ihosgermany · 7 years
Finale Vote
Hello housemates and welcome to day 48, the finale is in 2 days and the poll has been released, please use this link 
Finale Poll
The housemate who receives the most votes by 8PM EST on May 19th will be crowned the winner of IHOS: Germany and the 5th winner of the IHOS franchise, this is the last vote of the season, so housemates and public, make it count. Remember these are votes to win.
Good Luck housemates
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ihosgermany · 7 years
Rites of Passage
Hello everyone and welcome to Day 48, over this time 13 housemates have departed, and the remaining housemates decided to pay tribute to them, listen to this song to get in the mood and lets see what they said.
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Billy- I wish you had stayed. I was ready to play this season alongside you.
Colin - Ugh my dad, I was SO EXCITED to play this game with you. Then we got separated bc of the twist and you got first boot. I really really hope we get to play something together again soon!!
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Dom - Ricky ahhh i remember throwing away my game in France to save you. Noah fence but thank god you weren't here when I got in the house. I love you but I would never throw away my game again. I was surprised to see you in this cast tho just bc I thought it was second chances but ily nonetheless.
Lauren - thank you for all the great advice!! even though you didn't do to well, your advice helped me!!
Timmy - You weren’t in this game long but you’ll probably be back for Norway.
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Billy - we didn't talk, I'm sorry about that :/
Colin - Rip, you were so outgoing and active in the game and unfortunately I think that kinda made you a target. I think you’re still great tho!!
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Dom - We haven't spoken much but you just voted me out of the Circle! How dare you! jk but anyways We haven't talked much but when we talked about BBCan, you were super sweet and fun to talk to! King of 3%!!!
Lauren - super funny and nice! unfortunately we just didn't click to well
Timmy - We never really talked, I hope all is good.
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Billy - We didn't talk either, and I'd say you didn't try but I didn't do many challenges either. So I have no room to talk. Haha
Colin - We didn’t talk much and you didn’t really seem super invested in this game but from what little conversation we had I thought you were great!
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Dom - UK King. Bummer that we didn't get to play together because we didn't get a shot to in Mean Girls. You're super sweet and thanks for playing Festive 2! aka the game that will never fucking end. <3
Lauren - a flop
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Timmy - 
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Billy - I think we were just separated until you got eliminated, wish we had gotten to talk more.
Colin - Yikesss we left on rocky terms. Honestly at first you were super easy to talk to, but you were a victim of circumstance in my first bigger move of the game. Then you started calling me out and trying to fight me so honestly I wasn’t that upset to see you go. I hope there’s no hard personal feelings tho!
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Dom -  I have no idea who you are but you seemed interesting. I heard that double was messy. Rip.
Lauren - super sweet!!! you were one of my favorite people in this game! hit me up for a game of survivor!
Timmy - You were always really nice, I hope everything is going well with your family.
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Colin - Omg noooo ilysm. I haven’t known you super long and I’m not even that close with you but you are one of my favorite people in this entire community. I was so so sad when you were nominated and I tried so hard to flip the nominations the other way. I’m so sorry and ily.
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Dom - MADISON I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. When I got told that I was being an intruder for the season, I was kinda bummed out because I wanted to play the entire game with you. The week I came in I was so excited because you were still there and then Ashley and I were there with you. Then you got fucked over in an ugly ass eviction that I still don't wanna talk about. You are such a queen and I'm so honored to be able to be considered your friend. Nothing but love for you <3 Now, to get personal, Somehow you manage to make me laugh every day. Somehow you make me want to actually stay in this community. Somehow you brighten my day every day so thank you for that. I love you so much and i just thought you should know that. No matter what people say, you're a beautiful soul and never change yourself. To quote a very, very, VERY, wise woman, "My big ass fucking chubby fingers."
Lauren - you never talked to me so i don't know what to say...
Timmy - We actually never talked, but I wish you well.
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Billy - you were going to win hands down. US week was the best time to take you out, and I'm sorry. Even though all I did was vote.
Colin - We literally never talked and you were a huge threat in this game since you were so popular, so you def had to go when we had the chance. I’m really sorry you had to be taken out that way bc it never feels good, but I hope we can play again and actually talk to each other sometime!
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Dom - Lexi girl you were too big of a threat to keep around. You were set to win this game because of the support you had in the VL. When Christine won HOH and you weren't selected for POV, you kinda gave up, which is understandable just because I know how bad it sucks. Had you campaigned when you got nominated, you may have gotten more votes to stay and you honestly might have stayed. You're a queen tho!
Lauren - you were such a big voting threat during your time in the game. i hope you understand that it was nothing personal when we got you out. you would have won this game if it wasn't for bbus week
Timmy - You were scary in this game, if you didn’t get voted out in US/CAN week you might still be here.
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Billy - your short time in the house was enjoyable. I'm glad I met you because you're cool :)
Colin - You are the most iconic person ever. You are so funny and you were robbed. I hope we get to play again sometime!!
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Lauren - super sweet!! i wish i had gotten to know you better!
Timmy - 
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Actual footage of you during this game
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Billy - we didn't talk much either, but our few conversations were pleasant. :)
Colin - Honestly??? I loved the frenemies type dynamic we had. Like we were aligned at the start of the game then at week 4 we both got kinda messy and that’s when the infamous fight of the game happened. Kinda from then on I wanted to keep that whole rivalry going, but I started being even more of a mess and trying to work with you while also backstabbing you at every given opportunity. I feel like I took like a decade off of your life with my gameplay and I am so sorry sdkgjsgjsg. I hope there’s no hard feelings between us on a personal level!!
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Dom - Nehe!! I'm so sorry that you got evicted! You fell victim to my plan that kept me safe in the double and I'm super sorry about that. It was super fun to play and talk with you tho!
Lauren - it is very unfortunate what happened to us during the game. i miss you a lot and i hope we get to play another game together!! i hope you're proud that i made it here!
Timmy - For the short time when we were in the same house I knew when you told me information that you were not lying to me. You were always nice to me but game wise you carried a lot of drama with you so I was happy to be in a different house.
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Billy - we tried working together until we both got nominated. I wish we had both stayed but I'm glad I'm still in the game.
Colin - I think you were the person in this game I was most excited to play with. I’ve heard so much about you and we talked a little bit on the house calls and I thought you were really interesting. Then right after the merge I heard you were throwing my name around and obviously I wasn’t gonna let that happen. So, I had to take you out while I had the opportunity. I hope circumstances are different if we ever play a game together again because I really like you as a person!!
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Dom - Whew Jordan I'm sorry that you got evicted! I do feel more than responsible for that eviction just because I led the charge to get you nominated. You're super iconic though and I have nothing but respect for you. Sorry again whew. I'm super happy that you beat your france placement tho bc that was... a season.
Lauren - you are so hilarious!!! i hope we can be friends outside of this game because you give me so many laughs!
Timmy - It was always great to talk to you, you are one of the people who I trusted most in this game.
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Billy - robbed honestly. I wish we had played more closely.
Colin - You are such a sweet genuine person, we only talked like once or twice throughout the game but I loved how honest and straight forward you were. You were only seen as a threat due to you being a challenge threat. I honestly truly love you as a person tho and I hope we can speak again or play again soon.
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Dom - You're one of the sweetest people ever! I didn't really know you when I came into this game but I'm glad I do now! I only saw you in HOS15 which you got Madison out in but that's okay. You're so kind and super easy to talk to. It was fun to play with you and thanks for a fun time :)
Lauren - who?
Timmy - We never talked, I hope all is good
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Billy - we didn't talk about the game at all, and I wasn't going to try in the challenge until I was told you flopped. Sorry :(
Colin - We weren’t, like, SUPER close in the game mainly due to being on opposite sides the entire game, but you are such a fun, nice person. I remember how much fun it was talking to you on house calls or in pms, because you’re the most interesting person ever. Unfortunately I heard you were also kinda going after me and my allies, and you were also perceived as a popular person in the community, but I’m still really sorry to see you go in such a devastating way.
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Dom - You're literally such an icon. From your lipsyncs to Clash of the Titties, everything is so iconic. You literally would've won this game if you didn't have a typo in the endurance competition. (That sucks so bad I feel so bad that the typo happened) Keep your head up because you literally are such a king and I'm super proud of you!
Lauren - super hilarious! i hope we play another org together!!
Timmy - Your intro video and lip sync were hilarious.
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Billy - it was sad to see you go, because it was so close to the end.
Colin - OMG ILYSM. I feel so bad about you leaving. I wanted to go to the end with you so badly, from day 1 I was so excited to work with and play with you. You are such a queen and I am gonna miss your drag race rambles.
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Dom - QUEEN! I LOVE YOU! You were so amazing to work with and unfortunately, that last double eviction came and bit you in the ass. I have nothing but respect and love for you. I was so ready to go to the finale with you, Christine and Colin but I guess we got half way there. Mean Girls? Never happened. Ilysm <3
Lauren - 
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Timmy - Your RuPaul impressions are only second to Trixie Mattel. Although we never actually talked one on one you were one of my favorite people in this game.
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Billy - Id give up my spot for you. You deserved to be in this finale. Hands down.
Colin - Okay, what the heck happened girl. I was so convinced you were gonna win this game and honestly?? I was here for it. I was so ready for you to slay and win this entire game. Like you deserve it, girl. You are such a sweetheart and I was so so excited when I saw I got to play with you, and even more excited when we aligned early on. It was so fun working with you, I think you are so great.
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Dom - Oh Christine. My ride or die. Everything about you is 100% genuine and real. You're nothing but a sweetheart and one of my best friends. I remember messaging you saying that we HAD to apply to this season so we could finally play another game together.  So, we did and we got here. When I found out I was an intruder instead of the original cast, I was low key disappointed because I wanted to play the whole way with you and Madison. When I finally got into the game we joined forces immediately and the duo came to life. Whenever I heard your name, I told you and we saved you. When you heard my name, you told me and we flipped the vote. We were untouchable this entire season. When the final double came around I thought we had it. We were so close. You may not be sitting in the finale together, but damn you won this season in my heart. We nominated... TOGETHER. We didn't get a single nomination point... TOGETHER. We made it to the final 6... TOGETHER. We fucking killed this game and you deserve to be here over me. I love you so much. You should especially keep your head up high because you played a phenomenal game and I couldn't have made it here without you.
Lauren - amazing friend and person! i'm going to miss you so much!! i know we drifted towards the end of the game but i hope we continue to be friends!!
Timmy -  QUEEN! ICON! You are so incredibly nice and I was shook when you were evicted.
And with that our tribute has ended, the poll to win will be posted shortly so everyone get ready.
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ihosgermany · 7 years
Day 46 Announcement
Hello housemates and welcome to the final week of this game.
Right now Billy, Colin, Dom, Lauren and Timmy, once again congratulations on making the finals of this season, in just 4 more days one of you will win the season, so now its time for you to pay tribute.  This season we had 13 other housemates who could not make it here.  Please take the next 2 days to do the rites of passage for the following housemates.
Please pay tribute to each housemate who couldn’t make it here with you.
The rites of passage are due at 8PM EST on May 17th, good luck housemates.
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ihosgermany · 7 years
Finale Pass/Eviction Challenge
Hello everyone, you’ll notice that there isn’t an immunity challenge nor a nomination challenge, that’s because the nomination portion of the game is over, you are now fighting for your lives.  This week there will be a challenge to decide who will win a finale pass from the vote this week, they will be immune while everyone else will immediately face the public vote.  Well not everyone because the worst performer in this challenge will immediately be evicted from the season.  They will be evicted in 8th place, while the winner gets immunity from the double eviction that will be occurring at the end of the week.  We want you to fight for your right to stay here, so prove you deserve it.
The challenge is below....
Housemates, this will be an endurance challenge. You will be tasked with saying "I'm still holding onto the key" every 5 Minutes. If you post again within 5 minutes, you're out, if you miss 5 minutes, you're out. if you mess up the phrase you are out. You only get one go, so make it count. You can only start at times with a 0 or 5 in it (1:00, 1:05 would be good. 1:01 or 1:03 would not be). Make sure that you are aware of the phrase. You cannot EDIT a message OR DELETE a message. If you do (and we WILL check), you will be disqualified. This will go by the MINUTE (as some of you might be doing this on mobile, and counting the seconds will not really work).
Here is an example of a correct post: 
10:05PM: I’m still holding onto the key 
10:10PM: I’m still holding onto the key 
10:15PM: I’m still holding onto the key 
Whoever can do this for the longest time will win this competition. 
This is due: May 12th at 8PM EST, good luck housemates.
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ihosgermany · 7 years
Nomination Challenge Results
Hello housemates its time to see how y’all did in this challenge
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For not submitting for the challenge, Nicole and Billy have been entered into the nomination lottery
We put both names in the randomizer and got that
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Billy has been nominated for eviction this week.  Housemates you now have an important decision to make.  Please report to your diary rooms and name the housemate that you wish to nominate for eviction.  The 2 housemates that receive the most votes will be nominated this week against Billy in the public vote.  Your nominations are due at 8PM EST on May 8th, good luck housemates.
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ihosgermany · 7 years
Nomination Challenge
Hello housemates and welcome to the Nomination challenge for the week.
For this challenge we’re going to ask you to plan a trip all around the world. 
How this is going to work is you will have to plan a trip going from and airport in New York City to Los Angeles California, but you’re going to need to follow these rules.
You must travel by plane at least once
You must travel by bus or some automobile at least once
You must take a ship at least once
You must visit each continent excluding Antartica
There is no time limit for how long your trip lasts, it could be a year, and it would still be valid, the main thing you need to remember is that you need to make this trip as cheap as possible.  Once you meet each of the requirements, the loser of the challenge will be whomever spends the most money on their trip.
If you have any questions please ask your confessional
This challenge is due at 8PM EST on May 7th, good luck housemates
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ihosgermany · 7 years
Immunity Results
With 8 points to the tee
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Congratulations Ben you have won immunity for the week and now have a 1 in 8 shot at winning this game, congratulations
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ihosgermany · 7 years
Immunity Challenge
Hello housemates and welcome to this week’s immunity challenge
For this challenge you will have to correctly identify the following 13 places. You will get one point for each correct place you get. The person with the most correct answers will win the competition. 
Place 1 
Place 2 
Place 3 
Place 4 
Place 5 
Place 6 
Place 7 
Place 8 
Place 9 
Place 10
Place 11 
Place 12
Place 13
The winner of this challenge will be the person who gets the most places correct, if there is a tie, it will go to the person who submits their answers first to their diary room.
This is due: May 5th at 8PM EST, good luck housemates
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ihosgermany · 7 years
Nom Challenge Results
Ok housemates lets see who’s going to immediately face the public vote this week.
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with a score of 90, unfortunately Billy you have now been nominated.
Housemates its time to nominate, you will report to your DR’s to name which housemate you wish to nominate, they can be any housemate that isn’t immune nor is nominated already, so Jay and Billy are off limits.  Nominations are due at 8PM EST on May 3rd.  Good luck housemates
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ihosgermany · 7 years
Nomination Challenge
Hello housemates and welcome to the nomination challenge
For this competition you will be playing the following game: THE RUNAWAY TRAIN your goal is to get the highest score possible. When you’re happy with the score, please submit a screenshot. Make sure your name is in the URL bar and that the date/time are visible. 
This is due: May 2nd at 8PM EST
The lowest placing housemate will be immediately nominated for eviction this week, as well as lose their ability to nominate, get ready housemates.
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ihosgermany · 7 years
House Challenge Results
With a time of 5:14 the winner of the immunity pass is...
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Jay congratulations you are immune for the week, the penalty competition will be up later tonight
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ihosgermany · 7 years
House Challenge #7
Hello housemates and welcome to your first collective house challenge...
It’s time to test your Geography skills for this competition. Houseguests, when you're ready, message your DR Chat. You will be given the links to THREE different maps, and your goal will be to label them. You will only get to submit the challenge ONCE (either one flag at a time or all 3 at once) so make sure you check your answers. First, we'll go by # of correct answers, so the person with the most correct labels will win. HOWEVER, if there is a tie, then the TIME you took will be the deciding factor in who wins this competition. Each place will have a number, so make sure your submissions are numbered. If you put the right country, but under the wrong number, you will not get the point for that. 
This is due: May 1st at 8PM EST, good luck housemates
The top placing housemate will be immune from nominations this week, a challenge will be posted tomorrow to determine the housemate receiving the penalty nomination
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ihosgermany · 7 years
Well congratulations housemates on being the top 10, 8 have departed and 5 more of you need to go, so lets have some fun with it.
For the past 31 days you have competed in 2 separate houses, but now that is no more.
Congratulations your houses have merged, you will now all be living under one roof, and competing against each other, however, even though there may not be rich or poor houses, we will still have challenges every week to determine who will be living in the lap of luxury in immunity and who will be toughing it out by immediately facing the public vote.  The top placing housemate will become immune from nominations and the lowest housemate will take the poor punishment and face the public vote immediately and not be able to nominate.
Get ready housemates, with only 3 weeks before the final, anything can happen.
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ihosgermany · 7 years
Nominations #6
Hello everyone and welcome to the 6th set of nominations of the season.
As a reminder, there are 2 sets of nominations, thus we’ll go through the Rich set of nominations first, and follow it by the Poor set of nominations.
In the Rich house, only 2 people received nominations, each with 3 nomination points from their fellow housemates.
I can now reveal that the housemates facing the public vote in the Rich house are, with 3 nomination points each....
Nehemiah and Lauren, I’m sorry but you both have been nominated for eviction this week.
Now for the Poor house nominations
As we already know, Ashley has been nominated for finishing last in the challenge, and for not nominating in time, Billy received a penalty nomination and is also facing the public vote
Now with the rest of nominations
There was a division of 2-3, including Billy’s self nomination, thus 3 of the nomination points are for Billy, and the 2 other points, and facing the public vote goes to...
That means in the Poor House, Ashley, Billy and Timmy will be facing the public vote.
This week both houses are facing their own eviction, with everyone who received a nomination point facing the public vote. Using this poll, you will vote to save 1 person from the rich house and 1 person from the poor house from eviction, the poll will close at 8PM EST on April 29th, and the housemate with the least votes to save from each house will become the third and fourth housemate evicted from Germany, good luck housemates.
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ihosgermany · 7 years
House Competition Results
Hello housemates its time to see how each house faired in the competition this week.
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Finishing in a time of 35:28, congratulations Colin, you’ve won immunity for the week, and as we see, both Ashley and Billy failed to submit in the poor house, thus we randomized their names and we got
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Ashley will be losing her ability to nominate this week and will immediately face the public vote
It’s now time for nominations
Like the last double, if you receive even one nomination point, you will face the public vote
You may only nominate people in your respective houses, your nominations are due at 8PM EST on April 28th, good luck housemates
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ihosgermany · 7 years
House Competition #6
Hello housemates and welcome to your next house competition...
Housemates, for this challenge, you must complete a lovely Jigsaw Puzzle! Your goal is to get the LOWEST time possible. When you are happy with it, take a screenshot and make sure your name is in the URL bar, and that the date/time are visible. 
You can fin the puzzle HERE. 
This is due: This challenge is due at 8PM EST on April 27th
The highest placing housemate in the Rich house will as usual be immune from nominations, and the lowest placing member of the Poor house will immediately face the public vote and lose their ability to nominate.
Good Luck housemates
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ihosgermany · 7 years
The House Swap
Hello housemates, earlier in the week Dom won the ability to swap 3 housemates’ houses, 2 from the Poor house and one from the Rich house, I can now reveal that Dom has decided to swap....
From the Poor house, Dom will be sending himself and Nicole to the Rich house
From the Rich house, Dom will be sending Ashley to the Poor house
That now means that each house has 6 people in them, we’re now on an even playing field....not really but we like the houses being even in housemates so that’s always nice, your challenge will be posted soon and welcome to your new houses everyone.
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