iiwenttocollege · 4 years
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GOOD DAY, CONSIDERATE CONSUMERS! Might I interest you in a chum stick? Chum burger? Then why don’t you head on down to the CHUM BUCKET? And hey! Why not tell your friends about it with a LIKE or a REBLOG? See you soon, friends! DISCLAIMER: byvisitingthisestablishmentyouforfeityourwilltothechumbucket.
indie priv. sheldon j. plankton of spongebob squarepants, penned by toxi! || rules. // about.
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iiwenttocollege · 4 years
11/22/63,  a novel by stephen king,  sentence starters.
life turns on a dime. sometimes towards us, but more often it spins away, flirting and flashing as it goes: so long, honey, it was good while it lasted, wasn’t it?
a person who doesn’t learn from the past is an idiot, in my estimation.
when all else fails, give up and go to the library.
sarcastic people tend to be marshmallows underneath the armor. i’m no different.
the multiple choices of possibilities of daily life are the music we dance to.
the devil’s voice is sweet.
sometimes a cigar is just a smoke and a story’s just a story.
humans were built to look back; that’s why we have that swivel joint in our necks.
in 1958, there’s always smoke.
we never know which lives we influence, or when, or why.
i’m one of those people who doesn’t really know what he thinks until he writes it down.
i’m crazy. crazy and having a terribly involved hallucination in a mental hospital somewhere. perhaps some doctor will write me up for a psychiatric journal.
hearts don’t really break. if only they could.
yeah, but what if you went back and killed your own grandfather?
why the fuck would you do that?
stupidity is one of the two things we see most clearly in retrospect. the other is missed chances.
when you hide the truth from someone, you deny them their dignity.
we have been given pain to be astounded by joy.
we have been given life to deny death.
we did not ask for this room or this music. but because we are here, let us dance.
if there is love, smallpox scars are as pretty as dimples.
i’ll love your face no matter what it looks like. because it’s yours.
i know life is hard, i think everyone knows that in their hearts, but why dos it have to be cruel, as well? why does it have to bite?
i was no longer walking around the house of cards; i was living in it.
like all sweet dreams, it will be brief, but brevity makes sweetness, doesn’t it?
explanations are such cheap poetry.
on the subject of love at first sight, i’m with the Beatles: i believe that it happens all the time.
when you put on a clown suit and a rubber nose, nobody has any idea what you look like inside.
things do happen for a reason, but do we like the reason? rarely.
for most of us, i think it’s easier to admit doing wrong than being stupid.
sometimes life coughs up coincidences no writer of fiction would dare copy.
life’s simplest answers are often the easiest to overlook.
do i know what people say? sure.
i know your mother lives in your head – almost everyone’s mother does, i guess – but you can’t let her have her way on this one.
don’t look back, never look back.
life is too sweet to give up without a fight, don’t you think?
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iiwenttocollege · 4 years
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following.  
Their first impression of your muse:
Current impression:   
Are they attracted to your muse?:  
Something they find frightening about your muse:
Something they find adorable about your muse:  
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: 
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
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iiwenttocollege · 4 years
this song is a bop and i'm so sad it's not longer
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iiwenttocollege · 4 years
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new icons baby!!
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iiwenttocollege · 4 years
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iiwenttocollege · 4 years
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and they improvised the whole story, that’s my headcanon
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iiwenttocollege · 4 years
like for a starter u-u
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iiwenttocollege · 4 years
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hear me, KRABS,                         when I discover your formula for Krabby Patties,                                                           I’LL RUN YOU OUT OF BUSINESS.
independent sheldon j. plankton of spongebob squarepants, penned by toxi. oc & crossover friendly!
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iiwenttocollege · 4 years
EUGENE // kkrustacean​:
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➦              his nose TWITCHES, disgusted to hear his nemesis ( & ex - friend ) belittle his cumbersome entry. sure, he certainly had seen better days & had more antics to boot, but today hadn’t been fairly chivalrous with its generosity. a meaty claw crooks down upon his rival, a firm shake distilling instantaneous hostility from the unicellular creature.
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                               ❛ - aye, i could’a done ye a great justice, but me back’s been achin’ a might too stiff & i can’t say with utmost certainty tha’ i KNEW it’d be you. th’ wall’s ‘ve been growin’ a bit thick these days. - ❜
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                               ❛ - b’sides… y’er always good enough f’er this ol’e crab, otherwise y’ would’a run outta business YEARS AGO! - ❜
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❝ Must be the old age, ❞ he responds bitterly; he’s disappointed, pouty that the other’s dramatic ettiquette is lacking. Plankton had one of the most recognizable voices known to fish-kind, despite his small stature, and he’s offended his long-term rival failed to recall it. But he’s not one to CONSTANTLY cry over that kind of thing, not when there were more pressing --
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❝ WAIT a minute -- what’s THAT supposed to mean?! ❞ he growls, glaring up at his nemesis with a look of outrage. ❝ Are you implying I need YOU to keep my business?! You’re outta’ your mind, Krabs! I’m an independent copepod! I’d be JUST FINE whether your feeble form of matter exists or not! ❞
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iiwenttocollege · 4 years
like for a starter u-u
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iiwenttocollege · 4 years
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plankton murders tails for some reason
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iiwenttocollege · 4 years
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➦             YES ; that’d be him.
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❝ ... okay, that was weird. Moreso than usual but who am I to judge? ❞
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❝ But COME ON, you’re not gonna’ do the dramatic name calling? Am I not good enough for you, Eugene?! ❞
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iiwenttocollege · 4 years
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❝ KRABS. ❞
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iiwenttocollege · 4 years
like this for a ghost
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iiwenttocollege · 4 years
If I have to see this so do all of you
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iiwenttocollege · 4 years
good morning to student film directors turned murderers, people who can somehow manage to pull off sideburns, hotel documentary producers, girls with memory loss who find themselves feral in a park at 2am, horrific otherworldly entities, cryptic youtube video creators, large rocks, hoody-wearing student actors with incredible diplomacy in the face of awful scripts, girlfriends who accidentally invoke evil upon households, and people who brought their dog.
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