illunasionary · 1 year
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illunasionary · 3 years
Hey! yall alive? anyone wanna plot?
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illunasionary · 3 years
Hijinks and adventures were always assured when this boy was within shouting distance, so the comfortable silence that pervaded the air was a very welcome one. Despite her bravado, Moon was never one for high stakes outtings, and she was glad that for once they could enjoy a calm evening all the same.
Moon raised her gaze from her own refreshment, waiting to hear what was so important that he’d ruin the moment. The thought that fell from his lips was about as intelligent as what she’d come to expect from him.
Inwardly she rolled her eyes but outwardly she met his comment with a level of engagement she just wasn’t feeling.
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“Hehe, where’d you get a silly idea like that, Gold? Did you fall asleep to a Dr. Fennel documentary or something? Or maybe you just caught a showing cause she’s cute,” Moon teased, giving him a playful nudge with her shoulder.
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”… ……Yo, so-”
“You ever think that one of these days, some genius is gonna come up with the wise-guy idea have psychic type Pokemon play TV commericials in people’s dreams if you’re in the limit of cities? How dumb would that shit be.”
“Kinda makes a guy think.” Takes a looooooong sip of his sports drink.
As if that would even last for long at all.
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illunasionary · 3 years
AYY hows the pokemon rp community going? anyone wanna plot?
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illunasionary · 5 years
someone help distract me from writing this paper and write with me
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illunasionary · 5 years
if i knew how to make a theme it’d be all over for you guys. 
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illunasionary · 5 years
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Ah, to be young and energetic. And sneaky. If Hala hadn’t noticed the light coming from underneath the stage, he might have been caught off-guard by the girl’s sudden appearance.
“That stage has been here in some shape or form as long as I can remember. Of course, I do occasionally have to replace broken pieces, but altogether it’s been holding up well.” 
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“Fascinating!” Moon pulled the rest of her body out from underneath the platform and began analyzing the the surface with the new information. “In other words, despite its’ age it’s still able to withstand all those battles with minimal maintenance. I wonder if this is the result of some special alolan form of building. Or maybe because of the materials,” Her back suddenly straightened.
“I’ve got it!” she exclaimed, smacking her fist into her palm as she was overcome with a revelation. Moon turned to Hala, an excited gleam in her eye. “I hear there’s a special exeggutor in this region. I bet it’s sheddings’ must have something to do with it!”
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illunasionary · 5 years
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“Incredible!!” Moon ran her hands along the wooden platform, eyes shining with delight and curiosity. “I can’t believe this can withstand all those pokemon battles. I wonder what it’s made from! Is it held together by nails?” She took her time studying the structure, even going as far to crawl underneath, using her rotomdex for light. 
Noticing the feet of the Kahuna from the other side she quickly pulled herself out.
“Hey, who made this? What can you tell me about it?“ 
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illunasionary · 5 years
I want to make my swsh protag a blog but also im bad at making themes so....
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illunasionary · 5 years
Moon had always found sickly sweet love to be revolting. It was nothing but the act of fools who needed something to pass the time before moving on to their next plaything. It wasn’t much different than her, but they  were painfully less aware. Of course, it had it’s uses to her, after all, it acted as effective bait to pull in idiotic men who thought a kind act was the same as romantic interest.
For Xavier though? It seemed she was slowly becoming somewhat of an idiot, herself. 
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“Is that so? Bold words for someone who hasn’t even recovered from getting a flower,” she said poking his still pink cheeks in retaliation. “Well....I’ guess I’d like to see you try,”
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illunasionary · 5 years
“Oh my. I don’t know about that! It seems kind of hard,” her usual smile was replaced by a troubled look. “I hope you can take this as a consolation,” She pulled a red flower out of thin hair in one hand and advanced towards her, placing it in her hair. “It suits you...”
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“I know it’s not much, but I hope this meager performance was to your liking,” Moon took a step backwards taking the hat off her head and gave a little bow. Except, it wasn’t her usual black top hat, it was a puffy white hat, and sitting inside was a familiar pokeball.
“Thanks for holding onto my stuff for me by the way,” And in her hands Lyra would find Moons own pokeball and hat had somehow made their way into her hands. 
     “ So Miss Moon, if you are a bitchin’ master magician like yer claim, then how ‘bout you pull this bunny ”—she pulled Dot’s pokéball off her belt—“ into this hat?” She pulled her hat off her head & held both items out, expectantly. 
@illunasionary ▶ sentence starter call. 
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illunasionary · 5 years
Brown eyes narrow as her gaze settled on the one and only dragon gym leader of Galar.
Well well, wasn’t this her lucky day.
Raihan, dragon expert. He was a strong trainer who was one of the few to rival the ‘unbeatable Champion’ and specialized in using weather conditions to his advantage. He was a formidable foe to be sure. But more importantly, he was good looking and had a strong online presence. That was what was most important. 
Moon had her own world wide reputation that she took quite a bit of pride in, but in order to stay in relevance she had to keep making her connections. The world usually didn’t keep their eyes on magicians like they did singers or actors. She was a rare exception and she intended to stay that way.
She wouldn’t allow this chance to pass her by.
A bright yellow butterfly fluttered into his view and landed on his hand before poofing into a flower in his hands. Moon strode into view, took the top hat off her head and let it roll down the length of her arm. The brim slipped right into her finger and with a flash of the black cape that rolled down her shoulders she gave a bow. “Alola!” she plastered on the heart warming smile that she used to charm millions with.  
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“You’re Raihan from Galar aren’t you? As champion allow me to welcome you! To what do I owe this pleasure?”
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illunasionary · 5 years
“Alola.” He waves his arms awkwardly. His watch goes flying off his wrist
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With a sharp snap of her fingers the watch disappeared mid air in a puff of smoke. The next moment smoke billowed around his wrist and when it cleared he’d find his watch where it belonged. “Hehe Alola! Now what brings the up and coming fairy gym leader here?”
What kind of idiot could mess up moving his hands in a circle? Good luck Galar, it seemed they’d need it.
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illunasionary · 5 years
btw you guys you can find me mostly on my Maya Fey @kurainburdened
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illunasionary · 5 years
Her first instinct was to, of course, deny those allegations. She couldn’t let such horrible rumors fly around ‘Alolas Sweetheart’! She was supposed to be pure innocent and sweet! 
Then again, Gold would never go around talking about it, and even if he did, no one would believe him. Not when taking into consideration their reputations.
 The safer option would be to just fess up about her magic tricks. Even if most people wouldn’t believe him, she couldn’t accept the small percentage that would. Any smudge on her sparkling reputation would be a failure and she never accepted failure. 
All these thoughts happened in the span of a second. “I-I-,” Just say it! “I can’t believe you caught me,” It was no use. The idea of anyone seeing her in the middle of creating a magic trick was too much for her. She couldn’t let him know.  
Her own acting skills betrayed her. The way she averted her eyes as she shrunk away from him, the redness in her cheeks. It was all too believable.
“Gold if you tell anyone I’ll kill you,”
That much wasn’t a lie.
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illunasionary · 5 years
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Like for a starter?
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illunasionary · 5 years
Reblog this if your muse is mixed-race.
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