ilikefatboiis · 1 hour
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and here’s D.E. (the father) 😳
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ilikefatboiis · 1 hour
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some before and afters of J.E. (the son) 😫
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ilikefatboiis · 1 hour
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body by beer
Great submission omg
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ilikefatboiis · 1 day
Oink here is some more belly play 🐷
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ilikefatboiis · 1 day
can we get some standing posts of ur belly plz xx
Since you asked so nicely here you go! (Hopefully empty belly is okay)
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ilikefatboiis · 6 days
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No sharp edges here
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ilikefatboiis · 6 days
Indulgence suits me, don’t you think?
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ilikefatboiis · 7 days
Snapchat’s Fattening Filter - Male Weight Gain story
It was just a part of my typical morning; I’d wake up and grab my phone from the charger and open up my Snapchat app and see what filters were new for the day. It was always a fun way to wake up and have a quick laugh. I went through some of the typical ones, the dog face, the rainbow drool, and the bulging eyes one, but then I saw there was a new filter I’d never seen before. It was connected to a dating app I had downloaded on my phone. The app was mainly for people interested in getting fat or people making others fat, but I was just a spectator most of the time. I decided it might be interesting to try out the site’s new filter. At the top of the screen it said ‘fulfill your wildest fantasies’, which of course was the gaining app’s motto. The instructions, ‘open your mouth’ blinked at the bottom.
I opened my mouth and a virtual donut flung into my mouth. It looked like nothing had changed, my face looked exactly the same on the phone and it didn’t morph me. I figured it must just be a game type of app. I opened my mouth a couple more times and virtual cheeseburgers, french fries, and slices of pizza zoomed into my mouth. Then, I realized it looked like the app was slowly making my cheeks look a little puffier. ‘A realistic morph’ I thought. The phone told me to prop my phone up and stand in a full body view, so I decided to try it.
I propped it against a lamp on my dresser and stepped back so my whole body was in the frame. I was just wearing my blue boxer briefs, so my pale legs, arms and torso were in full view. I definitely was a thin guy, with those skinny guy abs and virtually no butt. I was curious what the app was going to morph me as. It told me to open my mouth again, so I obliged. Several more virtual fattening foods flew onto the screen toward my mouth. I noticed as I kept my mouth open, the food came in at a constant flow. I figured the morph would work faster that way.
I saw my skinny arms and legs slowly fill out a bit, so I didn’t look like a 6’0 skeleton boy. My skinny boy abs slowly were filtered away and were replaced by a morph of a belly. It started to expand around to my hips in the form of love handles and my flat chest with dime-sized nipples even puffed up in little balls of fat. My face started to fill out too, showing rounded cheeks and the earliest stages of a double chin. It was too realistic! I laughed and looked down at my body, but I was shocked by what I saw.
“It’s not a morph!” My body that was once thin as a rail now looked like I had put on about thirty pounds. I stood there with my jaw agape as it seemed like my body continued to rise and expand outward like some kind of dough in an oven. The little belly filled in and begun to hang over my boxer briefs. As pound after soft pound of fat slowly crept onto me, I developed a soft, doughy gut. I grabbed my chest and felt the mounds of fleshy man boobs I’d formed. It was terrifying… but exhilarating. “What the hell is going on?”
I felt around my body and squeezed my love handles that bowed outward from my sides, then I moved my hands to my butt… my butt! I had an ass now! It pressed tightly against my boxer briefs with two round globes of fat, which replaced the once flat rear end I had just minutes ago. I looked at my hands which resembled little sausages. Then, I quickly closed my mouth, realizing I was probably adding more damage as I gaped. I looked at the phone and the words 220 pounds flashed on the screen. I knew that it couldn’t be true, I’d just weighed myself a few days ago and the scale said 140 pounds. No way had I just put on 80 pounds! I moved to the scale and stepped on it. My belly made it more difficult to bend all the way down to grab the scale. I stepped on it and sure enough it read 220 pounds. “What the hell!!”
I hurried into the other room and snatched the phone from my dresser and exited the filter. I quickly moved to the gaining app and typed out a status. ‘Just used a filter from this site that I thought was just for fun, but I actually gained 80 pounds somehow from it! Don’t use it! It’s not a game!’ I was expecting a whole meltdown on the site and an investigation, but instead people began commenting on the status: ‘i need to check this out’, ‘are you serious, no way! that’s awesome’, ‘I could go for another 80 pounds’, and more. I threw the phone down in irritation. No one believed me, right?
Then, I saw it. I refreshed the page and suddenly the timeline was filled with photos of other men who had used the app. They bragged ‘just added 20 pounds in less than three minutes! holy shit, you have to check this app out’
“No!!” I screamed and grabbed the phone. I scrolled through the before and after photos they started posting. The pictures said, ‘before, this morning… and after, just a minute ago’. Once chiseled men were now sprouting bulging bellies. Some stood in their ill-fitting underwear. Some had kept their clothes on and added pictures of their bellies pushing out from under the hem of the shirt, or in some cases their fat bellies bursting buttons. One young man added a video of himself using the app. He was fit and slim 22 year old like I was. I saw the video was twelve minutes long. He stood in his bathroom with his shirt off and opened his mouth. He grew to the size I was within four minutes, about 220 pounds, but the kid kept going. You could see the hard on he was getting through his gym shorts. His gut widened across his torso and slowly began to spill over his waistband and sag as more pounds were added to the mound of fat. His chest grew to the size of D-cups and his face was almost unrecognizable. His elastic gym shorts ripped at nine minutes in, and fell off to expose his huge thick legs covered in fat. His dick that once was so prominent in shorts was hidden under the expanse of his growing belly. He smiled a devious smile, “three-hundred pounds” and opened his fat mouth wider. The weight piled on faster now. He had to widen his stance as his belly grew outward in every direction and his thighs expanded. His belly button sunk deeper and deeper into the encasing fat. He was a superchub now at minute ten. Then, he wobbled a bit and fell to the floor. “Wooaahh” the phone shook and fell to the floor too. It landed against the wall and showed him as he continued to expand. He laughed and continued to open his mouth until his belly reached past his knees. He must have weighed nearly five-hundred pounds. Then, he, with much effort, rolled himself over to the phone and started playing with his new belly and fat body. It was so soft and jiggly and he moaned with pleasure at the sudden expansion. He slapped it causing a ripple of fat across his body, “Looks like dreams really do come true, keep dreaming, fatties.”
Once the video ended I went back tot he site and saw more and more pictures of men weighing upwards of 500 or 600 pounds. They all looked ecstatic. Finally, what they’d been waiting for. I was horrified, until I realized how turned on I was. I loved the idea of expanding to the size of 500, 600 pounds. These men looked so happy. It was really sexy to see them coming into their own. I knew deep down that someday I wanted to be as fat as them, but I’d never humored myself. I figured, if I was to do it, now would be the time. So, I propped my phone back up on my dresser and stood with my arms open wide and my mouth open wider and watched as my body ballooned with hundreds of pounds of fat until I couldn’t stand anymore. Then, I kept going. I kept my mouth open. The virtual food continued to rush in. I sat on my bed and felt my entire body jiggle as the bed frame snapped. I was huge. I was enormous. I was what I’d always wanted to be.
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ilikefatboiis · 7 days
Many of you may have heard or seen the guy I will make posts about, but anyway, here we go.
There’s a japanese Youtube channel called Fischer’s, and one of them is basically the fat guy of the team. But it wasn’t always the case, and in fact we can see his weight gain while travelling in the chanel. 
Now, this is the oldest video of him shirtless I could find (they are the kind to make at least one video per week if not more, so since their channel is opened  for four years, it’s a lot of videos to check, so I may have missed some). But anyway, here you can see him at his youngest and thinnest. 
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ilikefatboiis · 7 days
Masterpost: Fischer’s
When he was thin: here
First part of the 100 kilos challenge: here
Middle part of the 100 kilos challenge : here
Final part of the 100 kilos challenge: here
Post 100 kilos challenge: here
Post 100 kilos challenge (2): here
Fun clothing video: here
Extra videos: here
The 120 kilos weight loss: here
Follow-up of the weight loss: here
An extra bathing video: here
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ilikefatboiis · 7 days
Now, even though the 100 kilos challenge was over, his weight gain was far from being over.
This member of the team is also the official test-subject for a series of “bath videos”, that is to say they test weird bath products. So we get to see him shirtless quite often.
In this video he has already put on a bit more weight since the last time, going up to 105 kilos (231 lbs). 
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ilikefatboiis · 7 days
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ilikefatboiis · 8 days
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Dottor Bavaro
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ilikefatboiis · 8 days
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ilikefatboiis · 8 days
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Need new suit pants so bad !
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ilikefatboiis · 8 days
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he got biggg
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ilikefatboiis · 8 days
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