ikykwklk · 2 years
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…and scene
309 notes · View notes
ikykwklk · 2 years
clair de lune — masterlist
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pairing; ot8/f.reader
genre; yandere, reincarnation!au, pirate (a bit)
series warnings; this first deals with the subject of yandere. with that being said, a lot of the things happening in this fiction will be manipulation, gaslighting, and various other techniques displayed by the characters. if you are not comfortable with that, please do not read.
current wc: 121.7k
summary; you’ve finally gotten the chance to enter “clair de lune”, a infamous night club to see the band hiraeth. but why did you feel like their eyes only watched you?
one ◇ two ◇ three ◇ four ◇ five ◇ rose ◇ seven ◇ eight (finale) ◇
922 notes · View notes
ikykwklk · 2 years
clair de lune — masterlist
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pairing; ot8/f.reader
genre; yandere, reincarnation!au, pirate (a bit)
series warnings; this first deals with the subject of yandere. with that being said, a lot of the things happening in this fiction will be manipulation, gaslighting, and various other techniques displayed by the characters. if you are not comfortable with that, please do not read.
current wc: 79.5k
summary; you’ve finally gotten the chance to enter “clair de lune”, a infamous night club to see the band hiraeth. but why did you feel like their eyes only watched you?
one ◇ two ◇ three ◇ four ◇ five ◇ rose ◇ six ◇ seven (finale) ◇
922 notes · View notes
ikykwklk · 2 years
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Pastel SKZOO
287 notes · View notes
ikykwklk · 2 years
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞
Pairing ~ Yandere Jeongin x Reader (with bits of Hyunjin x Reader) Genre ~ Yandere, Smut, Fluff, Horror? !!trigger warnings!! Cut off head, yandere themes, kidnapping, drugged via injection, manipulation, heartbroken Jeongin, stabbing, stalking, innie is batshit crazy! !!smut warnings!! implied cream pie, intense fucking, kind of corruption? (Could be considered virgin reader, but doesn’t have to be), hickies, cunilingus, fingering, reader gets fucked out Word Count ~ 5,706 Author's Note ~ This fic does start with them in high school, but there is no smut in those scenes. The smut happens when it’s years later, and they’ve graduated college. Also, reader does fall for Jeongin a little easily. Requested ~ Yes! Support me by buying me a coffee here ☕️ <3
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Jeongin and you were childhood neighbors. Not necessarily friends or lovers or anything. You two were neighbors. Not the kind where you met because your parents wanted you to be friends with the neighbors’ kid, not the kind where you met while you played outside one day. You guys were just neighbors. You barely knew each other’s name. Well, you finally learned each other’s names in high school. You didn’t think he knew yours, but you knew him because he became Mr. Popularity. He was everything the high school movie cliches portrayed. A muscular jock that had every girl at his feet because he was so unbelievably attractive. Everyone either wanted to be with him or be him. Who wouldn’t? He was the sweetest, nicest, hottest person alive. 
He knew who you were. Jeongin was fully aware of his not so popular neighbor that didn’t give two shits about his popularity, what he had, even when every other kid in school would kill to be him. But it bugged him that you did not care. You had a small group of friends, three to be exact, and you did what you had to do to get through high school as well as a few extra curricular activities. But besides that, you were just a normal high school student. 
But Jeongin didn’t like that because everything he worked for was for you. Every ounce of popularity he worked for was for you. For your attention. For your affection. For you to notice him and love him. If no one else could resist, then how come the one person he wanted was able to? That’s just unfair. 
When your third year of high school came around, and you still gave him no attention, he had no choice. There was one way you’d notice him. Jeongin had to make your life hell, not entirely, but enough hell that you’d lose your mind. He managed to put minor inconveniences in your way. Maybe shutting the door on your face and acting like he didn’t know you were behind him. Maybe it was some kid “accidentally” running into you causing you to drop your stuff. Maybe it was when you were walking to your car, and a boy trying to catch a ball rammed right into you causing your phone to fall and shatter the screen. 
But still none of that was enough to satisfy him. You didn’t know he was behind all of that. The whole point was for you to notice him. The whole point was that you’d come running to your neighbor for help when you realized you had no one, because your friends left you out of nowhere. The whole point was feeling like the most popular boy in school was out to get you, and you being so paranoid about him intentionally causing you trouble that your thoughts would be crowded by him. 
But it didn’t work. 
So Jeongin went to some extreme measures. He didn’t want to outright bully you, that would ruin his sweet boy persona. He needs that. So the extreme measures he went to was getting you kicked out of the extracurricular activities you were a part of, getting you shunned from almost everyone, becoming completely alone. So alone that no one wanted anything to do with you. He fully expected to come in, show you that he cared about you, that you weren’t alone. 
But his chance was taken when a new kid came strolling into the hallways. An older kid. A fourth year student. A student that would leave you before your time in high school was over. So why’d you even bother talking to this guy? His name was Hyunjin. He was so sweet and caring, so careful; he was beautiful. His gentle voice was soothing, the way he walked was so effortlessly mesmerizing. And what made you feel so entranced by him? He cared about you. He talked to you. His alluring nature had everyone ditching Jeongin for him, until he started talking to you. Everybody tried to tell him the rumors about you, how you snuck around with boys with girlfriends, how you were a snake amongst your friends, the basic rumors that everyone turned their backs on others for. But Hyunjin didn’t believe a single thing. 
Jeongin noticed Hyunjin’s eye for you the second he found you both giggling in painting class. He felt his whole body tense seeing the way Hyunjin looked at you with eyes so full of adoration that he could die from it. Jeongin’s eyes were full of jealousy, envy, and pure hatred for the new found angel of school. Jeongin was the angel. The only one. No other angel could take his place. No other guardian angel could be yours. You belonged to him. 
When people realized Hyunjin wasn’t letting you go, his popularity quickly faded. He was no longer the new kid, but he was a newfound artistic talent for the school. He climbed the ranks as the best art student at a fast pace, you trudging right next to him. He helped you better your craft with his advice and instructions. Slowly, as you both learned more from and about each other, the more you fell in love with one another. It wasn’t obvious to either of you or to anyone else. But Jeongin wasn’t anyone else. Jeongin saw the whole thing go down. The whole love story was being narrated in his mind. It only caused anger. 
As the school year ended, Hyunjin graduated, and you, well, still had to go. But things were different. You told your parents about the avoidance and the rumors, how hard it would be to go to school without any friends. It was lonely. You would miss Hyunjin. So your parents found a school not far from the one you went to previously that was within driving distance. As long as you drove yourself to and from school every day, you could go. And that was set. 
Hyunjin and you developed a romantic relationship over the summer, knowing that the distance would be hard. But you were both willing to try and work through it. And that you did. When school started back up, Jeongin had no idea you weren’t going to the local school anymore. For someone that watches you all of the time, this was an unexpected change. How would you run into his arms now when things were bad? How would you come to him when everyone officially left you? He was more than positive that you and Hyunjin would not last more than a few months, but it still bugged him knowing that you and Hyunjin shared what was meant to be between you and Jeongin. It drove him crazy. He should’ve done something about Hyunjin when he had the chance. But that was just a small setback. He’d have you soon. 
But the school year went by quickly. You made more friends, you and Hyunjin’s relationship was soaring through the clouds, your grades were amazing. You were finally flourishing, you were finally having the life you deserved. It pissed Jeongin off. You were flourishing without him and with other people. You were only supposed to grow with him. 
Well time flies. Jeongin had no way of getting into your life at such a young age. He had no way of getting away with everything without getting caught. He felt you slipping from his grasp, which caused his heart to break. He felt so much pain every night that when he wanted to scream and cry no sound came out, only violently rushing tears down a crimson red face of pure rage and sadness. You had no idea. You had no idea the kind of pain he felt when you were right next door, all because of you, all because of someone he never spoke to. 
Years passed. Hyunjin and you had graduated college, still together somehow. Now, you both lived together in a two bedroom apartment working temporary small jobs. Hyunjin worked in a coffee shop, and you worked in a bookstore. Something you became fond of throughout your time together was reading. Something about it had you hooked. It was a common thing for you and Hyunjin to spend quality time together, and sometimes that included him drawing or painting while you read. The stories you often found yourself trapped in were full of toxic romances, wondering how someone could allow themselves to fall for someone so horrendously stuck in love with someone else who only abused them. But why, oh why, did you secretly long for a romance so toxic that one killing another for you had you turned on?
Never once had you told Hyunjin about it. About how you craved a relationship so toxic that the inland taipan would be jealous of the venom. You wanted someone that would kill for you. You had no idea why you longed for this. Hyunjin was perfect, so why did you crave for something so terrible? 
Though you never told Hyunjin about the books you were reading, he found out what they were about quickly. He started to look up the books you read, noticing a pattern of a toxic enemy to a passionate lover, and he was shocked. Why would you be interested in this sort of thing? Did you want him to be that way? 
Needless to say it scared him. You tried to tell him that you read them because you found the psychology interesting, but he just wasn’t hearing it. He could tell you were lying to him. 
So Hyunjin left you. Leaving you over the kinds of books you read was the stupidest reason you’ve ever heard. But maybe that wasn’t the only reason he left.
Maybe he left because he was threatened by a familiar face from high school. 
A familiar face that looked at him with a cold stare as he pushed him against a brick wall in an alley threatening his life. Hyunjin wanted to tell you, but he wouldn’t die for you. Not like the man you wanted would. 
You were so filled with grief over the loss of Hyunjin in your life that you began to lose sight of who you were. Hyunjin was the only person you had for years, so what would you do without him now? 
Days passed and you were walking back to your apartment - no longer shared, only occupied by you - when you saw two faces you knew. One was Hyunjin and the other was Mr. High School Popularity, Jeongin. You saw Jeongin against Hyunjin, seemingly cutting off the breath that Hyunjin was trying to breathe. You inched closer, trying not to be seen. But Jeongin knew you were there. He wanted you to see this.
You listened intently, peeking around a corner watching the events unfold.
“How fucking dare you hurt Y/N like that?” He spit.
“What are you talking about? You threatened me!” Hyunjin exclaimed.
“That’s bullshit.” Hyunjin went to speak, but Jeongin wrapped his hand around his throat and squeezed harshly.
“I’d kill for Y/N, but you’d rather save yourself than fight for her. Pathetic.” 
In a swift motion, Jeongin shoved a knife deep into Hyunjin’s side. He gasped, wanting to scream, but the pain so shockingly tore him apart he couldn’t take it.
You stepped out, watching the scene unfold.
Hyunjin faintly choked out, “Y/N, please, I love you.” You stared at him coldly before walking towards him. 
“Then why didn’t you kill for me?” 
You woke up in a cold sweat. Your entire body was moist but frigid and your lungs begged for air while you took jagged breaths in and out. There was no calmness of your dream, nothing was okay, it was not okay that you were dreaming about your ex-boyfriend’s death. It was not okay for you to think any of that. 
But as you finally calmed yourself from the craziness of the dream, the room you laid in was completely unknown. You were surrounded by belongings that weren’t yours, in a room that wasn’t yours. A room you had never seen before. And then the hyperventilation was back. You leaped out of bed, holding onto yourself trying to comprehend where you could possibly be. Your head was all over the place, trying to identify your surroundings while stuck in a fight or flight response. There were two windows evenly mirrored against the wall where the bed you were lying in was in between. There was a closet to your left and a dresser to your right. The walls were vacant, completely bare of design, but there were boxes in a corner. You stalked over to them cautiously, opening them quietly, and it was revealed that each box contained your things. All of your things. Except for any of your electronic devices. Phone, computer, watch, all of it was missing. So were photos that you had of you and anyone. Friends, family, Hyunjin. You felt tears well up in your eyes before frantically falling down and onto the boxes you searched through. 
Where were you? Why was your stuff here? What is going on?
You came to one box that stood out, one that gave off an eerie vibe from the rest. You felt like opening the box would change your entire perspective, change your entire world, flip it on its axis and change the way it orbits. 
But you opened it, your intuition begging you not to. A scream erupted from your throat as you pushed yourself away as the flaps came undone. 
Inside the box laid a head. 
Hyunjin’s head. 
Lifeless. Soulless. Emotionless. 
A head that was his, but the expression wasn’t. That wasn’t Hyunjin, it was a nightmare. How could an angel become so terrifyingly awful to look at?
“Do you like it, honey?” Your head whipped to the voice that came from behind you. You were met with none other than Jeongin himself. He was so quiet, you didn’t hear him or the door. He was sly, almost like a fox. 
You stared at him with terror. “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?” His small smile turned into a fearing anger that had you wishing you said nothing. His once crossed arms now moved to his sides as he made long strides towards you before grabbing your wrist and staring down into your eyes. You attempted to fight back, but you were no match for his strength. 
“I gave you what you wanted. Someone who’d kill for you.”
You went to speak, but he stopped you. 
“No, no. It’s not your turn to speak. You only speak when I allow you to.” You felt your stomach bunch up. You were so terrified you thought you were going to piss yourself right then and there. He looked angelic when you knew him, comparable to Hyunjin’s beauty, but now you were looking into the eyes of the Devil himself. 
“Don’t say you didn’t want this. I know you did. Hyunjin couldn’t do what you wanted him to, but I did. Shouldn’t that show you how much I love you, Y/N? I killed an innocent man for you. Well as innocent as he can be for hurting you. Anyone who hurts you will suffer, even if you don’t choose me - but you will because there is no other choice - I will kill them. And I will kill you.”
The terrifying gut feeling you had stayed, but it was slowly being turned into heat and a pool began to create itself in your panties. He wasn’t wrong. This was the fantasy you touched yourself to, but you imagined Hyunjin doing it. Not some old neighbor from childhood doing it. The threat of a man hurting you got you down bad. You wanted to rub your legs together for the friction, but you couldn’t show him you were weak. You needed to show some decency. How would he revel in the feeling of slow corruption when you broke for him so easily?
“Jeongin, please.” You pleaded, your fearful eyes stayed showing but there was no hiding the shiny glint in your eyes of lust that was coursing through your veins. “What is it, babydoll?” He smirked, cocked his head to the side, and moved one of his hands to hold your chin. 
“I need you.” 
“Oh, I know you do.” 
You rushed at him, kissing him with so much force you couldn’t take it anymore. He kissed back, his arms pulled you into a squeezing hug from the lower back moving to your ass. It was the most porn and sin filled picture. Mouths fighting each other, no love, just lust. Only the fighting of tongues between each other as you tried to pull each other closer. He backed you onto the bed, pushing you onto it as you looked into each other’s eyes for a moment. 
He pulled you back up to pull up your shirt and throw it to the other side of the room. He wasted no time pushing you back and grabbing the hems of your panties and pants at the same time, peeling them off of your sweating legs. 
You were completely exposed to him. 
He went back to kissing you, moving from your lips to your neck and starting to mark hickies everywhere. Starting at your neck, the red and purple bruises traveled down to your waistline. It looked like someone had beaten you up with how purple your skin was turning. Breathy moans came out every time, nonstop, as he sucked on your skin. 
“I’ve been waiting my whole life for this.” He whispered against your stomach. 
“Jeongin, I-”
“Shhh, sweetie, just take it, you don’t have to say a word right now.” 
The lustful kisses of passion died down, and they turned into light, delicate kisses that settled the fluttering ferocious butterflies in your stomach. Your pornstar-like moaning calmed into small breaths and the faintest sounds escaped your lips as he roamed your skin with his hands, feeling every part of you. Feeling the body that he wished he felt years ago. 
Slowly he came back up to face you. For a brief moment there was a look of love in his eyes, and yours returned. You couldn’t explain the feeling, you’d long forgotten about the decapitated head in the box not far from you. You both inched your faces until you both shared a true kiss. A slow, loving kiss that made the both of you melt. You took your hands to cup his face as his arms held him up from falling on you. 
“Baby, you have no idea how heartbroken I’ve been since you met him.” He said quietly to you, a break happening as he thought about the two of you together. 
“You never said anything, how was I supposed to know you wanted me?”
He looked at you with the saddest eyes you’ve ever seen. “I was hoping you’d want me because I was popular. I did all that for you, you know?” You looked at him dumbfounded.
“Everything I did was for you. I was hoping that the popularity would make you want to throw yourself on me. But you didn’t. Everyone else did.” It’s true. Like others were moths were drawn to the light of Jeongin, you weren’t a moth at all. You went where you pleased, nothing reeled you in. 
“I-I’m sorry.” You felt a year slip away. 
“Why didn’t you want me, Y/N?”
“I didn’t know you. We were neighbors. There was never a moment that wasn’t forced for us to meet.”
“That’s not true. I tried so many times, but you always pushed away. Every time you pushed me away.” Jeongin sounded offended, like you were lying and thought you could get away with it.
“When have we ever talked naturally? I’ve never spoken to you until now. Do you mistake me for someone else?”
“I’d never mistake you for anyone. You’re the love of my life, Y/N. I didn’t kill a man and get the wrong person. I don’t make those kinds of mistakes.” 
Those words hit you like a train.
He fucking killed someone.
He killed who you loved.
And his decapitated head wasn’t far away from you at all.
You realized this was no dream. This was real. Reality hit you harder than a truck coming a hundred miles an hour towards you and colliding with you in the most grotesque way imaginable. 
You screamed. You thrashed. Jeongin jumped. He started to hold yoy, trying to calm you down. “Baby, shh, it’s okay. Just imagine you’re in one of your books. Just imagine this isn’t real. Live in your fantasy, and I’ll take care of you.” Jeongin continued to rub your head as you started to come down from your traumatizing tantrum. 
“Just live in your fantasy.”
You felt a sharp sting in your side, which startled you, but the tiredness fell over yoy before you could react.
“Live in your fantasy, baby.”
And your eyes closed slowly and you forgot everything after that. 
You woke up hours later still in bed. Your head ached more than you could describe; it was a horrible, throbbing pain. 
Joengin sat in a chair in the corner of the room watching you. He began to walk over when he saw you start to stir awake. He sat down next to you, reaching his hand to your cheek. “Hey, baby, it’s nice to see you’re awake.” He smiled widely.
“What… what happened?”
“You just had a bad dream, that’s all. But you’re safe now. It’s okay.”
You leaned into his hand and rubbed against it in comfort. “Whatever you say, Innie.” The nickname made his heart flutter. He leaned down to kiss you softly on the lips. You kissed back happily, but just like before the kiss was filled with hunger.
Your mouths collided obsessively, lips everywhere, the most obscene image one could catch. His hands roamed your body while yours tangled in his hair. “Baby, you drive me insane.” He whispered in your ear before lightly nibbling on it before moving to kiss your neck. His nose lightly traced your neck as he moved down, and the tender movement made you buck your hips up. Jeongin only groaned at your body’s response to his actions. 
“Jeongin, please,” You pleaded. “Please touch me.” He obliged happily, his hand traveling down to your still exposed area. His middle finger lightly ghosted over your clit, causing a shiver to erupt from your body. He quietly laughed to himself while continuing to maneuver his way around to properly rub your clit to pleasure you. In mere seconds you began to moan in a way you didn’t think possible. 
“Jeongin, baby, fuck.” You said softly, your breathing was heavy and deep, your words coming out in faint gasps of air. 
“Does that feel nice, honey?” 
You only nodded as he continued at a steady pace. He wanted you to feel pleasured, not rushed. He wanted you to feel loved, not only lusted after. 
His fingers only quicked when your breathing did, seeing the way your body reacted told him you felt your high coming. His fingers didn’t move at a rapid pace, but they did quicken enough to make your eyes roll into the back of your head. “Baby, please, that feels so good.” He smiled. “Want more?” He looked up at you smirking. You looked down. “M-more?” A questioned look appeared across your face. 
“I can make you feel so much better, if you’ll let me.” 
You nodded. “Baby, I need you to audibly tell me yes or no.”
“Yes, please give me more, Jeongin.” 
He took the request with the most delighted look. His fingers still circled your clit at a fastened pace, and you both knew you’d be cumming at any second. He dipped his head down and licked along you, from your entrance to his fingers, which made you buck your hips up against his face, smearing your soaking juices against him. 
“Ah, ah!” You moaned out when he only continued to explore you with his tongue. He moved away completely, taking away his fingers and his tongue, which made you whine out. 
He moved off of the bed, which confused you, until he pulled you to the edge of it, your legs dangling and your pussy on full display. He bent down to his knees and spread your legs wider, going back to eating you out with a sloppy pattern, and his pointer and middle finger gently circled your clit again. As your head relaxed on the pillow, body jerking at the unsuspected actions he made, you felt more fingers on you, but around his entrance this time. They met along his tongue, creeping around before he pulled his mouth away from you and pushed his middle finger inside of you agonizingly slow. More moans erupted from your throat. Your mind was too clouded by the sinful angel pleasuring you with everything he could. 
Your high was nearing again, and just at your peak he added another finger. Now one hand massaged your clit and the others stretched you open. It was too much for you to handle. Jeongin knew you were going to cum soon.
“Fuck baby, you’re heavenly.”
And that’s when you came undone. Your mouth was hung agape, never closing, moans never ending as you tried to take deep breaths only to end up being choked by the air. It was so much. It was so much of a pleasuring feeling you’d never felt before, and it was starting to be too much to handle. Like you were free falling, like you had just taken a dive off the plane and allowed yourself to be caught up in the wind. No parachute, just you falling out of the sky, out of the heavens, and only the fallen angels were there to catch you. 
“Innie!” You choked out, gasping as he continued until you felt breathless, lifeless, like all of your energy was gone as the wave of pleasure came to a slow stop. 
You felt your body relax onto the bed, eyes starting to close, exhaustion taking over even when you hadn’t done anything at all except lie there and take the pleasure. 
Jeongin reached up to you and cupped your face while your eyes were fluttering shut. “No, no, baby, stay with me.” He kissed you gently around your face. “Stay with me now, I’m not finished with you.” Your dazed state still managed another questioning look his way. “I can make you feel much better if you’ll let me.” He smirked.
“Show me how you can make me feel better.” 
The consent had him jumping up and repositioning you on the bed. He laid your body flat against the sheets and placed pillows beneath your head and lower back. The position was a bit awkward, but you stayed put, allowing him to move you. 
He spread your legs again, repositioning himself in between you. He stood on his knees while you looked up at him. He looked back at you while taking his hands to move his sweatpants and boxer briefs off. He lowered them down below his thighs while you watched his dick spring from the restraints of his underwear. You were entranced by it. Not by his size. Not by his girth. Though both were quite impressive, you were stuck in a lustful trance just because you were horny for him. 
He removed his shirt as well, exposing the tonest, clear as day abs that had your mouth watering, a bit of drool coming out of the side of your mouth. You were so stuck in a horny state that you couldn’t compute logical thinking anymore. No thoughts, just sex. Jeongin smiled at you as you droned off, staring at his sculpted body. He snapped his fingers which triggered you to snap back to reality, like he was hypnotizing you. “Stay with me, honey.” 
He grabbed the base of his dick and guided it towards your entrance. You looked at his face while he gleamed as his dreams right in front of him. You. Your vulnerable, naked state ready to swallow him whole. He slowly pushed in, causing you to wince a bit, a small jerk coming from your body. He looked at you. “It’s okay, baby. It’s going to be okay.” You nodded at him. He continued to push in, slowly, adjusting you to him. It took a bit. He wanted to fit all of him inside of you. But eventually, through time, a few breaks to give you a moment, his entire length bottomed out. He stayed there as per your request. He was on top of you, his muscular arms keeping him up while he gazed into your eyes. His length was filling, and it hurt. But it was starting to hurt without him moving.
“Innie, can you please move a bit.” He listened, moving the slowest possible way in order to keep you comfortable. He only moved out of you a bit, not entirely, before entering himself entirely again. It hurt. A lot. But as he continued at his slow pace, moving more of himself out of you each time, you found yourself growing fond of the feeling. Of being filled by him. It was a delicious pain. 
He pulled out almost completely, his tip remained inside as you both let out a shaky breath. Jeongin slowly sunk back in, groaning at the warmth that was dragging him in.  You reached around his torso, grabbing onto his sides pulling him closer. 
Your hands began to dance around his back as sunk back inside of you. His head dipped into the crook of your neck, letting out a heated unsettled breath when he bottomed out again. It was so much for him. And for you. 
He slid in and out at a tortoise’s pace, finding a steady rhythm to move at, hitting your g-spot every time. Lewd moans escaped your sinful lips as he praised you. 
“You’re doing so good for me, baby.”
“You’re taking me so well, so proud of you.”
“I knew we were made for each other, just feel how perfectly I fit inside of your pussy.”
The phrases continued as he picked up his pace when you were both comfortable with it. He didn’t want to hurt you, he wanted to pleasure you. He wanted to show you how good he could be with you. 
After a while, the speed he went increased to a hare’s pace, starting to thrust harder and faster into you, the once calculated thrusts now sloppy and pornogprahic. 
And the highs came again. Your eyes began to roll back into your head, and your arms fell back to the bed, clutching onto the blankets as your breasts bounced to the rhythm. 
“Innie, I think, I think I’m gonna cum soon.”
“Just cum whenever you’re ready, I’m close too.”
But he grew impatient, his thrusts getting harder and harder. Soon he was only slightly pulling out, not being able to handle being out of you entirely, just wanting to stay buried inside of you until he died. 
“Cum for me, baby. I’ve got you.”
And you did, he came soon after, his cum shooting inside of your walls making you feel hotter than before. Your skins were ignited, your blood feeling like lava ran through your body. Gas poured over a small fire making the flames explode through the air as you both came for each other. Both of you were sweating intensely.
But finally, the erotic scene calmed. Jeongin stilled himself inside of you, lying there for a second with his head to your stomach before moving out and away. You were still out of breath; you could barely move. You lied there before Jeongin came over to you. 
“Wanna get washed up and then come back to bed?” He asked, his hand caressing your face.
“Mhm.” Your eyes were closed, and you rubbed your cheek into his hand.
“Sounds like a plan.”
An hour later after a nice relaxing bath, you both lied in bed. Jeongin held you tightly next to him with your back touching the front of him.
“About my bad dream.” You told him, frowning at the thought.
“Oh, right, what was it about?” He asked, intrigued.
“Y-you cut off Hyunjin’s head and put it in a box.” You felt tears forming in your eyes at the thought.
“Whose Hyunjin?”
You turned and looked at him.
“Huh? Hyunjin! My ex!” You exclaimed.
“Baby, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve never met anyone named Hyunjin.” Jeongin looked at you with a confused expression on his face. He was genuinely confused. 
“Honey, I’m sorry you had a bad dream, but you and I have been together for a really long time. You’ve never dated anyone named Hyunjin.” 
“What the fuck are you talking about, Jeongin?”
“Baby, I think you might need to rest. You’ve never been with anyone named Hyunjin, only me.”
You went to push yourself off of him in anger because he was lying. Why was he saying all of this? What was he talking about?
As soon as your palms made contact with his check to push him off, he grabbed your wrist and held you there. You tried to break free, but it was almost pointless. 
As he held you there next to him, he reached over and grabbed something.
A needle.
He brought it close to your neck, and you looked at him with dead filled doe eyes.
“I said you’ve never dated anyone named Hyunjin.” 
He placed the needle in your neck, and the poke made your squirm and shriek. 
And that continued. Anytime he wanted to lie about his sick fantasy to you, and you disagreed, he’d drug you again. He’d drug you so many times until you forgot anything of your past. He would never let you remember the other angel in your life. 
He would never let you remember the devil that took you away from him.
Jeongin will do anything to ensure that. 
If anyone has seen the movie se7en, that inspired this a bit.
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ikykwklk · 2 years
clair de lune. (m) - part two
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genre; yandere, vampire!au, reincarnation! au angst, smut
pairing; ot8/f.reader (yeosang/san/hongjoong focused this chapter)
word count: 15.8k
summary; you’ve finally gotten the chance to enter “clair de lune”, a infamous night club to see the band hiraeth. but why did you feel like their eyes only watched you?
note: this first deals with the subject of yandere. with that being said, a lot of the things happening in this fiction will be manipulation, gaslighting, and various other techniques displayed by the characters. if you are not comfortable with that, please do not read. warnings under cut
part one
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ikykwklk · 2 years
clair de lune. (m) - part one
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genre; yandere, vampire!au, reincarnation! au angst, smut
pairing; ot8/f.reader
word count: 20k
warnings; manipulation, explicit scenes, murder, blood, smut, more to be added
summary; you’ve finally gotten the chance to enter “clair de lune”, a infamous night club to see the band hiraeth. but why did you feel like their eyes only watched you?
note: this first deals with the subject of yandere. with that being said, a lot of the things happening in this fiction will be manipulation, gaslighting, and various other techniques displayed by the characters. if you are not comfortable with that, please do not read. 
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ikykwklk · 2 years
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© 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙄𝙋𝘼𝙂𝙀 | preview
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ikykwklk · 2 years
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the process of ✨hyunjinifying✨ jeongin
↳ bonus
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ikykwklk · 2 years
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seonghwa // guerrilla (220802)
394 notes · View notes
ikykwklk · 2 years
My mental health?!!!
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264 notes · View notes
ikykwklk · 2 years
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Jongho in Relay Dances
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ikykwklk · 2 years
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𝔭𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔢 𝔡𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔨𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔪𝔢, 𝔪𝔯. 𝔤𝔥𝔬𝔰𝔱𝔣𝔞𝔠𝔢, 𝔦 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔞 𝔟𝔢 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔢𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔩
resume: yunho has his way with you at a college halloween party. that's pretty much it.
pairing: yunho x female!reader
genre: smut
word count: 3.3k
warnings: hard!dom yunho x sub!reader; degradation!kink; spanking; use of harsh language; (fake) knife!kink; ghostface!yunho; oral (female and male recieving); unprotected sex (only good on fanfiction); slight public display of horniness (he gropes you at the halloween party); edging; knife?f*cking?; slight aftercare mention; pretty much pwp.
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You loved parties, but more than that, you loved Halloween parties. The horror, the costumes, the alcohol, the music, absolutely everything about the holiday excited you.
Dressed in a pretty “slutty murder victim cheerleader” costume, you were having the time of your life dancing around with your friends, until a big pair of hands wrapped around your waist.
College parties were good, but as any woman in the world you had your fair share of drunken idiots getting a little too handsy with you, so when you turn around, you’re more than ready to slap someone. To your surprise there’s a big guy dressed in a Ghostface costume behind you, making your brows furrow. Before you could do anything, the guy pulls his mask up to reveal a smiley face underneath: Yunho.
You were never the most popular girl on campus, but you had a reasonable number of friends, and amongst them is Yunho. He’s a very tall, very funny, very handsome guy who’s a talented dance major. Oh, he’s also a tiny bit more than just a friend.
“What’s your favorite scary movie, baby?” he joked with a charming grin, making you smile with him.
“Probably waking up next to you, asshole.” you answered, hitting him in the chest. “You scared the living shit out of me, I thought you were one of those drunk idiots groping girls.”
He shrugged, taking his eyes off you to turn your back on him. With his arms around your waist and your body pressed to his chest, you felt as he pushed your hair to the opposite side of your neck, giving access to your most sensitive spots. “I’m not that drunk, and you’re my favorite chick to grope, sweetheart.” He said close to your ear, making you shiver.
“Does it mean I got the idiot part right?” You whispered, feeling a little cheeky as you feel his small laughter resonate against your earlobe.
“Feeling brave, uh? You shouldn’t.” It was a simple sentence, but it just made you feel the need to go further.
“And why is that?”
His hands, once placed around your waist, now made way to the inside of your skirt, making your cheeks go red and your legs automatically shut tight. “Because you know how easy it is to rip those fragile panties of yours beneath that skanky little skirt you’re wearing.” It was a whisper, but God did it speak volumes between your thighs. “I bet you’re soaking wet, huh? And I’ve barely done anything to you. Such a pathetic little slut…”
“Only for you, Sir.” You said in a soft voice, pushing your hips against his semi hard member, feeling his breathing shut for a few seconds.
“Fuck, y/n, don’t do that to me.” His voice was a lot darker now, and maybe definitely you shouldn’t, but the second he said that you freed yourself from his grip. Turning to face the handsome guy once behind you, a devilish smile adorned your lips. “As you wish, Mr. Ghostface.”
Yunho just stood there, tongue poking the inside of his cheek while he looked at you from head to toe with a clear need in his eyes. Ah, how you loved to tease him. “Are you serious right now?” He asked amused, watching as you walked away from him, hands pulling your skirt up to reveal just a tiny bit of your butt cheeks while you turn around to give him the middle finger, making him laugh.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☽ ○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
The party followed as usual, with drinking and dancing and just having fun altogether. You had just finished using the bathroom when you feel someone pull you into an empty bedroom you were passing by, holding your mouth shut.
You were ready to scream and bite the hand, maybe not in that order, when you catch a glimpse of Yunho’s costume behind you, making you role your eyes. You don’t try to say anything, though, curious to see what exactly he wants with that.
Pushing you against the door, now facing him, you feel the cold touch of what seems to be a knife dragging through your bare thigh. Your lips part and you look down, knowing that is a prop and not the actual thing, but still, only the sight of it makes you wet. Yunho’s free hand grab your neck, forcing you to look in his eyes, or his mask as a matter of fact, knowing exactly how he’s smiling underneath it.
“You wanna play psycho killer? Can I be the helpless victim?” You whisper the famous lines from the movie, earning a chuckle from him. “Please don’t kill me, Mr. Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel!” You whine, biting your lip as the blade comes closer and closer to where you want it the most.
You lift your leg slowly against his, wrapping it around his hips to pull him closer. “You can do something way better than killing me…” That’s the moment you feel the “knife” drag over your panties, making a little bit of pressure on your sensitive spot, causing you to moan more explicitly.
“I’ll murder one thing tonight, baby…” You worry for a second, almost not recognizing his voice, but feeling a lot better once he takes off the mask and drops it on the floor. His eyes are dark with pure lust, you can almost see your reflection in them as he gets closer, if it wasn’t for the dim light of the room. “This tight, wet, delicious pussy of yours.”
You know you’re in for a big night once he says those words, but as if it wasn’t enough, you feel Yunho turn the fake knife to rub the handle of it on your clit. Slowly, tortuously, it almost hurts because that’s not nearly enough for you and what you want him to do.
“Fuck…” You want to say you want more, you need more, but your brain’s just too drunk out of pleasure already.
“Yeah, fuck.” He whispers back, smashing his lips on yours. Seeing you like that was making him loose his mind.
It feels like he’s more than ready to devour you, tongues clashing in a desire you’re not sure you’ve ever felt before. Sex with Yunho was always mind-blowing, but he was always a little bit more playful in bed, even though dominant. He wasn’t being playful at all right now, he was actually sort of roleplaying with you, making you see a side of him that you’ve never imagined existed.
It was official, you wanted to fuck every single version of him.
It didn’t take long for Yunho to guide you to bed, although he made sure you were standing in front of him as he ceased the kiss with a tortuous bite on your lower lip, sitting on the mattress. With your body between his legs, you felt his hands squeeze your thighs hard, moving up and down from your ass. Breathing heavily, hands pressing on the taller man’s shoulders, scratching his skin while holding back moans because, he might not be touching you where you want him to, but you already feel as if he is.
Suddenly you can’t wait anymore, letting your own hands pull his shirt up until it was on the floor, pushing Yunho into the bed and straddling his lap. Seeing him underneath you had you nearly going crazy, making you want to show yourself to him. And that’s exactly what you did.
Smiling devilishly, you lift your tiny shirt up your body slowly, showing him piece by piece of your skin getting uncovered, watching his reactions closely and feeling how even harder he got under you. Once your shirt was off you started to pull down the straps of your bra, but Yunho wasn’t having any of it.
Impatient with how slow you were being, it took about five seconds for him to grab the front of your bra and pull it, unclasping it with a small pop that told you he had just ruined the fabric. After that both of your clothing came off pretty quickly amongst kisses and moans, the tension building up on both of you and pushing it all to the edge.
Now you were the one who was laying on the mattress, feeling his soft lips trace every bit of your body with passion and need. Shivering as his hot breath hit against your intimacy, you barely had time to think before you felt his tongue lick you whole. Leaning on your elbows you were able to see Yunho’s face completely buried between your folds as he tasted you like a starved man.
He licked and sucked your clit, not letting you breathe for a second without moaning his name, as if it was his personal mission. There was no party outside of that bedroom now, you couldn’t bring yourself to care if everyone in there heard you chanting Yunho’s name. Your body was already giving in when you felt his long, slim fingers entering you, immediately finding your sweet spot as if he had a map of every part of your body, knowing exactly where and how to touch it.
“Fuck, r-right there…” You moaned and pulled his hair, pressing his face more and more against yourself, feeling full from just his fingers. That feeling didn’t last long, though, but it was replaced by something that felt just as good. Turning himself on his back, Yunho manhandled you to sit fully on his face, holding your thighs as far apart as he could, now leaping over your swollen bundle of nerves.
“Fucking rub that pussy all over my face, baby.”
He didn’t need to tell you twice. A high pitch scream fell out of your lips as you rode your hips against his face, making him all wet from you. With one of your hands in his hair and the other one behind you on his chest, it didn’t take long for you to start feeling you were reaching your high, as it never did when you were with Yunho.
Your back was arched as you moved your hips against his tongue, trying to get to your orgasm. He could feel you getting there, and as the biggest tease, he would push you off his mouth everytime you were close.
“P-please… I n-need it… N-need to cum.” You begged, feeling so close, but he wouldn’t listen. Instead, you felt him stretching you once more, making you clench around him. But this time it wasn’t his fingers, it was something much more thick than that.
You gathered all your strength and looked down, realizing that, somehow, he managed to fuck you with the handle of the fake knife. You’ve heard about that kind of kink before, it just never seemed appealing to you, that’s all. Well, until now at least.
Even though you were on top of Yunho’s face, he was still holding all of the control. But maybe you were moving too much for his own taste, so before you could protest, he pushed you to the bed once again, kneeling between your thighs.
“You like to be fucked by the killers knife that bad, baby?” He teased, and you could only moan in response. Seconds later you felt a slap on your inner thigh, the burning sensation making your pussy clench. “I asked you a question, use your words.”
You nodded your head up and down, tears prickling on the corner of your eyes. “Y-yes, I fucking love it, Yunnie…” You moaned.
“Who the fuck is ‘Yunnie’?” There it was again. The voice. You were on the verge of yet again an orgasm, feeling the mattress sink next to you when he propped his hand right beside your head, watching you from above. “You can call me ‘Sir’…” He whispered, lowering himself to bite your lip harshly. “Or you can shut your whore mouth.”
You’ve never been more wet or excited in your whole life. “Hmm, f-fuck! I’m sorry, Sir, I’m s-so s-sorry…” Your whole body was trembling under him, you needed to cum and you needed now.
Something inside you knew that you had to ask him permission, otherwise he would definitely punish you, and not the good kind. “Sir… C-can I cum?” You asked, only to whimper when he shook his head negative, slowing his movements. “I can’t t-take it anymore… Please, Sir, I’ll do a-anything!”
“Tell me how badly you need it.” He ordered, thrusting the knife in and out of you in a new angle that reached your g-spot, making you scream.
“F-fuck, Sir! I need it so b-bad, so, so b-bad… I’ve been a g-good g-girl, please, please, please, p-please…”
The only thing that could leave your mouth were moans and pleadings of mercy, and if your eyes were open you would see the sadistic smile splashed on Yunho’s face. Seeing you desperate like that, begging to cum, saying you would do anything for a little release, made him nuts. “Desperate little slut…” He tsked, thrusting into you harder. “Cum.”
That was it. That was all you wanted to hear from him.
As if he pushed a button, you felt the strong wave of an orgasm hit you like a truck. Your vision went black for a second as your body begin to shake, toes curling and screams of his name coming out of your throat as if there was no one else in the world besides the both of you.
Forget about feeling your legs, forget about being able to think anything. Yunho edged your sanity right out of you in what felt like hours, but you knew it was only a few minutes. “Look at you.” You felt the not so light slap on your cheek, opening your eyes to try and focus on the man on top of you. “Fucked you useless and didn’t even need my dick for that.”
Your already red cheeks burned even more from humiliation, but that still made your pussy clench. “You’re not gonna be able to get on your knees, right?” Sliding the fake knife out of you, you managed to watch as he sucked the handle of it, licking off all of your essence. That scene was definitely burned into your brain as one of the most sexy things you’ve ever seen in your whole life.
After throwing the knife to the side, Yunho manhandled you to be on the edge of the bed, with your head out. “Seems like I’m gonna have to fuck that whore mouth myself.”
Aligning himself on your head, you opened your mouth when you felt the head of his cock brush your lips, soon enough accommodating his length way past your throat.
You could feel him pushing in and out past your lips, not having to make a huge effort to take him almost completely because of the position you were in. It still wasn’t that easy, he was big and girthy, but you were always determined to please.
“Took my cock so many times you don’t even gag anymore, huh? My horny cockslut.”
You moaned around him, listening to his grunts and deep breaths that made you go insane. How you wish you could hear them right beside your ear as he fucked you deep.
You were drooling all over the place, making a mess on him that was hard to contain because of the position you were in. Yunho liked it, though, there was no better vision than you getting sloppy all over his dick.
Pushing your nails on his thighs you were able to rip another moan from him, receiving a slap on your breasts. “Fuck this, I need that cunt right now.”
It took mare seconds for him to slide his hard dick from your mouth and push you on your knees, head buried on the mattress as your hips were high for him to enter you. And so he did.
You felt yourself sucking him in as both of you moaned out loud, your cunt tight but welcoming at the same time. He didn’t give you a second to get used to feeling so full, soon enough snapping his hips against yours on full force. You were sure you would fell out of bed if he wasn’t holding you.
“You’re fucking dripping all over, baby, fuck.” He said between teeth.
You were. You could feel it coming down your legs. “So… F-full… F-fuck…”
“Feeling full, huh?” He laughed darkly, slapping your ass without any regard for it being too hard or not. You felt his body tower over yours, making you feel even smaller than you already were. “Feeling so full on that tight cunt that there’s nothing left on that little head of yours, right?”
You shiver as his words resonate against your ear, only being able to moan and shake your head up and down to agree with him. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard the only thing you’ll be able to think is creaming my cock over and over again.”
It was like you were his personal rag doll. Just a hole for him to fuck and position as he wishes, with no complain from you whatsoever. You loved that, what would you complain about?
Yunho slithers his fingers in your hair, pulling your head back harshly, your chin now resting on the mattress as he pounded you with no mercy. You could feel your behind red and hot from the impact, and maybe that was starting to affect Mr. Ghostface behind you, cause it took seconds for him to move you on your back once again.
Now with one of your legs on his shoulder, you whimper as he slides inside you once more, feeling the strong grip of your cunt around him. “Fuck, you make such pretty sounds… I’m going to fuck you numb.”
You’re absolutely soaked, juices gushing out of you everytime he pushes himself in. The sound of skin on skin is completely drowned out by your sinful, desperate moans. You’ve never been fucked like that in your life, and you never will again. Not by anyone else besides him.
The bedframe is banging against the wall so hard you think it might open a hole in it, but you can’t bring yourself to care, the only thing on your mind being that if you don’t cum right now, you’ll lose it. You’ll go insane.
“S-sir… I’m g-gonna c-cum… P-please l-let m-me c-cum…” You begged, almost not being able to form the sentence, clearly struggling to speak.
“You wanna cum, baby, huh? Wanna cream my cock like the filthy slut you are?” He was having so much fun with it, it was embarrassing. For you, of course.
“Yes, Yunnie, fuck—sir!” You had no idea what you were saying or how you were calling him, you just needed immediate release. “I’m nothing but a f-filthy slut, p-please!”
“Cum for me, my little slut.”
And so you did.
A strong wave washes over you just like your last orgasm, just as powerful and mind-blowingly pleasurable. You’ve never felt anything like it, and you can only whine as Yunho buries himself deep into your pussy till he’s filling up with his hot cum.
You can’t think, you can’t speak. The only thing you can do is breathe and wait for your body to stop trembling, wait for your senses to come back to you.
“You did so well for me, you’re such a good girl.” The boy next to you call your attention, leaving kisses on your face and soothing the red marks left on your skin. “My good girl, always giving me the best.”
“Thank you, sir…” Your voice is weak, husky because of all the screaming and moaning.
“Shh… You can call me ‘Yunnie’, pretty girl, is over now. Let me take care of you.”
You’re exhausted, slipping in and out of conscience, but you still manage to feel the affection with which Yunho took care of you, so different from before, yet just as enticing.
Curled up against his big frame, you feel yourself doze off in his warmth as you hear his voice in the distance.
“Goodnight, princess. Hope you enjoy the sequel.”
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ikykwklk · 2 years
- A T E E Z -
when you don't hear them say I love you ~!!
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general audiences - lowercase intended - fem reader
a note from kari - my first ateez reaction !!
🍀 S E O N G H W A
he tells you he loves you when you kiss his shoulder whilst headed to the kitchen. you don't say it back, what with having both headphones in, but he doesn't see them. letting his feelings get the best of him, hwa gives you the cold shoulder. he ignores you when you ask him to grab something from an upper cabinet for you, so your puzzled self resorts to climbing on the kitchen counter. it's only then that he quits the cold shoulder antics, and hwa hurriedly comes to you, protectively steadying your waist with his large hands.
"thank you," you sigh, climbing down with the dish. "I love you."
and that's when he finally realizes you're wearing headphones.
🍀 H O N G J O O N G
he says it with a loving smile when you rise from the bed to get him some water. he's feeling rather ill, and you taking care of him just melts his heart. his smile drops when you don't say it back, though, thinking that you're angry with the inconvenience. he stares miserably at the blankets wrapping up his legs until you return with the water. you smile at him though when you lift the glass to his lips, so he thinks maybe he should try again.
"I love you."
he calms down right away, because this time you lift one hand to his cheek and whisper the words back, giving him a kiss to seal them.
🍀 Y U N H O
he's just the sweetest boyfriend, so yunho doesn't need a reason to say i love you. he just says it whenever he wants to remind you that he's yours and you're his, which is pretty often. today, you're walking briskly down the hallway because you have to use the bathroom, and you don't hear the i love you. he doesn't like it at all when you don't say it back. even though he's eighty percent sure you just didn't hear him, he'll pout and scamper after you to tap on your shoulder. when you turn to him expectantly, he'll make a sad face and say, "I said I love you." You gasp softly, because he looks very upset, and you certainly didn't mean to leave him hanging like that. you throw your arms around the big baby and tell him a hundred thousand I love you's until he's bright and smiling again. and then you break away to sprint for the restroom, because you really have to go now.
🍀 Y E O S A N G
he says it abruptly whilst you're cuddling together on the couch and watching a drama. he thought he said it rather loudly, but you were so caught up in the thrilling scene that you didn't realize what he said and just shushed him. his brain instantly begins to overthink everything. are you upset with him? are you falling out of love with him? is the show really more important than his undying affection for you? or was the shushing an accident because you didn't realize what he said? he thinks deeply about what it might have meant until the episode ends and you swivel to smile at him. one glance at his face, and you know exactly what he was trying to say when you shushed him. guilt washes over you, and you throw your arms around his neck, apologizing, kissing his cheeks and whispering those three precious words repeatedly in his ear.
🍀 S A N
like yunho, his feelings get hurt by this easily. the poor boy was snuggling with you in bed, petting your hair and singing softly in your ear. he smiled to see your fingers wrapped around the pinky of his free hand and his favorite plushies cozied up under your chin. he whispered the words next to the swell of your cheek, but you didn't respond, and his heart twinged. now he's sad and quite distressed. why wouldn't you say it back? asking you to say it back might make everything even more awkward, so he just lies there, feeling dejected. when you let out a little snore, his head pops up in confusion. he sees your eyes are closed, and he's so relieved he could cry. but he also wants to slap himself, because you were asleep, not ignoring him. then, when you mumble his name from within your dream, he turns into the world's smiliest baby.
🍀 M I N G I
he's headed out the door to work, but you're in the shower, so he says it through the closed door.
"bye, I love you!"
you don't hear him, because the water is rushing in your ears, so he hesitates, growing a bit scared. are you just incapable of hearing him or are you angry? he thinks back over the week and decides he hasn't done anything that would warrant you being mad at him, so he tries again.
"bye, I love you!"
still nothing. mingi bites his lip, now this close to panicking. he doesn't want to leave without saying goodbye, because then you might be sad, but what if you're in a bad mood and you don't want to acknowledge his presence or what if he kicked you in his sleep last night or--
screw it.
he throws open the door and screams the words, making you jump and shriek.
🍀 W O O Y O U N G
oh, you heard him. you just didn't reply. honestly though, what did he expect? any time you present him with a snack, he flippantly declares his undying love for you. same thing if you pick a bit of lint off his trousers or carry his dirty dish to the sink or tell him his shirt is inside out.
"aaa, baby, you're the best, I love you, I would die for you!!!"
today, you tell him, "yah, wooyoungie! don't you have a meeting with your pd-nim today? hurry, or you'll be late!"
"aaa, I completely forgot about that!! thank you baby, you're the best, I love you forever!!" he wails.
you grin, roll your eyes, and shove him towards the door. "go!"
he doesn't budge. "wait a minute," he pouts. "you didn't say it back like you usually do."
"oh my goodness, wooyoung, i love you too, now get going!"
🍀 J O N G H O
you're reading something very important for school or work when jongho leaves for practice. he pokes his head in through the door of your bedroom and glances over your seated self, bent over the forms on your desk.
"I'm leaving now," he says quietly. "love you."
you just hum, hardly hearing him as you're concentrating on the words before you.
jongho does not like it when you leave him hanging, so he purses his lips and walks briskly over to you. placing his hands on the back of the desk chair you're sitting on, he spins you around to look at him. you're startled to see your boyfriend looming over you, his face mere centimeters away from yours, and your heart flutters wildly. one of his eyebrows is raised as he repeats, "I love you."
"I-I love you too…"
"good girl." he places a sweet kiss on your forehead before sweeping out of the apartment, leaving you with breathless lungs and a fluttering pulse.
reblog maybe? ^*^
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ikykwklk · 2 years
This got me thinking about ATEEZ ab riding 🤤 can we get a hc of ATEEZ with ab riding? Cuz I def think most if not all would find it hot ~💜🥀🌙
ok i’ve heard of thigh riding of course,,,and face riding….but ab riding?? 😳 i’ve never thought of that possibility ahshshhs.
He would honestly eat this shit up because the sight of you so unbelievably desperate for him that you’d literally ride any part of him would get him so damn aroused. He’d tease you just to see you pout all the while your hips keep gliding over his abdomen, your arousal smeared all over his skin.
“Look at you, pressing your wet little cunt on my abs. You’re really that desperate to get yourself off, huh?” His words are taunting, and have shame burning across your face. He chuckles while his hands readjust their grip on your thighs. You whimper when he presses your sex even further on himself.
He would love to have you ride his abdomen while he wears his clothes. It’d be after a night out or even during a night at home, he’d love to unbutton or roll up his shirt and lay back for you. He’d be so enamored with the feeling of your wet heat on his skin, and he’d encourage you to the fullest to keep going until you unravel.
The white fabric of his button down is splayed open to reveal his abdomen for you, and you waste no time in settling yourself on his abdomen, his skin warm and smooth against you. You both sigh aloud and his hands find purchase on your hips to urge you forward. “God, baby, you look so stunning on top of me like this.”
His ears and cheeks would get so red at the idea of you getting off on his abs. You’d have to urge him onto his back and warm him up to the idea, but once you straddle his abdomen and settle yourself on him, he’d be absolutely enthralled with the way you look while riding his abs.
His eyes never once leave your sex, too enraptured with the sight of it gliding over his skin. He notices the wet gleam you’re leaving on his skin, and he groans with a surge of arousal. “Please, don’t stop. Keep going like this, baby.”
You’d get the idea to ride his abs after rewatching all his Deja Vu fancams. He’d probably be a little unsure at first, but willing to try. Plus, he’d do anything to make you happy. It probably wouldn’t be his favorite thing ever, as he’d much prefer you ride his cock or face, but the sight of you aroused would arouse him too.
“You like this? Do my abs feel nice?” He asks you the question, but you offer him no reply. Instead, you moan as you grind against the firm expanse of his abdomen. He groans at the sensation of your slickness against him, hands working your hips to keep your movements steady.
He’d know his body is perfect for this, thus he’d be the one to bring it up. He’d have you ride his cock until you cum before he makes you ride his abs. You’d be so overstimulated and fucked out, and he’d be content to watch you fall apart again and feel your release all over him.
You cry out when your sensitive heat makes contact with his abs. His hands urge you to and fro, a thumb finding its way to your clit to rub smooth circles over it. Your body shakes and threatens to fall forward, but he keeps you upright. “Ah, don’t stop now. I know you can cum again for me.”
It’d be something that happens by accident. You’d been play wrestling and you’d end up straddling his waist, and eventually you’d find your lips on his. You’d just start grinding absentmindedly, and he’d be so aroused by it.
He can feel your wetness through the soft fabric of your shorts. You’re soaked, and he groans at the way it feels against him. He fists a handful of your hair just as he brings your hips even tighter against him, earning a low moan from you. “Fuck, this isn’t where I saw this ending up, but don’t you dare stop now.”
The idea of you using him for your own pleasure would make him willing to do whatever you asked of him. He’d lay himself flat and strip himself of his shirt and pat his abs to usher you onto him, eager to make you feel good.
“Do I make you feel good?” He asks as he watches your face carefully. You smile and sigh as you rock your hips over his abdomen, smearing your arousal over him. You grab his hand and tell him that yes, yes he makes you feel so damn good.
He’d come home from the gym, all sweaty and skin glistening, and that’d be it for you. You’d have the overwhelming desire to ride any part of him, and you’d find yourself on his abs. He’d be smug about it, watching you with a smirk on his face.
His sweat slick skin against your wet heat is a messy combination, but that doesn’t bother either of you in the moment. He chuckles lowly as he watches the way your hips pick up speed in a desperate attempt to chase your high. “Go on, cum on my abs. Let me feel how desperate you are for me.”
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ikykwklk · 2 years
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no one simps harder for jongho than ateez
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ikykwklk · 2 years
the holy trinity of abs
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