ilovelukey · 2 years
content: hand and foot restraints, softdom!luke, spanking, welts, a bit of a pain kink, oral sex, facesitting, overstimulation, explicit sexual situations. 
“Do you like that?”
Luke’s voice wavered slightly as he pressed his palm to your backside. You were shaking. Aroused from Luke taking control by surprise. He asked you to strip in front of him when you walked into your bedroom. Making you question what his intentions were until he pulled his belt off the moment you were naked. You joked about Luke being disinterested in being more dominant most of the time. It wasn’t a bad thing—Luke simply had a tendency to roll over when it came to pleasing you. He knit his brows when you laughed off the comment.
Luke wanted to show you that he could do it.
You believed him now.
Balancing on all fours in the middle of your shared bed, with the backs of your thighs stinging from welts that would for sure leave marks. Your arms and legs were bound, leaving you to stay in one position as Luke stood over you. You were turned on by Luke’s acceptance of a challenge. He kept touching where he spanked you to make sure you were okay. He was silently doting on you, only raising his belt when you reassured him.
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ilovelukey · 2 years
no shame - lrh (rewritten)
the original version was my first time ever writing a fic, and since then, my writing has improved a bit so i thought i would give you a new version of my first ever fic. enjoy <3 also, there is also a scene dedicated to my bff @talk-fastlrh​ enjoy my love ;)
summary: Luke is a street racer and she teases him before the race and after it’s over he fucks her in the back of his car.
word count: 4.3k+
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luke hemmings loved adrenaline.
hence why he’s leaning up against his car with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, waiting for his opponent for this next race to arrive as he seems to be late, as always.
he sees his girl walking up to him with a sinful smile on her pretty lips as she walks up to where he stands.
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ilovelukey · 2 years
Can you do a Luke smut where he is a jerk to Y/N & she doesn’t understand why until his friend spills he likes/loves her & is just a jealous prick. so y/n takes matters into her own hands & teases him until he admits it & they fuck
Okay so I basically read this and thought I did it as you wished but uhhhh in true 'me' fashion, I did my own damn thing...
I do hope you enjoy it though, there's a lot to work with!
In the Backseat
A Luke Hemmings one shot
18+, Smut, NSFW
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Word Count: 10,157
He never meant to hurt you. I suppose no one ever means to hurt anyone. It just sort of happens and then they’re left to either pick up the pieces or hide away in shame or God forbid show no remorse at all. He felt guilt. He felt a tremendous amount of guilt actually. That was a good sign, maybe not for you but for him, definitely. He wasn’t a lost cause. He could rectify it or hope to. You’d let him drive you home too. You can’t have completely hated him if you allowed that. You could have called an uber just as easily as you’d asked him to be the one to drive you. You looked on the verge of tears when you asked him, not ideal for him. He hadn’t enjoyed it, not like that.
You don’t sit beside him in the passenger seat like he expects. He glances to the empty seat beside himself as if he were still waiting on you to settle there. You don’t beg him to turn the radio down. You don’t say anything at all. He suspects you might cross your arms over your chest in some form of tantrum or way to signify how badly he’d fucked up and that you were pissed at him because he knew in his head and heart that you were. You can’t even find it in yourself to do that. Your hands are lay flat against your thighs, one on each, so still. You’d given him nothing. You just looked out of the window, feeling as if you were in some kind of movie, some sad film sequence, just watching the world fade away. You’d never looked so dejected before.
He finds it hard to focus on the road. He watches it more than he watches you, but he finds himself flickering over to you so fast his eyes start to hurt. At the next redlight he decided to dig his hand into the glovebox compartment, digging through takeout receipts and old CDs to fetch his glasses. He curses under his breath when he struggles to land on them immediately. He watches the lights, then you, then the lights again while he grabs them, anxiously rushing himself. He shuts the compartment, sliding the lenses over the bridge of his nose, notably on edge. He dared to glance your way again. He could now see your pain with 20/20 vision.
He feels he should say something. He could distract you. He could engage in small talk. You didn’t even have to answer, a glance in his direction would have been a win for him. He’s tapping the steering wheel. It’s as if his entire vocabulary had escaped him. His mouth had gone dry. He finds himself scratching at his chin, his short beard a pleasant feeling under his fingernails. He still darts eyes over to you as if you’d have gone somewhere in the seconds it took him to think.
The headlights of the car behind had given you this glow and upon noticing it he’d let out a deep and painful sigh. He hadn’t ever seen you look as beautiful as you did right then. Which is a shocking realisation for him when he’d always considered you breath-taking. He swears he could crash this car and go out in an eternal blaze, and it would have been worth it because the last thing he saw was you.
He saw you, like this, biting your lip to avoid speaking to him. Brushing your fingertips over your thighs, occasionally tugging your skirt down towards your knees. You with your legs growing cold even under your thick tights that you’d picked because you thought you’d get a chill. He saw you unable to look at him. Fighting internally (or so you thought) to avoid his gaze. You were such a sight to behold. As he neared your side of town, just a mere 10 minutes from your home, he found himself unable to take you there. He was left powerless to his deepest intentions. He diverted your journey.
You don’t think too much of it. There were so many routes he could take. He would take you there, you were sure of it. You didn’t show signs of stress, of anxiety, no more than you already had just being in this position. You just watched the buildings whiz by. The streetlights flickering here and there. Worst of all, the billboards reminding you of just why you’d been upset in the first place. You couldn’t look out of the window much longer.
You had a dumb fight. All fights were dumb but this one especially. You went to his stupid party, at his stupid friend’s house. You couldn’t have known. You still wouldn’t have known, even now, if it hadn’t been for someone else. You feel the tension knotting in your stomach as your mind wanders back to it. You wanted to cry so badly, to be able to feel anything at all without the intensity of his eyes catching you at any second because of course you noticed him. You couldn’t not notice him. He was all you were ever aware of, and you were so god damn hurt because he didn’t have the decency to share the same sentiment with you.
You sigh with frustration. You’ve had enough. “Let me out.” You say it sternly. “What?” He responds as the words are still leaving you. “Let. Me. Out.” He’s puzzled. He’s still driving, far enough away from your house that you wouldn’t dare walk from here, not at this hour. “Are you kidding me? No, I’m not stopping.” He watches the road intently for the first time since you left the driveway of his friend’s house. “Luke, let me out of this fucking car.” Your tone is calm, and your heart is anything but.
He wants to fight you on it. He doesn’t want to lose you. He might lose you if he doesn’t stop. There was also a heavy possibility that he would lose you even if he did. “Then what?” He asks. You look to him in the mirror, your lips are parted, nothing coming out. “No plan? No way of getting home?” He’s trying to gesture with his hands while they remain on the wheel. “Not letting you out then.” He thinks he has you defeated. He’s not even close.
“I’ll call a taxi.” He scoffs. “Yeah? Why didn’t you do that about 20 minutes ago?” He’s shocked he’s managed to argue with you. Just minutes ago, his heart was aching, and he was terrified he’d upset you and now he was arguing. It was fight or flight and you were important enough for him to pick the former. He’d regret it another time, he’s sure. “Because I didn’t think of it then.” You exasperate, flinging your arms out. “Just let me out Luke.” You stare right into his eyes; you have a cold and serious glare. He pulls over begrudgingly, but he doesn’t unlock the car.
You know not to bother with the handle, he’d already thought of that. Considering he was such an airhead on a day to day, he seemed to be carrying himself pretty well tonight. He was just hellbent on destroying your happiness. Maybe he should progress that as a career on top of lying to you. That would go down a real treat.
“Talk to me.” He pleads. It was worth a try. “No.” He rolls his eyes, fingers running along the leather of the steering wheel before returning to the top, gripping it tightly. “Just yell at me already, do whatever you have to.” He slumps back in his seat, head hitting the rest behind it with a thud. It had to hurt. Good, you thought.
“You could have fucking told me.” You surprised yourself but not him. He knew you’d kept tight lipped for too long and now the second you were given real opportunity you were going to come for him with all you had. “You know who told me?” He doesn’t respond. It wasn’t necessarily rhetorical, but you knew he knew and there was no point in adding more fuel to the fire in confirming it. “Jordan. Not you, not Ash, not Cal not even blabbermouth Michael, fucking Jordan!” Your hands slam down against the seat so hard it made your palms sting. He winced as you did it. Even if he didn’t see it. He heard it. He’d kiss your delicate skin better if he wouldn’t get slapped for even trying to.
“I was going to tell you.” He was. He really was, he just didn’t know when, hadn’t found the words. A pathetic excuse, he was well aware. “What? When you were already halfway across the globe? You’re leaving in 2 weeks Luke.” You sounded so wounded, and you recognised it, and you hated it. He couldn’t have felt more stupid if he’d tried. “I just don’t understand.” He dared to look at you in the mirror. You were appeared just as crushed as you sounded and to make matters worse, you were looking right at him. You weren’t glancing into the mirror like a coward. You weren’t like him. You were looking directly at his poorly positioned, lanky body sinking into the leather seating of his car.
“Did you just think I’d see a billboard and be like yeah cool, amazing, so glad you’re touring again, congratulations.” He wants to speak but no words come out. There wasn’t a way to apologise for this, not when he’d fucked up so badly, not when he’d ruined everything. “I would have been happy for you Lu.” His heart was aching in a way he’d never felt before, come close to but never quite endured. The nickname had sent him over the cliff he was afraid he’d been back stepping onto. One more wrong move and he was done for.
“I’m coming back there.” Before you could protest, he was pulling the keys and burying them in his pocket. The best plan for him was none at all. The door was opening and closing, and he was slamming another behind him, sliding into the backseat. You stare ahead of you. Your heartbeat so loud you both heard it. He locked the doors again and you laughed. He’d actually disliked the sound for the first time in his life. “I’m not going anywhere. You made sure of that. I don’t even know where we are.” You run your fingers through your hair. He doesn’t look at you like he wants to. He looks forward. You’re both staring at the seats in front of you. You wished you were in complete darkness; it may make this easier to live through. Unfortunately for the both of you, you were parked conveniently next to a streetlight.
“I couldn’t find the words.” He says, he wanted to be as transparent as he could. “I wanted to find them, I couldn’t. Like every time I tried to tell you, they just got jumbled up like some kind of word vomit or something.” He pulls a disgusted face as he says the word ‘vomit,’ he’d never liked that word. “You’re a lyricist. I find that hard to believe.” You cross your arms over your chest. A weak argument. “You don’t have to be so hard on me.” He’s right, you don’t, and you might feel a shed of remorse for it, but you wouldn’t drop it. “I’ve been beating myself up all night you know.”
You allow yourself to look at him. His stomach twists when your eyes land on him. His body is flooded with a warmth he could only compare to the sun. A blistering but comforting heat that reminded him of where he came from, where he was most at home. “I didn’t actually want to face the fact that I was leaving.” He starts to fiddle with the tear in his jeans. He wasn’t sure where the rip came from, he’d grown out of intentionally ripped jeans long ago, but the threads were tactile and useful to him now, soothing him as he worked through his emotions. Since he had no choice but to do so.
“It’s what you do.” Your voice is so soft, he wants to lean in and let you surround him with it. “But I haven’t done it, not for 2 years.” He laughs nervously. He’s not sure how the conversation morphs into his anxieties for the future but here he was. “Hell, I barely remember how I did it before.” He’s running his fingers through his bleached blonde curls and you’re biting your bottom lip at the thought of replacing them with your own. Hard to stay mad when you lose your focus at the sight of anything he does. “You really are scared.” He would feel relaxed at your compassion returning but he doesn’t know how long it will last. “Terrified more like.” He reaches forward to prod the headrest before him. There’s no reason for it other than impulse and he tended to act on those a lot.
“I could have helped.” He sighs, sinking into his seat, he’d connected those dots already. “I know.” You don’t push it, sitting quietly, maybe even patiently. “I know and that’s why I’m so stupid.” You’d never correct him there. “You’d have supported me no matter what because you’re a good fucking friend and I’m just a coward who doesn’t deserve it.” You roll your eyes as he hits his head repeatedly off the back of his seat. “Cut the pity party.” He gulps. He almost gives into temptation, glancing to the right of him as you command his silence. He settles for leaning his head back instead.
He couldn’t have looked more inviting if he tried. His neck outstretched like that. His adam’s apple prominently bobbing as he took a breath and gulp of air. The way he wet his bottom lip with the nerves he felt. The damn near sheer shirt he coated his top half with. When did he start dressing sluttier than you? You wanted to bite his neck, you wanted to forget all of this and wrap your lips around his jugular and never let go. You’re not even sure what you were fighting for anymore. “Sorry.” Even if you knew it wasn’t meant as his formal apology, you had known that he meant it. He would never not be sorry for this. You were the last person he wanted to hurt.
“I am a good friend.” You say. He would laugh if he could. He doubts he’d ever feel joy again until you forgave him. He was still picking away at his jeans, cursing his chipped nail polish at the same time. “I am happy for you.” You were, somewhere in the pits of your soul you were, somewhere very far and unobtainable at this moment in time but it was there. “I miss you already.” He says in a low whisper and that’s enough to crack your hard exterior just like the rasp in his voice had. “You what?” You hadn’t heard him right. You couldn’t have. His voice was too husky to be understood, you’d bet money on it. “I-“
He turns his body around, knees trying to face you, as much as they could in the cramped space he’d forced himself into. You didn’t look at him. He was starting to take it personally. “Would you just look at me?” Its making it much harder for him to grovel without your eyes giving him a chance. He wants to reach out and touch the hand you left on your thigh, but he thinks better of it, couldn’t step in too soon. “I can’t,” you mutter, you’re avoiding his gaze even more now that he’d asked for it. You were just trying to make sense of it all. You’re acting ridiculous and you’re acutely aware of it but you’re processing. “Can’t or won’t?” Where had he robbed these few braincells from? You didn’t like it; he wasn’t supposed to be this perceptive, that was never his game. “Both.” You grunt.
“Can’t keep doing this.” He says. You’re not sure what exactly he’s referring to, but you feel him burning the words into the side of your face like he’s branding you with a hot iron. “Doing what?” You’re suddenly breathless and this tiny car had felt a whole lot smaller, closing in on you. You had to fan yourself with your hand to satiate the heat. The more you focused the more you noticed how his long legs had barely fit a gap between the two of you, it was only a matter of time before you were crushed together.
“I don’t know- I don’t want to say it.” He bites back the words he so keenly wishes to utter. “You don’t or wont?” You turn his words back on him without so much as a second glance. Your pulse rockets as you do. “Both.” He says, his body is shifting still. He’s moving closer. Not quite beside you but getting there. It wouldn’t be long. He doesn’t want to cross your boundaries; he’s had better ideas than to mess with them, but they were just there. The temptation was overwhelming. He starts to slip back where he was, his knees digging into the back of the driver’s seat thinking better of it. He was a coward, and he didn’t need to look at you to know you thought it too. He’d returned to his original position and your heart ached at the distance.
Even when he was on a different continent, he’d never felt further from you than he did in this moment. What’s worse was that you saw him retreating, not just physically but mentally. He was sat debating whether to leave you not just on tour but for good. When his nails dug into his own thighs, his breathing deepening into exhausted sighs. The wheels were turning with no signs of breaking. He’d gone from suffocatingly close to a million miles away and he hadn’t even moved. It’s just what it felt like when he closed himself off like that. You didn’t like it. He didn’t have to. You were scared he felt he needed to. You were mad, you were so mad, but not even because you of what he did anymore, but because of what he wouldn’t do, what he continued not to do. There wasn’t enough honesty between you. You needed some truth. You may have to force it from him, but it was far less unsettling to picture than the thought of him leaving without the air cleared between you.
So, you did the unthinkable. You clambered onto his lap in a way you never had before; sober or otherwise. Your legs fastened on either side of his thighs. Your head bumps the ceiling briefly, not enough to knock you off track but enough to hurt. You’re well aware of the clumsiness of your actions and the inelegance of jumping someone’s bones. Not to mention the wardrobe malfunctions that ensue. Your skintight skirt flipping up, essentially exposing your underwear in the process. Even hidden under dark tights the risk of him seeing them made a hot flush creep across your stomach.
You had made it now. You sat in his lap, and you made him see you, you begged him to see you and he saw you all right. His mind raced. He didn’t know where to look or what to say. He was going a million miles a minute. The possibilities, he was lost in them, what could have been, the what ifs and even the why on earths. His trousers were already tightening. Just another thing to worry about. If he hadn’t upset you enough before, an inappropriately timed boner might as well do the trick.
You wonder where to put your hands. The internal battle chipping away at you piece by piece. You’re hovering over his lap, too petrified to sit your full weight on top of him even if it pained you not to. If you didn’t clutch some support you’d be aching for days. It was as if he saw a thought bubble appear above your head. He wearily placed his hands on your legs to push you down and make you sit. His eyes were transfixed on his hands. He’d moved them with no communication to the rest of his body. He’d not spent a second thinking about touching you and yet, he had.
He shouldn’t have looked down at his hands. He had the thought now, the regret in his choice of actions, the placement of them. He knew how your skirt had betrayed you, lifting to show him more of you than he’d ever dreamed of. He knew that if he just looked even a millimetre to the side, he’d see the cotton of your underwear concealing you away from him beneath your tights. He felt every bone in his body screaming at him to move, he wasn’t quite sure which direction yelled louder. To look or not to look? He wanted to look. He’d ruined himself.
You took this opportunity to look at him. You analysed his expression while he avoided your gaze. How had you been so stupid? To be blind to him. You watched his every move and waited on his every word with bated breath and yet you just hadn’t seen it. You hadn’t seen how hard he fought with himself every day. How he’d never really looked you in the eyes before because there was such a deep secret locked away inside of them. It was almost like this was your first time seeing him properly. You’d never seen him so clearly in fact. His little freckles dotted around his nose. The glitter shimmering across his eyelids, he shone like some kind of fairy. It wasn’t the worst way to describe him. He was quite ethereal. A bone structure a model would die for. Sweet blue eyes so clear you felt cleansed just being seen by them. His smile lines sinking into the corners of his mouth. There was something kind of magic about the way he looked in the dim light and it drew you in enough to leave not even a little bit of space between you.
You kissed him. You leaned in quickly, too quickly to catch yourself, not sure if you even would have wanted to. It was too late to prevent it now anyway. The wheels were fully in motion and like a freight train, there was no stopping you. Your lips had reached his and you had felt your body surging to life.
He can’t move. He can’t breathe. He can’t- well he doesn’t know what he can’t do, he just can’t do it. You’re kissing him. You’re sat on his lap; his hands are on your thighs and- his hands are on your thighs. He needs to move his hands. He lifts them and he’s thanking God inside his head for giving him the strength to do it even if it pained him to leave the safe space they’d been left to rest in. You’re panicking. He’s not kissing you back, he’s not doing a damn thing. He moved his hands away and you expect them to push you back at any moment, but that moment never arrives. He needed to kiss you back. Your lips felt so nice, so soft, supple, and shit- he needs to kiss you back!
His body is on autopilot, kicking into gear. It was better than nothing. It was way better than nothing. He instinctively leans forward; you’re so scared to fall backwards that your hands are gripping onto his shoulders for dear life. Maybe it’s to secure the kiss, maybe it’s because you need him closer, either way you’re elated, you’re not the only one involved any longer. He’s still leaning, he’s pushing forward, your back is pushed into the seat behind, his hands are floating around to your back and then-. They land. They’re overlapping each other near the base of your spine and tugging you inwards away from the seat. He’s pulling you in close, into his atmosphere. His car was becoming suffocatingly tiny, and you hadn’t even minded it anymore because you weren’t trapped alone, you were trapped with him, him, him. The air was thick with fear and lust, but it was invigorating. It smelt like him. It felt like him. Fuck it was him, all him.
“Oh God Luke why haven’t we kissed before?” You’re gasping for a breath between kisses, and you can’t help yourself. You take the words right out of his mouth. You can’t stay away. You kiss him so much he can’t get a word in. It was almost as if you’d only just discovered it. You’d experienced the pleasure of kissing for the very first time and you needed all the practice you could get before it’s taken away from you again. He’s just as invested as you are. Your lips are so sweet he wants the taste imbedded into his brain and he suspects it would be from here on out. Your scent, your taste, he’s not the best at describing things but you remind him of the air after rain. Fresh and earthy. Floral and saccharine, a conforming aroma he wanted to bottle and keep to himself forever.
He’s not breathing anymore. He’s not taken a single breath out of fear the oxygen would somehow wake him from this dream he had to be having. But you’re pulling away because he hasn’t said anything and it’s starting to dawn on you just what you’d done. You think you’re going crazy. He kissed you back, sure, but that didn’t mean anything, he took his time, it wasn’t instant. It wasn’t confirmation. It didn’t mean he meant to. He just did what anyone would do, act on impulse. You think you’re shaking with fear. You meet his eyes with nothing but anxiety in your heart. You’d kissed him like you meant it. Did he?
His glasses are so foggy you can’t even see his eyes anymore. It was undecided if that was an advantage or not. On the one hand you wouldn’t see the shock or horror. On the other, you couldn’t see if he felt the opposite. If he looked at you like you were the piece he’d been missing all these years. You don’t even know if he’s looking at you or not. He’s facing you but is he seeing you?
His hands slip from around you and you hold back the whimper of disappointment. You needed to keep your expectations to a minimum. His hands tug his glasses away from his face before he looks down, attempting to clean them with the bottom of his shirt. You bite your lip so hard you fear it may burst at the slight exposure of his happy trail beneath. Sure, you could faintly see it through the mesh but seeing it bare was something that had you fighting for your life and begging your legs not to squeeze together. You heard nothing but the pounding of hearts and the occasional car whizzing by on the quiet road as you processed the previous events.
“Lu.” His eyes lift to meet yours and they’re filled with a kindness that is so compelling you might just make it out of here alive. He notices that your pupils are dilated to an extent that he could have mistaken them for black. He’d never seen you like that before. Your cheeks, they’re so round, darkened with a blush. Your lips, so beautifully shaped, swollen from his own. Your cupid’s bow so prominent and alluring, you were so naturally pretty, he’d always known it but seeing it this close, breath-taking. He can’t believe he’s never been this close to you before. That was a crying shame. A monumental mistake on his part. Even if he wouldn’t have been able to control himself. He would certainly have remembered it though, memorised every feature of your face like the lyrics to a song he must sing and be happy to for the rest of his days on this earth with you.
He sets his glasses in your lap and your stomach flutters as you feel the weight of them. They weren’t heavy in the slightest but the sensation, the reminder of just where you were situated. You were still in his lap, still in his orbit. It was dizzying. “You look really pretty.” You let slip, one glance into his eyes and your mouth ran without thought. His lips turn up in one corner. “You think I’m pretty?” He’s laughing at it but it’s the sweetest thing he’d ever heard. Deep down, it’s probably the nicest compliment you could have given him. You thought he was pretty and even better than that, you liked that he was pretty. “With glasses,” you gesture to your lap. “Even prettier.” It takes an incredible strength not to let it be known that he loved hearing you say that.
You try something different. You have only one chance at this. You owed it to yourself to explore the unanswered questions you’d been stacking up in your brain for the entirety of your friendship. One’s you hadn’t dared to speak into existence and thought better of verbalising even now. Instead, you answer with a touch. You place your fingers into the curls at the nape of his neck and while you fumble to grip them in a light tug, your nails graze his scalp. He whimpers beneath you elegantly before snapping his mouth shut, a flush of red blotting his cheeks as a result. Fuck. He’d always had the prettiest voice, but you weren’t even remotely aware that it was melodical even in this situation. “Did you just-“he wants to hide, he wants his hands to cover his face and he goes to fulfil that want, but you stop him.
He's looking at you and he hasn’t felt this vulnerable in a long time. You didn’t have many secrets. You knew almost everything about each other but this. Knowing his kiss, knowing his sounds. This was an unexplored territory. Continuing forward at this trajectory could have the most fatal consequences for the two of you and your ongoing relations. You’re so painfully aware of that but you still tug his hair back hard in efforts to hear him again. “Fuck.” He gasps, his pink lips slotting open not even trying to save himself the embarrassment, he was already exposed, may as well accept it.
You had to kiss him again, had to kiss him and pull his hair and feel his little bitch boy whimpers on your lips or you may die. You throw yourself at him with nothing more to lose. His hands wrap around you so tightly you knew he’d struggle to let you go and there wasn’t a chance in hell that you’d ever allow him to if he tried. You tug on his blonde curls, and you kiss him and he’s grunting into your mouth like a desperate slut. His tongue slides inside your mouth, granting itself permission. You weren’t the only one wanting to take charge and the idea of fighting for it turned you on more than it should have. His one hand leaves your waist to cup your cheek while he pushes his face right into yours. His precious little nose digging into your cheek as his mouth is enjoying you, savouring you.
‘You’ by definition as declared by Luke Hemmings.
1. Used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing.
"Are you listening?"
2. Used to refer to any person in general.
"After a while, you get used to it"
3. Used as a treat for him to devour, tasting better than any gourmet, expensive delicacy he’d ever had the pleasure of trying.
"He loves you; he loves your taste; he loves you"
Your kiss was replaying in his mind before it even ended. It was hung in a museum full of his greatest achievements. He’d be visiting the archive on numerous occasions just to relive this feeling, whether you developed from here or not didn’t even matter anymore he was in it 100% for as long as it lasts. “Luke, I think I love-“He stops dead in his tracks as your words fill the silence. His eyes are not nearly as panicked as they should have been, unlike yours. “I love kissing you,” you finish, your breath shaky as you catch yourself before confessing to something far too soon, even if you’d felt it with every fibre of your being since you met him.
“Yeah?” He’s so drunk on your lips he can’t possibly think straight let alone filter his words to have more caution in them. “Love kissing me or love me?” In the short pause he’s watching you expectantly. It’s not for you to confess your love. It’s not even for you to reject him. It’s just to hear your voice and know he’s not alone like he fears he might be. “Both.” You breathe out. The relief washed over you both like a tidal wave.
You can’t keep away any longer. You’d be damned if you let there be any more silence without it being a result of locking lips. “Have to have you.” He groans.” Your hands are sinking down between you. Your brain is foggy. There’s an unmistakably lusty cloud over your head. You felt as if you’d been hit by cupid’s arrow, infatuated to such an intensity that you were unable to process any information that wasn’t related to your love for the man beneath you. Whatever sick love spell it was, you were grateful for it. It had given you the courage to act on your true feelings and there was no way you were turning back now unless he asked it of you, and he swears he would never dream of such an outcome.
He wants to cry when your fingers brush his stomach. His tummy flips at the coolness of your fingertips delicately toying with the material resting above it. You lift it slowly, your hands deliberately feeling along his torso as the shirt rode higher. He wants to tear it off, he’d even burn it just to prove how little he needed it and how much he needed you instead. You bite on your lower lip at his eagerness to remove it. “Take it off.” You say. He’s way ahead of you. In a flash he’s throwing it to the front of the car. A problem for him to deal with at a later date.
Luke exposed in this way wasn’t something new to you. You’d seen him shirtless. You’d touched him shirtless. The only benefits of living in a ridiculously sunny state were the opportunities to lounge by the beach or the pool. To witness the tightened torso of your best friend with a pair of sunglasses shielding him from knowing just how much you were checking him out. You wondered if he’d ever done the same to you, but by the way he’s staring at your chest, it’s like he’s never seen it before.
Luke had wanted to. He’d thought about it so often, mostly at night alone in his room, but still he’d thought long and hard about the way your body looked in very little clothing. He remained as respectful as he could in your presence. He didn’t let his eyes wander too far from what’s socially acceptable between friends. But he had thought about this moment for what felt like an eternity. He could never have imagined the location or the dim light painting this portrait of your silhouette, but he wouldn’t change it for the world.
He's getting braver. His hands are caressing your hips, pushing upwards to rub along your sides before returning back. “Luke, please.” He’s ignoring your need. He’s playing with you how he wants to when he wants to. He’s repeating his movements at a snail’s pace. You couldn’t rush him, not after making him wait for so long, he deserved to take his time. You’re not happy about it. You’re ready to rock over his lap and take what you need but he catches your hips. “No.” He says confidently, sternly too. Your eyes almost bulge out of your skull, a tantrum ready to slip from your tongue. “Wait for it.” As if you hadn’t been waiting for it every single day of your life. Fucking hell, he’s not even looking at you. It’s like you’re not even there anymore. His eyes are fixated on your chest and somehow that had increased the wetness between your legs more than you thought it would. If it were Luke objectifying you, you would make an exception. You just sank back onto his lap, running your fingers through his hair while he explored you, doing as you were told and praying he’d end your torture if you did. He never thought he’d see the day, you are being obedient.
It's worked out better than you’d imagined. His teasing touches, they’re working you up just enough to leave you wanting more. You worry your enjoyment can be felt through the fabric of your clothing. The more he touches, the more he gets to know you. He feels it, he just doesn’t show it. Somehow that made it even hotter for you. You were embarrassingly speechless for him, and he pretended he hadn’t caused it, couldn’t possibly have known. He wasn’t completely clueless. He wasn’t all shy. He knew what he was doing. There was such a power in shutting the pretty mouth of his best friend with simple caresses. “You seemed to have a lot to say before.” He’s now fondling your breasts, pinching hard over the fabric of your blouse, not even daring to touch beneath but you didn’t even need him to. The gasp that leaves your lips makes his cock twitch and you felt it. “Where’s all that energy gone?” He doesn’t even need to smirk; you hear it in his tone, even if you were deaf, you think you’d hear it.
This time he looks at you. He watches your expressions patiently with a glimmer of enjoyment as he pinches hard, trapping your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. You gasp upon the sharpness of his touch. “Luke.” He had to smile, had to let it show how unbelievably thrilled he was to be doing this to you, to hear you sighing his name because it was real, and he was living out his fantasies. “Kiss me.” He says. You’re surprised he says it. You thought he’d have just taken it by now since you were clearly putty in his hands but instead, he’d instructed you and you had to do it and you were so eager.
You lean in to close the gap and he’s groping over your chest harder as you inch in. Your lips are parted, his tongue slipping in. The moan that escapes you sends his hips bucking upwards into you. There was some kind of a heaven between your thighs, he’s sure of it because the way it felt to just brush against your clothed cunt was already more than he could take. Every ounce of you was blissful to touch. “Oh my God.” You gasped. “No, that’s not my name.” He grumbles into your mouth. You want to roll your eyes with annoyance but they’re already rolling for a different reason. “When you touch me like that, what’s the fucking difference?” An excellent point, you think. He had to be some kind of deity.
He catches your bottom lip between his teeth, and you whimper. The bite is sharp, and it hurts but your lack of release is starting to hurt more. The build-up was fun, but not nearly enough. You had to take your shirt off, move this further. You start to unbutton it. You slip it down over your shoulders and he doesn’t help, no he just watches you. His blue eyes so dark like an ocean you could dive into. You feel a chill as your bra drops from your chest. You were equally exposed now. It suddenly felt so much more real. Seated in the backseat of his car, 2 weeks before he leaves for a tour you didn’t even know about 2 hours ago. Its sinking in, just how much this would hurt you from here on out.
“We can stop right now.” He pushes his forehead against yours. His lips hover above your own. Hot breath fanning over them. It’s not as soothing as it should have been. You’re breathing is more erratic now. His proximity, you need his lips, need his touch, no hesitation, no-. No. You need a pause. You feel as if you could cry, maybe you were crying. Things were catching up to you, hard. “It won’t be easy.” He tries to laugh. “But we can stop.” He pecks your lip. Letting his words sink in. “I don’t want to stop Luke.” He could smile, but it didn’t seem right to, not yet, not while your mind is still restless. “Everything changes from here on, doesn’t it?” Now he’s smiling at you; his hand reaches up to cup your cheek lifting your face in his hands. “What’s to change?”
You weren’t sure exactly what he meant; somehow you felt comforted by it anyway. You silently urged him to continue. “I’ve always been in love with you.” He rubbed his thumb softly over your jaw, your face started to feel heavy in his hands as you melted into his touch, at his words. His heart wasn’t on his sleeve, no, it was being handed to you, given with a stroke to your jaw, a glimmer in his eye and a softness of words on his tongue. “The only change is that you know it.” He’s grinning as he reveals his secret, finally able to clue you in on his little plans. You could have told him then and there, just how relieved you were to feel the same, you felt it could wait. As sweet as it was, you need something less precious, he had to finish what he started or so help him you’d vanquish him.
“Take my clothes off.” He’s way ahead of you once again. He lifts your skirt, and you feel the need to correct him, tell him it needs to come off the other way around, he’s already fiddling with your tights. He’d grabbed them, the material stretching over his hands and before you could raise a brow in suspicion at the oddness, he’s tearing them, splitting the crotch for access. You were lost for words, and he was the same. The only difference was that he was silently praising himself for his strength no to look sooner. Where he thought he’d find cotton, instead he found lace. You were wearing soaking wet, lace panties. “You’re fucking kidding me.” He can’t supress his moan at all. You think you may be engulfed in flames, the only explanation for the fire burning you up inside. He. Tore. Your. Clothes. Off. LITERALLY. How can anyone ever compete?
Butterflies are swarming in your stomach as his fingers don’t hesitate to rub over your core. You sigh at his touch, it’s not even near your clit but you feel like you might cum. “Have I always got you this wet?” He’s surprised. He’s impressed and proud too but mostly surprised. You could laugh at his outburst, if it wouldn’t reveal just how ridiculously on point he was. “More often than I’d like to acknowledge right now.” He decides he’ll put a pin in it for another occasion because he’s absolutely certain now, there will be more occasions.
Your fingers find his hair, tugging on his curls in hopes to bring him back to the task at hand, you. “Think you can hurry this up?” You’re trying to stay cool, but you’re anything but. You don’t want to beg for it, it felt so beneath you before this moment, but he needed to pick up the pace. His fingers rub over the wet material clinging to your cunt. “Would usually have to work for it.” He’s smiling against your lips uncontrollably. “Guess I don’t need to.” You want to wipe the smug look off his face. He’s looking at your lips right before crashing his own against them, distracting you from his hands slipping away beneath you.
He’s freeing himself from his jeans and you so desperately need to look but you can’t. You can’t pull away. You just kiss and kiss and he just- oh God, he’s dragging your hips over him. He’s rocking up into you, still separated by the restrictions of your underwear but you feel him. You know you asked for more, but this was really happening like right now. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Your hips start moving with the guidance of his hands. “Do something for me.” He breathes, tone too calm for your liking. His lips are trailing from yours, down to the column of your throat. “Anything.” You mean it, you truly mean it, he owns every piece of your soul. “Put me in.” You’re done for.
There’s no hesitation. You reach between you, hands blindly chasing after him. When you feel the hot, weight of him barely fitting in your hand, you want to whine. He’s so hard, burning up too. He’s hot to touch and it’s so unbearably arousing. He twitches at your slightest touch, and you’d be proud if you weren’t so needy. You work your hand over him, just gathering the beads of liquid already leaking from the tip to drag it back over him. He’s pushed his face right into your neck, kissing and nipping, his beard scratching your flesh as you bring him to you. It’s so nice to feel him humming along your throat. You are ruining him just as much as he did you.
Your breath hitches as you slide your underwear to the side. Your heart hammers as his tip brushes your entrance. Luke’s cock throbs as its sinking inside you. It’s barely inside and you feel so snug around him. He bites down hard on your neck as you take more but not nearly enough. You can’t think of anything but the fullness. You wonder if he’d fit inside you fully, scared he might not be able to go further, that you couldn’t possibly cater to his size but then he wiggles his hips, careful not to hurt you but he’s still forcing himself deeper inside.
You gasp out as you stretch for him, gripping the leather of the seat behind him. “So, fucking tight.” You were so wet he felt you dripping onto his thighs and yet you squeezed him so tight it was like you weren’t ready at all. “Is it too much?” It was so hard to speak when you held him like that, but something wasn’t right. He needed you to feel good. It wasn’t worth it otherwise, meant too much to fuck it up like this.
You’re nodding your head in response, entirely against your will. You’d failed him. You finally get to take it to the next level, and you can’t even take him. You were mortified. You were disappointed. You were devastated. You’re ready to give up, accept this as the mistake it must be, he doesn’t share the same sentiment. “Gonna try something different, okay?” He’s bringing your eyes to meet his. You’re so shocked. If it were anyone else, you’d have been discarded like dirty laundry. You’d be no fit for use. But Luke? Luke wasn’t giving up on you. He’d try a thousand times to get it right if that’s what it took to please you, to give himself to you the best way he could. You had never felt so loved in your life.
His cock can’t help but twitch when he sees your panic. “Trust me?” You nod profusely, it wasn’t necessary, but you were so close to losing it you couldn’t be stopped. “Think you can lie down for me?” You nod again. It takes all of your combined energy to pull away from each other. It feels like you’d lost a piece of yourself when you moved away. You’d collided and now been torn apart prematurely and the part of you that finally felt whole, was gone again.
You slipped off his lap, seating yourself back where you’d started. Luke’s shuffling around, removing his jeans completely before moving over, pulling your legs apart for him to slip between. You curse yourself once more for missing out on witnessing him naked for you, but your mind was racing with other information. He hadn’t warned you before his cock pushed past the threshold of your entrance. Instead, he eases himself in. Your cunt instinctively squeezing him at the intrusion.
“Oh, fuck.” He cried when he slid inside, his full length splitting you open. This angle was better, he’d fit, he’d not struggled and yet, you’d never felt so full in your life. He watches your expression, your eyes sealed shut, lips parted, cheeks burning. He watches you until you show any signs of regret or pleasure. He would stop immediately if you needed it. You just whimpered and moaned, and it was filth to his ears. His cock was so painfully hard he couldn’t hold back any longer. He did that to you; he didn’t even have to move either. He’d got you looking fucked out, crying for him and he’d barely started.
“Can I move?” He’s trying to keep his tone calm but he’s breathless. “Please baby, I gotta move.” His thighs are shaking. He’s gripping the seats like his life depended on it and it probably did. Your heart is warmed at the fact he’d asked. It shouldn’t feel anything of the sort with him so fucking deep inside you, ready to fuck you into oblivion but you did, he was so perfect. You nod your head, leaning up to capture his lips in a kiss. “Fuck me.” Please, please, please, you thought. “Give it to me.” He kisses you back, retracting his hips simultaneously before dipping back in. “So, fucking beautiful.” He mutters. “Fucking your best friend.” It felt so dirty hearing it from him like this. But that is exactly what you were doing. Your hands are reaching up around his waist, clawing into his back when he ruts deeper, the car starting to rock with each movement of his hips. “So deep in you.” You choke after a particularly harsh thrust. “So good.” You’re stuttering it. Hearing your broken panting is nearly enough to send him over the edge.
He didn’t rock his hips quickly this time, not wanting to overdo it, to break you so soon. Instead, he slows himself. He’s grinding his hips down into you with a precision you’d never known before. “All you can say?” He teased. “You’re lucky you feel so good.” You warn him. “If I could think straight, you’d be done for.” He nips at your shoulder before layering it with kisses. “Is that so?” You whimper when his body lowers over yours. His body is no longer held up above put pressed into you. The new position providing more stimulation than the last. The closeness had his pelvis rocking into your clit. The extra stimulation leaving your cunt clenching and tingling, bursting with pleasure.
“Fuck, feel you tightening.” He’s starting to speak but quickly losing his train of thought at your body’s natural response to him. He’s wincing like it hurts him when you squeeze. In reality he’s just holding onto his load by a thread, ready to bust at the seams. He didn’t think he’d be able to pull out if he did. You probably should have thought of that sooner. He couldn’t exactly ask now. He should though. “Need it.” Your sweet whining brings him back. “What?” He’s losing himself in your eyes. Dark, lust filled and reading him like a book. “Need you to cum inside.” He’s gripping the seats so tight the material is about to tear. Just when he’d worried he’d made a fatal error you swoop in and save him. You wanted him inside. He didn’t have to move, he wanted so badly to stay, and you let him as if you knew. You knew how fucking feral he’d go hearing it dripping from your lips like that, a sultry dream. He needed this, needs to cum, needs you to feel it, everything he’s got.
He picked up his pace, abandoning his previous rhythm. He was going to pound into you so hard you’d be begging him to be the only man in your life for eternity. He would give it to so good you never had to wonder where your loyalties may lie. You were going to be his and no one else’s if it killed him. No one could ever fuck you like he could. “Fuck, tell me you’re mine.” You feel startled by the request. Not because it’s out of the ordinary but because you thought he’d have to be mad not to know it already. Not when the request alone had you cumming around him the moment the words touched your ears. You felt it so hard, it was a wonder you hadn’t blacked out. Your walls a tightening mess, thighs wrapped around Luke’s waist so tight you couldn’t feel the shake in them, stabilised by his frame. Oh, you felt it in your core though. Holy shit, you’d not cum so hard for so long. He hadn’t even realised you’d done it at all. It felt so unreal that you’d even doubted it yourself. Finishing from a sentence, from fucking without the aid of touching yourself, simply unheard of. Maybe you really were his.
“I’m yours, all yours.” It had never been truer. His eyes close as he lets the words float around in his brain over and over. “Yeah? All mine? Belong to me?” You don’t think you could ever profess it enough. You instead move your hands, wrapping them around his neck, bringing his chest down into yours. You lift your head from the seat, your lips coming to his ear as he slows himself, meeting you halfway. You’re whispers send him right over the edge, tumbling towards his demise. He’s grunting, spilling inside you, hips slowly grinding before coming to a halt. He’s muttering sweet sentiments. “You’re so pretty. So good, fuck baby.” His head is spinning. He’s so blissed out he felt like he wasn’t even with you, he was on a whole other plain. You’d taken him to heaven, you’d actually killed him. What a pleasure it was to be killed by you. He was utterly destroyed.
He’s trying to hold himself up, arms on either side of your head. He’s not looking at you, more your bodies still entangled. He looked so conflicted. You try not to imagine the worst. He can’t regret you already. You’d only just ended. Usually, it took some time. He at least should drop you home before that kind of clarity kicks in. Your heart picks up speed again. A panic starting to drip a sweat over your brow. You don’t want this to end like that. “Stop that.” He places a singular kiss to the tip of your nose and the thoughts are erased. “I can practically hear your thoughts” He kisses you again so nonchalantly. “I’m just thinking about moving.” You try not to sigh so loud with relief, but you fail miserably and he’s laughing because it’s so effortlessly you. “Probably should have planned that better.” He’s scolding himself and his tone is light and airy, and you don’t feel so scared anymore. He was right before when he said nothing would change. The only difference was the physicality.
“Why couldn’t you be shorter? We could have lay here for a while.” He’s glad to hear your laughter returning even if it is at his expense. “In my defence, I’ve never done it in a car before, I’m sure there’s a way of doin it, I just don’t know it.” Your eyes widen. “Why are you looking at me like that?” He’s furrowing his brows above you. “I thought this was exactly the location 2018 Luke would be going for.” He gasps in offence. “Sorry to disappoint, it’s all beds for me.” You don’t believe him for a second. He’d had some messy eras. You reckon he just forgot them or tried his hardest to.
“Why have you?” You smirk. “Might have.” There’s that gasp again before a moment of confusion. “Wait, you don’t have a car.” He needs to investigate further. “Correct.” He’s thinking. “Matt didn’t have a car either.” Of course, only he would mention your only ex immediately after your first time together. Very on brand for him. “Did you fuck in my car?” You struggle to contain your laughter. “No! What the fuck?” You shove him. “Thank God, that would have been awkward.” You snort. “More awkward than this sorry excuse for pillow talk?” He pecks your nose for the last time before beaming an infectious smile down at you.
“Not to ruin the moment or anything but uh, will you drive me home now?” He’s suddenly reminded of the purpose of this entire event. He was apologising and giving you a lift. “That’s why we fucked then, just wanted that trip.” You nod along with him. “Mmhmm, didn’t bring my purse, gotta pay my way somehow.” He rolls his eyes. He’s amazed by you. You manage to make his heart pound and dick throb all from making jokes with him still buried inside you. “You fuck all your uber drivers?” You shrug the best you can beneath him. “Only the hot ones.”
It takes you both a little time to dress yourselves. The moment he pulls out you’re sighing and missing the feeling. He’s just as devastated to leave you empty, the sight of his finish leaking from you certainly made up for the fact though. You don’t miss your opportunity to check him out this time. His shoulders are so broad and so freckled. You’d never really noticed that before, always assumed he was pasty beneath those clothes. You were pleasantly surprised. He was a work of art in every manner of the word. “You’re so pretty, you know that?” He’s knelt in front of you stark naked and yet it’s your words that bring him to blushing. “You might have mentioned it.”
Once he’s dressed his bottom half, he moved to help you. He’d gathered as many items of clothing as he could, your shirt and your vest, your bra was certainly gone forever. You sit up straight, bottom half not moving for the risk of making a larger mess than you already had. You were thankful the seats were leather. You both ignore the elephant in the room, well vehicle, for as long as possible before eventually addressing it, looking to the pool of his cum on the seat. “How bout we get these off?” He tugs your shredded tights. “Can use them as a, um, temporary fix.” He cringed as he said it. It was a very sensible idea despite the uncomfortable subject. You work to remove them, cleaning the best you can. “Think you’ll sit in the front seat this time?” You ponder it. “I don’t know about that one.”
You find yourself in the passenger seat just minutes after he asked. Which surprises neither one of you. He’s sat shirtless beside you, even though he’d located his shirt. His glasses are once sitting pretty on the bridge of his nose. You can’t help but admire the marks you’d gifted him. You welcomed the eye candy with open arms. His hand reaches to rest on your bare thigh every now and then. Each touch a bolt of lightning to your senses. You were almost distracted enough not to notice he’d made another diversion. “Thought you were taking me home.” You stare at him like he’s crazy, maybe it was you who was the crazy one, too fucked out to see straight. You wouldn’t put it past yourself. “I am.” He didn’t seem phased by your inquiry. “This isn’t the route to my house babe.” You drop the babe in for sass, but he quite likes the sound of it anyway. “No, I said I’d drive you home.” He turns to smile at your puzzled expression, lips ready to part with an argument before he cuts you right off. “Never said I meant your home.”
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ilovelukey · 2 years
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Y/N was kind, giving, considerate and loving.
A light contrast to everything Luke Hemmings wasn’t. But only when it came to her. 
His world was cold and blustery until she shined her way into it. Somehow, someway. 
And it didn’t make sense to anyone else but the two of them, though that’s all that mattered. 
Unlike Luke, Y/N was attending school. Her freshman year of college to be exact. While on the back end Luke kept a stable job as a mechanic.
That’s how they’d  met. With a broken down car on the way to school and already late, she’d decided to just call up the closest place which just happened to be called Hemmings. 
It started off as a simple thank you when coming by to pay the amount owed. But he waved her off and said it was on the house. 
Though the next day, Y/N came into the shop again. Only this time, she’d brought him lunch. This was her own personable way of repaying him. No one had ever done that before and it made his heart swell ten times bigger. He didn’t know what he was feeling, but he liked it. A lot. It also didn’t help that she was absolutely gorgeous either. 
So, from then on everyday, no matter what, you came back into Luke’s shop and brought him lunch. It became such an easy pattern that Luke even cleared a desk for in the shop so you could sit, talk, and watch him work. It was your spot and only yours, just like the place you held in his heart.
Rain and thundered flooded the sky and streets outside. You didn’t show up at your usual time, and admittedly Luke waited all day. He could barely focus on working as he struggled to take out a wire from the car he was underneath. It was already 8’ o clock, he should be closing soon. No customers were guaranteed to show up, especially with the mess of the weather outside. But truthfully, he was just waiting for your arrival. 
Wiping his hands and swearing to himself, Luke pressed his foot down into the floor and pushed himself out from underneath the car bed. But not before banging his head on he bumper in the process of getting up.
“God Dammit!” 
Soft giggles flooded the air as you watched Luke stand up in frustration, the sound 
taking his attention right away. 
“You think that’s funny sweetheart?”
“Just a little bit” You pinched your fingers together in front of you and smiled at him. 
Walking over, you waved the familiar blue paper bag color you got specifically to hold Luke’s lunch claiming it reminded you of his eyes and was too perfect not to get. 
“I’m sorry I’m late today, I decided to walk here because it was so nice out not long ago then suddenly the rain came pouring down. I had to make a few stops under some awnings to make sure your Lunch was okay” You smiled and held up the bag to him proudly. 
Even though Luke is attentive when your speaking to him, he couldn’t focus. Not right now.
Unbeknownst to you his eyes, once bright and shiny were stormy and focused on something else. You.
You wore a black skirt with quaint lavender flower petals cascading the body of it. It fell across your thighs and over your knees a little. A slit followed up your left, parting slightly as you walked closer to him showing off your legs in a teasing manner. 
Then a white simple shirt covered your top half, a lace trimming around the neckline. But now had become see through because of the rain. He could the outline of your breasts and the way the hem of the shirt rose above your skirt, a small pudge of belly showing through. 
Your collarbones were displayed, and your neck stretched to the side as you had begun running your fingers through your wet ruffled hair as you spoke to him. 
Now noticing his distraction you waved your hand in his face lightly and curiously.
“Luke, are you okay?”
Without speaking Luke cupped your jaw in his hand, the rings he wore cool against your skin as he placed his other hand on your waist and pulled you into him. Chest to chest, your breathing stuttered until he took your lips against his and swallowed the gasp in your throat. 
You felt his hand on your waist stroke up and down your back delicately until he gripped your hip between his fingers and kissed you harder. Trying to keep up, your mouth moved desperately against his in a heated kiss as he tongue traced your bottom lip before reveling inside. 
Your own hands gripped at the front of his shirt as his tongue moved against your own and began guiding you back into the hood of the car he’d been working on before. 
His hand moved lowered, hovering at the base of your spine before taking a handful of your ass as you moaned into his mouth from the touch. 
Pulling away, you sighed at the loss of his mouth on yours and looked up at him as he began tracing at your bottom lip, watching as the supple flush bounced beneath the pad of his thumb making his jaw tense. The hold he had on your ass with his other hand gripped harder making you whimper. 
“Your so fucking beautiful Y/N, do you even realize what you do to me?” His taunting tone made you shake slightly at his dominant demeanor. You were about to see the dark Luke you never saw before. 
You felt his front press into you, the hardness of his cock against you making your thighs clench as the wetness began to pool in your panties.
“L-Luke please” You begged a little as he looked at you with hunger in his eyes.
“Please what baby, what do you want?” His fingers once tracing your lips trailed down your neck and wrapped your throat lightly.
“I want you” You whispered so only he could hear even though the auto shop was empty.
Much like the loud sexual desire in the air of the room, the rain outside started pouring harder than before. 
Smirking his mouth began creating blotches of pinks and purples onto your neck as he sat you down on the hood of the clients car and spread your thighs to move between them. 
His pelvis now pressed into yours and the slit of your skirt was wide open, your center rubbed against him as he grinded into you. 
The thin material of your panties helped your clit rub into his jeans perfectly making you whine. 
Your hands wavered into his blonde locks in a delicate grip as his fingers pushed up the hem of your top and took it off swiftly.
Your weren’t wearing a bra so as the shirt was removed the mounds of your breasts bounced, but what really caught his attention quickly was the silver nipple studs you were wore. Shocking him and sending an ache to his cock.
“I thought you were a good girl Y/N, when the fuck did you get these” He groaned as his hands groped at the soft flesh and his thumbs brushed over your nipples as they pebbled beneath his touch.
Tugging at the small studs he watched as your back arched in response and moaned. 
“Fucking dirty girl, tell me” He tugged a bit harsher as he continued groping them in his hands. 
“Y-Yesturday, I-I just wanted to see if they suited me” You admitted bashfully.
Shaking his head, Luke’s mind did flips at the image of your pretty self in a tattoo parlor getting them. Feeling possessive at the thought of another man touching you, he gripped at your breasts and ducked down sucking on the pink the flesh and silver. 
His tongue traced around and sucked at the small buds, giving each equal attention as he groaned into the supple skin. 
“Oh they suit you alright, I fucking love these tits baby, but their mine. Just like this sweet pussy of yours” He said as his fingers took a hold of your skirt and panties before ripping them off.
“Got it?” 
“Yes” You mumbled out between the pleasure pants of breathe leaving your lips as his fingers began m rubbing at your clit. 
“Louder baby, tell me your mine”
“I’m yours Lu I’m all yours” You cried and watched as he smirked, continuing to rub at your clit as he digits started dragging in and out of you teasingly.
Gripping at the edge of the car hood you felt your release drowning closer, though it was quickly taken away.
“No no Luke I was so close, please just fuck me” 
He planned on teasing you more but hearing you talk like that sent a thrill through Luke’s body. 
Standing closer between your legs now, the head of his cock pressed against your warm center as he rubbed himself against it. 
“Fuck your so wet” He breathed in awe.
“Please, please gimme it. I need you” You begged, not caring how desperate you sounded. 
All of a sudden, he shoved right into you harshly making you whimper out his name softly. 
Letting out a hum, his hands flattened out beside you on the hood of the car and he began fucking you. 
“Shit, your pussy feels so good fuck” He groaned and tilted his head back. The car shook underneath you as his cock pounded in and out of your wet core. 
“More” You mewled, letting him know how badly you wanted him. 
Luke let out a harsh grunt of approval, one of his hands gripping at the flesh of your ass to pull you into him as more as he gave it to you harshly. 
“Being such a good girl for me. Letting me fuck you on a customer car” He said and each thrust going faster as he watched you fall apart beneath him. 
Your nails dug into his biceps, dragging down lightly making him hiss and shove into you harder. 
Small whimpers and uh’s uh’s left your mouth, the car beneath you now rocking on its wheels as Luke fucked you. 
“That’s it baby, take my cock” 
Each thrust he made hitting that special spot inside you making your head lay on his shoulder as you moaned.
“Luke, Luke, Luke!” You cried out pathetically as your thighs shook. 
“Gonna cum for me baby huh? Fucking do it” He seethed, now raising one of your thighs to his waist as he plummeted into you. 
The thunder outside exploded loudly, a flash of thunder lighting up his face as you looked up to Luke fucking you. His head tilted back, eyes shut in bliss and bottom lip between his teeth as loud moans left him before the upper light above cascade down on each of you making it slightly dark again. 
His warmth released inside you as you came, flooding your his cock at the same time. Both of you finishing your highs of each other as Luke held you in his grip. 
After gathering yourselves together, Luke took the baby blue lunch sack you made him and wrapped you in his arms. 
“Let’s go home” 
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ilovelukey · 2 years
He looked so handsome it hurt. His baby blue suit jacket, black shirt that showed off his tone muscles, and silver rings that wrapped around his fingers. Those same fingers that have been used in and out of you so many times you’ve lost count. His eyes were lighten up and happy, which in result made you happy too. 
Luke stood against the bar talking to his band mates and friends, discussing the take my hand tour that he’d be leaving for in two days. In this moment you were all at a quaint party, celebrating the success of the band, appreciating their lives and the new forth comings of shows and memories they’d be making. 
Your joining Luke on tour after two months in since you still have work things to finish up with, but you’d miss each other dearly regardless. It wasn’t that you two couldn’t stand being without each other,  it was that the love you both held in your hearts bled endless and relentlessly. So sometimes time apart felt like a million years because of impatience. However, despite that you still managed to groove together lovely whether a minute or a year away. 
But right now it wasn’t the party, the food, the people that were talking to you. Nope, not at all. Instead, it was Luke who was making it very difficult to listen to your friends speak in your ear as you watched him stand there, unintentionally making your thighs clench and body ache in need. 
“Hun are you okay?” Michelle, asked as she nudged your shoulder lightly.
“Hmm?” You shifted your gaze lightly to her to show you were listening, but truthfully you were still looking at Luke through your side vision. But you weren’t sneaky enough cause she saw your eyes move rather quickly on him again.
“Oh I see what’s going on” She giggled against the rim of her glass and taking a sip with her eyebrows raised. 
“What?” You blushed into the palm you were leaning on and shifted in your seat. 
“Well with the way your looking at old Lukey boy over there I’d say your-“ But before she could finish her sentence you covered her mouth. 
���Hush…I can’t help it okay shut up” 
Michelle laughed and shook her head, “It’s okay we’ve all been there. Just go do what you have to, I’ll cover for ya‘ll”.
You looked at her surprised, “I’m not actually gonna go do that, especially now. It’s not the right time”.
“Oh c’mon go have fun, I know you want to. Now go!” She pushed you out the booth and blocked the entrance so you couldn’t sit back down in your place again. 
It wasn’t that you were a prude, far from it actually. Plus, you and Luke have done it in public spaces before. But it’s always been initiated by him with you following along. But the idea thrilled you the nonetheless. Maybe you could start it this time, why not?
Your black dress clung to your curves, sheer in the right places such as over your breasts and behind your back. It made you look both elegant and sexy in the best ways possible. 
While you were on one side of the room admiring Luke and having your thoughts, he had them right away when he saw you step out of your guy’s bedroom to leave for the party an hour ago. Sadly he had to push them away and avoid them to get through the party. So now that he was distracted and having simple fun, he barely could register your hand slipping into his and taking him to the dance floor of swaying bodies. 
Your arms wrapped around his neck and body clung to him, his arms securing your waist in his large hands as he looked down at you innocently and happily to see you.
“Missed me sweetheart?” He grinned cockily, thinking he had the upper hand already. But that would quickly dissolve into your palm.
“Mhm” You mumbled as your hips began grinding into his subtly, “so much Lu”. Your lips began to suck lightly onto his neck, forming pretty red and purple roses into his skin making him grunt and dig his nails in your hips.
“W-what are you doing” His eyes fluttering closed as you brush your hand down the front of his pants to his cock in his trousers. Thankfully with all the people distracted with each other, no one saw what you two were doing. 
“Luke, do you know what I’ve been doing for the past hour?” You whispered into his neck as you kissed lower to his collarbones and playing with the chain around his neck with your other hand.
Luke was in a daze, he was so used to initiating the public sexual intimacy with you. Obsessed with the way you got coy and fell apart for him. But this time the roles were reserved and he can’t say it didn’t make him hard, because it painfully did. Especially with the way your hand began rubbing him and lips attached on his neck. 
“Hmm” He choked out as you turned around pressing your ass into him letting his hands wander over your body. 
Your head tilted back, the both of you swaying and rocking into each other as his cock pressed into you from behind with ease. 
“I’ve been sitting in that booth all night, wet and thinking about you. I’ve been so tempted to blow you against the bar or having you fuck me against a wall or table. Wouldn’t that be fun?” 
Luke broke and pulled you into him, “Fuck come with me” He grabbed your wrist and guided you to the back of the party, opening a back door that led into a nearby empty office room. 
He pressed you into the door as it closed and pressed his mouth on yours quickly. The kiss was heated, messy and perfect at the same time. His tongue gliding into your mouth as he spread your thighs to wrap around him. 
His hands were everywhere, now sliding up to your breasts as they felt heavy in his palms and groped them. His kissed down your neck and to your chest, sucking marks as he pulled the top of your dress down before sucking your right nipple in his mouth.
“Such pretty tits baby, all for me huh?” He moved to the left, biting and sucking as his lip ring brush against it making you shiver.
You threw your head back, whimpering out as he appreciated your breasts and with his other hand ripped your panties down your thighs. His thumb attached to your clit, rubbing circles expertly as your wetness coated his fingers immediately.
“Y-yes Lu I’m all yours”. His cock strained at your weak voice and the way you called yourself his. His possessiveness and lust overtaking him quickly.
“All fucking mine, pretty girl” He pushed his pointer and middle into you, his chunky sliver rings brushing over your clit as his digits dragged in and out of you. 
And it’s true, you did look so pretty. Your hair was splayed out around you, lips parted and noises falling from what he was doing to you as your breasts were displayed in front of him, thighs spread and ripped pink underwear barely hanging off your thigh.
Luke kissed you again, you leisurely trying to kiss him back as he pleasures you.
He felt you clench around his fingers as he smirked and brushed your g-spot with the tip of his middle digit, he repeatedly graced over it and dragged his fingers out and back in again. He was teasing you. 
“P-please” You whimpered as your hips lifted slightly.
“Please what honey?”
“Please I want you”, You looked up at him with pouted flush lips and desperation in your eyes.
Then, his fingers were gone and you watched as he pulled his cock out into his hand, pumping him himself as he looked back you smug.
Your mouth practically watered and before Luke could stop you, you were on your knees in front of him and sucking the head of his cock into your mouth feverishly. Your tongue smoothed over the tip making him whimper and tilt his head back.
Now it was his turn to be pressed into the door as you rested your hands on his thighs which were dressed in his straight baby blue set pants that covered his long legs perfectly. His ratted converse spread out his legs slightly as he gripped your hair in his hand, and moaned watching your head move back and forth on him. 
“Fuck sweetheart just like that, doing so good for me baby” His words making you press your thighs together as you got wetter. You loved pleasing him, especially when he sweet talked to you during it. 
But you felt like teasing him yourself a little tonight too as you pulled away and began stroking his cock in your hand, dipping your head down and sucking at one of his balls lightly. 
Luke moaned out loudly, his eyes closing shut as his Addams apple bobbed in his throat. 
“S-shit” Your hand kept working him until he had enough and lifted you up, settling you on a nearby table. 
“Gonna fuck your pussy so hard” He lifted your thigh up around him as he slid into you, hips flush against each other’s as he went as deep as he could. 
You whines as your walls took him in and wrapped around him quickly.
“How are you so” 
“Tight, fuck” 
Your back arched as Luke slid his other hand around and gripped your ass, harshly pulling you into him so you sat at the edge of the table and he fucked you.
“Harder Luke please fuck me harder” You cried out and gripped his blonder hair in your hands. 
He groaned and drilled into you harder, his cock pushing into you that you felt a slight bulge in your tummy. 
“Louder honey let everyone know I’m fucking you this good” His hand smacked down at your ass and you felt the table shake beneath you as he went faster, slamming against the wall it was near. 
You opened your eyes and there was Michael and Calum leaned against the door, drunk out their minds. Thankfully, Luke was covering you up with his body but their sudden entrance didn’t stop him. Instead, the image of you spread out on the desk with Luke’s cock pounding in and out of you continued. 
“What” He angled your hips as towards him more as he fucked you, “Do you want? I-I’m busy boys” He grunted into your neck. 
The boys shielded their eyes once they realized he didn’t give two fucks and wasn’t gonna stop, “Nevermind have fun Hemmo!” They laughed as they stumbled out and closed the door behind them. 
Luke’s free hand slipped around your throat as he made you look at him, fucking you with pride vigorously.
“You liked that baby huh? Having my friends watch me fuck you. I know you did, I felt your pussy get wetter around me, dirty girl” 
You whined, and blushed because it was the truth. It gave you an adrenaline rush and you couldn’t deny it.
“Yes luke I liked it” You moved your other thigh up to his waist, giving him more access to slip between you.
“Fucking whore” He grunted he as he tilted his head back and he kept both hands on your ass holding onto you. It turned him on too but he wouldn’t say it out loud, instead he’d show you.
You clenched around his cock at his words and moaned laying your forehead on his shoulder, feeling your orgasm dangling in front of you.
Luke saw you breaking apart beneath him and lifted your head up by your hair, “Love you so much, cum around me lemme feel you baby” He started rubbing your clit again quickly and sucked at your neck, reviving previous marks he left and making them brighter. He wanted everyone to see you were his. 
His mouth attached your breasts again, tongue lapping up your nipples, giving each equal attention. It was all so much, his cock fucking you, his mouth, his fingers on your swollen clit. You came quickly, coating him of your wetness.
Luke felt himself about to cum, but before he could pull out you pressed him against you making him stay in place.
“Want you to cum in me Lukey” You whispered in his ear. He whimpered as he rocked in and out of you, the thought spurring him on as he started fucking you again harder.
You kissed down his jaw and he bit his bottom lip, closing his dark blue eyes as he came, hips stuttering into yours as he filled your pussy up. 
“So good sweetheart, s-so good for me” He brushed your hair out your face as he finished, and placed sloppy kisses on your cheek. 
Panting, you both caught your breathe and fixed yourselves up. He pulled you into him and gathered your cheeks in his hands as kissed your lips. Guiding you both back to the party, you looked around at the crowd and saw your friend giving you a thumbs up as you hid your face into Luke’s chest while his friends caught him up in conversation again.
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ilovelukey · 2 years
I have watched this an embarrassing amount of times today so I thought I would share it here too
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ilovelukey · 2 years
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this pic in the easier booklet……insane
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ilovelukey · 2 years
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Luke @ Take My Hand Berlin
📸: Pedro Becerra
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ilovelukey · 2 years
ethereal - lrh
summary: in which a frustrated teacher deals with his girl a little differently than he expected.
warnings: slight female masturbation, unprotected sex, cursing, dirty talk, edging, orgasm daniel, public teasing, use of toys
word count: 4.8k
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her thin black leotard clings to every inch of the subtle curves that line her body, the light v-neck dips down to show off the tops of her breasts. the makeup covering her face extravagant; a dark smokey eye, lined with stark black liner that brings out her blue eyes in the stage light.
the skin-colored tights look as if nothing is covering her long legs, the leotard has a high cut so most of her hips are exposed without the black skirt.
and with how ethereal she looks, luke can't help but feel his dick harden in his pants when she steps from the changing room, completely oblivious, for now. how much she is affecting the man in front of her.
"Jesus Christ, baby. do a spin so I can get a good look." reaching his hand out for hers, he holds the tips of her fingers while lifting her arm in the air to spin his girl around.
luke's lust-filled eyes dance over every inch of her, in his eyes, perfect body. giggles fall from adleys open lips as she pulls luke into her after he gets a good look, seeing that his eyes have glossed over with a hint of lust. gripping the waistband of his tight, grey joggers, just to tease him a little.
"you better watch out, little girl. I'm not getting all worked up before your show, in front of all those people," warning her with a raised brow, he knows it won't end well if she teases him now, not wanting his dick to be rock hard in front of the thousands of people that will be out there tonight, but something in the back of his mind is telling him that's exactly what she's going to do.
after seeing how worked up he is, she can feel her blood start to run a little faster, butterflies swarming in the pit of her stomach, tingles shooting up her spine. she can feel her body start to ache with need, having him alone for another hour would be perfect.
but instantly remembers they only have about ten more minutes together.
continuing her game with the blonde, she starts to trail her fingers into the front of his waist, dipping a little too close to his hard-on. luke is starting to get slightly irritated from her persistent teasing, even after he said no more.
"sweetheart, you better stop while your ahead, or my god you will fucking regret it." sheepishly, she moves her hands back to her sides, his raspy voice doing a number on her body as she can't help but let her mind go to all the times he's sounded like that in a different situation.
and as much as she wants to listen to him her mind is screaming to listen, but her body wants something different, it wants him.
keeping her hands close to her sides for the next five minutes, they now stand on the side stage, peeking around the long black curtain that almost touches the wooden floor, thousands of people meet her glossy gaze, her stomach swarming with nerves as she remembers all of these people are here to watch her.
as her mind starts to race, she feels a hard chest pressed up against her back, the small of familiar woodsy cologne filling her senses.
"you, okay?" luke brings his hand up to her right bun, fixing a small piece that is just slightly out of place, knowing she would freak out if anything is out of its place.
"yeah, I'm fine." turning her face to luke, she starts to place subtle kisses to his shoulder, not thinking too much of it he figures it might help with the nerves until her lips start trialing up to the most sensitive part of his neck.
"adley, I'm not kidding. if you make my dick start to throb right here.. you will be wishing you hadn't." but, she continues her gentle kisses, that slowly turning into more harsh ones, a throaty groan wants to escape luke's swollen lips as she sucks on the most sensitive part of his neck.
leaving a small hickey there for her to admire.
"alright, sweetheart. you had your fucking chance, come here." pulling her along with him as he brings her to a small area behind the curtain where no one can see, double checks just to make sure he grabs her by the front of her neck, making sure she looks him dead in the eyes.
adley can't tell exactly what he's doing but she can tell he's digging in his pocket for something, curious as to what it could be until he's holding the small, vibrating object in front of her face.
"i found this in your bag the other day when you told me to grab water out of it, so.. now I know why you take such long breaks in between classes. you like to get yourself off, hmm?" cheeks slowly start to heat up in embarrassment of him finding that, she can't lie, there are some days in between classes she'll go to her dressing room and use it on the couch in between her spread legs as she thinks of luke.
"answer me. darling, we don't have all day."
"yes, luke i-i do."
holding down the button until the small vibrator comes to life in his hand, he slowly drags it across her nipples, up to her neck, letting it tickle the sensitive skin until he's dragging it down to her inner thighs. pushing the leotard to the side, he drags a finger through the wetness that's already collecting at her entrance.
"fuck, you're already soaked for me." replacing his finger with the vibrator quickly, he pulls back the fabric, leaving the vibrator in her leotard, thankfully, her skirt covers it so no one can see.
"luke, i- ah I have to go on now." adley's words come out staggered, the pleasure shooting through her body like fireworks, leaning her forehead against luke's shoulder for something to brace herself with.
"I know, baby, this is your fuckin' punishment for doing exactly what I told you not to do, you're going to keep the vibrator in your leotard against your greedy little cunt while everyone is watching." holding her by the front of her neck again, making his girl look up at him, wanting adley to look deep in his eyes as he explains her fucking punishment.
for being a bad girl for him.
"luke, I can't-"
"well, you should have thought of that before you made my cock hard. now go, and, if I see one face from you're on stage, or if you cum, god baby be prepared for a long fucking night."
the night is fixing to be the longest of her life.
taking a deep breath of pleasure before moving the curtain to the side, slipping out from behind out to the side stage, luke trailing slowly behind her, watching as his girl's thighs clench and move to try to get the vibrator to hit that perfect spot.
just as she was about to go on, she looks back at luke one last time, raising his brows, to remind her of the consequences. luke's pants grow tighter as he thinks about how needy his girl is for him and how wet he knows she is right now.
the stage is dark as she twirls on her tiptoes onto the middle of the large, open floor, standing with her feet apart and hands in the air, exactly where they need to be, the lights come up slowly.
adley can feel the fabric of her leotard soaking, scared that eventually, it's going to start dripping down her thighs, she tries her best to remember the routine that she and luke have practiced for hours and hours, this routine being the whole reason they're together in the first place.
the other dancers start to come in behind her, as she spins on the tips of her foot, as she opens her leg to continue her turn, the vibrator moves and hits her clit just right, closing her eyes, along with biting her lip to keep the moans in that beg to come out.
luke watches her struggle with a smirk, his mind racing a hundred miles an hour at the thought of just wanting to take her right here and give her wet cunt what it needs, but, he wants to tease just for a little while.
my dirty fucking girl.
knowing good and well, when he finally gets to take her, she's not cumming until he's finishing along with her after he's done ruining her little pussy first.
which will be a lot of denied orgasms for adley.
laying on her back against the hard floor, she continues the routine with a struggle, trying to keep her mind away from any dirty thoughts as she starts to feel herself get close, squeezing her thighs together what she thought was unnoticeable.
but luke noticed.
watching as she closes her eyes, with a hint of pleasure filling her face, he starts to feel his blood run hot, knowing she's doing exactly what he told her not to.
twenty minutes have passed and the crowd is standing, with cheers and applause coming from each person that sits in the seats.
adley can feel how wet she is now, and she's certain it's running down her legs. the many times she's been close to cumming and had to make it stop has been more times than she can count and if an orgasm doesn't come soon, she may lose her mind.
but, luke has a long night in store for her, which includes denying her the orgasms she craves.
walking off the stage, her body aching in more ways than one, sweat dripping down her forehead and every limb sore from the routine.
luke grabs her arm before she can sneak past him.
bending down to whisper into her ear, to make sure no one hears the specific instructions he's about to give her. "go to your dressing room, and wait for me, oh, and keep that vibrator on in your little panties."
taking a deep breath before walking away from him, she tries her hardest not to moan as she feels herself get close for the fifth time tonight, thinking that since luke's not here to know, maybe she can real quick, but deep down she knows he'll find out.
opening the door to her dressing room, adley quickly takes off her costume, placing it neatly back on the hanger to wear again tomorrow, but keeps the leotard clad on her body.
finally getting a moment to herself to enjoy the pleasure of the vibrator against her clit, but knowing it's going to be taken away shortly makes it all the more difficult to handle.
walking through the busy halls, with the dancers from the show lining the small hallways, people stoping luke to tell him how well she did, but the only thing he cares about is getting back to his girl.
the walk to her dressing room felt like it took hours, but finally slipping into the room, immediately luke is grabbing the front of her neck with his hand to pull her into an earth-shattering kiss.
his tongue slipping into her mouth, tasting her on the tip of his tongue, he can't get enough of his girl, never will. but as of right now, he wants her to know who's in control.
"you were dripping down your thighs, on stage baby, such a naughty fucking girl," his left hand is trailing up her thigh closest to him, sending her body into a state of euphoria from how sensitive she is, the simplest touches could make her come undone. "and you did exactly what I told you not too, how do you expect me to let you cum, when you can't even do the simplest things I ask."
"luke, I didn't mean to please, I need it so bad."
"no, darling. you don't need it, you want it. your wet little cunt is always so eager to cum for me isn't it?" continuing his brutal kiss, he holds the back of her neck in his hand, pulling the tight hair tie that's wrapped in her hair out.
pulling away from her, he tells her to go lay on the small couch that's pressed against the wall, the back of her head is pressed up the armrest, looking at him as he strips from his shirt, his strong torso now in full display for her.
grabbing the straps to her leotard, they fall past her breasts, her nipples hard from the chilly air, and from how turned on her body is.
"pull it off, baby, let me see you." pulling the fabric down her legs, she throws it on the ground beside the couch, the only thing left on her is a tiny pair of thin underwear.
luke can't get enough of her, looking over her body, he somehow gets even harder than he was just moments ago. watching her body squirm and clench as she gets close for another time tonight.
"i'm- luke i- " he pulls the underwear down her long legs, holding the vibrator to her clit now that the fabric can't do it for him, spreading her legs, he watches her wetness drip onto the couch, her cunt completely wrecked. swollen and red from the countless denied orgasms, starting to throb in his pants, he can't wait to be deep inside of her.
"goddamn, look at you. I'm thinking about making you beg for it, but I think your cunt is doing that for you." she flutters around the vibrator as he presses it harder against her swollen nub, her head thrown back as an almost pornographic moans slips past her open lips.
"i'm s-so close."
"hmm, come on, angel."
her hips buck up into his hand, and he is quick to push them back down, holding his hand on her stomach to keep her still, trying to close her legs as the orgasm is quickly creeping up. "keep your pretty legs open." giving her a light slap on the inside of her right thigh.
"ah, fuck." luke can tell how close she is, watching her throb and drip around the vibrator, she clings onto his bicep as she feels her orgasm right in front of her.
just as she was fixing to finish, it's quickly taken away by luke pulling the vibrator away from her.
adleys body jolts as she bucks her hips into the air, trying to get some type of friction, clenching repeatedly around nothing as her body feels exhausted from how many orgasms he's denied her already.
"did you really think I was going to let your little pussy cum already?" letting out a breathy sigh, he climbs onto the couch, looks down between her legs, she still is clenching around absolutely nothing. "baby, I fucking told you, you're in for a long night of me playing with your tight little cunt, until you just can't take anymore."
his hands grip adleys waist to pull her close to him, putting one of her legs up on the back of the couch, and letting the other dangle off onto the floor. with the way she is spread, he just about cums in his pants, watching as a drop of wetness drips from her clit, down to her entrance.
placing his middle finger where the wetness stopped, he gathers it on his finger and drags it up to her clit, feeling just how swollen and needy it is. luke's eyes are glued to her face as the corners of her eyes start to water.
"you know what to say if you need to stop." reassuring adley just to make sure he doesn't take her too far.
"yes, sir."
his middle finger moves in fast circles around her clit, then slowly taking the speed to barely moving his finger at all, he can tell how much she needs an orgasm, how badly her aching body is begging for him to let her finish.
but, he's not letting her until they're finishing together.
using his free hand to pull down the joggers that are tight around his throbbing erection, pulling them off his long legs, he throws them on the floor with the rest of their clothes.
from how many times she's almost finished tonight, the slightest thing can make her soaked, just looking at luke sitting on his knees in nothing but his tight underwear, damp curls falling in his eyes as he looks down between her spread legs.
"come on, I know your little pussy is so fucking close." thinking that he's telling her to let go, she lets her mind tell her body to do what it wants, feeling his finger speed up, she lets her body get close once again.
thinking she's finally going to get some relief.
just as adley was about to cum, he pulls away once again, luke knows he ruining her, watching as a tear slips from her eye from the number of times he's edged her. crawling over her body he lets his forearms rest by her head.
kissing away the tears that are slipping from her eyes. "do you need to stop?" giving her a soft look as he waits for her response. making sure he's not taking her too far.
"no. please, don't stop."
placing a gentle kiss to her lips, he can taste the saltiness from her tears on his tongue, kissing her body down until he meets her spread legs, pursing his lips together, he blows a little bit of air on her clit to tease before he puts his mouth on her.
"fuck, that feels good." even just the little bit of air feels as if she has his fingers or mouth on her from how sensitive she's become.
"I know, princess. but I'm fixing to make you feel even better with my tongue on your clit."
she doesn't know how she's supposed to handle his mouth on her, it almost hurts from the number of times it's been ripped away from her.
sticking the tip of his tongue out, he lets the very tip rub up against her, tasting her sweet wetness already, bucking her hips onto his mouth, he finally attaches his lips around her clit, adleys hand immediately find themselves tangled in luke's soft curls, pulling on them for something to hold onto.
and for luke it feels goddamn good, small groans falling past his lips onto her clit as she continues to pull on the strands.
"luke, your mouth feels.. so.. fucking good." a loud moan is followed after her words, his tongue swirling around the swollen nub. his hands reaching up to her breasts, his fingers pinching her hard nipples.
luke's eyes peer up at adley, her eyes glued shut as his tongue continues to work, he gets off being able to cause her this much pleasure, just by a simple touch.
"you taste like fucking heaven on my tongue, can't ever get enough of you." dipping down to her entrance, licking up more of her wetness that trickles down her legs.
"feeling you between my legs is like heaven, luke." her hips buck against his mouth one more time before she can't take anymore and starts to get close.
luke can tell.
making sure he doesn't miss a beat, his tongue starts to work harder on her clit, making sure her high builds quickly, so when he pulls his mouth away, she'll feel it for a few minutes.
grabbing hold of his curls again, she pushes him down onto her clit, holding him there, letting adley think she has the upper hand. "luke, please. let me cum, I've been a good girl for you, please."
"hmm, no baby. you're not cumming until I'm pounding into this wet little cunt of yours. "
letting out a strangled cry, not knowing whether he's finally going to let her cum or not, she can't hold out anymore. pulling away from her again, watching as she starts to squirt around nothing but the air around her, clinging onto the top of the couch for something to brace herself with.
"fuck, pretty girl. you must need it real bad if your little pussy is squirting around nothing for me." taunting adley as more tears start to spill from the corners of her eyes. pulling his underwear off his body, a slight hiss comes from his lips as the air hits his throbbing dick, feeling a little better now that doesn't have it confined in his underwear.
adley can hardly keep her eyes open from the exhaustion that's taking over her body, but her body also wants to keep going until she can finally finish.
luke's hands find her waist, pulling adley close to his hips as he bends over the length of her body, giving the curve of her neck, gentle kisses as his hands gently touch every inch of skin that covers her thighs.
"Are you ready for me to sink so fucking deep inside your tight little pussy?" whispering against the skin of her breasts as he kisses everywhere he can get his lips on.
"Please, luke. ruin me."
reaching a hand for the base of his cock, moving his hips until they meet the insides of her thighs, running the tip from the entrance up to her clit, tapping the head against it to get a reaction out of her.
"fuckin' please."
"since my pretty girl asked so nicely."
pushing himself down, he slips just the tip into her, wanting to feel her clench around him, even though he's just barely is inside her.
he watches carefully as adleys dark eyelashes flutter against her cheeks, small whimpers fill his ears as he pushes in all the way. Her wetness covers him, making him feel like no one ever has.
"you're so- so big Luke."
feeling her pulse around him was almost enough to send him flying over the edge before he even starts, but holding himself back, he wants to fulfill her wishes, she asked him to ruin her, and that's exactly what he's going to do.
Pulling back his hips, feeling the way she squeezes around him was too much, not being able to take it slow anymore as the feel of her becomes torturous. Holding the head of his cock at her entrance for a split second before he pushed back in at a brutal pace.
the small scream that adley lets out could probably be heard from the hallway just outside the door, but Luke could care less, in fact, he almost wants people to hear how good he could fuck his girl.
"Fuck, sweetheart. That's my good girl, taking my cock so fuckin' well." Bringing his hand to the curve of her ass, he pulls his hand back to send a light slap to the skin. Feeling her clench around him at the feel of his hands hitting her body.
"God, do that again."
"Yeah? You like having my hands slap your pretty ass?" Doing it once more, she can't keep her legs around his waist as they begin to feel like jello, so Luke takes it upon himself to grab the back of her thighs and push them against her stomach, at the new angle, the head of his cock is hitting the most sensitive spot inside her perfectly.
"Yes, oh my god." Her words are starting to become a jumbled mess, the pleasure of him inside her is getting to be too much.
Luke grabs her wrist, picking it up from its place beside her, placing it on her lower stomach for a second before a faint smirk appears on his lips as her face says it all. "Can you feel that baby? Feel how deep I am inside of your wet little pussy."
Bending his body over top of her, he pushes between her spread legs that are pushed to her stomach, bringing his hand up to her neck, wrapping his palm around the skin of her throat, squeezing at the sides of her neck. "So fucking desperate, just feeling my hand around your throat and you're close to cumming, when did my pretty girl become so filthy for me?"
He's right, between feeling him slap her ass and squeezing her neck, she is close, so very close and she can't wait to fall over the edge with him inside her, using his free hand he trails it up her outer thigh, and until he gets to the inner part, slowly getting to where she needs it.
The sound of him pounding in and out her echoes throughout the room, along with their Lous mains of pleasure, his middle finger is now attached to her throbbing clit, rubbing in fast circles to get help get her close. "Luke, I'm gonna cum."
Raising his brows at her as he still is leaning over her body with his hand wrapped around her throat. "No your not." Pulling out of her, he watches her throb, pulsing around absolutely nothing, bringing his hand to wrap it around himself as he watches her fall to pieces. She asked him to ruin her, but she meant something different.
"Luke," Her voice hoarse from the loud moans and exhaustion. "Either you let me cum, or you can stop now and let me do it my fucking self and you can use your hand to get off tonight."
"No, sweetheart. The next time you get close, you can cum, I promise." Pushing himself back inside her, this time he truly wants to ruin her, thrusting as are as his body would let him, he immediately puts his middle finger back on her clit.
"Luke, I can't take anymore, it- it hurts." Sensitive from all the times she's been denied, adley doesn't know if she can take anymore from him.
"You're okay, come on, pretty girl. I'm so close, I want you to cum with me, think you can do that?" Placing a sloppy kiss to her chest, his cock begins to throb in her, she can feel everything from how sensitive she is, needing him to finish now.
"Please, Luke. Fuck."
"Come on, fuckin' cum around my cock, let me feel you around me like the good girl you are."
She couldn't let him finish his sentence before her body lets go, head thrown back as her mouth his agape but no sounds can come out from how good her body feels, never having an orgasm this intense before, feeling herself let go around him, Luke looks down to see her squirting around his dick, between that and watching her body fall to pieces for him, he pulls out and starts to pump himself on her stomach.
"Holy fucking- adley, oh my god." Her name falls from his lips is nothing but a whimper as he finishes all over her stomach, the evidence of him cumming all over her skin as he drags his middle finger through her wetness, then the trail of cum he left on her.
Tapping the finger to her lips, she opens her eyes to see what he wants. "Taste us, darling."
Opening her chapped lips slightly, she closes them around his finger, tasting them mixed together on the tip of his finger, she moans slightly around him.
slipping it out of her mouth, he brings it back down to her entrance, gathering more of her wetness on his finger, popping the finger in his mouth, he could almost finish again from the taste of her.
"you did so good for me, pretty girl. so, so good." sitting down on the couch, luke pulls her by the waist into his lap, just wanting her to feel his soft touch as he caresses the small of her back.
adley leans her head into the curve of his shoulder, breathing in the scent of him, the room smelling of sex as they continue to bask in the afterglow of each other.
"your performance blew me away, I'm so proud of you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."
giggles fill his ears as his girl gives his shoulder a light kiss, the feel of her chest vibrating from laughter makes his heart jump.
"I didn't think twice about it, luke. but thank you."
placing on last kiss to her lips, he brings his hand to the side of her face, letting the pad of his thumb brush of the apples of adleys flushed cheeks.
"let's get you home, pretty girl.”
Taglist - @takemealivelh @pastellixluv @mcxdiaz @phildunphyisadilf
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ilovelukey · 2 years
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…the whole album is very introspective. I was trying to make it cool as fuck, I guess.
413 notes · View notes
ilovelukey · 2 years
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i don’t wanna hear it, i don’t wanna stay. i don’t wanna feel it, take it all away.
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ilovelukey · 2 years
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80 notes · View notes
ilovelukey · 2 years
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799 notes · View notes
ilovelukey · 2 years
LukeHemmings: Complete Mess
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ilovelukey · 2 years
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166 notes · View notes
ilovelukey · 2 years
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⭐︎ precious boy with a pretty smile ⭐︎
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ilovelukey · 2 years
Wild One : Prince!Luke
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Summary: Prince AU in a reality where it’s modern but there are lots royal families ruling over small kingdoms. Luke is a flamboyant Prince with a reputation for being wild and a dick to everyone he meets. you’re a Princess and your families want you and Prince Luke to pretend to be in a relationship to make his reputation better with his impending coronation. this is practically princess diaries 2 fam. (Harry Styles makes a cameo because im a slut)
Warnings: okay so there are 4 or 5 steamy scenes. they’re each different but this is smut so: choking, spanking, dom Luke, a tad breeding kink, that sort of thing. slow burn, angst. 
Word count: 14.5k
Note: this is a personal attack on @glitterprincelu. also, every link in this fic is for the same video because i am a hoe for it. 
Here’s a taste so you know what you’re getting into:
Luke forced a similar smile, “you’re right sweetheart, i might be, but i’m sure you’ve heard other things, havent you?” his eyes bore into yours and you fidgeted in your seat slightly, “yes darling you know exactly what i’m talking about.” his voice lowered to something near a growl, “well let me make things clear for you. i’m a sex god. i fuck who i want, when i want, and the girls are grateful to have even a moment of my attention. they beg for it. my room had to be sound proofed so my name wouldn’t ring through the hallways every night. the girls who i haven’t fucked, would give anything to have a chance at me and the one’s who have? well they would kill to have me again because the rumours are true baby, i’m that good.” your smile faltered slightly and Luke’s widened, “so if you’re going to talk about what you’ve heard of me, don’t cherry pick darling, you’ll be sorry if you do.”
It was two in the afternoon by the time Luke entered the palace, waltzing past the security as he dropped his large fur jacket on the ground, taking off his sunglasses and throwing them, there were always more where that came from.
“Luke!” His mother called as he began walking up the stairs to his room, “I need to talk to you.”
Luke stopped and let out a loud groan, “can’t it wait till later?”
The look his mother gave him said no as he sighed and followed her into the large living room area, flopping his long body onto a couch so he could kick off his gold boots and rub at his eyes, hands coming back speckled in sparkles. 
splayed across the coffee table were tabloids. “this one’s new.” Luke grinned, picking up a magazine that showed him leaving the club with his arms around two models, a birthday hat on his head and his shirt missing, “they believed me when i said it was my birthday.”
“i’m sure that’s not true.” His mother sighed, eyes going down to the magazine covers as a look of distaste flashed across her face, “you’ve made quite a spectacle of yourself this month Luke.”
“been having fun.” he shrugged, tossing the magazine down as he studied the other covers.
Keep reading
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