illuminatus69 · 3 days
A very thorough observation of catholic guilt
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"sunshine-25s-2 asked:
I am a 60+ who raised as a Roman Catholic. I am surrounded by friends and relatives who are deeply devout
My mind has always wandered down the rabbit hole of porn feeding my lust and desire. There are times my lust takes over my subconscious. I am sometimes consumed by this desire. I am hoping to meet others who feed off this lust and I do feel guided by the dark lord, your blog clearly provides followers of the dark lord a place to educate themselves and maybe develop connections
I am not sure if I write makes sense, if you can respond in private I would appreciate it."
How to best respond to an honest query results in my spending time in my pentagram after which I sit down and write my response, cold turkey unless I'm referring to, quote or guote from or use or edit an old article from the past. . And, often, what I share sounds like one plowing the same field again (to use an agricultural analogy). Often I'm not though it may sound that way. Wny? Because each query comes from an individual and each of us are different-individuals, no matter how hard we attempt to be "the same".
Reading the above what immediately came to mind was a realization that occurred to me in the past like a lightbulb suddenly switched on in my mind . . . all while I was engaging in sinful sensual sex. " Damn! No matter if no one is supposed to know this is happening, God is right here watching . . : Such was the angst and apprehension that would occur because, as a xian I was engaged in adultery and sin. I can't escape because the xian Almighty IS , which means its not so much he is there, He is HERE with me all the time. Its no fun when you realize you're being judged then and there and there. It's bad enough if you have children and you don't want them walking in on the both of you in the middle of an orgasm.
I witnessed it with my pastor husband in our intimate times together. There was a fire a passion and willingness to explore. However, as we went thru seminary and he began to serve in various churches, it was evident we and not just he were expected to be paragons of moral virtue. Unfortunately, xians are individual and every one has their own opinions about what that moral virtue entailed. Then, since hubby constantly dealt with moral issues and was frequently called upon to be the arbiter when it came to appropriate sexual behavior between xian couples, etc. it slowly became evident that the xian Almighty was in bed with us when we were "getting it on" and married and supposedly free to engage and enjoy our passions because suddenly, while the fun was and is still "there", it was obvious hubby was taking his own advice to heart and it has to be hell when you wear the mantle of the Almighty. Suddenly the sin aspect entered our sex life. You're supposed to practice what you preach. And he did and does. He doesn't tell me but I know he prays all the time in his study here at home and I have heard him have it out with the Almighty thru the door altho I couldn't make out the words. I occasionally have it out with the Dark Lord myself but that also is another issue.
If one wants to know why I follow the Dark Lord, a major reason is that the xian Almighty, as presented and described by xianity caused me to do so for that very reason. Sin and sex when it's supposed to be okay but it isn't because its how you do it and what you do despite the fact you desire to indulge and engage "differently". I am created as a sensual and sexual being who is aroused and I experience lust. Yet, in order to please the xian Almighty I am called to deny that very fact so I have to ask "Why?". I lust therefore I am. I can't deny that because we all experience it. Even the xian saints thruout history had to and did deal with it saying the body was evil and ev en went so far as to whip and mistreat their bodies in hopes of ridding themselves of lust.
I will sum it up this way: Xians are conditioned to see sin in things sensual and sexual so much so it can't be avoided when we lust or are aroused in the smallest of ways because we sin in both thought and deed. I suddenly realized this and asked my self why the xian Divine would do that to me. Or, maybe we are so busy seeking to find and know who "God" is and we are concerned with how we live with each other in peace, etc, we have molded God in our own image.
If one seeks out my article where I discuss my journey to and on the left hand path, one will see why I follow who I call the Dark Lord. Not because He is "dark", wicked and satanic as seen in the art and horror genre. Rather He is the Unknown God (Unknown or "Dark" because we can't know Him except as He wants to be known and God, therefore He is "Lord".) The Dark Lord, being divine is what? Omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient and more= incomparable and incomprehensible except as far as He reveals Himself. We, or at least, I know Him because, like the ancients, I can't help but comprehend Him in my mind. (So you know the Divine is above Gender but I elect to use the masculine. See my other articles herein).
I have shared before that among the ancients there was, despite all the pantheons that were "out there" and worshipped, there was always the comprehension of one above them. In the book of Acts in the Bible this acknowledgement of "the unknown God" is revealed and was used by the apostle to mean the xian Almighty. But that wasn't so. The Great Horned God so often spoken about among the ancient pagans was always seen as subservient to one above Him who is "unknown". So, as I journeyed to understand this mental and moral quagmire I was in where constant prayer and appeals for forgiveness came to naught if I was honest with me, I had to ask myself who IS "God"? Did He exist? I couldn't help but think about "Him" being "out there". And I found Him among the ancients. I found Him by simply asking myself why am I like I am, able to think as I do and feel as i do (feeling in the sense of, well, the senses) and have to deal with lust and desire all the time. Lust and desire isn't limited to sex. He couldn't be Satan as described in the Bible and presented by so many as equal to "God" because therein Satan is a created being, an angel, and, for one, angels are limited and sexless if the theologians are correct. They are only able to be who they are created to be. An angel can't be divine because they are created beings just as we are. We have limitations. So do they. The Divine has none.
And He cant' be denied. His existence that is. Oh, we can take that position and live with it. But who knows what lurks in the minds of any of us when it comes to the existence of the Divine? Even atheists, in the end, can't be sure because, well, we don't know. But we comprehend that "He is" but can;t explain "how". Its impossible for us to see one entity capable of having the attributes of the divine. Thats another topic. I'm simply sharing that I discovered the Dark Lord and suddenly I began to grasp what I call the freedoms we have, along with the concurrent responsibilities we have, because we are humans in this world filled with other humans. I trust I've said enough on that point to, well, make my point.
Then I realized witches could believe in whatever higher power they wished and the two largest satanic bodies in the nation didn't believe in a real Satan nor the supernatural. They have simply co opted things satanic to achieve their political agenda. I sum them up by asking: How can I believe in something who is nothing in order to acheive something when there is nothing to provide the something so it can't be had but I am to give my effort to appealing to the nothing for something that will result in nothing . And I know I'm not divine even though there are those who tell me I am and I just don't know it yet, etc. Having made my point again (hopefully), I again point to other articles about the Old Spectre as I comprehend Him in other articles throughout this tumblr. Or ask me what you wish.
Maybe I need to write an article about what it means to be a woman and speak yet again to the fact that sex and lust are natural occurrences and we women learn early we are pursued all the time and "sex" confronts us in so many ways each day . . . not just the act itself but the reality we are women and there is attraction between the sexes in all manner of ways in everyday life. It is with us all the time. What we wear, fads, make up . . . . even when we don't think things sensual and sexual "it" is there when suddenly some guy hits on you or often simply looks at you and smile. Knees together, hemlines, I can go on and on. So I'm a woman and there are men and there is lust and attraction that happens be it with the same or opposite sex and my mind delves in areas I wish it didn't when I was struggling to be devout.
I now call it "xian conditioning" for those who are. The religions have moral codes as does society and these are nebulous in the sense they are never static though we are told they are. How one defines sin changes all the time as well as what is sin or wrong or should be avoided. I can go on and on. The conditioning compels us to endure this mental conflict where we never see success unless its within the parameters we are guided to follow and then we aren't sure because we always exceed them mentally as well as physically. We can lust for another without ever sharing that fact or saying a word. Still, it is a sin we are told. I am chained to the church in order to achieve absolution because its impossible to achieve. And if I could on earth and if I'm a Catholic I'm still screwed because no matter how hard I try I'm still not going to heaven when I pass away because there is purgatory still ahead to be endured. I need to stop at some point because I want to make my point.
Our religion and our society condition us concerning how we are to see things sensual and sexual and say we should abhor them much less not do them. We know that within ourselves that can't happen and isn't possible if we are honest with ourselves. We are free to think what we wish and imagine also. And we are given what I call the gift of jilling or masturbation so we can "solo seek" a pleasurable release because things sexual are meant to be, well, pleasurable. i will stop at this point. Forgive the flaws because this is going to be posted as is. I trust the illustration is helpful.
I have known wives who have felt guilty going to bed to have sex because of the thoughts they have as a result of reading a romance novel, watching a chick flick or listening to gossip where they seek to be devout but end up feeling as if they are riding a pendulum going from saint to slut with never a moments peace when they seriously think about it.
So, while I know this is inadequate I hope it is halpful. Consider the question and think about it.
Ave Obscurum Dominum.
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illuminatus69 · 17 days
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Santo Grial
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illuminatus69 · 18 days
A very helpful short essay dealing with the strict control and suppression of sexuality that is inherent in christian teachings. I think it is obvious that xtianity strifes to control the faithful and therefore stands against sexual freedom. A special case is the Roman Catholic church: Here the (invented) "virgin" Mary as the outstanding female rolemodel acts as a tool to suppress a free female sexuality. This deeply misogynistic attitude of the catholic church is accompanied by the secretly debaucherous behaviour of the catholic clergy. Xtian hypocrisy at it's best!
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' . . . the fun part is also seeing my wife wrestle and struggle with the UNRECONCILABLE diachatomy of her LUSTFUL thoughts and the influence of her devout christian upbringing!! I personally know there is an incredible amount of tension of soul that happens in a person in this battle and it is OH SOOOOOO SWEET to see someone as religious as my wife break down little by little, compromise here and there, frantically try to regain lost ground only to fall back further away from the "high moral ground" than before... and eventually crumble . . . and given in to who she truly is. . . ."
What's it like for a husband who had decided to and is now following the Dark Lord who is influencing his wife in that direction and she is now constantly confronted by him in so many different ways sensually and sexually and certainly psychologically, pressing her as she overcomes her xian conditioning (a phrase I find easy to write) and be who she really wants to be. Reading what is shared with me reveals that this process is happening and the husband is enjoying not just success as she "crumbles" (maybe too harsh a word), actually more of a realization of who she really is as a woman and not some xian monument to a nonexistent virginal existence. There is only one who is given that attribution. RCs call her the Holy Mother, the Virgin Mary . . . .a fact I find fault with because there is no scriptural warrant for such a designation or situation. The problem is one can be born from a virgin, in the sense she was when she had sex but not in the sense that she is still a virgin afterward. That is a theological debate in itself. However, even the xian Almighty didn't pronounce on such a situation. It is the creation of a xian group's magisterium which has made a god of an underage girl who was pregnant and unmarried when it was discovered she was to the point Joseph wasn't going to marry her and she was sent away to an aunt's because of it to avoid community vilification, etc. That! we see in scripture and nothing about eternal virgins giving birth and still being a virgin. What we have is a theological bandying about with definition of terms to fit a situation one wants to exist. That's another topic.
The focus of this article is to acknowledge what is happening in the life of this follower and with his wife who is finding things sensual and sexual suddenly more appealing and desired by her which challenges the xian teachings concerning sex and marriage where, even after marriage, the church seeks to control the act itself much less our attitudes about sex. Couched in that so called noble label of "morality and good", the fact is that when it comes to the RCs, what we have is a crowd of supposed to be celibate men many of whom appear to have a penchant for sex and young boys much less girls, pronouncing on matters affecting women and things sensual and sexual and demonstrate a complete lack of grasp especially in today's society except to the extent its thier way or the highway, this last to hell according to some. Why is it that I feel that many of those divines may find themselves there and not in the halls of the paradise the profess they will enjoy. I am digressing again.
Might it be said that reading the article above I am seeing that the wife being constantly confronted by her husbands displays of affection, sensual interactions, jokes, comments and those engagng tidbits that husbands and wives have and enjoy, being sensually and sexually focused, keep the subject of sex in the forefront of her mind and thoughts where she finds she is challenged by that damnable xian theology and morality which "just can't be" because "I'm married to him and we can have sex" but one finds she can't for all manner of reasons . . . xian teaching is, in fact, you can but you can't unless its done "our way" and even then there are too many questions about what that means. One wife once put it to me this way, and she wasn't straying and playing: I don't like feeling bad about sex with my husband but I do because I never know if I'm not displeasing God because of the way I feel when it happens and the thoughts I have before and after. Think about it.
She found herself compromising and then finally simply disregarding whatever teachings she had tried to abide by in favor of her personal feelings because, she admitted, God had made her a sensual and sexual person, a fact i helped her come to terms with as we talked over my sewing machine. I will stop here.
Certainly I have left things hanging. So be it. I trust the article is helpful. I cnose the illustration which i feel is applicable because the wife there has given in to what she wants to do versus what others tell her she has to do to please the Almighty. I trust the wife who is the subject of the message sent to me in the way it was comes to enjoy the many cocks and other sexual experiences she has long wondered about and desired. Again, I need to stop before I begin again. Forgive the flaws. I trust what I have shared is helpful.
Ave Obscurum Dominum.
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illuminatus69 · 20 days
I think this approach is remarkably empowered and self-confident compared to the worship of the Abrahamic religions, where the believers throw themselves at the feet of the Abrahamic god.
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When people hear the word 'worship,' their minds often conjure up images of kneeling, bowing, and praying to a higher power. It's a concept that is deeply ingrained in many religions, with followers showing reverence and adoration to a deity or deities. However, for me, worship means something completely different. It is not about submission or servitude, but rather a mutually beneficial and respectful relationship with Lilith and Lucifer.

To understand my perspective, it's important to first define what worship truly means. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, worship is 'the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.' This definition, while broad, captures the essence of what worship is, a deep sense of respect and admiration for a divine being. However, this definition also highlights an important aspect of worship that is often overlooked, it is not just about feeling or expression, but also about mutual exchange.

When I say I worship Lilith and Lucifer, it means that I have a special connection with them. It is not a one-sided relationship where I simply ask for their blessings or guidance. Instead, it is a give-and-take dynamic where we both benefit from our interactions. I offer them my devotion, love, and energy, and in return, they offer me their guidance, protection, and wisdom.

This kind of worship is vastly different from what is commonly seen in the Abrahamic religions. In those faiths, followers are expected to submit themselves entirely to their deity and serve them without question. This often involves strict rules and rituals, as well as a sense of fear and guilt for not living up to their expectations. But for me, worship is not about fear or blind obedience. It is about building a genuine and respectful relationship based on mutual understanding and trust.

Some may argue that my worship of Lilith and Lucifer goes against traditional religious beliefs. After all, they are often depicted as dark and rebellious figures in many religious texts. However, for me, they represent powerful forces of change and transformation. Lilith, embodies independence, strength, and sexuality. Lucifer, the light-bringer, symbolizes knowledge, freedom, and self-discovery. These are qualities that I deeply admire and seek to cultivate in myself.

In my worship, I do not grovel before my deities or see myself as their servant. I am an equal partner in our relationship and have the freedom to question and challenge them. This is because reverence does not equal submission. I can show respect and admiration without sacrificing my sense of self or autonomy. This is a concept that is often misunderstood, especially in the context of traditional religious worship.

My worship of Lilith and Lucifer may not fit into society's conventional definition of worship. Some may even view it as controversial or blasphemous. However, for me, it is a source of strength, empowerment, and growth. It allows me to embrace my true self and connect with something greater than myself. And while it may not be for everyone, I believe that true worship is a personal and individual experience that should be defined by each individual according to their own beliefs and values.

In conclusion, the definition of worship may vary from person to person. For me, it is not about submission or servitude, but rather a mutually beneficial and respectful relationship with my chosen deities. It is a form of reverence and adoration that does not equate to blind obedience. While it may be different from what is commonly seen in traditional religions, it is a valid and meaningful way of connecting with higher powers.
Ultimately, worship is a personal journey that should be defined by our own beliefs and values, rather than societal norms and expectations. As an example,
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illuminatus69 · 21 days
Some nice inspirations of how to deal with the bible aka the “holy word of god“
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illuminatus69 · 24 days
I'm sure the priest hascgot an erect penis while doing the flagellation
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illuminatus69 · 24 days
Honoring the holy symbol of christianity...
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illuminatus69 · 24 days
The “blood of christ“😉😂
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illuminatus69 · 1 month
A nice inspiration for Good Friday: See “our lord and savior“ Jesus utterly defeated.😈
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illuminatus69 · 1 month
This post fits perfectly to “Holy Thursday“ of the silly christian faith. Let’s mock this ridiculous religion!
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On this day which members of the death cult of xtianity celebrate “The Last Supper” I recommend following some Borborite traditions.
I believe there is no better way to celebrate this day than smearing my hands with menstrual blood and semen. I also know that it needs to be consumed, as it mocks that criminal and the blood and body of Jebus.
Long ago these Bororbites would also pervert other beliefs, such as whenever one of the women in their church was experiencing her monthly period, they would take her menstrual blood and everyone in the church would eat it as part of a sacred ritual.
The Borborites were also said to extract fetuses from pregnant women (love this) and consume them, particularly if the women accidentally became pregnant during related sexual rituals. After all, we all know Lilith is The Goddess of Abortions and coined the term "strayed semen". This is instrumental to prevent it from developing into another future xtian.
Honor yourself, Lilith and Lucifer and reject this nonsense of xtianity and enjoy wickedness and perversions instead.
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illuminatus69 · 1 month
And the true light illuminates her
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She found her true light 😈
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illuminatus69 · 1 month
A great way to react to homophobia in an artsy way
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or “Lockpick to the Priesthood” or “Come Unto Me” or “Pearl Necklace of Great Price” or “Faith is Like a Little Seed”
Authentic stolen holy text, Near Clear silicone, gold pigment.
I went to the mormon church’s website, looked up their views on homosexuality, noted the scriptures they referenced, ripped them by hand out of the bible and book of mormon I stole from their chapel, and then mixed them into a silicone dildo of my own design like confetti. A dildo which will of course be used for homosexual purposes.
I’ve wanted to try dildo making for literally over a decade. I don’t have any fancy equipment like a 3D printer or a vacuum chamber, I made the sculpt by hand, and I fucked up a lot along the way, but all that being said I’m proud of what I was able to accomplish and I learned a lot. I put in more gold than I meant to, but honestly, it was meant to represent scripture’s gilded edges, and as it turned out, it looks really beautiful or quite filthy depending on the lighting, which feels entirely appropriate for scripture.
It was hard to read all of those verses. But as I tore them up I bathed them in the intention to take words that were meant to inflict queer pain wherever they go, and say “Actually, I pull those words out when I want some queer pleasure.” Build joy where they want you to have it the least.
Read about/donate to the Timpanogos tribe, for whom brigham young sent out an “extermination order”
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illuminatus69 · 1 month
Just like an erotic version of the “Virgin Mary“
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illuminatus69 · 1 month
I 100% agree with this description of organized religion. It’s time for mankind to move on and leave the shackles of organized religion behind!
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For centuries, organized religion has been deeply ingrained in societies all over the world. People have been indoctrinated to believe in a certain set of beliefs and practices, often without question. However, it is time to break free from these shackles and embrace a new way of thinking. It is time to forget organized religion and instead follow the teachings of Lilith.

Lilith, represents a rebellion against the traditional roles assigned to women and challenges the patriarchal structures that have dominated religious institutions. Her story is one of strength, resilience, and determination – qualities that are often overlooked in traditional religious teachings.

By following Lilith's teachings, we can break away from the limiting beliefs and practices of organized religion. We can embrace our own individuality and reject the rigid rules and expectations that have been imposed upon us. Lilith encourages us to question authority and think for ourselves, rather than blindly following the teachings of others.

Furthermore, organized religion has often been used as a means of control and manipulation. It has been used to justify discrimination, violence, and oppression. By breaking away from organized religion, we can reject these harmful ideologies and instead focus on promoting equality and acceptance. Lilith's teachings emphasize the importance of individual freedom and respect for all beings, regardless of their gender, race, breed, or beliefs.

It is also important to note that religion and spirituality are not one and the same. While religion often dictates a strict set of beliefs and practices, spirituality is a personal and individual journey. By following Lilith's teachings, we can tap into our own spiritual power and connect with a higher purpose, rather than conforming to the beliefs of a larger institution.

In today's world, it is necessary to adapt and evolve our beliefs and practices. Organized religion may have served its purpose in the past, but it is time to move forward and embrace a new way of thinking. Lilith's teachings offer a refreshing perspective that encourages us to think critically, embrace our own power, and promote equality for all. It is time to forget organized religion and instead follow Lilith's path towards true empowerment and freedom.
Hail Lilith!
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illuminatus69 · 1 month
A very famous scene from the Marquis de Sade. A landmark in blasphemy and still remarkable how early in history de Sade created something so radical.
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illuminatus69 · 2 months
Some reflections on Sunday
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On this day that so many people gather for who knows why. This of us who travel Left Hand Path or now identify as Atheists long discovered is the ultimate waste of time.
Time wasters, by definition, are activities or tasks that drain our valuable time without contributing meaningful returns to our productivity, effectiveness, or fulfillment. Church is right at the top of activities. Men and women dress up in their best clothes to listen to some moron babble about the Bible and con you out of your money claiming that it's tithe to gawd when really it's going into his or her pocket.
Then you put on a fake smile and shake hands with people who pretend to like you and fake smile back at you. It is the most superficial garbage I have ever witnessed. I believe most of the people in churches aren't even xtians, they just go there to put on a front to make themselves feel better and then get on with their heathen lives once the service is over.
Needless to say the bible was written by men not some gawd in the sky. Church knows nothing about gawd and can't teach you anything worthwhile, so why not go and enjoy yourself? Masturbate in the pews, use the man made book as a sex toy, and who knows, you may just discover a justifiable reason to attend. By tapping into long taught propaganda messages which intended to make you the next slave, take joy in discovering the contradictions and verses to corrupt, and who knows it may shift from time waster to a beautiful edging Sinday full of orgasm and creation.
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illuminatus69 · 2 months
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