iientaculum-blog · 9 years
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                     ❛ i SERIOUSLY l-left m-my                           ID at home. it’s n-not that                           hard to, like, g-go in and                            buy us drinks, okay?? ❜
  [ he feels the need to prove      himself WORTHY to his      friends, he linger in wait     not far beyond where he     had approached the man--     so long as he can convince     the guy to buy alcohol for      MINORS. but jr’s hopes      are DWINDLING rapidly. ] 
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iientaculum-blog · 9 years
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                     ❛ w--what’s for breakfast? ❜
  [ even when the world has     turned to a walker-infested     WASTELAND, walt jr still      maintained that breakfast      was the most important      meal of the day -- even if      it meant breakfast was the     ONLY meal of the day. it      reminded him of HOME      before the world fell apart.      it comforted him. ] 
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iientaculum-blog · 9 years
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                 like this for a starter !!!
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iientaculum-blog · 9 years
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                     ❛ i--i’m pretty sure you are. ❜
  [ there’s a SMILE accompanying     his words this time, at least. ] 
                    ❛ did... did you get to ride                           DINOSAURS to school too? ❜
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    “ well now, watch it, kid! i’m not that ancient. “
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iientaculum-blog · 9 years
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❝  You okay there kid?  ❞
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                     ❛ y-yeah... i guess?                           why wouldn’t i-i be?❜
  [ oh, right. maybe     it’s the crutches. ] 
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iientaculum-blog · 9 years
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iientaculum-blog · 9 years
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           added autoplay to walt jr !! 
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iientaculum-blog · 9 years
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                    ❛ i thought y-you totally used                         o-outhouses back in the day,                         too. ❜
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    ‘ Go to your neighbors, that’s what we        did back in the day. ‘
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iientaculum-blog · 9 years
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                   ❛ n-not until you tell me w-what’s going                         ON. nobody tells me ANYTHING any-                         more. like-- like i’m not even THERE. ❜
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      “I know you’re upset, but your father has done things that I just do not approve of. Alright? Now please, go watch your sister while I make dinner.”
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iientaculum-blog · 9 years
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                     ❛ what? ❜
  [ but when his hand pats     the pocket where a wallet     USED to be, sure enough,     there’s NOTHING. ]
                     ❛ ummm...-- y-yeah. i guess                           it mu-must’ve, like, fallen                            out of my pocket or some-                           thing... --thanks. ❜
✿ iientaculum ✿
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“Hey– Wait, did ya’ drop this?” 
       She holds up a wallet.
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iientaculum-blog · 9 years
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                      tfw u wish there were                        more brba rpers out                       there 
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iientaculum-blog · 9 years
(( Did you know that your 'about' link is broken?))
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   it’s not broken!! i’ve just been a lazy bum   and haven’t gotten around to making it    yet?? i apologize !! thank you for letting   me know that i should REALLY get my    ass movin on that omg i’m so sorry !!   jr. DOES have a wiki page if you’re    curious about his character, etc.!! i’m   also more than willing to answer any    questions about him / breaking bad    while i work on this stuff! 
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iientaculum-blog · 9 years
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                    ❛ i am. it’s like-- it’s like i’m her                         SLAVE or something... she                          won’t even let me hang out                         with LOUIS a-anymore-- she’s                         like, n-no, there’s work to do                         at the c-car wash or something...                         i-i still work, though... ❜
  [ he may be blabbing, but      there aren’t many other     places where he can get     EVERYTHING off his chest.     he feels SAFE here. ]
                   ❛ he’s-- he’s a-acting all WEIRD.                         not even... not even, like, normal                         dad weirdness. m-maybe it’s just                         the chemotherapy-- ❜
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      “Don’t call your mother that. She buys        the clothes on your back and the food        you eat.    The least you can do is be        there for her.          How’s your dad?”
      [ michonne didn’t like to get involved,         but she knew the whole family, and         a friend of andre’s was a friend of         hers — though she wasn’t going to         tolerate the profanity he used when         talking about his mother, and she          didn’t want andre to start taking         after him. ]
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iientaculum-blog · 9 years
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  [ it’s almost as though he can     FEEL the pain she feels, as      though they were connected      somehow-- the strength of his     EMPATHY goes beyond even      that of TITANIUM. pain sears      his hollow chest, filling every     crevice with SYMPATHY. but     he doesn’t know how to deal     with such an emotional surge--     and rather than try to comfort     her tears, tears well up in his     own eyes and threaten to spill. ] 
                   ❛ i-i-it’s okay-- h-hey, i’ve been                        kicked out, t-too.. it’s-- it’s not                         a big.. a big deal, okay? ❜
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    Public tears were as rare as cheap caviar and today she could give them away for free and manage to break even. Her eyes were puffy, hair a mess, and the gentle rattling voice was the first comforting thing she came across on this miserable day. Without looking at the boy she turned to bury her head on his shoulder, taking in a shaky breath.                 “ – I think they’e kicking me OUT…” Only after saying it she realized that this was a stranger, not Mr. Wind Up Bird.                            “ – my parents,” May then added.
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iientaculum-blog · 9 years
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                                        *aggressively eats cereal because                                          there is no good food in the house*
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iientaculum-blog · 9 years
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iientaculum-blog · 9 years
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                    ❛ are-- a-are you SHITTING me r-right                         now?  it c-can’t be, like, at all... ❜
         ❝ well it’s true!  ❞ 
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