ijustliketv · 5 years
Ant-Man And The Wasp
Marvel fans definitely needed a break after infinity War and we got it with Ant-man and the wasp.
Plot: in the start of the movie we are told that Scott Lang (Ant-Man) has been under house arrest after he helped Captain America in infinity War. He’s been under house arrest for two years and in that time he and Luis (Scott’s best friend from the last film) have created a small business. Scott has also spent a lot of his house arrest spending time with his daughter. we then find out that Scott only has three days left on his house arrest. everything is going great until an ant flies in and hits him with a tranquilizer dart. He wakes up in a van being driven by Hope Van Dyne (the Wasp). She informs him of three things: 1. she and her father (Hank Pym the og Ant-Man) have found a way to save her mother(Janet Van Dyne) who was trapped in the quantum realm, 2. they need Scott’s help because they believe he connected with her while he was in the quantum realm, and 3. Both Hope and Hank are very mad at him for using the Ant-Man suit to help Cap in civil war and because it made both of them fugitives that are being hunted by the FBI . so with all that exposition established Scott, Hope, and Hank (who I will call team ant man to save time) go to get he last piece they need for the machine to save Janet. To get the piece Hope goes to make a business deal with a shady arms dealer. the dealer figures out that Hope is working with ant man and demands that she give him some of Hank’s tech or else the deal is off. This forces Hope to use the wasp suit ,a version of the Ant-Man suit that flies, has stun lasers and is basically better, than the Ant-Man suit in every way. Hope beats up the arms dealer and his goons and gets the piece they need. Everything is going great until the movies main villain ,Ghost, shows up. we know three things about her: 1. she can walk through walls, 2. she can easily take both Scott and Hope in a fight at the same same time, and 3. she really hates hank. Ghost steals the piece they need and escapes. running out of time and options Team Ant man goes to one of Hanks old colleagues Bill. We find out that Hank wasn’t a very good boss to the research team he used to work with and the most of the the members of the team hate him including bill. after a lot of arguing bill gives them a way that they might be able to track Ghost. they track ghost to a secluded house in the woods where they think they have her trapped, but surprise the trap was actually on them. Ghost captures them and reveals her tragic back story. when she was a little girl her father worked for Hank. Hank fired him from the team which forced him to do his own research with much less funding. this home made experiment exploded. the explosion killed both of ghosts parents but gave her the power to walk through walls. unfortunately it was discovered that her powers are slowly killing her. After this we find out Bill took her in and has been working with her the whole time. the biggest bomb shell comes when we find out that the only way to save Ghost is to take the quantum energy out of Janet, but this will kill Janet in the process. Ghost and Bill then call the cops on to come get Team Ant-Man. Hank and Hope are captured but Scott gets away at the last second. Scott busts the rest of team Ant-Man out of jail and they all get ready for the final fight. Ant-Man and The Wasp go to fight Ghost while Hank goes into the Quantum realm to save Janet. It’s a close call but Hank manged to save Janet just in time. Since her one chance of not dying is gone ghost tries to kill team Ant-Man ,but before she gets the chance Janet uses the powers she gained in the quantum realm to heal Ghost. After that everyone gets a happy ending. Scott gets home in time to get off of house arrest and ends up dating hope, Hank and Janet retire together, and Ghost gets to live with Bill. This is probably the happiest ending in Marvel history.
Ant-Man and the wasp is a fun film. The jokes are fun, the characters are fun, and it’s just really fun to watch. its the perfect post infinity war break. this is a film that every marvel fan should definitely see. 8/10
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ijustliketv · 5 years
AquaMan: Not the movie DC fans deserve but the movie DC needs right now.
DC has been having a really rough time with their cinematic universe. It all started with the lackluster man of steel. Then they made a mess of Batman v. Superman. Things started to look up with wonder Woman, but they went right back down with justice league. With this less than great track record the bar for Aquaman was very low. If this movie didn’t do well it might have it might have been the end of the DC movie universe. on the other hand if it was just OK it could keep hope alive. well I’m happy to say that this movie is defiantly OK. 
Aquaman is a fun movie. The action scenes are fun ,the jokes are funny, and the actors work well together. with that said the movie is just OK. it’s in no way a great movie. the plot feels lazy at times and some of the CGI effects look like they were rendered on an Xbox 360. all and all this movie is a solid 7/10. it’s definitely the movie DC neede to get back on its feet   
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ijustliketv · 6 years
Luke Cage Season 2: Episode 1
The long awaited second season of of Luke Cage is finally here and boy did it start of with a bang
The episode starts with Luke doing what he does best, beating up drug dealers and being bullet proof. After Luke finishes cleaning up the streets he returns to Pop’s barbers shop where we learn that Luke has become a huge celebrity in Harlem. He’s so popular that people have created an app that tracks him whereever he goes and he is getting endorsement offers from many companies. Luke tries to ignore his new found fame while he searches for the the source of the the  drugs that are pouring into Harlem. We then check in with Misty Knight who is dealing with living life without her arm that was cut off in Defenders. We then check in with everyone's favorite crime lord Mariah. In the beginning of the episode she is trying to get out of the crime business and go legit. She spends the rest of the episode talking about her family issues and being extra “friendly” to the guys on the show. Finally we find out that a new crime boss has come to Harlem. His Name is Bush Master, he’s Jamaican, and (gasp) he’s bullet proof.
This first episode gave a lot information. It gave us an interesting look into what it would be like to be a super hero without a secret identity in 2018. It also gave us a good summery of how all the characters have changed after the events of defenders while setting us up for a really good season that I am really looking forward to.
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