since it's midnight in korea now, it's kim jongdae's birthday. even though he won't see this, i want to wish him a genuine happy twenty-third birthday. jongdae, you are a very important person in my life, although we've never met or even seen each other. you've brought to me an unbelievable amount of happiness. i smile when i see your face, whether it's on a video or even a gif. you're smile makes me want to cry, mainly because i'll never get to see that beautiful smile of yours in person. your laugh is music to my ears. your singing is phenomenal and gives me goosebumps. your voice gives me chills. it's truly magical. i love your joking and troll-like personality. i love how much you care for the other members of exo, especially baekhyun. i love how you aren't afraid to joke around. thank you for being such a big inspiration and such a huge part of my life. thank you for making me smile when i needed it most. thank you for making me laugh so hard that i cry. thank you for being yourself. i love you kim jongdae, and i hope you have a wonderful birthday, although you shall never see this.
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me: lost in crowd
friend: guys i got this
friend: [cups hands around mouth] CHING CHONG KPOP
me: bitch u wanna go
friend: see, found her
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reblog if your icon is a beautiful cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
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u go sophie coco u go
Oh yeah like every single country doesn’t have specific languages that they sing in. Not everyone sings in English. Get your fucking head out of your ass. You’re nothing but an ignorant little fuck. You call us little girls? Okay but have you seen One Direction’s fans? Half of them are younger than sixteen and so are k-pop fans! No one, I repeat, no one, in the k-pop industry is tone deaf. If they were, how the fuck do you think they even debuted in the first place?! How are they so popular? Every single artist uses auto tune. Name one band or artist that doesn’t. I mean, have you seen T-Pain (or however the hell you spell his name)? I fucking dare you to call people from BTS, Exo, and other bands “robots that can’t dance.” Lmao. That’s so hilarious. One Direction doesn’t even dance. All they do at concerts is walk around carrying a microphone and singing. And they don’t work as hard as them?? Are you really fucking serious?? There are people that audition for a company at an age as young as eight, worked their asses off for their debut, and then don’t even get to debut in the end! K-pop artists have to be on strict diets, barely ever get to see their parents, rarely get day offs, practice day, after day, after day and their breaks are short as hell! Most k-pop idols actually bother to interact with their fans, unlike a lot of people who sing in English. I know One Direction hosted the ball for people with cancer and I think that was very noble of them, but for fuck’s sakes, this one thing doesn’t make them any better then k-pop idols! “"your fandom is honestly an insult to your own country.”“ Really?? I could name more than twenty k-pop bands and artists that are better than One Direction any day. If k-pop is an insult to Korea, then One Direction is an insult to Britain.
”“don’t you have some anime to watch”“ Don’t mistake something from Japan as Korean. Honestly, don’t even mistake anything from one country as something from another. That is just being racist. You call Korean idols talentless, yet, how on earth do you think they’re so popular? ”“pretend they love you and care?”“ Do not fucking go there. If Korean idols pretend they love us and care about us, honestly why do groups like BTS, GOT7, Mamamoo, and others even make videos to share with their fans? They actually take the time to post, even if it’s just a few seconds, unlike One Direction. They manage to post multiple videos, keep their fans posted, and still keep up with their schedules. Many k-pop groups are really close to each other. Closer than One Direction. Because of the months and months, maybe even years of practicing for their debut and not seeing their families, a Korean idol’s only choice is to depend on their band members. This makes their bond grow stronger and if that doesn’t make them practically family, I honestly don’t know what does. A crap ton of Asians work their asses off from the bottom to the top because the company they’re in isn’t very popular. So no, Korean idols are not “some overproduced Asians stuffed in a burrito, and labeled "music group”.“, thank you very much. Yes, not all Korean idols play instruments, but many do. That doesn’t make the rest of them talentless.
*not my paragraph cred to http://jungkonotok.tumblr.com/
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BTS : kim taehyung, park jimin, min yoongi, jeon jungkook
GOT7 : kunpimook bhuwakul, jackson wang, im jaebum
EXO : kim minseok, kim jongdae, do kyungsoo, park chanyeol, lu han, byun baekhyun, zhang yixing
SHINEE : kim kibum, kim jonghyun, lee taemin
SEVENTEEN : hong jisoo, lee jihoon, lee seokmin 
VIXX : han sanghyuk, lee jaehwan, lee hongbin
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 what i love is about the whole directioners v. kpop thing is that kpop fandom is always at war with each other at some point because kpop is comprised of so many different bands that its almost impossible to avoid
but the second anyone touches kpop in english speaking countries in favor for other artists in a racist fashion, shit gets locked down, like… 
i havent seen a single fandom war post for days. not on the big bang blogs that i follow. not on the shinee blogs. or the super junior blogs. not the orange caramel. not mamamoo. not exo. nothing. 
just kpop fandom collectively setting aside their rivalries for the sake of protecting each other from a group of ignorant people who like to think because they are superior to a group of people based simply on the language they speak. 
its kind of like “you can’t hit my sibling. only i can hit my sibling.”
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all kpop fandoms are willing to help one another out in these kind of situations. kpoppers are very dedicated to their fandoms. it's good to get a win, you know? kpop may be growing more and more popular, but people don't know anything about it. people are ignorant of it's popularity, and don't know how much some people actually love it. we are dedicated to our bands just as dedicated as you are to one direction. please don't kick up a fuss because a group from korea is winning against one direction. don't make racist terms, don't shit on them. they've worked harder than one direction, i guarantee it. kpop idols go through years of complete and utter hell before they debut, and their schedules are never-ending and tough. they hardly get any sleep, and they deprive themselves of food. just because your favorite group is potentially the most popular pop act in the world doesn't mean that everything and every win will be handed to you on a silver platter.
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If you're mentioning EunB's death as a Directioner, you need some serious help.
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Ah, here we go again with you. Idols aren't talentless, not at all. Have you SEEN how much some of these groups care for fans? Obviously not, you just assume the worst because you haven't done a lick of research. Groups are undeniably close, after going through years of training before they debut, without seeing their family, their group members are the only people they can rely on, and thus a strong bond grows. You need to go look up BTS, if you think that they aren't a family, you need your eyes checked. Not all vocal grouos play instruments, yes, but some like Busker Busker, CNBLUE, LEDApple, and a subgroup of AOA. Members of vocal groups can play instruments too- such as Yixing and Chanyeol of EXO. Please sit yo ass down and Google a few things before you rant senselessly on Tumblr.
i dont get it. you trend #directionersfuneral and get mad when directioners retaliate?
okay, honestly, just close your computer honestly and simmer down. dont you have some anime to watch, or talentless boys who pretend they love you and care? i bet they dont even love each other like one direction and 5 seconds of summer. these boys are a team. they’re brothers. they’re not some overproduced asians stuffed in a burrito, and labeled “music group”. how many of them can perform instruments? hmm?
yeah i thought so, bye
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