illegaleah · 7 months
Random tg moment that popped into my head again this morning: in 3.09 when Tom leaves playing monopoly with everyone because he has a Forbes interview about his position at ATN and Greg goes “talk about me :D” and Tom’s just casually “will do :)”
How much of that interview was just Tom gushing about his former assistant leggy princeling chief of staff
PLEASE that’s one of my favourite things ever, and the WAY that willa looks after them, she’s like. oh i know what’s happening. like! toms easy ‘will do!’ YALL IN FRONT OF ALMOST EVERY ROY AND WILLAS SALAD. they are ridiculous and i love them.
a lot because not like any of them care or will read it anyway, right? apart from greg? so some of it’ll be a secret lil love letter to his mistress. iconic.
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illegaleah · 7 months
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tom the history buff
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illegaleah · 7 months
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sorry this pic just makes me a lil bit insane
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illegaleah · 8 months
No this is so me watching Lion in the Meadow like wdym you give me the Nero and Sporus scene and then the rest of the episode is just Logan decaying featuring Adrien Brody
i'm always jarred somehow at the beginning of roman's and connor's b plots in safe room. like you're telling me this isn't just the tom throwing bottles at greg episode
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illegaleah · 9 months
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illegaleah · 9 months
He’s winking at Greg. Shut up.
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I can’t take any more.
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illegaleah · 9 months
ok, i have some news for the tomgreg community <3
this month all my articles about tomgreg will be published. i rewatched the show and read your theories and analysis about them to write so thanks!
the article about them in season 1 is available here and i will announce when the others came out.
ps: the articles are written in portuguese because i am brazilian lol and i am an editor on a brazilian website... but you know, just translate?
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illegaleah · 9 months
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illegaleah · 9 months
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SUCCESSION | 3.06: What It Takes / PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (2005) dir. Joe Wright.
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illegaleah · 9 months
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maybe they do change people’s minds
succession 3.06 what it takes
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illegaleah · 9 months
I've been thinking about tomgreg living as roommates while Tom and Shiv are like on a break or fully divorced and Kendall's finally thrown Greg out of the apartment, and, like. It would surprise them both how easy and natural it would be?? Tom's all tidy and Greg's more of a mess but he'll make an effort to be cleaner when Tom nags at him. Greg loves taking Mondale on walks an they go together to the dog park on weekends all three of them. Tom gets back into the habit of cooking dinner because Greg appreciates it way more tha Shiv ever did. Maybe Tom even makes Greg help chop things and it becomes a nice little routine for them! And they do movie marathons with wine and a few spliffs and Greg helps Tom properly relax for the first time in years.
It's all domestic and casual and so so easy and they're both trying hard not to read into it, trying not to think about how easily it could become more, even when they're falling asleep on the sofa leaning against each other or when they're making a list for their shopper together for when they want to make some elaborate new dish... when Greg's stealing one of Tom's old college jumpers or when they're taking Mondale for a check up at the vet together, when they easily move around each other when they're in a hurry to get ready for work... and it looks and feels so much like a relationship but they can't think about it because if they did, it could become awkward and it would all be ruined and neither of them can risk that --
Until one Sunday morning they're sleepy and making breakfast in the kitchen, Tom at the stove and Greg making coffee - and Tom asks Greg to pass him the bacon from the fridge and Greg does and Tom says thanks sweetheart and gives him a little kiss and Greg smiles and takes a sip of coffee -
And then they both freeze because What the fuck was that??? And they're both sputtering and blushing and frantically trying to back off and explain it away
Tom, in true Tom fashion retreats into his old assholish ways and laughs and goes like "haha yeah can you imagine if that was us lmao that'd be fucking ridiculous and who would tolerate your morning coffee breath anyway lmao"
And he expects Greg to just go along with it, and Greg maybe tries to - but it's not working and he's tearing up and his hands are shaking so bad he has to put his coffee down. And he goes like, "I don't mind the razzing usually but, Tom, you can't joke about this, for real you cannot."
And Tom freaks out because fuck, he didn't mean to make Greg uncomfortable, he didn't mean to just steal a kiss if it freaks Greg out so bad -
But Greg goes on, "You have to know that's the one thing you can't poke me about because it's too fucking hurtful and sure, you're an asshole but you're not _cruel,_ please don't be cruel?" And a tear slips down his cheek and Tom can feel himself tearing up too
And Tom start getting it finally? Because Greg would't be crying if this wasn't real. And Tom decides to take a leap of faith -
He steps right up to Greg and takes him by the cheeks and holds him,, wipes away a tear with his thumb,, goes like,
"Let's back up" all soft and low in his sweetest voice, leaning in until Greg meets his eye - all red-eyed and lip trembling and Tom loves him so so much -
"I called you sweetheart just now, and kissed you, and it was instinct, Greg. It was the most natural thing, it was the only course of action I could reasonably take with how I feel. It's the most natural thing to have you in my space and all your shit in my apartment and your fucking disgusting socks and drug paraphernalia accumulating everywhere -
And Greg's hearing him and the sweetest little hopeful smile is growing on his face, and he asks like, "yeah? No joke?" Because if this is a razz he'll fucking go apeshit -
And Tom presses their foreheads together, "yeah. I go to sleep having had the best time with you, every night, and I wake up to you every morning, your ridiculous bedhead and your sleepy face and god help me I want to kiss you, all day, everyday"
And Greg's smiling for real, meeting Tom's eyes and settling his hands softly on Tom's hips. "You can, you know."
Tom can barely believe it and he's smiling so hard it's difficult but - he kisses Greg again, and it's just as right and natural as it was the first time. Nothing bad happens, the world doesn't end, it's just two men standing in a kitchen and holding each other and smiling and kissing. It's just Greg's soft hair in Tom's hands and his sweet little moan as Tom kisses him harder and his hands petting all over Tom's back and tugging at his clothes already because he's Greg and he's a greedy little creature. And they pull back to look as each other and they're smiling so hard and. It's _good_ and it feels right and maybe it's okay that they're doing this because they're in it together. Yeah anyway that's all thank you for coming to my ted talk i like soft tomgreg !
RRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR YEYEHAHEYHEHAEYAEY GOL GOL GOL GOL GOL GOL GOLAZO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS THE SHIT THIS IS THEEEE FUCKING SHIT bc you know what this is so romcom coded and you KNOW what?! SO IS TOMGREG! like there are LITERAL romcom tropes with tg IN SHOW so you are bang on and this is hjekjqw';dk;lj so aoisljkam;las;laks;a thank you for my fucking life. thank you thanks thaks tyanksn thkans thkas thnksa thka tj. thaks. THANKS!!!!!! thanks . THA NKSssssssssssssssss. ah
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illegaleah · 10 months
you can't lose what you never had
Night Shift by Lucy Dacus x tomgreg
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illegaleah · 10 months
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off to the side 
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illegaleah · 10 months
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"her" is obviously tom btw not shiv.
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illegaleah · 11 months
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Where’s the picture of Tom wambsgans waving with the text saying something like “hiiii :3 haaiiiii ^-^”
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illegaleah · 11 months
succession is so funny imagine your great uncle is like the richest guy in the world and youre like ok im gonna call in a nepotism and then your cousins insane husband instantly becomes like psychosexually obsessed with you
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illegaleah · 11 months
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affix your stickers to objects you covet
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