Analysis of digital competence
1.1  Browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content
> Level 5
1.2  Evaluating data, information and digital content
> Level 4
1.3  Managing data, information and digital content
>  Level 4
2.1 Interacting through digital technologies
>  Level 6
2.2 Sharing through digital technologies
>  Level 5
2.3 Engaging in citizenship through digital technologies
>  Level 5
2.4 Collaborating through digital technologies
>  Level 6
2.5 Netiquette
>  Level 6
2.6 Managing digital identity
>  Level 6
3.1 Developing digital content
>  Level 5
3.2 Integrating re-elaborating digital content
>  Level 4
3.3 Copyright and licenses
> Level 3
3.4 Programming
>  Level 1
4.1 Protecting devices
>  Level 4
4.2 Protecting personal data and privacy
>  Level 4
4.3 Protecting health and well-being
>  Level 3
4.4 Protecting the environment
> Level 3
5.1 Solving technical problems
>  Level 2
5.2 Identifying needs and technological response
>  Level 3
5.3 Creatively using digital technologies
>  Level 3
5.4 Identifying digital competence gaps
>  Level 3
 Information and data literacy = 13/24 
Communication and collaboration = 34/48
Digital content creation = 13/32
Safety = 14/32
Problem solving = 11/32 
Overall “score” 85/168
I am slightly disappointed in my score but luckily all the things I am lacking in are something that I can just learn to do. The part that was most striking was my lack of skills in safety and problem solving. I can help my parents with the most basic problems but even that has its limits. Safety is something I should focus more on since hacking someone’s accounts is quite easy and I definitely don’t have all the available safety measures in use.
Although I have grown up in the era of digital things, it’s not something I’ve been taught to use nor have I been taught how to behave in the internet. I also know that learning that in schools can take years to happen because most of the teacher’s aren’t equipped to do anything (at least that was the case in my school). This is a topic that should be out more in mainstream media.
At this time thought, I am happy that I know ways that I can do school work and I know how to use the different tools because even at university level, it can be a problem to some people. It’s easy to ease into thinking that I don’t need to learn to use anything else or that I should change the way use the internet and it’s tools but I’m not safe in this sense. Technology is evolving constantly and there are many people much younger than me who have far better skills than I do. I should try to stay ahead of the game and I should protect myself more because it’s just a matter of time before someone comes and attacks my accounts and steals everything I have. But this is not something only ordinary people should do, even universities can have this sort of problem which dangers all the students and their information, I don’t know what sort of safety measures TLÜ use but it is scary to know that someone can, I imagine quite easily, send a message that looks like an university message and it’s even scarier how easy we trust a layout, I didn’t get the message but I image I probably wouldn’t have thought twice about changing the password if the message had looked like a regular TLÜ email.
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Here’s my mind map of all the tools that I use in school and personal life 
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Intellectual Property
There are many ways to protect your own work, inventions, art etc. Some don’t require any notifying and some require you to do decisions based on who you want your work to affect, do you want it to be international, region based or just in your own country.
First up we have copyright, which covers literary works, films, music and scientific and also artistic works. This is one of the ways which doesn’t require registration, copyright protections starts as soon as the work is created, because ideas can’t acquire copyright protection. An easy way to express that something is copyrighted is to put the symbol © or write that “all rights (are) reserved). The protection ends after 70 years of the author’s death in the EU, other places it could be just 50 years.
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The next one is a patent which can be applied to inventions, products or processes which improve peoples lives somehow. The patent lasts for 20 years and it cannot be continued or reapplied. Patent application can be done through national route to apply only to the place the patent is registered, through regional route which in Europe is done through the European Patent Office and it will apply to the nations that validate the patent in their own IP office or lastly to make the patent international, by contacting World Intellectual Property Organization.
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The next one is a trade mark, which to most consumers is the most familiar one. A trademark is a “sign relating to the goods and services for which it is registered”. This protection can be obtained through a national IP office, from European Union Intellectual Property Office to cover all the EU members or through WIPO’s trademark registration system, which like in the patent system, must be validated by different nations local IP offices.
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Industrial design is literally the physical form or design of a product. You can either protect nationally by contacting the local IP office, by registering it with the EUIPO which will then apply to all the member states, or by just publishing it in the EU which will grant it protection but only for 3 years while for the Registered Community Design the initial period is 5 years which can then be reapplied 4 times in total. The last way is the International Route which is done through WIPO’s design registration system which once again needs to be validated by all the countries individually.
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The last type of protection is a geographical indication which is a sign used on products that have a geographical origin and whose qualities are attributed to that origin. Example of this could be Parma ham, which is produced in the Parma region of Italy. Ways to obtain this protection is once again through the national GI protection system, or through the EU which can be either Protected Designations of Origin in which the whole production, from ingredient obtaining needs to happen in that one region. The more loose protection the Protection of Geographical Indications in which the ingredients don’t need to come from that region, but either producing, processing or preparing does. The International route is done through WIPO’s international protection system in which the product is then protected in all contracting parties. Protection is valid until registration is cancelled.
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Digital media
1. Who made them
I decided to focus on youtube, twitter and nextory as the digital medias that I use since all of them have a different purpose and I’m most familiar with how they work. 
Youtube was created by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim as a video platform. People could upload their own videos that could then by seen by virtually anybody that had a computer/smartphone and a working internet connection. 
Twitter was invented by Evan Williams and Biz Stone. It was created to primarily to be a “ free SMS with a social networking element”. 
Nextory is a relatively new one since it was launched in 2015 whereas youtube and twitter are both from the 2000′s. The inventor of nextory is Shadi Bitar, who wanted to bring books to everyone, where ever you are. It is an e- and audiobook service that gives you all the books the platform has in exchange for a monthly fee. 
2. How do they work
Youtube is nowadays part of Google so if you wanted to create content or write comments etc. you need to have a Google account. Basically it is a platform where you can upload videos to, they can range from music videos to makeup tutorials to educative content. If you’re a creator, you can upload your videos to your channel and monitor how many views your video is getting (this affects how much money you can make) while also interacting with your audience through comments. If you’re a viewer you can obviously watch the videos, leave likes and comments and also subscribe to channels which will lead to that channels videos being recommended to you in your feed. Youtube can be used on the computer or you can download the youtube, although I think nowadays it is automatically installed in every phone. 
Twitter is, as I quoted earlier, an SMS service with a social networking element. You can create small messages, the limit being 280 characters. These “tweets” as they’re called can include a link, a photo or just text. Same as facebook, in twitter you can also like and share tweets or reply to them. You also have a feed where tweets from the people you follow, or their shared tweets, called “retweets” will show. My feed is mostly full of memes, kpop related things and my friends and whatever they’re sharing. Twitter can also be used on the computer or on the twitter mobile app 
Nextory is an e- and audiobook service where, in Finland, you can find books in Finnish, English and Swedish. It has all types of books and also books for children. You can only use it in your smartphone but it doesn’t limit how many books you can read or listen to at the same time. It also has a feature where you can add books to your wishlist and it also keeps track of how many books you’ve read, how many hours you’ve spent reading the books and what genres/writers you’ve come across. 
3. How do they make money
Youtube has ads in the videos that the creators can put in to make money. This also brings the company money. Creators themselves can make money by having ads in the videos, getting lots of interaction in the videos (likes, views, comments) or by doing sponsorships with companies, it can be makeup, a new mobile game or a product which they advertise to their viewers. 
Twitter also has ads, which are “sponsored posts” that pop up to peoples feeds. It doesn’t even have to be an ad to say, you can also just pay money to twitter so that they spread your tweet that could just be a joke of some sorts. 
Nextory makes money by selling subscriptions to use the service. There’s 3 levels, the cheapest one is 13.99€/per month. The service doesn’t have ads so you can read your books in peace. 
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Learning agreement
1. Expectations
I expect to hear lots about new digital tools and resources that I haven’t yet encountered and I hope we use different digital platforms to do group works. 
2. Aims 
I wish I learn how to use different digital tools and platforms while also learning more about the limits of plagiarizing and copyright issues. 
3. Means and strategies 
I obviously have to listen carefully but also I need to evaluate my own behavior as of now on the internet so that I can figure out if I’m doing something wrong or something that could be done better. 
4. Assessment
 I feel like I’ve achieved everything when I get moments when using the internet where I go “Hey I could use this for this assignment” or “I think using this isn’t right” etc. Basically I want everything I learn on this course to actually stay in my mind and pop up when I need it. 
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