ikerevandotherthings · 10 months
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happy birthday Jonah!
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🎉=3 days till Edgar’s Birthday=🎉 (Belated)
" I love you"
Just realized I haven't draw them kiss before. When I draw this artwork, my brain keep repeating " Fly me to the moon~ Let me play among the stars~"... Is too romantic!!🥺🥺
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🎉=29 days till Edgar’s Birthday=🎉
Today is ..! What if Edgar is the first one holding Alice when she just arrive Cradle.🤩✨✨
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What kind of animal do you associate Fenrir with? 🫴🏻🎤
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when she says she doesn’t send nudes
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Dazai: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming?
Isaac: Can everyone in this godforsaken group please learn the skill called "Think Before You Speak"?
Arthur: Ya know... it might be.
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"mbti types answer their most asked questions - ikemen series version"
I made this video today, may everyone who sees it, enjoy it. :) ♡
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Happy birthday Lancelot! 💖💖💖
This is my most favorite art, he's so precious 🤧🤧🤧💖💖💖
Official art by TCB-sensei
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So last night I dreamed that it was winter and I was at a shopping mall and I looked outside and saw this guy walking his borzoi, who was wearing this giant snow suit.  But then the guy heard me laughing through the window and got REALLY mad at me.
Anyway, the dog looked like this.
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This was in response to a request from @atelier-maroron - unfortunately the original ask poofed (ok, tumblr messed up the formatting of my post and i deleted that one) but the ask wanted to know if Leonardo would take NSFW art commissions under a pseudonym and how would be react when Comte asks him where all this extra money is coming from (this is from memory and not the exact ask). I hope you enjoy.
The One Where Leonardo Accepted a NSFW Art Commission 
Customer: Hello sir, I was told by a very good friend who is an acquaintance of Monsieur Leonardo that you take art commissions of a *drops his voice* certain sort?
Leonardo: *smirks* A friend of Leonardo, eh? Yes, yes... what did you have in mind? 
Customer: *hands over a piece of paper with an illustration of a couple in a compromising position* I was hoping you could draw me and my mistress like this? 
Leonardo: *nodding* Yes, I can work with this. 
Customer: It must be discreet. 
Leonardo: Oh, absolutely. Come back in a week, and I'll have this ready for you. 
(One week later) 
Customer: *inspects painting* This is magnificent! Truly amazing! I'd daresay it belongs in a museum. 
Leonardo: *smirks* I'm glad you approve. 
Customer: *hands over a large sum of cash* Thank you again... I'm sorry, I never did catch your name? 
Leonardo: If you must know, I signed my name on the bottom of the painting. 
Leonardo: Hey, what's all the noise. A man is still sleeping. 
Comte: *furious* Wake up, Leonardo. It's well past noon. And this *drops a box on his chest* came for you today. Third delivery for you this week. And it's only Wednesday. 
Leonardo: *sits up, putting box to the side* Yeah, and? 
Comte: Where are you getting the money for all these items?  
Leonardo: Ah, about that. I've been painting again. Took some commissions. 
Comte: Yeah, so I've heard.  
Leonardo: *smiles smugly* 
Comte: Care to explain this then? *shows Leonardo one of his nsfw paintings* 
Leonardo: *looks confused* How'd you get this? 
Comte: That is not important. What is though is the name on the bottom. Tell me, Leonardo... what does that say? 
Leonardo: *looks closer* I have absolutely no idea. 
Comte: *exasperated* It says le Comte de St. Germain. Did you really think I would not find out? 
Leonardo: Well, I couldn't sign my name, now, could I? 
Comte: ... 
(Comte storms out of Leonardo's room, stalking down the hallway) 
Vincent: What just happened in there? 
Theo: Mom and dad are fighting again. 
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Edgar: Hey, MC. Spell “Me”.
MC: M - E
Edgar: You forgot the “D”.
MC: What? There’s no “D” in “Me”
Edgar, smirking: Not yet.
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hope this clears it up!
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Leonardo: Keep your eyes closed, I have a surprise.
MC: Did you clean your room?
Leonardo: I said surprise, not miracle.
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today is not my birthday
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I made a thing:
This is Vlad’s Vibe 100%
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also just an aside but i do want other bisexual ppl to know, esp younger bisexual ppl, that you really really do not have to obsess and over analyze your sexuality at every turn. you’re allowed to just identify as bisexual. self reflection can be healthy but should be done in moderation. not reciprocating someone’s feelings does not mean you’re suddenly not attracted to that entire gender and there’s absolutely no quota you should feel you have to meet in order to “really” be bisexual.
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