illuminatories · 11 years
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Meet the newest members of the ABC
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illuminatories · 11 years
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"Maybe they're busy." Does this place even have cops? Did cops even do that kind of stuff? They didn't back home, but maybe they were supposed to. She was only 12, she didn't know. "At least I would like to think that they're busy. Maybe...maybe they're used to doing stuff like this, and that's why they can do it so easily."
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"Apparently we’re going to have to? If only somehow these idiots could realize what they’re doing is… gross." Yeah, that was the best way to put it. “I mean, you don’t want to see it, I don’t want to see it. Where are the cops who should be arresting them for public indecency?"
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illuminatories · 11 years
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"From what I've seen, it doesn't. I don't mind it's just very...indecent this time around. Do you think it's something we should get used to?"
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"More importantly, does it ever stop? I think we’re stuck in this idiotic environment for now."
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illuminatories · 11 years
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"It's probably best to pretend it isn't happening, but I don't think it's going to stop anytime soon."
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"The people here are seriously questionable…"
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illuminatories · 11 years
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The child notes that the other is quiet, but not in what seems to be the shy sort of way, because even the most shiest person would have mustered out the smallest of thank yous. The blonde's silence does not bother her, but it does make her all the more curious. "Are you mute?" she asks, tentatively, hoping that the other is not offended.
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[Nill’s face reddens, as it always does when she’s faced with compliments. She wishes she could express her gratitude, but unfortunately, the only way she’s able to is to nod her head and offer thankful smile.]
‘Thank you….’
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illuminatories · 11 years
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Nina notices the blonde, eyes lighting up when she spots the fluttering wings. How cute and a bit odd, but that was okay. 
"Hello." she says softly, giving what she hopes is a smile that shows she means no harm. "You're wings are very cute."
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[There was so many new faces, she was unsure of how to react. It’s not like she could greet them verbally anyway. 
So, instead, she opts to wave, wings on her back fluttering lightly in the breeze. Hopefully they were friendly….]
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illuminatories · 11 years
"I'll try not to then." She states with a small nod and a smile. Growing seems less than appealing most of the time anyway.
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"Ah, I'll have to take your word for that then." Her head tilts to the side slightly, trying to remember if she gave her name or not. Probably not now that she think about it. "My name is Nina, sorry for not saying it earlier."
"Right. Try not to grow up too fast. You should enjoy your childhood while you can."
He stuffed his hands into his pockets as a look of contemplation set in.
"Don’t worry, miss. I know my limits pretty well. I know I look reckless, but I know what I’m doing. That’s part of being an adult, you know."
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illuminatories · 11 years
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"That seems like the best course of action." The younger agrees with a bright smile and a nod. There was nothing like making new friends and creating all sorts of unforgettable memories with them. It seemed exciting. 
Another question soon comes to mind, and she hopes it isn't too personal, though she is curious. "Where does Lucina-san come from, if you don't mind me asking?"
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"Mn, I hope so."Truth be told, she did like the excitement. It reminded her of home, at least the past, when all the shepherds were together. She smiled at some of the memories, turning back towards the girl.
"I probably would miss it once it’s gone. That’s why I want to create memories here."
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illuminatories · 11 years
"I see." She replies softly, brows slightly furrowed in what more than likely is concern. Two months is a long time; well not compared to a whole year, but to child taken from home then yes, it could be. Nina is not prepared to spend any amount of time here, let alone two months or more. Then again, there didn't seem to be a way out, so might as well just go along with things quietly and hope for the best. 
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She contemplates the question for a moment. It was a definite yes, seeing as though she hadn't even left Sector Five since finding it some time after her arrival. "I guess some place I can work, like a clinic or something." She gives a sheepish smile after her words are said; hands gripping lightly at her dress - a nervous habit. "Though I doubt people around here would want to hire a child I guess." 
     ★ “Hm…" How long had she been here? The passing of time in this place had grown so hard to keep track of - there was no schedule for her to keep, no guild quests to accept - somewhere down the line she’d simply halted keeping a proper count, she wagered. “Probably… almost two months now?" That sounded right, at any rate. 
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"Did you need help finding anything in the city, Nina-san?" Wendy’s offer was based on the fact that she knew getting used to this place was certainly difficult - particularly when you hailed from a world so unlike it like she had.
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illuminatories · 11 years
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Nina's smile does not falter with her hands behind her back as she gives the other innocent, but curious glances. Children seemed to be a rarity around here, but then again the child had just arrived so she wasn't sure how many children around her age were forced to be brought to this city. "Yes, I am. I haven't even been here a full week to be honest." She answer, a small nod following her words. "What about you? Have you been here for long?" She inquiries; it would be beneficial to know someone with more experience about this place than herself, even if it may be a little.
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     ★ It was honestly a little surprising to meet someone her own age that displayed such similar manners, Wendy noted. Not that she’d met a lot of other children her own age, but kids tended to be a lot more casual with their speech than adults were. “Are you new in the city?" she asked out of curiosity. When it came to noticing others her age, Wendy was pretty keen. She’d never seen Nina around before. But then again, she could live in a sector she never visited, like the industrial sector.
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illuminatories · 11 years
tinyfists replied to your post: ...
"It’s nice to meet you, Nina-san! My name is Wendy!" The mage bowed gently, her smile not fading for even a moment.
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"It's nice to meet you as well, Wendy-san." The brunette returns both the bow and smile with ones of her own, glad to see someone so close to her age around.
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illuminatories · 11 years
"E-Excuse me, miss? Your dress is very cute!"
"Thank you, that's very nice of you to say! It really means a lot. You don't have to call me 'miss' though, my name is Nina."
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illuminatories · 11 years
space life hope
Space: If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
"Home, I mean it probably isn't the best place, but it's home. I miss it a lot."
Life: Are you a rule breaker by heart?
"Oh, of course not. It's much less trouble if you don't break the rules, so I'd rather not do it if it was absolutely necessary. Plus the thought of it is kind of scary."
Hope: What are you looking forward to?
"I'm waiting for the day I can operate on someone by myself. That's a long wait though, I know it."
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illuminatories · 11 years
4 - The person(s) they look up to
To you,
Are you okay? You're not hurt are you? You do lots of dangerous things, and I worry sometimes. Despite that, I know you'll be okay in the end, because you always are. Well sometimes you do require a few bandages, but that's usually it, and I'm glad that's it. I know it can be a lot worse, and I'm thankful that it isn't. 
People like to ask me questions about how I'm not afraid of you. Truth be told, you're not that scary, just a bit mean and kind of rough around the edges but a very nice person despite all that. So thank you for a lot of things, like hanging out with me even though I'm a little kid and keeping me safe and a bunch of other stuff that's a bit too much to list at the moment. 
I hope we stay friends. 
P.S. Stretching a lady's face out causes wrinkles. 
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illuminatories · 11 years
8 !!!
8 - Their future-self
To the me however many years from now,
I'd tell you things, amazing things that happened, but you probably still remember them. Though it depends on when you get this and what has already happened to you I guess.
I can't say much about myself that you already know, but do you remember how small you were? I wonder if you're tall now and if your hair is longer. Has Dr. Theo taught you how to remove bullets yet, or is he still saying you're too young and your hand is too unsteady? If so, I'm sure you'll reach that soon enough. How are Nico and Worick-san and Alex-san doing? Are they still together? Do you still hang out with them like you did when you were my age? I hope so, because they're still really great even though they might be getting a little old. I wonder if you started working on that hospital for Ergastulum like you said you were going to do. It's a big job, but I'm sure you can do it, you're me after all.
This is turning out to be a bunch of questions, that I won't get answered soon. I'm sorry. Please remember that no matter what, you should keep smiling. I heard the adult life is hard, but you'll make it. I'm sure of it! Please don't give up no matter what!
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illuminatories · 11 years
*tosses condom*
"I-I-I think I need an adult!" Or someone responsible because the adults here are weird. 
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illuminatories · 11 years
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"Oh, my..." Everything is so hectic, and everyone seems really strange. This is definitely different than how things worked in Ergastulum.
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