ilpocopianista · 10 years
"That's good~! I'm good too" Smiling at him and bumping him up a moment.
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"That’s good!" he agreed with a small laugh. "Hey, signore, do you play any sports?" Since he was already thinking of calcio.
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ilpocopianista · 10 years
"O-of course! Prepare to be amazed--"
.  .  .
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Except his dynamite was ... not in his pockets.
... because he'd forgotten to pack them. Again.
"... o-on second thought, forget it! It'd--it'd probably scare you so bad you'd pee yourself!" he quickly stammered out, even though he himself was the one close to wetting himself by now. "So--s-so I'll just let you off with a warning this time!"
"Shamal?" Oh, that guy. He was wondering what kind of things that kid had been taught. 
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"Oh~ Very well, I’d like to see it then."
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ilpocopianista · 10 years
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whitney hayes
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ilpocopianista · 10 years
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ilpocopianista · 10 years
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"... r-real sure! I'm just... on a secret mission! That's all!"
Liar, liar, pants on fire. He didn't like being this far away from home, even if he did kind of hate being cooped up in it sometimes...
--aw, jeez... he quickly scrunched his face up and stared down at the dark leather of his loafers; pale green eyes starting to burn as a small lump got stuck somewhere in his throat. He didn't like being lost...!
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"Nope, pretty sure it’s been about a full hour and some change there …" she said, looking at her phone. She started to giggle slightly. "Calm down," she stated, smiling gently at him. "Are you sure you’re not following me because you think I can lead you home?"
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ilpocopianista · 10 years
"Hey there~" Repeating his greeting with a smile. "How are you?"
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His knees still kind of hurt from trying to play calcio with some other children whose parents were visiting his father, though. He still wasn’t very good at it… but he was practicing. Other than that, he was good.
"What about you?"
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ilpocopianista · 10 years
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"----i-it wasn't that long!!" he retorted hotly, feeling the color rush to his cheeks. It couldn't have been that long!
... r... right?! Or did he lose track of time...? E-either way!
"It--it's 'cause I've been tailing you! For a super secret mission! I--I admire your--um--your ability to see through my skills!!" He wasn't trying to cover up his embarrassment, nope.
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"Hmm … well, I don’t really see men here ..." she stated, a small smile on her face. "I see a little boy that’s been following me around for the past hour and a half." 
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ilpocopianista · 10 years
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"A-am, too!! Doctor Shamal taught me lotsa things!"
Like really cool fighting techniques!
... among... other things.
( Other weird things that he still didn't quite understand. )
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"How adorable~ How could you possibly do it without trying? I’m afraid you’re not that skilled."
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ilpocopianista · 10 years
Scoops him up cheerily, making sure he was sitting comfortably. "Hey there."
.  .  . oh! It was the tall guy!
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"Ciao, signore!"
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ilpocopianista · 10 years
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"O' course not. Men never get lost." Or at least, never admitted to getting lost. Because he was pretty much lost right now, yeah.
ilpocopianista started following you
Heh? She looked behind her and saw a tiny gray haired boy. “What’s wrong, you lost?”
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ilpocopianista · 10 years
----wait, 'mafia style'?
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"... y-you don't scare me! I'm s-super strong! I-I could blow you away without even trying!"
Oh you didn’t.
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"Ohohoho~ Someone needs to learn good manners in the mafia style."
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ilpocopianista · 10 years
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"M-mosquito?! I'm not a mosquito, you--you cockatoo head!!"
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"What is this tiny mosquito I see here staring at me?”
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ilpocopianista · 10 years
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Holy crud, his hair----
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Boring. Everything’s been so boring lately. 
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ilpocopianista · 10 years
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Hayato's hesitance faded as soon as she bestowed her kind praise upon him; a bright happiness lighting up his face as a result. He had had a feeling she would enjoy them, but hearing it confirmed... well, it just made him even happier. (And even if raiding his stepmother's garden for the flowers did earn him a spanking later, he didn't mind. At least, not at the moment.)
"I-I'm glad you like them, Miss Lavina!"
Hesitantly holds out a somewhat messy bouquet of sunflowers with irises tucked in between.
Sunflower : Adoration
Irisis : Inspiration
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Lavina looked up from her reading, to be greeted by a bouquet of flowers clutched tightly in a small hand. Immediately, a warm smile spread across her face as she gently took it; giving it a small sniff. “Is this for me, bambino ? If so, they are so beautiful and wonderful, as the giver.” Resting the flowers down, Lavina reached over and tucked a strand of silver hair behind his hair. “Thank you for such a wonderful gift. I do love it quite a bit.”
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ilpocopianista · 10 years
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"... what're you... doing?"
He was putting holes in the ceiling, of course, but why? And those sure were some funny looking knives...
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ilpocopianista · 10 years
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There... there was no way this wasn't... a dream, right? His piano teacher, she had... she had passed away almost two years ago, so... so, he had to be dreaming...
... right?
"I... I-I j-just..." He didn't even know what he was even trying to say then, but he did know that he was starting to cry. It was embarrassing, boys weren't supposed to just start crying at the drop of a hat, but... b-but...
"... M... Miss Lavina...?"
"What are you doing outside your home mio caro?" Lavina kneeled down so she was eye level with the young boy. "Does the staff know your out or did you sneak our?" While her words sounded like she was scolding him Lavina’s tone of voice and smile proved otherwise.
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ilpocopianista · 10 years
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"Really?" Did you get a special ring like that when you became a boss?
Hayato was itching to ask, but wasn't quite sure if he was allowed to let this man know that he was a boss-to-be... his father always said to keep that a secret from strangers unless they knew already. So he bit his question back and instead listened as the man introduced himself; smiling a little at his compliment.
"Tsuna... okay! I'll call you that." It was a tad easier to say than the first name he had given, even if it sounded really close to "tuna." He snickered a little at that before he could stop himself.
It was nice seeing Gokudera seem so happy and care free, a treat for the brunette for sure. "Perhaps you’ll have a similar one some day, or an even cooler ring." Tsuna suggested, because really Tsuna liked the simplicity of his guardian’s rings better than his own Boss Ring… 
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"Hayato, that’s a good name." He bowed a little to the boy out of habit, "My name is Tsunayoshi, but I’d prefer Tsuna." He grinned a little, would he finally get the other to call him by his name regularly? It was worth a try for sure. "It’s easier to say don’t you think?"
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