ilovestarsuni · 3 months
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ilovestarsuni · 3 months
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ilovestarsuni · 7 months
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This is a BTS inspired fanwork .A poster made for their album. TEARS EVERYWHERE
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ilovestarsuni · 7 months
8 year skip.
He looked down at his blood drenched throne with the faintly glowing number 99,999. Just as the number escalated to1,00,000 u felt dead but u were still alive. You felt your legs withering away like like the dandelions in dark gloomy night as u formed into dust which soared high above the trees floating beside the clouds . Ur hollow soul felt a gush of unwillingness . "No I can't do this ,it was all Delphine,s fault,I cannot do this " "no I was the good guy right?I was the one with most consoling mind?I was not like this? Was I just too carried away by the sense of accomplishment I achieved by all the dead fairly sized mammals? Isn't this supposed to be a happy ending ? Why is my name getting carved on my own throne as the 100001th death? The evil can't win right ?
Just before my soul got numb as the invisible hands of 100000 hands suffocated me and I was sent to this place which was just bland darkness . Where am I ? I can't let the evil win over me. My soul started to burn when I heard Lucifer " Welcome to the 7th member of hell " "NOOOOOOOOOOOO......"and I died.
no matter how much u want ,how much u desire sometimes stories don't always have a happy ending.u can't change the pain. Nor u can go change ur mistake. Sometimes u have to heal and learn to live with it .
“How many people have died to achieve this world domination of yours?” “769.” “…What?” “769 people died to achieve my plans. I counted them, and had each of their names etched on my throne so I never forget what my victory cost the world. Now tell me, how many have you killed to see me dead?”
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