iin2ufferablepriick · 13 years
Oh, what’s this? Without warning, a boy had come face to face with him and asked a question. He bent forward just to do that too. How odd.
Teemo tilted his head and stared curiously at the person through squinted eyes. He studied the boy intently. Although quite straightforward, he didn’t seem to be threatening at all. In fact, he looked kinda cool… despite his current physical position.
“Sort of… I’m looking for Apartment T-2.” For a scout, admitting that you’re lost was embarrassing.
“Oh and my name is Teemo and I’m a Scout of the Mothership,” he added with a quick salute.
[/Dave listened to every word Teemo said, ah! Well. It just so happens he knows where the apartments are. He straightened his posture, or as much as he could, really. He's slouched most of the time.]
well teemo it just so happens i know where the apartments are
[/You point towards the direction of the apartments.] i could help you there if you want me to
[/Also, you still don't get the mothership thing, but whatever!]
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iin2ufferablepriick · 13 years
“I’ve a feeling I’m not in Valoran anymore,” Teemo said to himself, looking around cautiously. While most people would consider talking to oneself a bit strange, the mental health of a yordle is very much dependent on social interaction.
Apparently this part of the city was the “Industrial Sector”. The sky was smoky. The air was filled with unnatural toxins. The sounds of unknown machines were heard. It reminded him of Zaun.
“Oh yeah, I guess I live in, um… ‘Apartment T-2’? That last part kinda sounds like ‘Teemo’,” he giggled. Teemo purposely tried to keep his spirits up while in this new location. He marched deeper into the sector with his head held as high as a yordle could hold it.
“Hut two three four!”
[/Dave walked out of his apartment complex, which was conviently located in sector two! He had no idea what to do today, so why not take a talk? The air is... polluted and the sun is covered with clouds of smoke.. Still, it's the only thing he could think of! Curse him for moving to the industrial center.]
[/He shoved his hands in to the pockets of his pants, every step he took there was this aura of coolness around him. 
The blonde haired boy could hear something in the distance-- and it didn't sound like a person, that's for sure. If it was a person, it'd be a kinda small one.]
[/The voice got louder the closer he got, until he finally saw what looked like a... small rat? Well, that was certainly interesting. And he sounded lost! He bent over so he was eye to sunglasses with him, or as much as he count get.]
sup little dude
are you lost or something
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iin2ufferablepriick · 13 years
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chibi-miku started following you
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iin2ufferablepriick started following you
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whynotpaywithyourbody started following you
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“Hey, more of you! My name’s Hanna! D-Do you need help with anything because I’m kind of getting desperate for a job over here. I can help you out with zombies! Or vampires! Or any kind of supernatural thing really but I’m not so good with ghosts. But I can still try!
I mean uh. What’s your name? Hi!”
[/Dave gives the weird, excited ginger guy a strange look from behind his dark shades. Zombies? Vampires? GHOSTS? Those obviously aren't real, and this guy was off his rocker! ... He only thought that ironically, of course.]
hanna huh
thats a strange name for a dude but thats pretty chill with me i guess
im dave strider and im assuming its a pleasure to meet you
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iin2ufferablepriick · 13 years
“You do?” well that took her by surprise, and she had a look of shock on her face. “You’ll have to show me sometime! I’m a musician myself, so I’d like to hear and see what you can do one day.”
And he didn’t look good at all, maybe there was something wrong with the drink but for now Luka felt fine. Maybe it didn’t bother someone who wasn’t human? Or maybe she just had to drink more?
“…Maybe there’s something else in this punch?” she suggested.
[/He nodded! If he wasn't, Bro would probably be a little disapointed in him, seeing that he's a Strider and all of that.] yeah ill totally show you sometime
[/Dave took another sip, okay there was a possibility that he just took a sip of spiked fruit punch! Dave, you are really stupid.]
you know im starting to think that the punch w-was spiked
[/It's a little too late now, Dave.]
Don't drink the punch. -OPEN/CA EVENT.-
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iin2ufferablepriick · 13 years
“Having friends is important too. And I was cool too, no one could handle me for more than two weeks. Now let me serve some punch too before sitting” so she served some punch, and noticed how Dave didn’t drink from his own cup.
“Let’s sit anywhere… And why don’t you drink any of your punch?”
wow that sounds pretty sweet [/Dave adjusted his shades, because it was getting bright in here jesus.] yeah being cool isnt easy
[/He stared at his cup for a second, why wasn't he drinking it? He sure as hell doesn't know! So he took a quick sip from it.] well i just did are you happy now [/Dave looked at all the empty seats, he honestly had no idea where they should sit!]
why dont you pick where we should sit
Don't drink the punch. -OPEN/CA EVENT.-
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iin2ufferablepriick · 13 years
She turned to face them again, and laughed. He was right after all, and what a sight that fell before her eyes. Being a dancer herself, and being good at it was what made it more the funnier.
“It’s funny, just watching from here. Do you dance at all?” she took another sip of her drink, and turned towards him. “Are you sure? You don’t really seem it..”
of course i dance
fuck i e-even have a job as a dancer and a uh musician in sector 1
so of course
[/He took another sip of his drink, and it surely wasn't helping. So he tried putting his glasses back on, and for some apparent reason that made it worser! Ugh, he's in hell right now.]
yes i am su-sure [/You know, maybe the punch was spiked.]
Don't drink the punch. -OPEN/CA EVENT.-
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iin2ufferablepriick · 13 years
 Yes, that was definitely boring.
 ”And why did you come to the party without friends or a date? And why do you waste your time like this, being the city so big?” she actually felt bad for the boy
“What if we go and take a seat around there? Don’t you think if someone sees you standing here would think you are uncool?”
well ive got friends but not a date
i dont know i guess i find that its not really important to have a date and besides im too cool no one could handle this
[/Well, now that she said something.. It would! Dave, you're so easily convinced!] sure that sounds fine i guess
where did you want to sit
Don't drink the punch. -OPEN/CA EVENT.-
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iin2ufferablepriick · 13 years
“I’ve never drunk anything like this before..” she smiled a little bit, dragged her finger over the rim of her cup. “Oh? It’s pretty nice over here compared to where everyone else is!” she laughed again, watching people trying to dance and doing other things.
“Are you okay? You sound a little shaky.” Luka tilted her head again, to look at him. Maybe something was in that drink.
yeah id say i mean just look all of those 
i-idots trying to dance they obviously have no moves
[/Fuck, Dave. Get your shit together! You're in front of a woman, and you're not supposed to look that way in front of one. It's like a rule.]
im perfectly fine th-thank you very much [/No, he was not! He didn't wanna say it.]
Don't drink the punch. -OPEN/CA EVENT.-
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iin2ufferablepriick · 13 years
So informal. Was he really like that or was it his ‘cool guy’ attitude? Nevertheless, she liked it, a little bit. Was the party’s spirit and the drunk’s magic? Or maybe she was just being a little more open to everything and everyone?
“So you just like to waste your time standing here? Don’t you have a date or a friend?” he didn’t have anything interesting, and Haruhi was about to leave, when she thought she could make Dave do something interesting. What he could do was the question.
yeah i guess you could say that
i have a few friends but not a date [/And really, this party was so last minute! So he didn't really have the time to find one.] and i havent seen any of my friends here yet
[/Really, the only reason he is here because he's bored! He needs something to do.] 
Don't drink the punch. -OPEN/CA EVENT.-
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iin2ufferablepriick · 13 years
She shrugged anyway not really caring either way, being an android she’d never really been drunk or really tasted anything ‘artificial’. Well Luka could be classed as artificial herself but oh well.
“Oh alright,” she nodded, picking up the cup and bringing it to her lips to take a sip. It tasted a little funny, but fruity. A strange mixture. “and how come you’ve been standing here forever? You know people here, don’t you?”
[/Dave took a sip of the fruit punch, and wow what do you know? It's good!]
i know people its just that uh well [/He took his shades off for a moment, maybe he was getting a headache! He wasn't thinking straight right now.]
i dont kn-know i guess its just that i like it right here
[/He was starting to feel a little funny, and began to stutter. Oh god. What's going on here? He's acting SO uncool right now! Maybe it's the taking off the shades part, of course!]
Don't drink the punch. -OPEN/CA EVENT.-
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iin2ufferablepriick · 13 years
She tilted her head and blinked at him for a few seconds, not really understanding.
“Artificial huh?” Luka picked up the spoon again, and placed some of the liquid into her cup. “Oh but I also meant if you knew what was in it? You know if it’s ‘spiked’?” Most likely it did have alcohol in it but hey bottoms up, right?
[/Well, he was just standing there so he wasn't paying attention. Maybe even asleep, too.]
i dont know i didnt see anyone spike it [/Dave, behind those sunglasses you can't see anything!] and trust me i wouldve because ive been standing here forever
Don't drink the punch. -OPEN/CA EVENT.-
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iin2ufferablepriick · 13 years
Haruhi decided to go take a look at the punch bowl, maybe it had something strange that made people do stupid things, maybe it had insane amounts of alcohol, and if that was the case, she’s underage but he can’t drink. To hell with it, she’s Haruhi Suzumiya after all!
Then, there was a really cool guy next to the punch bowl, with a cup on his hand. After studying him for half a minute, she decides to say something to him, because he looks so cool, and he was notably younger too.
“Hi there. What’s your name? And why are you standing next to the bowl, do you like the smell?” she asked, without even presenting herself, as usual.
im dave strider
[/Liking the smell? That rings a bell to him, but he can't exactly say. He was just standing there to look cool, like in ironic cheesy love movies involving a prom. She might not be able to understand, though. So he wasn't gonna say that.]
no im just standing here because ive got nothing else to do
[/That was part of it, yep.]
Don't drink the punch. -OPEN/CA EVENT.-
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iin2ufferablepriick · 13 years
Yeah, I bet this is a cover for something - but as far as I could tell, when I caught the train to this sector, nothing suspicious seemed to be happening as the train went through the other sectors to reach this one…so if the scientists are doing something, they’re certainly hiding it well. Not much I can do about it, though - as a member of justice, someone’s gotta watch over the party and make sure jerks don’t spoil the fun times for everyone else!
(A pause then, before the detective took a bit of food and sniffed it suspiciously before taking a small bite - but finding nothing suspicious in that small taste, she ate the rest of it, before saying:)
Well, the food’s pretty nice-tasting, so at least the scentists didn’t poison it or anything…
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yeah i dont really trust these guys after all the shit that happened in the past and who would anyways?? not me of course
[/He set his punch down on the table and grabbed some food, well the food didn't look suspicious! And really, when does it look suspicous? In crime movies. That's when. He took a few bites out of it, and holy shit it was great!
He then picked it back up because there is something about the cup of punch that makes him look cool.]
well the food tastes good so what if they arent up to some sneaky crap this time
but shit thatd be pretty rare
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Don't drink the punch. -OPEN/CA EVENT.-
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iin2ufferablepriick · 13 years
And then this really cool guy had another really cool, really drunk guy up in his face.
More accurately, he had this really cool guy’s chest in his face.
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[/Dave took a sip of his punch and pulled his glasses over his face, oh god. He was surprised that he could make out what the man was saying! Maybe it's all the rap music. Who knows?]
excuse me but what the fuck are you
[/Suddenly he had a headache, it was either from taking his shades off or there was something wrong with the punch.]
Don't drink the punch. -OPEN/CA EVENT.-
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iin2ufferablepriick · 13 years
Of course at any kind of party Luka would be there. Why would she miss out on this? The VOCALOID saw the punch bowl, and eyed it carefully blinking once or twice at the liquid that filled the bowl. Her blue eyes looked up at the guy next to it, and grabbed herself a cup ready to fill it.
“Hi, do you know what’s in this?” she quickly asked, holding the bowl’s spoon in her hands. Luka had to be cautious after all, but she’d probably still drink it anyway.
[/Dave stared at the woman for a second, pink hair. Now, you don't see that everyday.]
its fruit punch
you know
artificial sugar artifical food coloring water and artifical food flavoring
[/Dave, that was a little bit too descriptive! Also, you use the word artificial too much. What the fuck are you thinking?]
Don't drink the punch. -OPEN/CA EVENT.-
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iin2ufferablepriick · 13 years
It sure is rare the scientists would throw a big fancy dig like this - they really went all out for this one! Normally they just throw weird events apparently without concern for anyone here, or are just plain rude - but not like I’m gonna question free food!
(The red-haired detective paused to regard a plastic cup - reaching close for the punch, but changing her mind at the last moment and taking some lemonade instead.) 
But why would they throw a party like this all a sudden, I wonder? It sure seems a little suspicious - at least, to a detective like myself, anyways.
[/You nod in agreement! Yeah, this is really weird. Why would they be nice all of a sudden? Something has got to be up.]
usually they do some crazy ass shit and dont tell us
i bet something is up and this is just a cover or someshit because its too good to be true
but then there is the free food and im sure as hell not going to reject it
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Don't drink the punch. -OPEN/CA EVENT.-
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iin2ufferablepriick · 13 years
“I know, right!”
// Stepping slightly closer towards him, she leaned forward, wondering what it was that Dave had to say to her. With her luck, it was going to be something good, and knowing him, it was going to be something cool! She barely even noticed the stuttering and the awkward talking, but she really wanted to hear what he had to say. //
“What do you want to tell me, Dave~?”
uhm y-yeah
[/So, he leaned towards her and began to whisper to her! Oh boy, what does he have to say?]
my e-eyes are red and i actually like smuppets but i pretend that i dont because my friends ha-hate them
Don't drink the punch. -OPEN/CA EVENT.-
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