed you too,” she finally says after a long spell of silence.
“Then let me take you out on that date.”
She peers up, arching an eyebrow. “Lobster and wine?”
I nod.
She grins. “Then orgasms.'
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iheartdarcylowell · 3 years
gracelogan quotes
“I need you. I can’t stand the thought of being without you.” He releases a shaky breath. “You’re the last person I think about before I go to sleep, and the first person I think about when I open my eyes in the morning. You’re it for me, baby.”
“What are you doing?” I whisper. “Well, you were looking at me like you wanted me to kiss you.” His blue eyes become heavy-lidded. “So I was thinking I might do that.”
“Just as the door opens, I look intently at the screen and act like I'm still chatting with her mother. '--And she stuck her finger in my ass when she was blowing me, which was fucking incredible. I never thought I'd enjoy having anything up there, but--' Grace screams in horror.
“And just in case my reaction to your idiocy didn’t make it clear where I stand with us, then let me spell it out for you.” I whirl around to scowl at him. “I love you, you stupid jackass.”
“Why would I? Seriously, what guy turns down Die Hard? The only thing that could sweeten this deal is if you offered me some booze.” “I don’t have any.” She stops to think. “But I’ve got a whole bag of gummy bears hidden in my desk drawer.” “Marry me,” I say instantly.”
“Holy Moses, if it’s his natural scent, then he needs to bottle that spicy fragrance up, call it Orgasm, and sell it to the masses.”
“Oh, I know that. Or at least I think I know that,” she stammers. “I mean, you seem like a decent guy, but then again, lots of serial killers probably seem decent too when you first meet them. Did you know that Ted Bundy was actually really charming?” Her eyes widen. “How messed up is that? Imagine you’re walking along one day and you meet this really cute, charming guy, and you’re like, oh my God, he’s perfect, and then you’re over at his place and you find a trophy dungeon in the basement with skin suits and Barbie dolls with the eyes ripped out and—” “Jesus,” I cut in. “Did anyone ever tell you that you talk a lot?”
“I like you, Grace.” “Why?” I challenge. “Why do you like me?” “Because…” He drags s hand through his dark hair. “You’re fun to be around. You’re smart. Sweet. You make me laugh. Oh, and just the sight of you gets me hard.” “You’re the last person I think about before I go to sleep, and the first person I think about when I open my eyes in the morning. You’re it for me, baby.” “Do you want me to drive you home? Because I was thinking of taking you somewhere else first, if you’re interested.” My curiosity is piqued. “Where?” His blue eyes twinkle mischievously. “It’s a surprise.” “A good surprise?” “Is there any other kind?” “Um, yeah. I can think of a hundred bad surprises off the top of my head.” “Name one,” he challenges. “Okay—you’re set up on a blind date, and you show up at the restaurant and Ted Bundy is sitting at the table.” Logan grins at me. “Bundy is your go-to answer for everything, huh?” “It appears so.” “Fine. Well, point taken. And I promise, it’s a good surprise. Or in the very least, it’s neutral.” “All right. Surprise away then.”
“Jeez, John, I’m trying to be helpful. You could learn a lot from me. No woman has ever been able to resist my natural charm.” “You know who else had natural charm?” I retort. “Ted Bundy.” Dean dons a blank look. “Who?” “The serial killer.” Oh Jesus, I’ve jumped on the Bundy bandwagon. I’m turning into Grace.”
“Twenty minutes into the film, she turns to me suddenly. “Hey. Question.” I click the track pad to press pause. “Hit me.” “Am I your girlfriend?” I give her my creepiest leer. “I don’t know, baby, do you want to be?” Amusement dances in her brown eyes. “Well, now I don’t.”
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iheartdarcylowell · 3 years
elledarcy quotes
“You want us to… to have a fake relationship? Are you serious?”
Elle couldn’t help it, she stepped forward and threw her arms around Darcy, hugging her tight.
“Life would be a lot better if we all spent a little more time staring at the stars.” Loose strands of blonde hair caught the moonlight, creating a haloed glow around her when she turned her face up to the sky. “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” “Yes.” Darcy wasn’t looking at the sky.
  “I was going to say you look like… you look like the moon.” The stars too, for that matter. Elle looked like she’d been draped in the night sky, dipped in starlight.
“Darcy is a wreck Elle.”
  “It’s cilantro. Because I’ve liked you for longer than I knew how to say, before I could say it. Before I could say it the way you deserve to hear it. But I have and I do. I like you the exact way you are Elle. Boxed wine and glitter and astrology and most of all”-Darcy sucked in a gasping breath- “I love the way you make me hope. You make me hope and you make me happy. You make me so happy, Elle."
“Things are… complicated.” “Complicated. Hmm,” Annie said. “That wouldn’t have something to do with a certain cute blonde? Tiny thing with huge eyes that she has just for you?”“What’s that supposed to mean?”Another horn honked, meshing with the sound of Annie’s laughter. “Brendon posted pics from your date the other night. Elle is all googly-eyed over you in them and you’re just as bad. When you’re looking at her, she’s looking away. And vice versa. It’s cute.” Darcy’s stomach lurched, pulse pirouetting. “It’s fake.” “Sure.”
Darcy: About that. It’s not fake.
Annie: Wait. What?
Darcy: It’s not fake. It’s complicated.
Annie: Oh my god. You had sex. You slept with her.
Annie: I fucking knew it.
Annie: It was good, yeah? It must’ve been.
unknown number (11.24 A.M.): you have some explaining to do
Darcy (11.26 A.M.): I think you have the wrong number.
unknown number (11.29 A.M.): do i Darcy?
Darcy (11.31 A.M.): Who is this?
unknown number (11.36 A.M.): your worst nightmare
unknown number (11.39 A.M.): ok that sounded kinda serial killer-ishunknown number (11.39 A.M.): which im not unknown number (11.40 A.M.): which is totally what a serial killer would say unknown number (11.40 A.M.): oops unknown number (11.41 A.M.): it was supposed to be like im pissed at you and demand answers but not like im mouth breathing over your shoulder and wearing a hickey mask unknown number (11.41 A.M.): *hockey unknown number (11.42 A.M.): none of this is helping huh? unknown number (11.42 A.M.): nvm Save for the part where Elle’s bright, twinkling laughter made Darcy dizzy. Or how the look of unadulterated joy on Elle’s face when those balloons and annoying confetti had rained down on them made Darcy feel like someone had punched her in the gut, then chopped her off at the knees. But she wasn’t going to think about that. No. she wasn’t going to think about how smooth Elle’s skin, her thigh, had felt beneath that table, how she’d wanted to stay hidden by the tablecloth. She wasn’t going to think about how Elle’s breath tickled her neck during that hug or how Elle’s lip had brushed her jaw as she lowered back from where she’d risen up on her tippy-toes and flung her arms around Darcy’s neck. No Darcy wasn’t going to give oxygen to that… that spark. If she breathed life into it, it would grow and that- Instead, she traced the bow of Elle’s mouth with the pad of her fingertip, so gently Elle could feel the delicate friction of each ridge and whirl on Darcy’s fingerprint. Darcy slid her hands up Elle’s neck, burying them in her hair. Tipping Elle’s head back and leaning in, Darcy smiled and murmured against Elle’s lips, the touch tickling, “Embrace the weird, huh?” Darcy’s arm was braced on the railing, bracketing Elle in. She whispered something in Elle’s ear that made Elle beam and turn, pressing a quick kiss to Darcy’s cheek. “You’ve taught me plenty of things.” Glitter from Elle’s hair landed on Darcy’s wrist, pink, blue, and silver freckles mingling with the rest of the moles that dotted her skin. Rather than shake it off, Darcy let the glitter linger. Darcy turned, glancing over her shoulder. There was a hickey on her neck, a bruise in the shape of Elle’s mouth, the sight of which made Elle flush from head to toe.
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