So this is what happens when i ask my drunk sister and her drunk friend to write destiel
Once3 upon a time there was anam amn man who had a wings his name was castile. Dean loved him with his man rod. It was long and hard like a wooden thing made of wood.
"oh deannnn" moande castiel. "now is not the time or the place "
"but sac cas" shouted dean with lust "I hae to have tyou right now, in theis abandoned fairgrounf "
"dean… this fair ground is not abandoned. We are on the merigrounf with small children" protested the winged man.
"but I feel like going merrily round on yo asssss. And the kids have gotta learn some time…"
"dean, that is wicked." Moaned cas as joined dean on his uppy own horse. The movemtnet of the horse made dean evern hornier tan before.
"cas, cadnce on the horsey pol;e for me" he moaned, putting his hand on cas's ass.
Cas sighed and began to gyrate, he was embarrassed but he loved dean so much that he could not deny him a pole dance when he asked for one. Especiallt after the performance dean gave lastnight. A rle[play to do with purgatory and burgers. Cas grew hard at the thought. Dean notices and did his smirk thing that he does, you know the one? In like every episode with womans.
"cas saw dean smirk and
No fuck that was quotes.
Cas saw deam smirk and then undid his blue blue tie; it waqs a blue like his sapphire eyers.
":you smell like alcohol." Said cas when he sniffed deans neck before kissing him passionately.
"I has purple nurples." Dean said before taking a shot he produced from hins hopocket.
Dean and cas made sweet swet love on the horsey and dean exploded his love perals onto cas's face. the end.
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do you ever look back at your mistakes
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Bringing this back because it's fab.
and I may or may not be cringing at my old comment
dear god....
Burn You: A BBC Sherlock Parody
(Based, of course, on Cee-Lo’s Forget You. I would like to apologize for the craptastic quality of my recording/editing software and also for my high notes. I am an alto two, so Cee-Lo’s falsetto notes are not ~exactly in my range, but I did my best. Credit for part of the bridge and general lyrical assistance goes to saintdoriangray, thanks so much! Mild spoilers for Reichenbach.)
I see you solvin’ my crimes with my devious clues And I’m like, I’ll burn you (oo-oo-oo!) I think you would make such wonderful shoes And I’m like, I’ll burn you and burn John too If I wasn’t forgiving, you wouldn’t be living Oh, but this is fun (isn’t this fun?) And though you’re awfully cute, I’ll still tell Seb to shoot And I’ll burn you (oo-oo-oo!)
Hey Sherly, it’s Jim from IT I had some cute gay underwear I left my number, but you didn’t call me Now you know I don’t play fair I’ll blow up that fool who hangs around with you (I play with semtex, and now I’m Mr. Sex) Ooh, I’ve got some bombs for you Now, run and tell your little doctor friend…
Hey shorty, it’s Moriarty Wearin’ Westwood, lookin’ cool I’ll destroy ya, oh I adore ya And I look so good in the crown jewels I’ll blow up that fool who runs around with you (I play with semxtex, and now I’m Mr. Sex) Ooh, I’ve got a game for you You didn’t realize I was insane til now?
Now virgin, virgin, virgin, virgin, you need to get laid so bad (so bad, so bad, so bad) Your flatmate’s heterosexual, your frustration is oh so sad (so sad, so sad, so sad) Don’t shoot, don’t shoot, don’t shoot, Sherly I owe you, I still owe you, oh-oh-oh
Ed 2: Have another download link, in case you are so inclined!
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