ihearttomycruise · 1 year
Community/Personal Vent
How do you guys just accept someone who literally says lets bring back cyber bullying
Since when bullying became a joke? The person knows who they are and im sure they know who i am.
People are able to accept such comments and love someone but not accept someone who is trying to understand what happened / what went wrong. Pathetically everyone believes them and goes with what they say without attempting to hear the other person involved.
Also can we stop with the gate keeping tom comments? This goes only towards people who are literally gate keeping him to oblivion even if its a joke.
I have been holding in things i want to say about this situation but i think it doesn't matter if i do or do not.
I know you will end up seeing at one point cher.
When you do here is what i would like to say
You are actually pathetic because i saw you complain about someone blocking you without a reason and you were complaining about it but when you decided to switch up your words to me and i was asking why and i constantly texted you just to know what i did wrong for you to be acting that way because i actually thought we were friends you blocked me not saying anything to me.
Yeah cool. Then i text you on tumblr and you took what i said as a threat but the reason i said that because you decided to tell people shit about me and they ended up blocking me out of the blue right. I texted you because i wanted to know why would you do that shit and why would say that about me when you literally told me i was a kind person. My comments about making accounts actually i had an account and you followed me on it and i had a completely different name on it but did you see me do anything to you? Absolutely not because if my goal was to harass you lets be real everyone knows how to do that.
So you basically turned people against me telling them i harassed you because i spammed you wanting to know what i did wrong good job.
I don't know what have you gained from that but i have gained some pain over this and i have wanted to say something for months and i am posting this publicly because i know there is no reason to private message it to you.
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