iheartmai · 7 days
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i did this on purpose
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iheartmai · 7 days
Daiji: Your daughter was in a fight. Tomonari: Oh no, that’s terrible! Ryou: Did she win?
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iheartmai · 7 days
Akari, lighting a cigarette: I had a body count in triple digits before you were born, isn't that weird? Mai, so drunk she can't stand straight: can yuo put that out on me
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iheartmai · 7 days
Mai: Oh, I remember my first sleepover. The games, the practical jokes, the crying for my mommy... Akari: Mai, that was our honeymoon. Mai: Yeah, I know.
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iheartmai · 8 days
Onibi Series: Act One
Somebody anonymously submitted this to me, so I don’t know who it is that translated this. But I’d like to thank them for sending it to me!
This is the first chapter in the Onibi Series, or as Masa calls it, The Story of the Kitsune and the Demon.
-Act One-
The Fox’s Wedding - Beheading Dance
ACT ONE: The Headless Dancer
Part 1: Dancing Princess
-May 18th-
A very big town, surrounded by high walls. Here is where I was born and where I grew up. I have never been out of this town, as I’ve been told that the outside is dangerous. And so, I wonder, what on earth is out of here that is so dangerous? Well, it must be a lovely world…
My name is Mai Shishikusa.
My daily routine is basically staring at the walls that are around here.
“Well, shall we go home?”
I turn my back to the walls and start walking towards my house. Today was scorching and quite humid, as if to warn us of the upcoming rain season.
My house is in the center of the town. It’s quite big. There’s a sturdy gate at the front surrounded by a high fence. Yeah, that’s my house. A gatekeeper stands in front of the gate. I manage to sneak through the back door.
“Huehuehue… Infiltration successful!”
I get startled to hear someone calling out to me from behind. When I look back, I see one of the servants that serve our house.
“Mai-sama! Where on earth were you going?”
“Oooh… It’s a secret…”
“If your husband finds out, it will be quite troublesome. Please refrain from doing this as much as possible.”
I cross the mansion’s hallway hopping on one foot.
My family is one of those rare blessed families in these times where poverty reigns. It’s safe if you stay in town, but that safety is not assured out of here, so going out there is completely forbidden for me, and I can only go out from noon to sunset. I’ve been having this tight life for 18 years. Still, I like going out at dawn time. I usually perform gracefully in front of my parents, but, actually… the determined me is not out yet. (?)
“Hnn… I woke up pretty early today, so I’m a bit sleepy…”
I keep on scrubbing my eyelids with the back of my hands, then I put my hands on the sliding door my room has.
“Mai, what are you doing so early in the morning?”
“Huh? Ah, good morning father.”
The man who appeared from the corner of the aisle is my father, the current representative of the Shishikusa family. To me, he’s quite gentle, but other people find him scary and quite easy to anger.
“We are going to have breakfast soon. Please start preparing yourself.”
“Yes, I will go right now”
I carefully close my room’s fusuma, then I use my left hand to close the other one. I check that my father had left the room and that I was left alone. I heave a sigh.
“Well, this life isn’t easy, is it~?”
I sit on the chair with my legs open. I gaze at the hand mirrors lying on the table. This makes me feel relieved ever since a long time ago. There’s no chance. If something gets in the way, I’ll be so glad. Is it bad or good luck I’m living in the overprotective enviroment I am? I often think about that.
There’s no chance [to escape it].
Tock, tock…
“Mai-sama, breakfast is ready.”
“Eh? Ah, yes. I’m going.”
I got startled by the sudden announcement, so I hurriedly put my kimono’s obi in its right place. My parents don’t like slackness and sloppy clothing, and I know that if I don’t dress up finely, I’ll probably be frightened [by my parents when they lecture me], and I hate it. I hate it so much I stopped being all sloppy in front of my parents. I also hate it when my parents interfere with anyone that tries to approach me (that’s not a servant), but apparently it can’t be helped if you have been born in an elevated position as me. Even now I’m being watched from a far place… well, my father thinks I haven’t noticed it. I change my robes with a Shishikusa kimono and got out of my room to reach the corridor.
“Good morning, Mai”
“Good morning, Daiji”
The man waiting in front of my room is my aide. Having them go shopping and bringing in the necessary things is pretty handy, but my father has ordered him to watch over me. He’s usually near, unless when I have to work with my father. He’s always silent towards me, but I know [and he knows] my house is not just a wealthy house. My father seems to be doing something bad or dirty that helps to build our current position. When I go to town, it is as if a grotesque beast was walking instead of a lady; everyone has been avoiding me as long as I can remember.
“Hey, Daiji.”
“Yes, what is it?”
“You weren’t here last night, were you?”
“…Yes, of course I was.”
“Where did you go?
“I’m sorry.”
“Is it something you can’t say?”
“…It’s your husband’s wish.”
“But what about my wish?”
“I’m joking! Hahaha!”
I hit Daiji in a friendly way then I run through the corridor. I know. When Daiji isn’t with my father, he can play dirty as well, he used to work as another thing (?) a long time ago, and I also heard from a servant that Daiji once beat up a foreign samurai that dared to come into our town. Moreover, it looks like whenever Daiji’s name was involved, this samurai disappeared. Apparently, Daiji is also called “Spirited Away” because no bodies were left behind. But it seems my father hired him some day. Daiji lives in the mansion. Apart from my family, in this house there’s only three more people living: Daiji, Toki the cook and my father’s aide, and that’s it.
I was walking through the corridor, well, hopping on one foot when I stop. I stopped in front of a big fusuma. While Daiji came in front of me, I bent and put my hand on the big fusuma, my knees touching the floor.
“Milord, Milady, sorry to interrupt you. Mai is coming.”
“Oh, please, go ahead”
When the voice finished speaking, Daiji opened the large fusuma with both hands. There’s a big table in front of me, where dishes are lined up. My parents were sitting at the back of the table.
“Good morning, mother, father”
“Good morning, Mai-chan, my pretty child”
As you can see, my mother likes drowning me in love. It seems that she nervously tells my father something about my extraordinary overprotection. I’m fine, anyways. I went forward and sat in front of the table. At the same time, Daiji sits on his knees a few steps behind me. In this room, there are about seven people apart from my family and Daiji, and everyone is far from the table, on their knees and silent. A weird thing is that my father only has servants from this town. There are always a few people, but this is the first time I’ve seen something like this. What happens? Well, I don’t care, so…
“Mai, I called a teacher to teach you at home - he comes today”
“EH? Wasn’t I going to go to town today because he was coming tomorrow?”
“Sorry, Mai… A problem happened yesterday so…”
“Problem? What happened?”
“Aah, it seems that bandits have gone around this town last night.”
“Oh, so that’s it…”
It didn’t take long to realize that what my father said was a lie. First of all, there are no bandits approaching this town, and even if they were, they’d probably be hired by my father. Most of the people in this room are bandits, anyways. If a bandit appeared outside the walls… “What are you doing here? You can’t enter.” Anyways, there’s no problem. My father thinks I’m a “naive young lady”.
“Sorry, Mai-chan. You need to be patient.”
“Well, shall we go now?
“Yes. Mai-chan, we’ll go out for a moment.”
My parents stood up and left the room. At the same time, those who were in the room bowed deeply to me and went out one after another. The only ones that were left there were Daiji, Toki the cook and me.
“Hey, Daiji, don’t you eat anything?”
“No, don’t worry, I will be eating later”
I start eating with the hand that I stopped before. I finish eating in ten minutes, then I go to my room. Well, it looks as if it’s my free time now, right? Wait, in order to get it, I have to get rid of Daiji… Oh, of course! I’ll go there this time as well. Over the years, I’ve come to know the weaknesses of everyone. I giggle. So, I head to the bathroom instead of my room.
“Excuse me, Daiji, could you please let me be for a second?”
“Huh? What’s it?”
“Well, you understand it, don’t you?”
As I say these words I glance at the bathroom.
“Ahhh, you need to go to the restroom? I’ll be waiting here.”
Well, the answer was not unexpected. This three-sentence play was exactly what I needed to make him say that! I was going inside and talking to Daiji while crossing my fingers.
“Eehhh? Da-Daiji, are you waiting to hear the sounds or something? You pervert…”
“EH? AH! No, it’s not that!”
“Okay, then I guess you want to… come inside?”
“W-Well, I’m g-going to take a s-stroll!”
Daiji sprints through the corridor as soon as he finishes saying those words.
I shout a few words quickly before he disappears.
“Ah! I don’t know when I’ll come out so please don’t come back after you hear the sound–!”
Daiji answered so fast he didn’t even hear the end of the sentence.
“Phew, that was pretty easy”
I said that as I slowly entered the corridor. Normally, the kitchen is empty except for Toki, so… I hide a kimono in there for when I’m going out. My ordinary clothes are subtler than the Shishikusa kimono - when you wear it, you’re spotted outside in less than five minutes.
“Who’s there?”
A voice came from behind. It was a woman that walked with unsteady steps.
“Ah, Toki. It’s me.”
“Oh, so it was you, Mai-sama. Is anything wrong?”
“Oh, no, I’m just going out for a moment.”
“Mai-sama, perhaps it’s better if you do not go out today.”
“Ugh, my father said that a while ago.”
“Apparently, there is a quite severe problem. There is a lot of movement in the castle office.”
“Alright, it’ll be only for a little bit, okay? Then I’ll come back early.”
“Alright. Please take care.”
“See you later!”
I changed my kimono, adorned my hair, then literally jumped out of the mansion’s door. The back door is abandoned, with weeds growing everywhere, almost a path for animals. This path is usually used to get in animals or food, but now it’s rarely used by people in the mansion. I always use this path to escape. By the way, Toki is my playmate and “amulet” from a long time ago. She’s the most understanding person in this house, wait, no, in the entire world. That’s why she’s the only person I can confide in. For me, she means more than my parents.
When you’ve been walking through this old path for about five minutes, you reach the road in the edge of the town. From the grass, I check that there’s no one around. No matter how much I disguise myself, there’s always someone who’d recognize me, so I want to avoid that as much as possible and to get near people normally. That’s what I usually think… well, today there’s no one near. This street is out of town, so people rarely use it but, occasionally, I find someone walking.
“Perfect, there’s nobody to see”
The leaves rustle under me. Yes! I did it! I did it!
I jump out of the grass quickly and start walking with a stupid face. I look around, but today there’s nobody. Ah, I remember my father said something was happening. He was right, something happens. When you walk all alone, by yourself, in a quiet, empty road, you can feel the nice spring breeze and an incredible sense of freedom. I think normal people wouldn’t understand, but when you live a life where you are controlled every single time, not being watched over makes you very happy. I just keep walking without thinking of anything. Oh, was I walking for twenty minutes already? I was coming near town as soon as I noticed it. This town might be big, but it’s a lonely town - nothing’s around. It’s a very big town, I mean, it takes an hour to get from the outskirts to the center, even for a large adult. My house is on the hill, after passing the forest road and near the castle in the center. If you leave from the front entrance, you can reach town in about three minutes, but if you use the back door, it will take around thirty minutes.
For the time being, I’ll slow down a little and enter town. Today, there’s nobody out in the streets and most shops are closed. This is extremely weird.
“What happened?”
I was kinda anxious. I don’t know why, but I felt disgusted. I keep walking. I walked for around five minutes to the opposite side, but no one appeared. I looked into an open store, but I couldn’t see anyone. Everything was ready, but there were no customers. Quite abnormal, this tranquility, in a town that should be bustling. I felt terribly frightened when I thought about that weird feeling.
“Let’s… go home…”
I return through the road I came a bit more quickly than before. Well, maybe not so fast because I’m kinda small, so… But still, I managed to return in half the time I used before. Of course, nobody passed by this time. I returned by the way I used to come into town. But something happened between the town and the old path, and I went down.
“Anyone! Help me!”
A sudden voice made me jump a little. I was surprised to hear that. I couldn’t understand anything. Huh? What? Help me? …Eh? A human voice? When I started understanding the situation, my heart rate became faster and faster. Thump, thump, thump, thump… I could clearly hear my heart beating.
I approached the grass from where the voice came. However, the area around it was full of wild plants and bushes, so I couldn’t see the inside. I approached the scary bush. I couldn’t hear anything.
“Did I hear something wrong?”
I used my hands to separate the bushes so I could look inside. Again, nothing. I was relieved that it was nothing.
I heard the sound from a bit further of where I’m standing. It’s a girl’s voice. She seems young, yet older than me. I’m scared. My hands and feet are trembling. My body doesn’t move. I’m terribly scared. While I froze on the spot, I heard another sound from the back of the bushes.
It was amazing. I have never heard such a sound in my entire life, so I didn’t know what it was. The only thing I could understand, and not quite, was the human voice. My fear reached its maximum level. I stood up, dazzled, and stumbled backwards. Then it happened. A warm, moist breeze came out of the bushes. Immediately, I covered my mouth with both hands. This smell… Oh, I know this smell… It’s the smell of blood. But it’s the first time I smell it so thickly. I feel as if I taste it when I breath. I can’t think of anything else. I feel upset and confused in this… esoteric situation.
I cried. I can’t stand it. I keep kicking the ground.
I wanted to run away, and my voice wouldn’t come out. I was scared. Very scared. Finally, my legs responded and I started to run. I ran all the way through the old path, looking back to check several times. There must be something… It’s the first time I had felt such fear. When I come back to reality, I realize I’ve reached the door. I open it with trembling hands, then I jump inside, then I close it as fast as I can. I sat down on the spot. I look back at the door, praying for nothing to happen while I become cold just thinking of what could happen. But what was that about? What was that sound? Was there really someone over there? What did I see or hear? I don’t understand anything. I composed myself after relaxing for a bit there. I needed to talk to someone about what happened just to check if it was a dream or not.
“Toki? Are you here?”
The kitchen wasn’t busy. Nobody was here. I left the kitchen, ran into the hallway and got back to the bathroom. However, Daiji wasn’t there. I decided to go to my room for the time being. I heard footsteps coming from the corridor’s corner. I felt my leg go numb as I remembered the events of the last hours. However, it was Toki who appeared in front of me. It seemed as if she was in a hurry.
Toki passed once. I peeked at her.
“Toki, you need to hear this!”
I took a step towards Toki before she stopped me.
“Do not come over here! Please, return to your room!”
Toki shouted at me. I was so astounded I had to replay the scene in my head. Toki was with a person that looked like a doctor. I was kinda afraid of that person. There were some people in the entrance. Step by step, all of them were surrounding a person that was lying on the ground. When I looked inside, I noticed that Toki’s clothes were stained with something red. The moment I saw it, I remembered the fresh scent of blood of before.
I felt sick and I pulled my knees closer to my mouth to cover it. I was about to throw up when I released them.
“Mai-sama, do not come over here!”
Eh? Daiji? I heard his voice, or at least I think I heard it. I looked into the face of a man who was bleeding.
The person who was lying there was Daiji. I was doubting my own eyes. All the time I was with him this morning, he was perfectly fine, but now he was breathless and suffering.
“Daiji?! W-what happened?”
“Mai-sama… Do not come over here.”
“I was in the front entrance, bleeding, then I fell down.”
I looked at Daiji’s chest. A tremendous amount of blood was coming from around there. There was a horrible wound coming from between the neck and the shoulder to the other side. Near the neck, the flesh could be seen.
A rattling was heard.
Apparently, it was too much for me, I couldn’t stand it anymore so I puked on the spot.
“M-Mai-sama, are you alright!?”
“Ye-yeah…Sorry… I-I’m fine…”
“Shizune, take Mai-sama to her room!”
Supporting myself on my sister’s shoulder, I returned to my room.
“Mai, are you alright?”
“Yes, sorry. I’m fine.”
Shizune was walking slowly, at my pace. As I entered my room, I plopped down, bringing Shizune down with me. I couldn’t understand what was happening.
“Did it hurt…? Shizu…ne?”
I looked to my side to look at Shizune, but she wasn’t there. I looked around me, but I couldn’t see anybody. I couldn’t see Shizune anywhere.
I heard Shizune’s voice from the courtyard. I immediatly turned to look, but I couldn’t understand what I saw. There was a giant standing in the courtyard. He had no head, and his head (if it could be called that) was coming out from his shoulder. The mouth didn’t stop drooling.
“Shooh! Shooh! Roregakaboroka?”
The creepy creature stomped his feet with a stupid face while emitting weird noises. His big hands were together. The creature moved the hand that was holding Shizune above his head and swung it right and left.
It sounded as if something hard had broken.
“Red… -ed…”
Shizune’s body, in that creature’s hand, was dripping something thick.
I shouted but then I covered my mouth immediatly. That creature had not noticed me yet. I saw Shizune from where I was hidden. A bubbly red liquid was coming out of her mouth. My eyes were looking at her white eyes. I can’t understand what’s going on. What was that big creature? It looks like a human body, but it’s kinda different… Shizune… I peeked through the wall again. The creature was looking around. What? Shizune? Oh, right. His head and his two legs could be seen coming out from the monster’s fist. It was a funny sight. Ah, so it’s that, it had folded her beautifully. What? I’m surprisingly calm. I feel… happy when I realize that. Shizune was useless. People like her are hideous.
I heard something clanging.
What? I wonder what’s going on. I felt something come from the back of my chest. I remembered today’s events instantly.
I was shouting while holding my head. I don’t know why I shouted. I shouted so much I could feel the blood in my throat.
While I pinched my knees and breathed heavily, a foot appeared in front of me. Ah, it has five fingers.
“Huh? Can I help you with anything?”
I looked up, face high, and answered the monster. His drooling mouth’s saliva fell on the back of my hand. A big hand covered my face, making me lose sight of everything. At the same time, my body got lighter and lighter.
What the…
Thud… Thud… Thud…
I heard the sound of a breeze. It’s a bit chilly. Are we outside now? I opened my eyes, but I kept seeing nothing. It was still dark. Something that feels like clothing covers my face. What can it be?
“Red… Didja go out again?”
“Giguga… Dadda”
“Alr- Da, hazuse”
What is talking? It’s like a human voice but it’s not exactly human. I don’t know what they’re talking about. I don’t think both of them came here… I think he (the monster) was brought here. Shizune…was killed. I don’t know why I didn’t help her then. Now, when I’m pondering calmly about it, I can’t understand my behavior. Am I crazy? While thinking about that, a sack was vigorously removed from my head. The monster that killed Shizune was reflecting in my eyes. My brain finally admitted that all of today’s events were real. Am I going to be killed as well? I’m very scared. I can’t even speak; my mouth doesn’t respond. The monster takes me and carries me to the big iron door embedded in the wall. Another person, small, is in front of me. I can’t see their face because it’s covered with a cloth. I felt their snake-like stare pierce through me from the back of the cloth. Well, after all it isn’t a human being. Is it actually a thing? Like, a snake monster. I’m becoming crazy, ain’t I? I can’t trust my thoughts anymore.
It was kind of menacing.
The big iron door from where the monster came earlier opened slowly. A monkey-like monster appeared pushing something that looked like a cart. It came rumbling. It seems to be very heavy, but the monster is pushing lightly. But what is more interesting is what is inside the cart. I didn’t see it well from a distance, all I could see was a red mountain. But when it comes closer I start smelling the smell of blood. From the cart, the blood is thickly dripping as it passes.
“HEY! Release it!”
“Go out, Kanishiro…”
It talked. A man with the eyes of a snake… well, probably a man. Another snake-eyed man grasped my shoulder.
“I-It hurts! Stop!”
I become mad. I’m extremely scared of being killed. Awaiting death is such a scary thing… A monster in front of me was killed as well, but I don’t care. I forgot calling for help, so now I’m screaming. The snake-eyed man grasps my shoulder and stares silently at me. The iris was red, but the pupil was purple. I stop shouting. I feel as if I’m being sucked by the eye. I can’t say it’s like dreaming at night, it’s different. I gradually start to feel good with just staring at the eye. Oh, by the way, my birthday’s coming near. I wonder who will be coming? Welp, I can’t meet anyone there if I die now. The cart the big monster was pushing stopped in front of me. I saw what it was when it came nearby. It was meat. The crimson mountain was grinded, as if it has been put in a crusher. Is this… human? I mean, I can see fingers, arms and feet sticking out. Oh, there are rests of intern organs in there… Ah, there’s an eyeball as well. I wonder what kind of disgusting thing is in front of me, yet I do nothing. One of the snake men unties the string that bounds my torso and my arm. I wonder how comfortable it is.  I stand, while I can, and stare at it. Aah, it feels good. Huh? That’s it. I remember. This feeling is like that feeling when you drink alcohol for the first time so you have to hide it from your parents. What? My body is moving on its own. It’s amazing! I wonder what’s going on. My head, I mean, I can’t feel anything but just my sight. My hand stabbed the mountain of meat. When I pull it out, meat and organs overflow. I held it. What am I doing? Please, please, don’t come near me…
It feels sloppy…
The taste of blood reaches my mouth. At that moment, I become insane. No… Blegh! Yuck! That’s a lie, what is this? My body doesn’t care about what I tell it to do. I can’t talk. I’m screaming, or at least that’s what I wanna do, but I’m voiceless. My body keeps eating that meat, piece after piece. This is horribly disgusting. I can taste the blood in my throat. I can feel the cold meat in my stomach.
I puke.
What? I’m me again. Apparently, I’ve regained control of my body… However, I, who has just finished vomiting, keep eating that meat.
“Kekekeka KEKEKA”
My voice has changed. I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. I’m feeling bad but the taste of blood is so delicious. It’s delicious… Delicious… DELICIOUS… DE…
HUH? Where am I? Mother? There is a lot of people. I can’t talk. I can’t hear. I don’t care about my body’s numbness. But why am I here…? I feel sleepy…
“Mai, actually… I also love you.”
What the hell is this guy talking ‘bout? Oh, so he wants to mate me. As he wants. I’m gonna eat YOU anyways…
“MAI-SAMA! What is wrong with you?!”
Those guys… I know them… Yeah… I’m pretty certain…
I fainted.
“KAKAKAKAKKAKAKAKAKAKA! (?)” Come, Come, welcome to the brute’s nadir!”
“Come on, you useless pigs! It’s your turn! KAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA!”
Who are these guys? What the hell do they think they’re doing? Ugh, I guess I have no other option. It will be nice to kill them.
What… what are they even doing? Is that… my body? Why are the taking only my body? Ha… Ha… Ha… Please, wait… Tomorrow… Town… Out of… exit…
-May 30th-
A merchant who arrived in town was surprised when he found out about this gruesome incident. The Shishikusa daughter, who seems to be related to this case and Daiji Masaoka had gone missing.
[ACT TWO: The Spider and the Kitsune-like Lion (The evil Spider and the Kitsune Lion).]
So this shows the very beginning of the story! The Spider and the Kitsune-Like Lion happens before The Fox’s Wedding, so that’s what Mai was hearing shortly before she found Daiji.
She returns from her kidnapping, being possessed by one of Kanishiro’s demons, and seduces a stranger that she eats or tries to eat.
Again, I want to thank whoever it is that sent this to me! If you are who I think you are, feel free to e-mail me at any time, because we may have spoken before!
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iheartmai · 8 days
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35 notes · View notes
iheartmai · 30 days
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It’s like 1:00 A.M and I can’t sleep nor do I have anything better to do..😭
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iheartmai · 2 months
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Weeping under your touch
Render credits here
The sudden comeback of masa's onibi series in my life was one of the last things I expected. Recently I've been having a lot of artworks of those two characters appearing on my pinterest home page so that's probably where the slight urge to make a render of them appeared.
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iheartmai · 2 months
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MaiAka × Loveit?
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iheartmai · 4 months
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iheartmai · 5 months
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the circus was in town that day 🤡
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iheartmai · 5 months
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happy lesbian week!!
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iheartmai · 5 months
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uhhhh Idk
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iheartmai · 5 months
Anytime i see a bunch of pride flags i have to restrain myself from saying "where mexico" bc i doubt anyone will know I'm referencing this
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217K notes · View notes
iheartmai · 7 months
mai being the comfort character so real
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the comfort character lineup
no i will not finish it you can't make me
135 notes · View notes
iheartmai · 7 months
mai is from thighland
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21 notes · View notes
iheartmai · 7 months
im crying i love tjem
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hey gang happy valentines day
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