ilikedragonite-blog · 6 years
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Why Rich Media Ads Are Trending
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ilikedragonite-blog · 7 years
WordPress Plugin: The Guide to the Best WordPress Plugins
WordPress plugins, also called extensions, allow you to easily add features to your blog or WordPress site. But how do you find yourself among the tens of thousands of WordPress plugins available?
I have selected for you the best free WordPress plugins, classified by categories. Find the WordPress plugin for you!
Precision: This guide presents the best free WordPress plugins. However, depending on your goals, it is sometimes worth investing in paid plugins.
If you want the best tools to turn your website into a conversion machine, I strongly recommend that you invest in Thrive Themes tools, including very good Thrive Leads and Thrive Architect plugins.
You will understand, I am a fan of their tools (and uses them daily)!
The best WordPress plugins for comments
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Disqus is a website feedback service. Disqus makes the comments visually more enjoyable and interactive. It also allows you to get rid of spam comments. Note also a very interesting feature: you can administer new comments by email by sending responses by order to notifications ("Delete", "Approve", or "Spam"). Save time!
The installation of Disqus on your website or blog WordPress is done in a few clicks thanks to the dedicated plugin.
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Akismet is a service offered by Automattic, the parent company of WordPress.com. This service analyzes comments posted on your site, identifies comments that resemble spams and isolates them. This allows you to save a lot of time in managing your blog comments. Akismet is free for personal use and for professional use ($ 5 per month for a commercial site).
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The best WordPress plugins to optimize your SEO / SEO natural
Yoast SEO
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Yoast SEO is the reference plugins to optimize the SEO of your website. This plugin allows you to fill the various tags considered by the search engines (title, Meta description etc.) for each page and article of your site WordPress. An overview of how the page or article will appear in the search results is proposed. 
Yoast SEO also allows you to check if you have optimized your page or article for a given keyword, indicating where to make changes. It also allows you to generate XML sitemaps used to signify the existence of pages and articles to search engines for indexing.
Yoast SEO can do many other things (optimization of your RSS feeds, modification of your files robots.txt and .htaccess, setting of the open graph for the sharing of your articles on Facebook etc.). The easiest way to see all the possibilities of the plugin is to install it and browse all the features! If you have any confusion in the installation of this plugin, than you can contact with any WordPress web development company in USA
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Google Sitemap XML
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This plugin allows to generate sitemaps in XML to help the search engines (Google, Yahoo, etc.) to better index all the pages and articles of your site or blog. With such a sitemap, it is easier for search engine robots to see the whole structure of your site and therefore properly index it. Also note that it allows to notify the search engines each time you add content to your site.
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WordPress plugins to improve the performance of your site
WP Super Cache
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This plugin allows to generate static files in HTML format from the pages and articles of your site or blog WordPress. Once generated, these files will be sent by your hosting server to be displayed in your visitors' browsers, instead of being generated dynamically with each visit via PHP scripting.
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W3 Total Cache
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W3 Total Cache is another reference cache plugin. More comprehensive, it allows in particular to activate GZIP compression and scripts, or browser cache. This plugin will allow you to greatly improve the speed of your site, even if the configuration can prove long.
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P3 (Performance Profiler Plugin)
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In some cases, some of your plugins may slow down your site. For example when they are misconfigured, or simply when you have too many plugins on your site. This plugin allows you to measure the impact of your various plugins on the loading time of your site. Thus, you can identify plugins that slow down your site, to better configure them, or to get rid of them!
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The top WordPress plugins for sharing your articles
Floating Social Bar
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One of the most effective ways to promote sharing your articles on social networks is to offer this to your visitors through a floating sidebar. It follows your visitor as he progresses in reading your article, always being visible. This plugin, proposed by the team of WPBeginner, allows to install such a bar of sharing on your site or blog in a few clicks. It is also optimized to limit the impact on the loading speed of your site that this type of sharing bar can cause in some cases.
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Simple Share Buttons Adder
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Another way to encourage sharing your pages and articles is to include a sharing bar within your pages and articles, for example at the beginning and end of an article. This is what this plugin will allow you to do. You can easily choose the networks for which sharing is possible, as well as choose the icons Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. which you like.
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The best WordPress plugins for subscribing to your subscriber / newsletter list
MailChimp for WordPress
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No need to present MailChimp , one of the reference tools for sending emails and newsletters. This plugin allows you to create a subscription form to your list of MailChimp subscribers that you can easily place at various places on your site via a shortcode. Another interesting option: you can add a checkbox to your feedback form so that your visitors can be automatically registered in your newsletter when they post a comment. Very effective to boost the conversion rate to your newsletter!
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WP Subscribe
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Created by the team of MyThemeShop, WP Subscribe allows you to easily create a subscription form to your subscriber list, whether you use MailChimp, AWeber or FeedBurner. You can customize the text to display as well as the visual appearance by customizing the CSS, and then place the form in the widget of your choice.
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The Top WordPress Plugins to Create Forms
Contact Form 7
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Having a contact form on your website or blog WordPress is essential. Whether it is to allow your visitors to contact you, ask you for a quotation, or order a product or service, you must provide them with forms. Contact Form 7 makes it easy to create. You can customize your forms: number and type of fields (text, drop-down list, radio buttons ...), visual appearance, text to display, etc. Then of course place them wherever you want with short codes.
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Fast Secure Contact Form
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An alternative to Contact Form 7 is Fast Secure Contact Form. It has fairly comparable functionality. So you can easily create forms, customize them as you see fit, and then place them on your website or blog via short codes.
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WordPress Plugins creative to offer other articles
Yet Another Related Posts
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Yet Another Related Posts allows you to suggest other pages or articles similar to the article or page that is being read by your visitor. So you can offer other interesting content for your visitors, while increasing the time they spend on your site or blog. Suggestions for articles or pages can be displayed at the end of your articles or pages, or in the sidebar.
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For a moment on the New York Times website, when you came to the end of an article, a small window appeared at the bottom right of your screen to suggest reading another article.
This is exactly what the UpPrev plugin offers. You can choose to propose another article from the same category, the previous article or a randomly selected article. With the key, more visibility for your other content, and visitors who stay longer on your blog!
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Organize Series
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Another way to offer other items to your visitors is to arrange some of your items in series. The series allow you to discuss topics in more detail, as well as to encourage your visitors to come back to your site to read the next articles, or even to subscribe to your newsletter to be informed of the next parts of the series. This plugin makes it easier for you to manage the series, for example by managing the numbering for you, as well as by displaying in a widget the other articles in the series.
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The best WordPress plugins for social networks
Tweet This
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Sharing your content on Twitter is often essential to gaining visibility. But what's even more effective is when your readers share your content on Twitter: instant visibility of your articles to all their followers. Instead of just offering your visitors tweeting your articles via a sharing bar, Tweet this allows you to go further by offering you the ability to prepare quotes or phrases in your articles, ready to be shared on Twitter. So, in one click, your visitors can send Tweets containing the quotes or phrases you have chosen, as well as a link to your article. This is done easily via the use of short codes. To try!
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Revive Old Post
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Want to boost the visibility of your old articles? Want to get rid of forgetting your nuggets published a few weeks or months ago? Try Revive Old Post! This plugin allows you to automate the publication on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.) of your old articles. In terms of features, one can note the possibility of being able to choose the time between each publication, the hours of publication and the number of articles to be shared.
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The best WP plugins to better display your images
NextGen Gallery
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NextGEN Gallery is a plugin to manage and display image galleries on your blog or site. You can choose between two types of display: slideshow or thumbnail, which you can set to suit (size, style, time, transition type, etc.).
Note the possibility of uploading several images at a time, which saves a lot of time.
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Meta Slider
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Want to add a slider on your website or blog? So try Meta Slider. This plugin, easy to use, allows you to create sliders in a few clicks. You can choose from 4 types of sliders, and you can insert them wherever you want by using short codes.
Interesting Feature: Meta Slider makes it easy to optimize your sliders for SEO.
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Top WordPress plugins for backups
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As you probably know, it is crucial to make regular backups of your site or blog. This plugin allows you to do this in a simple and automated way. You can perform backups at some point (eg before updating the WordPress version of your site), but also on a recurring basis (every day, every week, etc.). 
Of course, it is not enough to store its backups on the server that hosts your site, it is also necessary to make a copy elsewhere for more security. UpdraftPlus lets you drop a copy of your backups on other media, including many cloud services, such as Amazon S3, Dropbox, and Google Drive. Synchronization with a Dropbox is very easy, literally in a few clicks.
Note the possibility of being notified by email whenever a backup is performed.
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BackUpWordPress is a good alternative to UpdraftPlus to perform your backups. It is particularly easy to configure, and allows you to schedule multiple recurring backups at different intervals (such as a daily backup of your database and a full weekly backup of your site).
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The top WordPress plugins for analytics and statistics
Google Analytics by Yoast
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By the Yoast SEO team, allows you to enable Google Analytics tracking on your site or blog. The tracking code is installed in a few clicks using the Google Analytics API. When configuring the plugin, you can choose to enable tracking of your visitors' demographics and interests, as well as tracking downloads and outbound links.
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Google Analytics Dashboard for WP
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This plugin also allows you to enable Google Analytics tracking on your site. But it also allows you to add a dashboard to your WordPress dashboard with your Google Analytics statistics. Thus, you will have access from the interface of WordPress to detailed information about your site or blog: number of visits, origin of your visitors, the most viewed pages etc. Convenient to keep an eye on the statistics of your site!
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If you do not want to use Google Analytics to track statistics for your site, you can opt for Slimstat. It offers you the main features of a web analytics tool. Note the possibility of installing this add-on plugin to add a dashboard with your statistics to your WordPress dashboard.
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The best WordPress plugins for formatting your pages and articles
Page Builder
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Page Builder is one of the most popular page creation plugins. It allows you to easily create pages with multiple columns, which you can fill with your content and standard WordPress widgets. The result is "responsive" for a good display on smartphones and tablets. The Page Builder interface is easy to use, intuitive, and works with a drag and drop system. Then you have the possibility to refine the result obtained via CSS.
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Want to integrate tables to your WordPress pages or articles? TablePress is the plugin you need! It allows you to easily create tables that you can add to your articles, pages or text widgets with simple shortcodes. Arrays can contain different types of data, even formulas!
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The best WordPress plugin to offer your site in several languages
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Polylang allows you to propose your WordPress site in one or more other languages. When you write an article or a page, this plugin gives you the ability to assign a language. You can also translate the media, categories, tags, menus, widgets etc. You can then add buttons on your site to choose between different languages, for example to place in a widget or in your navigation menu.
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Top WordPress plugins to translate your themes and plugins
Codestyling Localization
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If you bought a paid theme for your site or blog, it is very likely that it is in English. Some themes can be translated directly into the theme options. For others, it will be necessary to create translation files (files .po and .mo). This plugin allows you to create and edit such translation files directly from your WordPress interface, without having to use an external editor, such as the very popular Poedit. You can also use it to translate the same kernel WordPress files, or plugins.
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WordPress plugins to improve search
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Relevanssi allows you to replace the standard WordPress search with a better search engine. Thus, you will offer more relevant search results to your visitors. Among the many features, there is a ranking of search results by relevance as well as the ability to search for exact terms using quotation marks.
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Swiftype is another option to improve the search engine on your WordPress installation. Searches are made on Swiftype servers to not load your hosting server. Note also the presence of a fully automatic feature.
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What do you think of this selection? Have you found useful plugins for your WordPress installation that you did not know about? Is your favorite plugin missing? Do not hesitate to react in the comments! (And share the guide on social networks if you liked it)
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This guide will be updated regularly to take into account your feedback, but also the changes in the dynamic and exciting world of WordPress plugins.
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